Second Chance At Life. Second...

De IrishShewolf

339K 12.2K 824

Katie Knight found her mate at the age of 16 and were madly in love. But when he dies after a rogue attack he... Mais

Second Chance At Life.Second Chance At Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Eleven

10.9K 361 18
De IrishShewolf


Katie's POV:


Our convoy of cars arrived at the spa, the location of our girls day out. The spa was five minutes from civilisation giving the place an extra sense of peace and serenity. We all piled out of the cars with me leading the group. The girls were chatting the guards ears off but they didn't seem to mind. My wolf was on alert and I made sure that everyone was together. I had already made a long speech to my kids about sticking with their guards and to be on their best behaviour, so I wasn't going to repeat myself.

I didn't know how much I was going to regret that later.

"Welcome to Heaven on Earth!" An overly cheery receptionist greets us as we enter. I could hear Jake behind me trying to cover up his laugh with a cough but failed. I roll my eyes at his childish behaviour.

So the name was...unique?

I glare at him to shut up and he does so with an audible sound. The receptionist quickly finds our appointment and continues to explain all the available treatments.

"Oooo I want a massage!" Alison chirps. I nod in agreement.

"While we go get massages, you girls will get your nails done okay?" They nod eagerly following us. A blonde woman greets and takes our group to a large room that opens up into a second room.

The walls are covered in a beautiful black and silver wallpaper with intricate floral designs. The ceiling was pitch black with small little lights to look like stars. A soft melody hums in the background and scented candles fill the rooms with heavenly aromas. I could feel myself relax already. Our coats and excess bags are taken and put away safely while we take our seats in the couches provided.

"Dakota, Holly, Molly, Rachel, Dani and Sally are going to get their nails done. Pick what ever colour you want."

They beam at me before following a young brown haired woman into the other room. I watch them take their seats as they point to the nail polish bottles on the wall. I feel my eyes change colour to those of my wolves as I turn to the group of men

"Watch them like a hawk." I growl lowly.

They nod stiffly, bowing before leaving immediately to watch over my kids. Jake and Bryan stay with us since they are our guards. I notice Bruce, Bill and Finn have no one assigned to them so they stand guard, their eyes constantly scanning their surroundings for danger.

"Luna?" I turn back to the blonde haired woman who bows and gestures to a door.

"Straight through here we have the massage tables set up for your first treatment of the day." She smiles.

Alison with a grin loops arms with me and pulls me towards the door. Here we go.

"Oh my gawd this is heavenly.." Alison moans from beside me. I hum in reply too distracted by the hands teasing out the knots in my back. The massouse lathers up her hands in oil and rubs into my bare back. A small towel lies across my lower back covering up the important parts so she can get better access to the rest of my body.

We made Jake and Bryan stand outside since we were practically naked on the table. I don't think our mates would appreciate having males see us with such little clothing on. Alison finally agreed when she thought about Chris' reaction. None of us wanted our mates to follow through with any of he threats we weren't supposed to hear them give the guards before we left.

After thirty minutes of being melted into mush, we changed into robes and took our seats in the reclining chairs. Jake and Bryan took their place next to us once we allowed them back in. Bryan explains that while Jake stayed guarding us, he took off to check on the others. I was relieved to hear that the girls are all enjoying themselves with their nails all painted glittery.

He stated that the guards haven't left their sides, especially Ben who is practically glued to Dakota's side. She was able to convince him to get his nails painted as the same colour as hers. A baby pink. I laughed at that. At this rate, Ben getting his nails painted will become a regular thing.

I close my eyes as I listen tentatively to the soft music in the background. Alison was in a world of bliss beside me as a facial mask was lathered onto our faces. As I try to relax my shoulders and stop thinking about this nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen, my mind wonders to my mate and boys..I wonder how they're doing?

Charlie's POV:

"Oh come on guys, cheer up!"

My sons all grumble. I roll my eyes at their behaviour. They have been in a sour mood ever since the girls and their mates left for their day out. My wolf is tense too but I trust my pack warriors to keep my family safe. I want this day to go smoothly and the whole purpose of this trip is to spend time with my sons so I can get to know them better.

I love the sound of that. My sons.

I love every one of those boys and I treat them as if they are indeed my own. I don't care if they are not mine by blood, my wolf has accepted them as ours and I will do everything in my power, which is a lot since I'm Alpha, to keep my family safe.

I stand outside with my Beta Chris and a few warriors and of course my boys; Josh, Jason, Mason, Victor and Damien. I still can't believe that three out of five have already found their mates. I look down at Josh who is bouncing with excitement. His brothers have all lost their moody expressions and have replaced them with excited ones.

"So what's the plans for today, dad?" Damien asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

I had planned this all out so that nothing would go wrong. I wanted everything to be a surprise for the children and for my love, Katie. I clap my hands together, smiling.

"Well, we are going to run the border of the territory so I can show you what you will be doing when you're old enough. Then we can run to the lake nearby and go for a swim or something."

Jason and Mason begin cheering and soon their brothers join in too.

"Okay, lets go!"

I make sure that everyone has spare change of clothes tied to their ankles for changing after they shift. The boys run behind the trees and I hear the familiar cracking of bones. A small sharp tug stops me short and I turn to see a sad looking Josh. I bend down to his height.

"What's up bud?"

He sighs softly and wraps his arms around my neck. Shocked at first, I immediately wrap my arms around him.

"Are you sure they will be okay?" He whispers and I can't help but notice the tremble and vulnerablity in his voice. I tighten my hold on him wanting to comfort and reassure him.

"They will be fine Josh. They have my trusted pack warriors guarding them, who will do everything to protect my family, my mate ,your mother and their Luna. Now, come on, lets go have some fun." He straightens up and a smile quickly blooms on his face.

"Okay dad." I smile down at him, ruffling his hair.

That will never get old.

We run for an hour looping the border. I would stop at specific spots to mindlink the boys on different information they needed to know. They listened intently and asked questions. I could feel the pride radiating off of me. I ran in front, Chris flanking and then the boys behind us surrounded by five guards. We continue to run for the lake and the boys are soon awed by the spectacle.

Below the hill on which we now stand, lies a beautiful blue lake with a few ripples on the surface. I could see the picnic table beside it near the shore, the one I brought down here last year during the Summer. The mountains in the background and the sun reflecting off the waters surface made the scene look outer worldly. With a war cry the boys run in their human forms down to the lakeside. They immediately start stripping off their t-shirts and jumping into the water. I shake my head laughing as Chris and I walk down to them. I send the guards off to patrol around the area. From a distance I see Victor standing alone by the shore, smiling at the brothers who splash around in the water. I frown and approach them.

"Son? Why aren't you in the water?"

He shrugs but his smile drops.

"Never learned how to swim."

"Didn't your mom ever teach you?" He shakes his head.

"There was no time. We were always moving from place to place to train packs. I didn't want to burden my mom with the idea of teaching me how to swim. She had enough problems to deal with."

I don't miss his fists clenching and his change in tone. I frown in confusion. How did the boys know how to swim especially Josh, if Katie never had time to teach them? I open my mouth to ask just that but Victor beats me to it.

"They learned from their parents at a young age know. I-I..didn't get the chance."

My head snaps up to one of my sons calling my name.

"Dad! Come on, jump in!"

Victor finally looks at me with a sad smile but the longing is clear in his eyes.

"Go on they're waiting."

"Nope, come on." I grab his hand and begin pulling him towards the water. We were all wearing shorts so it was now up to our knees. Victor pulls on my arm and digs his feet into the soft ground.

"Come on I'm teaching you how to swim."

He stops and stares out at the water. "I'm scared." He says quietly. I nod in understanding.

"It's okay. We'll start with the basics and we'll go slow. I'll be by your side the whole time, okay?" He gulps and nods.

We start wading into the water and I dive under the surface. The water, thankfully wasn't cold but it was very refreshing. I kick my feet and once I break the surface, I gulp the air greedily. I spin around to Victor who is slightly pale in the face. It takes me ten minutes to get Victor to get down into the water and another twenty to reassure him that he wasn't going to drown. His brothers weren't exactly helping as they watched on in amusement and imitated someone who was drowning. Victor eventually relaxed and listened to my instuctions. After thirty minutes more he had learned to thread water and was learning a few swimming techniques.

The others had left the water and were now playing tag between the shore and the forest. I looked down at Victor who had a look of concentration on his face. Poor guy. Once his brothers had left the water and their teasing stopped, he had stayed in the water and kept at it. He refused to stop and I knew he was trying to prove himself. To who I didn't know. But just by looking at him, you could see he was exhausted, barely keeping his head above water.

"Alright bud, that's enough." I grab him before he protests and throw him over my shoulder. He doesn't make a sound showing just how tired he really is.

* "Well that could of ended badly.." I ignore my wolfs berating much to his annoyance.

I had mindlinked Chris to get the food I had organised for our picnic while I was still in the water and I'm glad I did because I am starving!

Katie's POV:

"Mmm this was definitely worth it!" Moans Alison beside me.

Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be lost in a world of relaxation, commenting now and again on how amazing the spa is. I couldn't enjoy the treatment though because my wolf was on edge making me weary and anxious.

I just hummed in response letting my wolf take control and my senses sharpen. From my acute sense of hearing, thanks to my wolf, I could clearly sense my girls and their guards. I sigh in relief once again taking control but Rose (my wolf) was still alert and stayed near the surface in case she was needed. I try to relax but I can't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. A sigh escapes my lips.

Can I not have a moments peace?

A loud crash sounds outside jolting Alison and I from our seats. Alison removes the cucumber pieces from her eyes as she slides off the reclining chair. Immediately I sprint to the door ripping it open, coming face to face with a distressed looking woman with spilled contents on her white coat and all over the floor.

Bryan looks embarrassed crouched on the floor helping clean up the mess.

"What happened?" I ask in a slight husky voice clearly showing my wolf is in control. My eyes dart around for danger finally landing on Bryan. I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry Luna. I accidently walked into-" He turns to the young woman who blushes.


"-Trina and knocked everything out of her hands." He finishes rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I'll just-"

My ears pick up the rapid sound of feet approaching and my wolf stirs within me. I turn around in time to see Luke, Dani's guard speed walk down the corridor. I notice the desperate look in his eye as he frantically moves his head side to side, seeming to be in search of something.

* "Or someone..." My wolf growls.

I clench my hands trying to contain my wolf. I step forward snapping Luke from his search, finally gaining his attention.

"Luna!" He sputters. I let out a warning growl.

"What's wrong?" I ask trying to keep my voice calm. He gulps audibly and I surpress the urge to claw the answer out of him. Taking a deep breath to hide the violent thoughts, I keep my gaze locked on a now stuttering Luke who looked like he was going to piss hs pants very soon.

"I was j-just" He gulps. "I-I"

"Luke tell me now or so help me-" I was now shaking with anger, ready to explode. I could feel my claws elongating and digging into my palms. My wolf was scratching at the surface, begging to be let out. Closing my eyes, I continue to listen to a terrified Luke.

"I'm looking for Dani-" He stops once he sees my murderous look.

"She was with me just a second ago. I turned around for a second to help one of the workers but when I turned back around, she was gone. I bumped into Josh and he told me he saw her sister with a woman who lead her away. They were going to check out the new swimming pool-" I let out a furious growl.

"I told you to watch my daughter and I f>cking well meant it. Now come with me so we can find her."

I step forward with the intention of finding Dani with Luke, Bryan and Alison following quickly behind me. Just as I reach the set of doors, Trina the woman Bryan bumped into, opens her mouth and speaks the words that have my heart racing while running down the corridors in search of my daughter.

" Luna..I think you should know ...but we don't have any swimming pool in this spa."

Charlie's POV:

The day out with my sons was going really well so far. The boys looked like they were really enjoying themselves. I was sitting at the picnic table with Josh laying relaxed in my arms. He was talking animately about something his brothers did last year.

I scan my surroundings watching as Mason and Jason wrestle on the ground while Damien and Victor were fighting over the last sandwich. They were tugging it back and forth between them causing Josh to erupt into giggles in my arms. I couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness.

At the back of my mind there was an unsettling feeling that I tried to ignore but it got stronger and my wolf was soon on alert.

"I get to have it because I'm older!" Damien yells.

Victor opens his mouth to retort but he freezes. We all do. Mason and Jason stop pummeling each other and Josh is cut mid sentence. We all felt it. The fear, anger and anxiety through our family link. I growl getting up.

My family is in danger and I could feel my mates emotions. She was angry, very angry but also scared. And that had me rushing to the woods with my boys and the warriors right on my heels. My wolf was pacing. He wanted to rip the heads off who ever was endangering his mate and kids. I push my feet harder and shift into my wolf once I am sheltered in the trees.

I lift my head into the air and howl long and loud. Anyone listening would hear the pain but also my determination. Because in that single howl, there was a promise. A promise that I would rip the head off whoever was putting my family in harms way. Not a second later, a collection of howls respond.

My pack.

They were letting me know that they were on their way. With that I push my paws faster, deeper, my anger consuming me. I could already taste the blood on my lips, my promise repeating like a mantra in my mind.


I'm so so sorry for this late update!

But thank you so much for all the votes I have received recently <3

Many of you have added this story to your reading lists too which makes me so happy!

This chap is dedicated to @chrissybear who commented last chap which made me smile:)

Keep voting and commenting :)

Sinead xx

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