Voltron Oneshots {Discontinue...

By Klance_Fam2000

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One shots about the lovely characters of Voltron. The story has been discontinued. Along with that, they were... More

Cooking and Dancing Hunk x reader
Counting Stars Pidge x reader
Pancake-Mix Keith x Reader
Home Sick Lance x Reader
Late Night Allura x Reader
Space Mommy Shiro x reader
Some Sick Dream Keith x Reader
Paladins Bloopers AU
The bad guy Lotor X reader
Song Fic Shiro X Male reader
Dream Girl Matt x reader pt.2
Tea Party Ulaz x Reader

Dream Girl Matt X reader pt.1

1.3K 23 56
By Klance_Fam2000

///This is before he goes up to space, and yeahhhh HOPE YOU INJOY. Also b/f/n =best friends name///// WARNING: has cussing 

Y.n POV (5 years old; in Kindergarten)

I sat on the swing pushing myself with my legs, back and forth over and over again. Usually b/f/n and I take turns pushing each other, but they weren't here today. I smiled to myself taking in the small breeze. To my left...or was it my right I hear a little boy crying for help. I hurry, jumping of the swing I run as fast as I could finding the boy with others. However they were hitting him, I had to do something fast. "Hey butt faces leave him alone" I yelled at the other boys, they turned around smirking "oh yeah what are you going to do about it?" the boys head cocked to the side as he walked up to me. "You want to know what I am going to do?" I asked unfazed by him, "Yeah stupid that's what I said, you got something wrong up here or what?" the boy said pointing to his head. He turned around to the other boys presumably to laugh, but I bawled my fist swinging at the boys face. It managed to make the boy land on the ground, his nose was gushing out blood, tears streaming down his face. The other boys looked shocked "what you want some of this to?" after I said that they all went running. I walked over to the boy on the ground holding my hand out to help him up. "Hey are you ok?" my voice went soft, and a smile gathered on my face, he looked up with a expression I couldn't tell "thank you so much" he said taking my hand to help himself up. He was shorter then me. Suddenly he gave me a big hug, hugging back I had to ask him "what's your name?" "My name is Matt, what is yours?" we pulled apart, and I smiled "Y.n"


I like to think back to that time, the time where everything was so much simpler. Now all that most girls my age talk about is, boys, makeup, and boys once again. Some of them are not like that though. Either way, I just want to sit and talk about a good damn book, but its not like I hate talking about that stuff, I just dont want to do it constantly. It doesn't help that my childhood crush has a girlfriend that is just like that. At this moment him and I are studding. I feel someone shaking me out of my daydream. I look over to see Matt with all of his cuteness, damn I did it again. "Yeah sorry I was, thinking," I spoke playing with my fingers. His eyebrows rise "what's wrong Y.n," I hesitated, "nothing" I play it off with a smile as I go back to my math book. He brushes the encounter off, it almost bring tears to my eyes. Matt used to noticed when I was troubled, but since that witch he doesn't even care. Even his little sister notices it, Katie. She is like another bestfriend, despite her age. Whatever. "Matt I'll be back I have to use the restroom" I say standing up, he nods his head going back to his own book about space. I reached the bathroom sighing I splashed water on my face taking in a breath. Maybe, maybe she isn't as bad as I make her out to be, nope she totally is. 


I was sitting on my desk in homeroom, Matt right besides me. All of a sudden his girlfriend walks up with a face caked with makeup, I wouldn't have a problem with this, but it didn't even match her skin tone, her foundation was a dark orange while she was a lighter shade of white it showed on her unblended neck, her blue eyeshadow wasn't blended, and her red lipstick was really overlined. "Oh hey Alex" Matt waved at her, his eyes closed when he held a smile. "Hey, I was wondering if you had my homework?" she asked, her voice was like shard glass passing through my ears. He got stuff out of his backpack...it was a whole freaking stack of papers. Don't tell me this chick made Matt do all of her home work. "Here you go babe" Matt said handing her the big stack of paper kissing her cheek. "Um yeah thanks, my little freak" she walked off wiping her cheek when he couldn't see. I sighed nodding a no for her actions and words. "Why" I commented to him gripping my hands tightly not letting anger seethe through. Matt looked at me questioningly "why what?" he asked curious. I turned my head to the left not wanting to look at him "why do you let her treat you like that? I'm sorry Matt to say this, but she is fucking manipulating you without you noticing it" I stood up taking my stuff and walking out not letting him say anything. I felt ashamed of myself for telling him what? The truth?

~flashback over~

I wipe my wet face with my shirt, and slap my face a few times. One last deep breath and then I walk back to where Matt and I sat. Instead of just him I see him and Alex, she sat in my seat. I stayed away to spy for a few moments. "Yeah babe I'm studding with Y.n" Matt says looking up from his book, "but whyyy her?" she said dragging out the Y trying to be oh I don't know, extra. "She is my best friend Alex" he spoke. Ouch friend zoned. She rolled her eyes like everyday. Maybe if she rolls far enough she could find a brain. "Whatever" she said chewing her gum with her mouth open. Finally I walk over to where they sat "hey Matt I uh, got to go my mom texted me saying I have to be home". His smiled dropped making my heart flutter hoping he slightly cared "oh, ok" he paused the ok making my heart jump once again. I grabbed my stuff feeling bad that I lied to him. My book was under Alex's arm "hey Alex can I have my book" she lifted her arm with a discussed look "here you go, nerd" she mumbled the last part probably not trying to let me hear it, but I did anyway. "Thanks. Oh and its better to be a nerd so I can get shit done for my self. Matt I'll see you tomorrow for movie night" I said glaring at Alex before walking away feeling like a badass.

Matt POV

I heard what Alex said. I didn't think Y.n would say something back, but I'm happy she did. Alex treats her badly, I dont know why I'm still with her still, but I still like her...Alex's face looked like she has seen a ghost even though its mathematically impossible that ghost are real ((idk im trying to sound smart, even though I believe they are real)). "Ugh she makes me mad" Alex said her lips smacking obnoxiously as she chewed her gum. I looked away feeling uncomfortable. Maybe Pidge was right about Alex. No I love Alex. "Hello Matt can you hear me?" Alex's hand waved in front of my face. "Sorry, I just don't feel good" I say looking back at her brown eyes. "Eww dont throw up on me" she backed away....but I never said I felt like I was going to throw up. "Sorry Alex I'm just going to go home." She shrugged her shoulders "ok well you are going to the mall with me tomorrow, right?" I nodded my head yes feeling like I was forgetting something "what time?" I asked her, "you are picking me up at 1:00pm see you then" she kissed my cheek walking away. I walked out of the library after thinking some more, still feeling like I'm forgetting something. 


I was texting Katie like always. 

Me: I hope he doesn't dich me again😞

Smartest Pigeon(Katie): I dont think he will. If he does he is going to get a stern talk to by me lol. Seriously though, even if he is my brother I know it breaks your heart when he ditches you for, her. Still I don't know what he sees in her you're 100% better in everyway. You are kind, loveable, funny, smart, talented, and so much more. After saying that, don't let her bother you Y.n

Me: I hope so. Thanks Katie, for everything.       

////hey guys, I'm really sorry that this is over due. I just lost motivation to write for awhile. I just put myself down a lot when I get to writing. I'm sorry if it seems like I am trying to make people pity me, but I'm not doing that I just feel as Wattpad has become another space where I can share my thoughts and feelings. Anyway I'm trying to get back on a posting period. ALSO THERE WILL BE A PART TWO TO THIS. However Liz wanted me to tell you that the Lotor one-shot is discontinued((fuck you Lotor)) due to season 6, and what he has done. I do not know if he is completely out of the one shot game((sorry we are a bit bias with him, he is a dick head for hurting Allura)) anyway if you truly want him comment if so...(no one truly comments but its ok). ANYWAY HOPE YOU INJOYED BYE MARSHMELLOWS~TAYLINN IS OUT\\\  

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