a dead man is a bad lover

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"The blood loss...", you mumbled and looked down at your dead intruder curling your lips in disgust when you saw your blood soaked carpet. Sadness and guilt slowly rose inside you and you closed your eyes. You had never felt sorry about killing someone before. It had always been like a bad coincident. It just happened. You had to cover it and well... No one cared. Usually. That's how humanity worked. But this one being had an aura. This man seemed to be special and you only now noticed. Just how he lay there, his eyes closed, his lips opened, showing some kind of surprise. He was godlike and if you overthought the strange dressing he could well be a god.

You had killed a god. It had been years since you had killed anyone and now you had killed such a precious creature.

You bloody hated killing. You had been so happy when you finally gained control over the wolf. The angry, raging wolf. It meant that you could stop killing on accident. The killing itself wasn't the bad thing though. Cleaning up afterwards that was the big problem. The more corpses there are the harder it gets to hide them, obviously.

And here you were, in need of another safe place to hide a body. Disgusting and annoying. And on addition: the dead person was looking impudently good, even with his throat ripped open. Godlike and nearly peaceful. With blood dripping from his throat, but still...

"What to do with the body?" , you mumbled, pushing away every other thought. You sneezed, trying to get rid of the heavy scent of blood. Trying to forget. Forgetting always helps. Forgetting on purpose doesn't ever work though. You knew it wa shopeless. The smell would be stuck in your nose for weeks, especially because your carpet was soaked with it. It would help you to keep in mind, what you had done. It would keep the feeling off guilt nice and fresh. And also the memory of this good looking intruder. So good looking. You wanted to touch him but though it to be inappropriate. You had just killed this man. A dead man is a bad lover, you were sure about this one.

A quiet knocking sound made you lift your head. With great relief you saw Hades flying in front of your window croaking and cursing. Deflection, good. You needed it badly. You hastily got up and opened the window for your little friend.

"Why you closed the window?" , he croaked angrily, his black little eyes glowing.

"I didn't, Hades. It was this guy on my carpet. He closed it" , you explained, pointing to the body of the stranger.

"Oh... He dead?" , croaked Hades tilting his head to get a better look at the man on the ground with the black, shiny hair. They matched Hades feathers perfectly.

"Yes... I killed him" , you mumbled, lowering your head. You were ashamed even though you knew that Hades wouldn't have a problem if you killed the whole humanity. As long as the nice woman that always gave him nuts was still alive, of course.

"Haven't killed anyone in a while, have you. Bad thing. Bad thing, that's what humans say. Yeah, they do. May I take a bite of the intruder?" , croaked Hades.

"NO! You wont eat him, Hades!" , you yelled in disbelief. Hades lowered his head in disappointment.

"What a waste of meat, isn't it. Why?" , he croaked, surprised by your reaction.

"He's far too good looking to be eaten by you!", you hissed, blushing in the progress.

"I could take a bite at a place you can't see. He will stay precious than, won't he?" , croaked Hades, trying his best to convince you.

"No! It's disrespectful to eat him. He was so sure he could defeat me. A brave man. He shouldn't be punished for being brave" , you stated, your face still slightly red.

"May I take a look though? Seems strange, this guy. Strange dressing" , croaked the raven reluctantly and flew over to the stranger without waiting for your answer, muttering something under his breath. With a low croak he landed on the intruders chest and looked at the wound for a while. You used this time to nervously walk up and down your living room and think.

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