
By strange2357

184 30 0

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1. Nice smile
2. In the woods...
3. It just doesnt hurt
4. Goodbyes
5. It was...Massive!
6. Ah...Sure, Why not"
7. Happy Birthday
8. Date
9. I dont like you
10. What?
11. Get behind me
12. leave me alone!
13. It is very unpleasant...
15. Fancy
16. Wait What?!?!
17. This is our daughter, Harleen
18. How can I help?
19. Bruce?
20. What a night
21. A dream?
22. What have I gotten myself into?
23. I could have died!
24. Your joking

14. That was weird

9 1 0
By strange2357

I spent the next hour imagining all the amazing scenarios that could happen at Wayne Manor, no matter how unrealistic those scenarios may be. 

I get pulled out of my train of thought by a knock on the door. I glance down at my pajamas and shrug. Who could it possibly be? I mean, I don't have friends and my family never comes to visit. Yes, visit. My sister doesn't even live here and my parents are only ever here about a month each year in total. It kinda sucks really, not being the happy family that everybody thinks we are but I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it. 

I jog out of my room and down the stairs and through the hallways before stopping in front of the front door. My hand freezes on the handle when I stopped. Instead of opening the door, I look through the peephole. 

Shit! I look between the two policemen on the other side of the door. What have I done now?

I suck in a breath and unlock the door, pulling it open. "Hello Miss Quinzel. I am officer Lucas and this is my partner officer Stan. We have had a call from an anonymous caller that there was some drug use in this area. We would like a look around" Officer Lucas states, crossing his arms over his chest. "Umm..." I was about to ask the millions of questions pilling up in my mind when he continues. "We have a warrant" He points out. I sigh. I guess I kinda have to let them. "do you mind me asking what kind of drugs they accused me of possessing?" The two men glance each other. "You weren't accused of owning the drugs, there was a rumor regarding the whole neighborhood. But cocaine and methamphetamine was mentioned" he informs me, pursing his lips.

 Well OK then. I move aside and let the two men into my house. Officer Stan had stayed silent the entire time, barely moving. I was starting to think he was asleep or something up until he walked through the doorway. Both officers looked around the hallway that lead into the lounge and at the end of the hallway was the staircase and the kitchen. 

Officer Lucas and Stan proceeded to look around the house. They didn't really look in it though, which I found weird. They didn't go through any of the draws or the cupboards and shelves or anything. They kind of just walked into each room and just looked around. I found one particular action that officer Stan kept on doing very strange. Every time he came to a framed photographs he would either turn them around or upside down. He wouldn't take off the back piece or open it up, he would just turn it around and walk out. 

Once they had checked every room they headed out the door and turned around on the porch. "Sorry for the inconvenience Miss. We found no trace of any kind of drug or anything suspicious. Thank you for being co-operative." With that, they both turn and walk to a police car parked across the street.

Before officer Stan stepped into the passenger seat he glances back over his shoulder at me and gave me a smile. I don't know why it bugged me so much or why it sent a chill down my spine, but there was something off about that smile.

I shrug it off and turn, locking the door behind me. That was weird.

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