Chapter Thirteen

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-Nash's POV

We were watching the movie and right as the lady was starting to get dragged down the stairs lightning struck and Cameron screamed, jumping towards me. I chuckled turning to look at him, my eyes met his and my smile faded. I've never really looked at him this closely. I've never noticed how actually attractive he is. And his lips were just the right shade of pink. They looked so kissable.

Before I could stop myself I was leaning in, my lips pressing against his. My stomach was twisting in knots and my heart was pounding. I felt like I was on fire. I pushed him against the couch and he began moving his hands up my shirt, his lips moving expertly with mine. He was about to pull off my shirt when I heard keys jingling in the door and jumped off him.

My family must have come home early from the beach because of the rain. The door opened and in they came. I looked over at Cameron to seem him blushing like crazy.

"Oh, hello Cameron are you spending the night?" before he could reply my mom continued. "well I think you're going to have to because it's flooding badly out there. I'm going to turn on the weather you buys go upstairs to Nash's room!" she said sitting down on the couch and flipping from the horror movie to the news.

"ok." was all cam managed to get out.

We walked upstairs quietly. The whole time I was thinking about the kiss hell the make out session. What did it mean? Am I gay? Bi? Shit I've never thought about it. I've only ever though about how gross gay people were. But I never asked myself why. I mean they get married just like us, have kids more or less normally, they do the same things as normal married couples. Wait what am I saying?! No I'm not gay!!!

I walked into my room, cam immediately sat on my bed, fiddling with his thumbs.

"what... What was that Nash?" he said looking up at me.

As soon as my eyes met his my foundation crumbled. What am I gonna say to him? How am I going to ell him that there NO way I could be with him. Even after...that. Whatever that was.

"I don't know. It was nothing. A lapse of judgement" his face dropped his eyes looking back down at his fingers.

"I think I'm going to go to bed early... I'm really tired" He said his voice cracking. My heart cracked a litte hearing how volnurable he sounded. I looked at my phone, it was about 8:45 so I really doubt he was just tired, especially seeing how much candy we ate.

I told my mom that we were both tired and going to sleep and she looked at me, slightly confused then she chuckled.

"use protection" she said quietly so Hayes didn't hear.

"OH MY GOD MOM NO WHAT" I yelled turning around and running upstairs.

When I went into my room I found Cameron standing in his boxers looking around.

"what're you doing?" I questioned

"where am I gonna sleep?" he asked not looking me in the eyes.

"the bed? Like you always do." what is he even talking about we always share a bed I mean it is king sized after all.

He looked up at me and then I saw that his face was flushed and his eyes were red looking.

"oh." he said quietly. He awkwardly went over and laid on the very edge of the bed. I pulled off my shirt and pants and snuggled my way into the bed. I was going to take this time to think about some things.


It had been about 2 hours and I had decided what I was going to do. I looked over at Cameron he was laying quietly, I'm fairly sure he was asleep. Well I was until I heard sniffling.

I looked closer at him and saw that his body was shaking silently and every now and then he was take a breath and sniffle. I felt a awful. I made him cry. What the hell is wrong with me?! Why am I such a douche?

~update update updatee(: I hope you guys like it um this is kinda Nash's view on things! Next chapter I'll tell y'all what he decided(; (; (; Also this chapter is dedicated to larraymeanslove for the sweet comments!

The goal this chapter is 25 comments 30 votes and 110 reads!

Xoxo em

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