Through Music We Thrive

By DemonicBooks

75.7K 2.4K 252

Cecilia has been playing at the Opera Populaire as long as she can remember. She grew up there with many girl... More

I - Cecilia
II - Erik
IV - Erik
V - Cecilia
VI - Erik
VII - Cecilia
VIII - Erik
IX - Cecilia
X - Erik
XI - Cecilia
XII - Erik
XIII - Cecilia
XIV - Erik
XV - Cecilia
XVI - Erik
XVII - Cecilia
XVIII - Erik
Author Note/Sequel News

III - Cecilia

4.2K 152 41
By DemonicBooks

I kept my head turned towards the man who led me back to the orchestra pit. If he hadn't found me I don't know what would've happened. I heard him walk towards me before waving a hand in front of my face. My hair fluttered around me at the wind caused.

I sighed in annoyance. "I would appreciate if you didn't do that, sir." I muttered.

"My apologies." He whispered, obviously shocked. I thought it was obvious that I was blind. Closed eyes, can't move without a hand on something, and can't give eye contact.

"I must be going. Thank you again. If we meet again I'll me honored, that is not a lie." I smiled and walked away towards the door that led to the familiar hallways I knew.

I made it to my room and changed into my day dress before pulling out my cello. I played my feelings away. I knew Madam Giry would be looking for me soon. I should've asked for the time when I was with that man. He was strange. Very strange indeed.

His shoulder was firm telling me of his strength, his voice was a low timbre telling me that he was male, he was not a talker telling me he preferred to be alone, his childish behavior when waving in front of my face told me he wasn't around many people to begin with. He was a small paradox in my mind.

I stopped playing when I heard Meg bounding down the hall towards my room calling my name. I smiled a bit at her childish behavior. I turned my face towards the door. "Yes, Meg?" I asked quietly.

"You won't believe it!" She said excitedly. "The opera ghost took Christine last night!"

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You heard me right, she's back now and she got to see his face! She told me so!" Meg seemed to be jumping with joy. "Mother has her resting right now but I overheard the managers, Raoul, and Carlotta arguing about letters from the Ghost."

"What did they say?" I ask putting my cello back in its case.

"The notes?" I nodded. "They demanded that the Opera Ghost be paid, his box left empty, and that Christine play the Countess in Il Muto, can you believe it?"

"Barely. That is quite exciting although, as long as they don't cancel the opera because of his notes I do not mind what he demands. I simply want to play my cello in the orchestra." I smiled in the direction of my cello and bow.

Meg groaned. "You might as well marry that cello. You almost never part with it."

I grinned at her. "Shouldn't we get to rehersel?" I asked. I heard her stand abruptly. And rush out of the room.

I stood and made my way to the pit, again. The rehersel went as well as it could with Carlotta as the Countess. The Phantom would not be happy.

I was curious if he would do anything. I wondered if he was even a man. Maybe the Phantom was a woman. That would be even better. I sighed in content as I hauled my cello back to my room on weary feet.

I hoped sleep would come to me tonight. If it evaded me again I don't know what I would do. I couldn't walk somewhere not after what happened last time. I prepared myself for bed and slipped between the covers and waited for the pull of sleep to arrive.

Nothing. Sleep once again decided it was too good for me. Well screw you sleep. I don't need you anyway. I huffed and stood marching across the room to my cello case. I wrenched it open and furiously played out my anger, annoyance, and exhaustion.

In my frenzy of notes I didn't hear a person creep up behind me. They placed a cold hand on my shoulder causing me to jump and drop my bow. In a panic I froze. Was my bow broken? I couldn't bare it if it was.

Most people would address the person who startled them asking why they were there. I on the other hand, "Where is my bow?" I asked frantically not wanting to crush it if I stood to feel for it.

I heard a clattering before it was placed back in my hand. I curled my fingers around it, carefully stroking it to double check it's condition. It was chipped in one spot but no lasting damage. I released a sigh of relief before turning my head to where I thought I heard the intruder.

"Thank you. Who is there? You startled me sneaking in like that." I spoke softly.

Whoever it was shifted their weight causing of floor board to creek to my left. I turned my head in that direction feeling my face heat.

"I am here." A low voice said quietly. It was the voice of the man who helped me when I was lost.

"Why are you here, monsuir?" I questioned.

"You were playing quite loudly. I was curious who was playing so disruptively so late in the night." He said. I got the feeling he was smirking at me.

"I apologize. It helps me think. Relax. Breathe. It's like a breath of fresh air, you know. Music is a miracle to the blind. It gives me... color." I explained. I had never seen blue, yellow, or green. People spoke of them in awe and wonder but it was always something I've been deprived of.

"Why did you need to relax?" He inquired.

I laughed a bit. "My devilish friend sleep has been evading me lately. It was why I fell earlier. I was desperately trying to sleep but I simply couldn't fall into that blissful silence. My stress had to be played out in music. Some people sing, dance, write, or paint. Music is the only thing that calms me." I realized I was fawning over my music again. I felt blood rush to my face as I turned my head down.

"You seem to have a great passion for music." He spoke sounding as if he was thinking of something in the past.

I smiled at him before gently placing my bow and cello on the floor. I stood and walked towards where I heard him. "My apologies but may I touch your face?" I held out my hands.

He was silent for a moment before he leaned his head into my hands. I came into contact with a cool hard mask on his right side and warm smooth skin on his left. I traced my hands over soft hair, a strong jaw, and great cheekbones. His lips were strangely soft on my fingertips. The porcelain on his other side was smooth as it could be, curving for his nose and cheekbone. I figured he was wearing a half mask for some reason.

I retracted my hands. "Thank you. I now have a face to your voice. I don't suppose I could get a name?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled. It was quiet but soothing somehow. "You do not need my name."

"Perhaps not but I'd like to know it."

He sighed. Before muttering a single word. "Erik."

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