Homophobic - cash #Wattys2014

By mukegrinding

393K 13.5K 6.3K

Cameron likes Nash. Nash is a homophobic. Will the pain of knowing the person you love hates people like you... More

Homophobic Nameron/ Cash
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Authors note(:
Chapter Three
Writers block>.<
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Authors Noteee
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Hey guys(:
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
~slightly important~
Chapter Fourteen
Updates and shiznit
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Here's what gonna happen..
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Character ask!
character answers
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Seventeen

10.8K 431 172
By mukegrinding

-Cams POV

I had been released out of the hospital a few hours ago, it was around 6 in the afternoon now. Me and Nash's date was in two hours and I was nervous as fuck. I had showered at least 3 times to get the hospital smell off of me and right now I was rummaging through my closet trying to find something nice to wear.

This wasn't my first date but it was by far the most nerve-wrecking one I had ever prepared for. I grabbed some skinny jeans and a bro tank, like I said before I've been working out and I wouldn't mind Nash seeing my biceps. I styled my hair, doing it and redoing it for a good 45 minutes. When I finally got it just right I slipped on my sneakers and headed for the living room with 30 minutes to spare.

For the next half hour I sat watching the regular show with my foot tapping out of control. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when there was a knock at the door. I assumed it was Nash and sprinted to the door. I opened the door to find the most beautiful person I'd ever laid my eyes on standing I front of me. My eyes scanned his body, his pale skin was hidden under a grey t-shirt with the words ' or nah ' printed across the front. Typical Nash. He was was wearing dark blue jeans and some vans.

"wow." we said at the same time, blushing.

"you look great!" I laughed

"you look even better," he smiled down at me, reaching his hand out. "shall we?"

I nodded and he ushered me out to his car. We were going out to eat at a cute little restraunt down the street. We arrived and he stopped the car, climbing out. We entered the place and found a booth where we sat down and began looking through the menu.

After about fifteen minutes of laughing and deciding what to eat the waitress came up to us. I have to admit she was gorgeous, stunning actually and she was just the kind of girl Nash used to go out with, I guess you could say I got a tad jealous.

"hello guys! Have y'all decided on what to eat yet?" she said grinning at me and Nash. We told her our orders and I couldn't help but notice her wink at Nash, he just smirked. My heart dropped a little and my smile that I had been wearing all night faded slightly, but I doubt he noticed.


When the waitress who by her name tag, was named Diana returned Nash and I took the food hungrily. Nash struck up a conversation with her and they were now talking about how much they both love putting maple syrup on their scrambled eggs.

"I don't know why more people don't do it!" he laughed

"same!" she agreed

"oh! I'd like you to meet my..." he paused, probably not knowing what to call me. "my date, Cameron!" she frowned slightly but shook it off grinning at me.

"you're a lucky man Cameron" she said winking at me. We all talked for a few more minutes then she said she had to go clean up the rest of her tables.

"she was fun" Nash said smiling. And I have to agree, she was. She was one of the most interesting girls I've met. And once she realized that me and Nash were on a date she was cool with it!

"yea she was!"


We talked for about an hour eating hour food. We had a great time, joking around and such. As we got up to leave Diana came up to us.

"hey guys, y'all are pretty chill! I'd love to hang out with you guys again!" she said handing us both a piece of paper with her number scribbled on it before running back to the kitchen as her boss called her.

" we need to hang with her, she's awesome!"

"oh yea ,cam we do!" Nash said laughing and getting into the drivers seat of his car, me following right after.

We got to my house at around 10, early but I mean it is just a first date and I was still exhausted from the hospital.

"I had a really good time tonight" Nash said as we sat in his car in front of my house.

"me too" I grinned

Nash leaned over and quickly kissed me on the cheek, he pulled back blushing at me. I'm pretty sure I was blushing pretty hard too. I got out of the car waving goodbye to him. I went into my house and up the stairs to my room, brushing my teeth and taking the medicine that the doctor had given me. I pulled of my shoes, pants and shirt and climbed into bed cuddled in the blankets. I fell asleep dreaming about what life with Nash would be like.

~ hi guys!!! Omg it's been like a week since I last updated ?!?!?!:((( I'm sorry guys I love you all so much! I hope you like this chapter! And all your comments about my book were amazing thank you so much!! And congrats diana(:

Xoxo em

P.s goal!! 250 reads 50 votes and 60 comments (:

P.p.s please go read my new fic 'kiss me slowly' it's a loooot better than this one haha (: love yaaa

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