Unexpected Love

By cortnee31

3.3K 63 2

A troubled teen moved far away from her hometown for a new start. Can she reset her life? Will meeting certai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
author not

Chapter 29

72 1 0
By cortnee31

P.O.V Cortnee

I was awaken by drums, who in world would be playing drum in my house. I walked downstairs in a sports bra and yoga shorts. I followed the noise to a room that I actually never been. I opened the door, to find Ashton playing drums. He stopped as he notice the door opening. His eyes were completely on me and his jaw dropped a bit. “Oops sorry” I closed the door quickly. He just saw my half naked. I saw Niall coming down the hall, to I guess join Ashton. “Thanks, Niall” I huffed. “What did I do?” he asked. “Ashton just saw me like this!” I waved over my body. “Lucky him.”

I rushed up the stairs. I am super embarrassed. The drums started up again moments later. Well, today is the day I have to tell the kids that I am pregnant. Which here is the bitch and slut in me guess. I regret everything. I wish I didn’t say yes. I shouldn’t have committed if I wasn’t sure of it. I continue to sigh over the thought of it. I am not even 19 and I am engaged and on to my third baby. I think I need to abort, it’s not too late and I think I need to break off the engagement.

Something overnight happened. I realized I need to have fun. Every girl goes through the slut phase, and I am right now. I am going to take the pill. I ran to my bathroom and climbed on to the counter to reach it. I grabbed it and took 3. It’s done. I cried in the bathroom for about 30 minutes, until Niall came up. “Cortnee,” he knocked on the door. It was locked. I looked down at my left hand and slid of the ring. I put it under door. “Here” I cried.

“What?” he was confused. “I can’t do it” I sobbed. “Why!” he yelled through the door. I opened up the door. He stared down at me. “I just can’t.” I cried more. “Don’t you dare do this!” he yelled. “I just did” I walked past him. I pulled on a jumper and pajama pants. He walked into the bathroom. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!” He walked out with a package of pills. “I had to” I gulped. “I fucking can’t believe you. Leave Cortnee. Just go” he told me. “I was planning on it.”

I sat on the floor and grabbed all my clothes. “I’ll come back for the kids things. Don’t worry” I stared at him wiping my tears. “Bye Niall. I don’t know when I will see you again. But Good bye.” I told him before leaving the room. “Don’t,” he said following me. “Niall what?” I asked him.  “Liam needs the kids, don’t you dare take them from him.” He said calmly. “FINE! Fucking happy. They will be with him! Now fuck off and don’t fucking follow me!” I yelled.

Tears streamed down my face. I slowly walked down the stairs. Ashton and Luke were standing there. “Bye.” I said to them as I walked past them.  “Why?” Luke stops me. “Because I can’t” I sighed. I turned to see Niall standing at the top of the stairs. “Bye,” I once more and left the house.

P.O.V Ashton

“You are just going to let her leave?” I asked Niall. “What else can I do?” he shrugged. “You said you loved her.” I pointed out. “Shouldn’t you chase after her?” Luke said. He had something in his hand. “What is that in your hand?” I asked. “The pills she took and the ring I gave her.” He showed us. “What pills?” Luke asked. “She found out that she was pregnant, and she took these.” He showed us more. “Are you serious” I was completely shocked. He nodded his head. “Where is she going?” Luke asked.

Niall shrugged his shoulders. “Why does it matter?

*Sorry for being short. It was meant to be this way*

*Tell me what you think <3*

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