Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Wow. This food is amazing, June." Thomas moaned, as he scooped up some more food. I would describe what we were eating, but I was too busy staring at Ashton. Not full on creepy staring. But, when he wasn't looking, I would stare at him.

He caught me once, and surprisingly gave me a small smile, instead of a smug smirk like I was expecting. June smiled at Thomas, obviously loving the compliment.

I looked down at my plate, and started to eat, before Ashton could catch me staring. I don't know what it was, but Ashton was looking even more handsome, tonight.

I noticed Cindy Rivers giving me the evil eye a few times. I still didn't understand what the problem was. Sure, I called her a few names, but she called me a few too. She has a boyfriend, and I have a mate.

Cindy was dressed up, with her sandy brown hair up in a bun, and a cute dress. And, surprisingly she wasn't caked up on make-up, like at school. No, it looked like she wasn't making wearing make-up at all. She actually looked really young without make-up. And, if she wasn't scowling, she would actually look pretty.

"So, Elizabeth." I looked up to find June smiling at me, "My son tells me you're in all senior classes, but you're only sixteen. Are you graduating early?" She asked, curiously. I quickly glanced at my mom and she nodded,

"Yes. I'm graduating early, and so is my brother. He's only a junior, but all of his classes are senior classes too." She smiled at my brother again, and then continued to eat. The table was filled with silence after that. All you could hear was the clatter of plates.

Suddenly, June and my mom started to talk about god knows what, and Collin and Thomas started to talk about guy stuff. Cindy and Collins sister started to talk, and Connor was too engrossed in his food to talk to anyone. That just left Ashton and I.

"You look beautiful." Ashton murmured so softly, that if I wasn't a vampire, I wouldn't have been able to hear it. Immediately my cheeks started to heat up. I looked down at my plate, surprised that I, Elizabeth Edwards, actually blushed because of three words. I'm officially a red-faced hormonal human girl.

"Thanks." I muttered, staring at my plate like it was the most interesting thing.

"You don't look so bad yourself." He really didn't, he looked sexy. He was wearing a bright green dress shirt, that made his eyes pop, and black dress pants. His hair was sticking in different directions, like usual. But, he looked good with it.

"Thank you." He said smiling at me, I smiled back. And, that was the end of our conversation. As much as I wanted to talk about the wonders of human high school (Sarcasm), I'd rather talk about the mate thing. I knew that Ashton was thinking the same thing.

The mate conversation was gonna happen. Tonight. And, as much as I'd rather have it now. I know that yelling at a dinner table, at somebody else's house may be a tad bit inappropriate.

After everyone finished, and after convincing mom that washing the dishes is not a guests job, we were out the door. I waved at Collins family one last time, before they shut the door.

"Is this how it befriend the neighbors?" I asked, and mom nodded. I smiled, "I like it." Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand from behind. I didn't have to look back to know it was Ashton.

He pulled me towards him, "When you go home, go to your room and unlock the window. Then, we'll have the talk." I nodded, and suddenly he was gone. I turned around and noticed Thomas and Mom watching me. I have them a smile, and walked over.

"He was just telling me goodbye." Mom raised an eyebrow,

"When did you get a boyfriend, Elizabeth." I bit my lip. I opened my mouth to answer but Thomas beat me to it,

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