Animals (Loki x reader)

By caughtbyfantasy

63.4K 2.1K 927

You happen to have powers no one else has. Every child dreams of being that powerful and there is this associ... More

Why don't you join us?
A throat ripped open
a dead man is a bad lover
Why don't you join me instead?
howl of emotion
The Avengers
Spirit of the wild
First love twice
a lost message
him next to you
An unknown power
Escape to Asgard
Thank you for reading

a ripped out heart

2.5K 115 71
By caughtbyfantasy

Trigger warning: You kill an animal in this chapter. If that is triggering to you you might want to skip this chapter.

"You know ... we don't choose who we fall in love with!" , you spit out, surprised about how strong your voice sounded even though you felt as weak as possible.

"No, we don't. But we don't need to give in to our weak hearts. We can fight this feeling. A broken heart doesn't kill you" , said Tony, his voice shaking with anger, " and it's very bad to hide a romantic relationship with a villain. It doesn't make you appear very ... trustworthy, cub."

"Oh ... So if I had told you that I had a crush on precious Loki you would have smiled and still taken me in without any punishment or just locking me away in a dark cell?" , you laughed sarcastically, clenching your fists. What did this man think he was doing?

"Believe me you would be rotting in a cell right now. But it's never too late to move in, you know. I do have enough beautiful, free cells down in the basement. You can even choose which one you want to inhabit. Isn't this nice? And Loki will never come for you because he just doesn't love, cub. He will break your heart and it will lie there on the ground and I will dance on the splinters because you betrayed me in the worst way possible!" , Tony yelled, taking a step into your room. A low growl formed in your throat and the wolf inside of you began to rage. You would change sooner or later but you hadn't finished talking yet.

"Do you have a single clue how wrong you are, Tony? Just the slightest idea? No? I'm not surprised at all! You seem unable to forgive anything! I'm sure you don't know Loki's story because if you did you wouldn't blame him for what he did to New York. You can blame his father and even Thor but not Loki. We are what others shape us to be! Loki is not all bad even though you can't imagine this as he is the bad guy for you. You think in boxes and Loki just seems to fit perfectly well into the box with the 'evil' sign! He isn't that simple. You'll never understand, iron heart!" , you hissed, lowering your upper body, getting ready to fight.

"Oh... It wont be that easy, cub. Not this time! I'm prepared. I know you now. No matter how hard you tried to hide yourself the internet still knows you and the internet is willing to tell everyone everything. I'll kill you, cub! Be careful!" , he threatened, pressing a button on his chest. His iron man suit formed around him and tucked him in safety, gave him weapons and force he didn't have when he didn't wear it. A low groan escaped your throat when you changed, digging your claws into the fake grass. A rush of energy made you shake. The control over the wolf was nearly slipping out of your hands. You had never been as angry as you were right now. Even your human brain urged you to kill this self-centred, stubborn man.

"Die!" , you yelled, starting to run. Tony did the same in grim silence and with the power of his suit. He was still slower than you though. You both had the power of anger at your side but you had the power of love too.

When you had nearly reached Stark he suddenly lifted his hands. A beam of light shot out of his palms and you struggled to get out of its way. You were too fast though and so the beam hit you with all its strength. You pressed your ears flat against your head and lowered it, your jaws open, showing your teeth, ready for the pain. The light burned your pelt, made you whiskers melt and stink badly. You didn't make a sound though, even with the heat raging around you for what felt like an eternity. It didn't reach your skin though. It just burned your pelt. A low triumphant growl formed in your throat as you realised this.

With a fierce yell you started to move again, running towards Tony. It was a tough case as you couldn't see anything because of the light and couldn't smell anything but the scent of burned hair. The anger made you move though and you could still hear Tony's panting through the iron helmet. Following this sound with your eyes closed you jumped. And to your surprise you didn't miss.Your teeth hit iron and you forced your mouth closed, feeling how your teeth dug into the steel. You were surprised. This actually shouldn't work. How could you be stronger than metal? You didn't have a clue but you didn't care. There was no time to wonder about anything. This was a fight for life and dead and you weren't planning to lose it.

You heard Tony yell in pain and surprise when your teeth hit flesh and blood started to pour into your mouth. The beam of light disappeared and left you in darkness as your eyes needed to get used to the new conditions first. Iron man was raging under the tight grip of your teeth, trying to lift you off the ground but being unable to do so. He instead decided to hit you with his free hand.

He slammed his fist hard against your neck, producing little stars in front of your eyes. Your jaws stayed closed around his arm though and you could feel how he got frustrated. Then you heard it, a gun being unlocked. A tremble rushed through your body when you heard the shot explode next to your ear. The bullet dug deep into your shoulder. The pain raged through your body when you felt how the needles inside the bullet dug into you flesh, setting free the poison inside of it. He had used your gun. The gun you had given him to kill you. It was the only gun you knew to wound you deep enough to possibly kill you.

You needed to get rid of it. You didn't know how much of the poison was needed to kill you. You were a god after all and the dose included was meant for a normal wolf. You just needed to keep Tony from shooting again. Your shoulder was pulsing with pain and you could feel the poison spread in your body.

Growling you let go off Tony's arm, threw around and attacked the other arm with one fast move, making him loosen his grip around the weapon. You noticed blood dripping from your nose and panic started to rise in your body. Maybe this one dose was enough to kill you after all.

"Just die! It'll be a lot easier for me and you if you stop fighting. You gave me the weapon to kill you, isn't this ironic?" , he laughed. You just groaned and pressed your jaws tighter around his arm making him hiss in pain.

With an angry cry he moved his iron covered knee upwards, hitting you hard against your belly, making you release his arm and wince in pain.

"Here we are, cub. Any last words?" , asked Tony sarcastically, pointing the gun at your head. You snarled, trying to trick your opponent to break free. To save your bare life. There was no chance for you to escape. The ankle in which Tony held the gun didn't allow you to duck under the bullet or jump over it. You would die here. With a sad wince you lowered your head and submitted to him just how your wolf nature told you to do.

Sorry to interrupt again but this is where you kill an animal. You might want to skip the remaining chapter if this is triggering to you.

"You don't really think I will spare your life just because you suddenly show respect. This fight is lost, cub. You're not that strong, after all" , he giggled and then he pulled the trigger. Everything seemed to slow down at this moment. You saw the bullet flying in your direction. You saw the black lightning whizzing in front of you. You heard the croak and saw a black body fall. And still you didn't see anything.

As soon as Hades body hit the ground you turned, tears spilling out of your eyes, wetting his feathers. Blood dripped out of a big hole on his left side, dyeing your fingers red when you carefully picked him up. You brushed over his soft feathers with a gentle finger, sobs shaking your body.

"I ... saved ... you" , he croaked proudly but you could still see the pain in his eyes. It had to be unbearable for him. You could feel the poison in your body too and it was horrible but he was smaller, the dose was a lot worse for him.

"Yes, my boy, my precious boy. You saved me. I'll be forever grateful, baby" , you whispered. Your throat felt as if it was filled with stones, trying to suffocate you. This all felt so unreal, so wrong. You kind of felt as if you'd be in the cinema, watching a tragic movie, seeing your favourite character die. Losing someone without really losing someone while still losing someone. Your heart was bleeding, your soul had a hole.

"Are you in pain, little one?" , you sobbed, petting his fragile body, placing kisses on his forehead. You pressed one hand against his wound to stop the bleeding, knowing that the bleeding wasn't the worst part of it all. You knew you couldn't save him.

"Yes ... horrible ... horrible ... pain ... Make ... it stop!" , he demanded. He was too weak to keep his head up and it fell off your hand, making him look as if he would be dead already. He wasn't though. With shaky hands you placed the raven on your lap, trying to keep him comfortable.

"Make ... the pain ... end. Please" , he croaked, looking at you with his beautiful black eyes that were filled with pain. He wanted to die. He asked you to kill him. How could you possibly kill him? You lifted your eyes, staring at Tony Stark who just stood there in his iron suit like frozen. You couldn't see his face.

"Do something about it!" , you yelled. Your voice broke. The pain of the poison inside you rose and your heartbreak made it hard for you to breath. "Save him!"

"I ... I can't. I'm sorry" , mumbled Tony Stark who had planned to kill you and now, all of a sudden he sounded broken, as if he was crying under the helmet.

With trembling hands you reached for the head of Hades.

"Please. Do ... it fast" , croaked the raven, his voice a mere whisper. You gently touched his head, lifted it from your lap. Then you grabbed his body. The fastest way to free him from the pain was to break his neck.

"Thank ... you" , croaked Hades, his eyes glowing with gratitude and pain. You looked away when you made the final move. The well audible crack made you feel sick and you couldn't keep yourself from vomiting on the fake grass covering your floor. Your whole body was hurting now and you were shaking uncontrollably. Your head spun around in wild circles and hurt awfully.

With a lot of displeasure you turned your head again to look down at the raven in your lap. His eyes were open but the glow of life was missing. His body was moveless and covered in blood, a big hole disfigured his left side. He had died for you. You looked up at Tony who had removed his helmet, tears were gleaming in his eyes and he moved his lips but you couldn't understand anything.

"Shoot me" , you heard yourself say, looking Tony right into the eyes. "I can't live with this guilt. Hell, shoot me!"

You were yelling. In the corner of you eye you saw someone enter the room then everything went pitch black and you drifted into soft nothingness.

A/N I really hope you liked Hades because I did and I know it was really cruel of me to make you kill him, listen to him begging you to free him from his pain. You did what he asked you for, though. Keep my lovely OC in good memory.

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