Sixteen Year Old Vampire

By likethecolour

4.3M 105K 33.2K

Never in my life has my mom ever said something so horrible, so disgusting. Never in my sixteen years of livi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13- The Date Part 1
Chapter 13- The Date Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special chapter
Chapter 18
Prologue has been posted

Chapter 19

70.8K 2.9K 1.3K
By likethecolour

Chapter 20 or 19

Two weeks later:

The minute mom heard about me meeting Ashton's parents, she invited them over for lunch. I tried to tell mom that she didn't have to, but she insisted.

So, now here we are, getting ready to have a big family lunch. Mom cooked lunch, Thomas had to lock away our vampire dog, Marcus. And, I tried to lock away uncle- I mean, Thomas locked away the dog....yeah.

We had to put caution tape over the downstairs bathroom, so no one could go in there. It sucks that you have to go upstairs just to use the bathroom, but they could seriously die from the smell. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies.

"Guys chill, Ashton's parents are laid back people." I said, placing my foot on the coffee table, as I relaxed on the sofa after going hunting with Thomas. Mom pushed my feet making them fall on the ground making a loud thud. She glared at me,

"I don't know if you've forgotten or not, but they're the clans leaders." I rolled my eyes,

"Of course I remember," Honestly, I kind of forgot, "But, trust me when I say this. They're nice, humble, down to earth people. They're just normal, nice people. Except for Ashton's mom, she's just weird, and she's already talking grand babies." I said frowning at the thought. Mom suddenly gave me a bright smile,

"You and Ashton would make beautiful babies-"

"Oh, not you too, mom. I'm too young to be talking babies right now." I said, giving my mom my serious face. She frowned,

"Babe, you're like two hundred." I frowned,

"I'm sixteen in human years." Now, it was her turn to roll her eyes. Thomas walked downstairs, looking a hundred years older.He's been stressed lately, because he finally told Martha the truth. Long story short, she freaked.

Of course, she came to me and I told her it was true. She's been ignoring us for two weeks, until finally I confronted her. She was breaking my brothers heart by ignoring him, and I wasn't having any of that. So, basically I told her to get over it, and then I invited her to this lunch thing.

Hopefully she'll show.

"Did I hear something about grand babies?" Thomas asked sitting next to me, putting his feet on the coffee table. Mom gave Thomas a death glare, and he raised his arms in mock surrender,

"What did I do?" She looked at his feet then back at him. After a few seconds, he finally got it, and slowly put his feet back on the ground. Mom groaned,

"Great, now I have to clean the coffee table." I rolled my eyes, as she walked into the kitchen to get stuff to clean the table. Thomas looked over at me, his green eyes suddenly looked sad,

"I tried to talk to Martha yesterday," I nodded for him to continue, "But, when she saw me coming towards her she walked the other way." Thomas had no idea that I invited Martha to this lunch thing. What would happen if she didn't show? He would be even more heart-broken.

"She'll get over it, soon. If not I could always threaten her-"

"I'm pretty sure that would make it worst." Thomas interrupted me. I sighed and nodded in agreement,

"I'll talk to her, because she needs to get over it soon. If she continues to break your heart, I'm going to have to knock some sense into her." I said, frowning at the thought of my brother hurting even more. He sighed,

"Let's just hope it never comes to that. We have to let her have her space." I frowned, but nodded my head in agreement. Little did he know...

"Hey, if it isn't my favorite niece and nephew." Uncle said walking in the room with just boxers on, with a jar of Nutella. I groaned as Thomas faked gagged.

"We're your only niece and nephew." Thomas said after a few seconds. Uncle raised an eyebrow,

"Or, are you." What the hell? Okay, let's just pretend he didn't just say that. I cleared my throat,

"Uncle you can't possibly be serious right now. Do you know what today is?" I asked, frowning. He started to look confused,

"It's Hump Day." I slowly shook my head, as Thomas tried to stifle his laughter. Uncle sat next to me, his six pack on display. I don't even see how he has a six pack in the first place, he's too lazy.

"No, it isn't hump day. It's Friday. And, today's the day we're having lunch with Ashton's family." He rolled his eyes, and then tried to sit on the sofa. I glared at him,

"Uncle, lunch is in ten minutes, you need to get dressed now." He groaned and then walked upstairs anyway. Well, not before singing off-key Miley Cyrus songs. He loves her too much.

I sighed, and then relaxed on the sofa. I just need to rest a second. Suddenly, I felt someone breathing in front of my face. I groaned, and slowly opened my eyes. All I saw were sparkly bright green eyes.

"Ashton, why are you breathing so hard in my face." I started to sit up, and he sat next to me.

"We just got here and you were sleeping. Your uncle said that he tried to tell you to stay awake because, we were coming soon, but you still fell asleep." I gasped,

"That butt! I tried to get him ready, and I ended up falling asleep." Ashton just laughed, helping me up. We walked into the kitchen to see everyone sitting at the dining table.

"Hey." I said to everyone at the table. Ashton's brother, Grant, waved. Ashton's Dad, Gavon, nodded in greeting with a smile on his face. While Ashton's mom, Marsha, decided to get up and tackle me. Okay, I was over-exaggerating. She didn't tackle me, she just gave me a huge, unexpected bear hug.

I tried to hug her back, but my back was starting to hurt. So, I just started to pat her back, awkwardly. She pulled back, and gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"So, when are you gonna pop out some grand kids." She said, with a sparkle in her eyes. My eyes grew wide, and Thomas started to laugh.

"She's not getting pregnant anytime soon." My uncle said frowning, Ashton's mom turned to him,

"Why not? She found her mate, now they just need to get it on, and make babies." I turned to Ashton with big eyes. He laughed at my face, and pulled me close into a hug. I sighed as I felt the usual sparks between us, and I felt myself become calm.

"Guys, you're making Elizabeth feel uncomfortable. We'll have babies when we want to have babies. Now, can we continue with lunch." You could feel the power in Ashton's voice as he scolded my uncle and his mom.

I smiled into his chest, I have a powerful mate.

"Sorry Elizabeth." They both apologized at the same time. I turned around in Ashton's arms, so I could see them.

"It's fine."

"So, let's talk about that pizza episode of spongebob." My uncle said sounding like a child. I closed my eyes prepared for Ashton's parents reaction to my weird uncle.

"Oh, I love that episode. I especially love the song." Marsha said, shocking us all. Oh, this is weird. Then it suddenly got worst, when they both began singing the song. I stifled my laughter, that really wanted to come out.

When they stopped my uncle eyed Marsha. Then he gave her a serious look as he asked her a question,

"Do you like Miley Cyrus?" We all turned to Ashton's mom, waiting for her a answer. She slowly nodded,

"Yes, she taught me how to Twerk." Uncle gasped,

"Me too!" He shouted, then they high-fived across the table. I couldn't help it anymore I started to laugh, and everyone else joined me.

"We have to be best friends." My uncle said seriously, and Ashton's mom nodded her head,

"We have to be." Ashton's dad rolled his eyes at the two,

"You two are too weird."

"Well, normal is so overrated." Both uncle and Ashton's mom said at the same time. Oh my glob, I need to get away from these two. Suddenly, the bell rang and I jumped up at the chance to leave the two.

"I'll get it." I shouted, going to the front door, as Ashton's mom, and my uncle talked about Twilight and which side they were on.

I opened the front door, and was shocked at who I saw. Martha gave me a small smile,

"Hey Elizabeth." I gave her a serious look,

"You're not here to break my brothers heart anymore, are you?" She slowly shook her head no, and I gave her a small smile,

"Welcome to the family, also if you ever break my brothers heart again, I'm going to have to kill you." I said, giving her a bright smile. She audibly gulped and slowly nodded,

"I wouldn't break his heart, it's like the other way around." I slowly shook my head, but decided not to comment. My brother was a sweetheart, he wouldn't break anyones heart on purpose.

"Just come inside." She nodded, and I opened the door to let her in. She came inside, and I guided her to the kitchen, even though I knew she already knew where it was. Since she's been over my house before.

The moment we stepped into the kitchen Thomas eyes snapped to hers. His eyes grew wide, and he looked extremely shocked. I smirked,

"I invited Martha to lunch." Thomas slowly stood up, and walked over to her. When they were face to face, he gently grabbed her face. She gave him a small smile. Awww...they were so cute. Then he kissed her. Eww....Nevermind. I do not want to see my brother making out with someone.

Ashton smiled and walked over to me. I raised an eyebrow, what was he doing. Before I could say anything, he crashed his lips into mine. I smiled in the kiss, and started to kiss him back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed in bliss when I felt the sparks, and the warmth between us. I love you, Ashton. My eyes snapped open when I came to that realization. I loved Ashton. I was in love with Ashton.

He pulled back when he noticed that I wasn't kissing him back. He frowned, and I shook my head giving him a smile,

"Let's go for a 'hunt'." I said using air quotes. He smiled and told his parents we were leaving. I waved at my parents, and then we walked outside in the back yard. We started to walk in the forest. I sighed with a smile on my face, the sun was up and at its brightest. And, I started to feel the effects. I started to get really hyper and I started to run, laughing.

"Catch me, Ashton." I said, laughing running farther into the woods. Ashton laughed, and I knew from the sound of footsteps that he was chasing me. We ran for a few minutes until I noticed a clearing in the woods. I stopped and Ashton wrapped his arms around me,

"I got you." I rolled my eyes,

"I stopped running, silly." He laughed and then we sat down in the middle of the clearing. My back was to his chest, and his arms were wrapped around my waist. We were listening to the chirps of the birds. I turned around in his arms, and straddled his waist while we were sitting.

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I've never felt so relaxed, so warm. And, the sun was giving me a high feeling. I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering to his lips, and he noticed this.

"You know, you can kiss me anytime you want." I rolled my eyes,

"Yes of course, I know." I said smiling, he laughed when he noticed my happy mood.

We moved into the shade, so the sun couldn't effect us anymore. I continued to straddle his waist.

"Ashton." I said, trying to get the courage I needed to say what I wanted. He looked up at me,

"Yes, my beautiful mate?" I continued to smile. I've never been this happy before.

"I-I." Okay, so I didn't have the courage. Ashton started to look confused as I continued to stutter. I sighed, frowning because I was too afraid to say it out loud. Well, if I can't tell him....I'll show him. I kissed him, before I could wimp out of it.

He kissed me back, and started to deepen the kiss. Suddenly, everything disappeared, and it was just us Ashton. Ashton's smile, Ashton's smell, Ashton's bright green eyes, Ashton's smirk, Ashton's possessiveness, Ashton's over-protectiveness. I loved it, I loved all of him.

I pulled back and continued to close my eyes. Our lips were really close, and we were breathing really hard.

"Ashton, I love you." I continued to close my eyes, not wanting to see his reaction. I could feel him staring at my face, but I continue used to close my eyes. Ashton gently grabbed my face,

"Elizabeth, open your eyes." I stubbornly shook my head no, making him chuckle. He started to kiss my eyelids,

"Please, open your eyes. I want to see your beautiful hazel eyes." I slowly opened my eyes, and I was shocked when I noticed Ashton's bright big smile,

"Oh, Eli." He hugged me closer, "I love you too." I knew my face probably showed my shock, and he started to smirk,

"Don't look so surprised, you're my mate. I think I started to love you the moment I first saw you. Except, I was kind of busy with something at the time." I nodded in agreement thinking about the time, when I first saw him he was fighting.

"Yeah, you were a little busy." He smirked and then kissed me. It was slow, and it felt like he was trying to show how much he loved me. I smiled and tightened my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. When I was about to deepen the kiss, he pulled back. I pouted, and he quickly pecked my lips.

"I'm so glad you said it first." I rolled my eyes, but laughed anyway,

"You're the guy, you're suppose to say it first."

"Well, it's a new generation. Girls are starting to say it first. I gasped,

"Girls are not saying it first."

"Yes, they so are."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Aha!" I shouted in victory. Ashton groaned when he realized what just happened.

"I let you win." I rolled my eyes, but smiled anyway.

"Awww...look at the little baby pout." He smiled and kissed me, then he groaned,

"I can't wait to mark you." I pulled back,

"Mark me? Isn't that what werewolves do." He nodded,

"Yeah, but we do it too. You have to bite me also, we have to exchange blood to complete the mating process." My eyes grew,

"Really?" And, he nodded,

"Yeah, but I was gonna wait until do it." I stared at him for a while, before I got what he was hinting at.

"Oh." I said, and he laughed,

"Yeah oh." I just continued to smile,

"Let's go back." He nodded, and stood up.

"Okay, and then we'll have a talk about this fantasy of yours." I stood up, and looked over at him with wide eyes,

"What fantasy?" I asked confused. He smirked,

"Of me, naked with only a guitar, serenading you with an Ed Sheeran song." I gasped,

"I'm going to kill Nicole." He smirked,

"Not before you catch me first." Then he started to run, I rolled my eyes, but chased him anyway laughing along the way. Maybe going to that human high school in the first place wasn't so bad at all.

________________I'm in love with Dylan o'Brien___________________

Yeah, sorry I made Ashton's eyes pop out during the last chapter, lol. I only edit, when I'm finished with the story, well at least I try to edit. Epilogue next chapter, and yes I'm going to try and do a sequel. Someone (rudely) stated that my story didn't have a plot or conflict, blah blah blah, so I'm going to make sure my sequel will be amazing and full of action, and all that good stuff. And, it'll actually have a plot.

Okay guys help me it a clan or coven? Lol, but seriously....what do you guys think. Because when I write clan, people say coven so...which one. I googled clan or coven for vampires, and google didn't really help. Either that, or I wasn't looking hard enough, which wouldn't be surprising because I'm awfully lazy, lol.

Okay...sequel ideas. I can continue the sequel with Ashton and Elizabeth. Or I could make it Thomas and Martha's story....or....that's all I got. I was going to make Ashton's mom, and Elizabeth's uncle mates, but I decided that, that would just make things complicated. So, they're just bff's......for now.

I love you guys, you're the best fans in the world, and I know that my vampires aren't suppose to see themselves in the mirrors, lol. But, I kind of wanted to write my own version of vampires, and they can see themselves in the mirror.

I know I have this weird problem where I write Ranged when it's just Rang....I know. And I'll edit it out soon, okay guys. Hmmm,...

I seriously love you guys though, remember that. You can message me if you want, I don't bite, I'm not a bitch. I'm just a weird person, who's also a milkoholic.

Okay don't judge me time don't eat the skin on chicken. I think it tastes weird. I'll eat the skin on fried chicken sometimes, but other than that I don't eat the skin on chicken. Don't judge me.

Okay you can comment your own Don't judge me thing if you

Books of the moment: Trouble Maker, 3 Stepbrothers, The Change, Technical match, Eternity in the castle, In 27 Days (seriously, this could be one of my favorite stories on here, along with 3 Stepbrothers), and Alpha's Babies.

Question of the chapter: Did you know that Channing Tatum was a stripper? Did you care when you found out?....I thought it made him seem hotter (Don't Judge Me, lol)

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