Through Music We Thrive

By DemonicBooks

76.2K 2.4K 255

Cecilia has been playing at the Opera Populaire as long as she can remember. She grew up there with many girl... More

I - Cecilia
II - Erik
III - Cecilia
IV - Erik
VI - Erik
VII - Cecilia
VIII - Erik
IX - Cecilia
X - Erik
XI - Cecilia
XII - Erik
XIII - Cecilia
XIV - Erik
XV - Cecilia
XVI - Erik
XVII - Cecilia
XVIII - Erik
Author Note/Sequel News

V - Cecilia

3.9K 124 10
By DemonicBooks

After he left I slipped into bed, exhausted. Sleep embraced me like a lover and I passed into the unknown.

I woke feeling better than I'd ever felt in the morning. I stretched my arms above my head and planted my feet on the cold wood floors. I changed out of my dressing gown and into my day clothes before heading to the kitchens. I normally would not bother to go there but I was in such an amazing mood I couldn't help myself.

I ate in peace before heading towards the orchestra pot with my cello. I knew I'd be the only one there at this time. Most of the cooks weren't even awake why would anyone else be? I settled in my chair and started to play.

I played softly before gaining volume and speed. Going from a sad sonnet to a passionate tango. I hummed quietly to the rhythm in my mind and lost myself in the music I created.

I felt my heart swell with love for my music nothing could possibly compare to the sound of my music. It was me just as much as it was vibrating strings and hollowed wood. I could nearly taste the tang of spiced olives as I played them into my music.

Nothing could destroy my love of music. It was all that kept me dedicated to this world. It was the only thing that kept my life in line. I never set foot on the stage, but I was fine because I had music. I've never seen a rainbow, but that's okay because I've heard music. I've never seen my friends smiles, but I can live with that because I have music.

Music was all that mattered to me. As long as I had music I could live.

I stopped my playing with a sigh. I had probably been playing for far to long. I had to wake Meg and Christine for rehearsal. I was about to stand when I heard clapping. It was coming from so many different directions from so many people I almost became dizzy trying to figure out which was from where.

"That was amazing, Cecilia!" I heard Christine shout over the roaring applause. I felt blood rush to my face and my eyelids peel open as if trying to see the people around me. I heard a few gasps from the people closest to me as the saw my eyes.

I was about to close them when Erik's words fluttered through my head. People gasp in shock at how beautiful your eyes are. He had spoken so tenderly in that moment as if in true awe. So I kept my eyes open.

I felt a warm hand grasp mine. It was sweaty and gross but I forced myself to continue to hold it. "Mademoiselle, you must play for us again. As the manager of this opera house I believe if you play people will come from all over Europe!"

"Monsuir I think she-" Meg spoke behind me as I collapsed from shock. I simply lost the strength to stay upright. I fell out of my chair my cello coming down with me as I slipped into the silent world of sleep.

I drifted in and out of consciousness, hearing someone speak before silence over took me once again. I awoke on my bed as if I had never gotten out of it. I knew I had though, I was still in my day clothes by the feel of the fabric. I slowly sat up and listened for the ticking of the grandfather clock in the hallway.

It's resounding ticks calmed my heart a little. I slipped out of bed and slowly searched on my hands and knees for my cello. If I was here it had to be too. I recalled the fall from the chair and my heart clenched with fear.

What if it was broken or damaged? Or worse irreparable. I felt the case at my fingertips and hurriedly opened it. I slid my hands over every nook and cranny of my cello checking for damage. It's strings were frayed and near breaking the neck was chipped in some places and my bow was snapped in two.

I brought my bow to my heart and felt tears slip down my cheeks. I had this bow since Madam Giry gave me the cello when I was nine. I had upgraded cellos multiple times but my bow had stayed the same with minor adjustments.

It was one of my dearest memories. And now it was splintered and fractured with my heart. I wept with my bow cradled in my arms as if it was my child.

As my tears dried I carefully put it on the cello case and wiped the tears of my face. I stood and attempted to go towards the door before dizziness crept over me and I stumbled back to my bed.

My last thought before I drifted back to sleep, I needed a new bow.

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