Why don't you join us?

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With great power comes great responsibility. The human beings around you kept saying this without ever realizing that they were making fun of you whenever they opened their stupid mouths. They actually had no clue what power really meant. They couldn't even dream of the burden it gives and the pain and the consequences it has.

You yourself knew quite well. It was a burden that sometimes made your knees give in. It sometimes took away all your energy, your breath and your will. You fought very hard but you didn't always succeed.

You had powers beyond the human imagination and you kept them secret, all your life. Because humans are cruel and selfish and willing to sacrifice the earth for money. This made you boil with anger and fear and this pushed you into hiding. You put all your effort into hiding. But somehow, you just couldn't think of a possible way, someone found out. And this someone stood right in front you and stared at you with green and brown eyes.

"You need to join us. Others would be glad if they ever had the opportunity, (y/n). Why do you deny this?" , asked the man. He was dressed in a black suit and trousers and dark sun glasses. Even though you had never met this man before, you knew his name.

"You're a selfish bastard, Mr. Stark. I did explain why I don't want to join you, but I'll do it again one more time.

Yeah, you're right. I do have great power. I am able to call for every single animal on this earth. It'll follow my call without hesitation. Without questioning my order. I am capable of changing into a wolf with great power. All right. But I am responsible for this animals and I wont sacrifice them in one of your little battles.

They follow my call and I wont lead them to their certain death! I don't expect YOU to understand any of this. You look at me and you see a girl with (y/hc) hair and innocent (y/ec) eyes but you do not see me as a human being though. In your eyes I'm an instrument. You plan to use me for your own aims. And my precious animals are nothing more to you than THINGS that follow a call and die for you.

It would make your work a lot easier if I joined you, am I right? You urge for the chance to keep your worthless little ass safe and sound! You don't care about the lives of this creatures! You even had a kid join your army! Look at your little Spiderman! He'll be death in no time and you'll feel guilty but until then? YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN SHIT ABOUT ANYONE EXCEPT YOU! DON'T DENY IT! AND NOW!LEAVE!", you were very, very angry now. A storm of fury rushed through your bowels and you had to fight your inner wolf who was about to rip Mr. Stark's throat open.

Mr. Stark stared at you in disbelief. His eyes were wide open and he seemed shocked. If you hadn't been so angry, you would have probably felt guilty. But you were unable to feel anything but rage.

Mr. Stark took a step back. At first it seemed as if he'd just turn around and leave, but he didn't. He just reached for something he could grab to keep him from falling. His fingers closed around the back of a chair and you heard wood cracking as he squeezed his hand against it.

"You don't have no idea how I feel about little Peter Parker. I don't want him to be part of this and it would kill me if he died in one of our battles. You shouldn't say things like this!"

A sarcastic smile formed itself on your face.

"Who visited little Peter and asked him to join the little war between him and his friend? Let me think... oh... IT WAS YOU! Don't act like an innocent kitten when you aren't one. Now is the perfect time to leave my flat, by the way!"

"DON'T YOU LISTEN?!" , yelled Tony Stark and let go off the chair.

"Don't YOU listen? You're just covering that I hurt your big ego through changing the subject. You're nothing more than a helpless, selfish child that always makes mistakes but is sure to do the right thing, no matter how high the price is. You'll fall, mister Stark. You'll fall. And the landing will be a rough one", you hissed.

Animals (Loki x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن