A throat ripped open

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"Well, Mr. Stark. Ask yourself this one question: Did you really have a choice?" , you asked, already knowing what he would answer. Already knowing it wouldn't be the answer you wanted to hear.

"One always has the choice" , he murmured. Not really convincing. Not the truth. He knew it.

"Does one though? I think you didn't but this is none of my business. You do obviously believe in the impossible. Well then leave it to me to decide. Give me time. At least one more day.", you demanded.

Mr. Stark squirmed uncomfortably. He didn't like the fact that you made the rules and he couldn't interfere without risking to lose you as a potential Avenger. No matter how much he tried to deny it, he needed you. He didn't have any choice but to accept your offer.

"Impatient freak!" , croaked Hades, shaking his wings in reluctance. You nodded. The bird was right.

"Okay... See you tomorrow Mrs. (l/n)" , said Tony, got up and left without properly saying goodbye. He was pissed. You shrug. Not your problem. You just pitied the person that was doomed to meet him after this conversation. Poor guy.

After you had removed the dirty cup from the table and given Hades some more cookies, you sat on your couch. You were lost in thought, considering every pro and con of Mr. Starks offer. Sometimes you asked Hades, who sat on the table in front of you, for his opinion. It was far after midnight when you had finally made your decision. You opened one of the windows in your living room so Hades could fly in and out whenever he wanted to.

You lived in a small house in the middle of nowhere and therefore didn't fear any burglars or other criminals to enter your house. No one came here on accident and there was no one out there who wanted to find you. At least as far as you knew. I mean, Mr. Stark had already payed you a visit and you were quite sure he wouldn't feel the urge to return tonight.

You deeply inhaled the cold night air, checking it for any suspicious scents. There were none. Just the familiar smell of grass, trees and multiple animals living their lives. They were used to you being there. That's why you didn't have to worry about them jumping into your house and sleeping beside you. And if one of the animals decided to come over for the night, you didn't bother anyway. Your favourite visitors were some wolves that lived in the nearby forest. It rarely happened that they came over though. They disliked being in a room. They felt caged then. They wouldn't come over tonight. You didn't catch their scents.

Yawning you returned to the sofa. With a satisfied sound you curled up in a little heap of pillows. You were too lazy to go to your bed and felt quite comfortable in the living room. It was very warm and relaxing in your little pillow den and soon you fell asleep.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

A noise woke you. The rhythmical tapping made you blink sleepily. Though your brain wasn't on full alert right now it signalled that something strange was happening. Something about the knocking wasn't right. Your inner wolf sensed danger.

You blinked again to get your eyes working. Your house was dark. It had to be night and you had obviously only slept for one or two hours. Otherwise the sun would already be rising. Strange. Who should disturb you at this time? Not Hades. He was gone. He probably flew out of the window as soon as you closed your eyes. He usually did this.

Without moving your body you let your eyes wander around the room. Nothing suspicious to be seen. Thanks to the wolf inside you you were capable of seeing in the dark. It wasn't as good as when you actually were a wolf but still good enough to locate the tapping. It came from one of the windows. The one you had opened. It was closed now. Closed and locked.

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