Animals (Loki x reader)

By caughtbyfantasy

63.4K 2.1K 927

You happen to have powers no one else has. Every child dreams of being that powerful and there is this associ... More

Why don't you join us?
A throat ripped open
a dead man is a bad lover
Why don't you join me instead?
howl of emotion
The Avengers
Spirit of the wild
First love twice
a lost message
a ripped out heart
An unknown power
Escape to Asgard
Thank you for reading

him next to you

2.6K 103 21
By caughtbyfantasy

Your head was throbbing horribly, sending pain through a body you didn't know existed any longer. You had been weightless, drifting through darkness, free of any kind of emotion. You had been asleep and careless. There was no meaning in anything. There was nothing you missed. But then there was this cold flash. Someone had touched a hand that somehow belonged to you. Someone had gently pet your face and placed kissed on your forehead. Someone had filled your lovely darkness with something worth leaving the darkness behind. Even though the touch of the lips was long gone and with it a man who's name you didn't remember you felt like waking up. Now was the time.

You slowly started to move your body, learning to control it again because you were sure you once had controlled it. You discovered legs and arms and fingers, a chest and a head. There were well working lungs and there was a heart beating regularly, keeping you alive. Most importantly though there were eyelids which could be lifted and ears that heard a voice talking. A deep but still somehow soft voice. You knew it was not who you wanted to hear but it neither was someone you didn't want to hear.

You managed to lift your eyelids even though it took some effort. It wasn't too illuminated where you were but still a lot brighter than in your dark world which made you blink and your eyes water. The soft voice continued talking but you couldn't understand what it said. You let your gaze wander through the room, paying attention to everything you saw. The room was nearly empty. There were no windows, only white walls and a white ceiling with an unnatural blue light. You were lieing in a bed with all white sheets. Next to your bed there was a chair and a strong, tall man sat on it. He wore a red cape and some kind of armour. He had short, dark blonde hair and you knew that you knew his name. You just couldn't lay your finger on it right now.

The man was reading a book and he read it loud so you could hear it. It was a story about a lion cub which's dad got killed by his uncle and so it fled and lived a peaceful life with a warthog and a meerkat. You closed your eyes. It was a nice story. You knew it somehow. You had heard it before. Simba was a nice name for a lion. Such a nice name. Name.

"Thor!" , you exclaimed, suddenly remembering the man's name and with it everything that had happened. Thor jumped in shock and the book fell to the ground, then he started smiling.

"You are awake, Lady (y/n)" , he cheered, stepping closer to your bed.

You indeed were awake but no longer glad about it. The pain hit you with all its force, showing you scenes of your past and it dug in your heart like a splinter of glass. You could nearly feel your heart bleeding. You really missed the darkness you had just left. There was only one person that could fix your scattered heart.

"Loki? Where is Loki? He's been here! I need to see him! I need to tell him" , you yelled, trying to sit up. You were shocked when you noticed that you were tied to the bed, giving you little space to move at all. It made the pain grow inside of you and the pain fed the wolf that had withdrawn deep inside of you, urging for emotions to feed on.

"Shhhh. Calm down, Mrs. (l/n). Loki is not here. He has never been. You have been unconscious for about two weeks now. You need to calm down, Mrs. (l/n) or man of iron will daze you again!" , said Thor, gently touching your arm, making you relax a bit.

Two weeks. This couldn't be possible. Your body normally healed fast. It didn't take it two weeks to fix your wounds. Even with poison rushing trough your veins. The other strange thing was that Thor denied Loki's visit. You knew he had been here. You knew he was the one who made you wake up.

"No, Thor. He has been here. He held my hand and he touched me and he kissed my forehead and he whispered that everything would be fine if I only woke up again, I know this" , you mumbled, trying to free your arms.

"He can not have been here. How should he have gotten inside? You were unconscious you would not have noticed if he visited anyway. Do not pull at your fetters, it will only hurt you" , demanded Thor with a soft voice. You felt tears spilling out of your eyes and the wolf inside you, growling in anger, creeping out of its den. It was not good to tie you up somewhere. It made you shiver and twist and shake and change. And kill. The wolf howled in glory. He was sure you would lose control again. You hissed angrily.

"He has been here, Thor, I swear! I'd give my life!" , you exclaimed, still pulling at the fetters. "Thor! You need to remove this things or I'll turn into a wolf. I can't fight it. Not when I'm trapped. The wolf will come to save me. Please."

Thor regretfully shook his head. "I can not do this, spirit of the wild. But I will get someone who can. Man of iron can!"

"He'll never ever untie me and you know it! Not after the things I have done to him" , you hissed, feeling the anger grow inside you.

"It is worth a try, Lady (y/n). It is wrong to blame you for loving Loki. He is a good guy after all. Maybe man of iron will understand" , he mumbled, hastily leaving the room. You followed him with your eyes. No matter how many muscles he had he still was a child. He never expected any kind of evil thing. He only saw the good things. One day he would break because of this. You were sure about this. But right now it was you who was broken.

As soon as the door shut you started pulling at you fetters like crazy, crying. You needed to get out of here. Hades was dead. You had killed him. Loki was gone. Tony was angry at you. He had nearly killed you. Getting lost in a swirl of thoughts and emotions you didn't notice the green light in your room and the black haired man appearing within it.

"(y/n)!" , yelled the man and you froze. This was the voice you had missed. This was the voice belonging to the man you needed by your side. You could never lose him again.

"Loki?" , you croaked, suddenly feeling very dizzy. The tears on your cheeks felt like glue stuck to your face. Time itself seemed to have stopped just for the two of you. The moment seemed endless. You didn't have the power to turn your head in the direction of the voice because you feared that you had imagined him speaking as you wished for him to be here.

"It is me, love" , he said, sitting down on the bed beside you looking rather uneasy. His black hair were tied up to a cute little bun. His blue eyes glowed with concern and his familiar green and gold armour gave you the reassurance that everything was just fine even though you knew everything was far from being fine. He was there. He was with you. God how you loved him. He made everything a thousand times better. "How are you?", he asked.

How could you possibly be? You had been asleep for about two weeks because Tony Stark had shot you with the gun you had given to him for exactly this purpose but still didn't understand why it had take your body that long. The poison in the bullet had spread in your entire body and nearly killed you, as far as you were concerned. But the most painful memory was the one of killing Hades. Your loyal, brave little Hades, who had been there whenever you needed him, had taken a bullet for you and then you had to kill him to save him from the pain.

Now you were tied to a bed, unable to leave and probably about to end up in prison where you would die of old age or starve because Tony hated you and wanted to get rid of you as fast as possible. Why had he even kept you alive in the first place. You clearly had received medical attention as you were lieing in a hospital bed and there was a needle in your hand, connected to a plastic bag filled with a clear fluid.

You were miserable, to say the least.

But now there was Loki, your first and true love and it made everything a whole lot better. You needed him nearer though.

"Kiss me, for Christ's sake. I need to feel your lips on mine, I need to be sure you really are here. I need ...", you demanded sobbing and he stopped you by simply kissing you. You melted into this kiss. It was so real. More than real. It gave you the power you lacked. You wanted to pull him closer but your hands were still tied to the bed and the lurking anger crept back into your heart, making it beat faster. The wolf growled his dangerous song. It grew more and more threatening as you suppressed it.

"Loki" , you whispered into the kiss, hoping he would understand that you needed him to stop, no matter how much the both of you disliked it. You had to calm yourself down and you had to keep a cool head. Loki stopped and pulled back.

"What is it, love?" , he asked anxiously. You hated making him fearful. This wasn't him. He didn't act like this. He was meant to be brave and self confident all the time.

"I need to get rid of this ties or I'll go berserk in here! I can't control the wolf for too long. It's already raging inside of me and I'm very dangerous when I turn into the wolf without the intention to do so. We need to leave this place as soon as possible! We need to go somewhere the Avengers can't follow!", you demanded, pulling at your fetters sobbing in panic.

"Okay, my queen" , said Loki, a trace of sarcasm in his words. This was the Loki you knew and missed. He smiled at you and closed his hands around the chains holding you in place. You had expected that his action would be ... a bit more magical. He couldn't really believe that the chains would give in if he just tried hard enough. The wolf inside you raged on, urging you to turn.

"You do not really believe this to work?" , you asked, rising your eyebrows. He shrug.

"Worth a try" , he said and you watched his face turn red with effort and the chains freeze under his grip. The metal turned cold and you gasped for air. The cold touched the place where the main artery was placed, rapidly cooling your body.

"Loki ... it's so cold..." , you moaned. Loki looked at you, his eyes full of sorrow.

"I know. I am sorry love, but I can't avoid this. I don't know another way to break your fetters. Stark isn't too dumb. This chains will resist the most kinds of magic. I'll have to break them in a different way" , he mumbled, scanning the room with his eyes. You sighted, the cold inside of you calmed the wolf. But it was also slowing down your heart and speeding up your breathing. If Loki didn't hurry up you would freeze.

"You're killing me" , you panted and then you changed. Your hands and legs instantly slipped out of the fettersbut your chest had grown in size and now breathing got even harder.The cold was gone though as Loki hadn't froze the chain around your breast yet. This didn't work out as you had planned.

"F*ck it" , hissed Loki, reaching for the chain around your chest. It froze as soon as he touched it and if you hadn't been panicking you would have appreciated the muscles of your lover moving under his armour.

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