Another Girl, Another Zombie

By CallMeLy

2.1K 58 18

[Part of my ZOMBIES fic series] I know it might be crazy, but did you hear the story? No, not that story. The... More

Do You Like-Like The Zombie?
I Think That Cheerleader Likes Me
Not Your Average Guy
Little Zombie Angel
Sounds Like A Fantasy
I Have Your Back No Matter What

A Rich Language

192 7 2
By CallMeLy

(Ok, I'm really sorry for how late this is...! I took a break on the day I was originally gonna post this because I started feeling like I wanted something else to happen first but I could not think of any ideas so I gave myself the day to think about it. Then I decided to just go with this original idea anyway but it was taking me so long, I was literally falling asleep writing last night so I had to put off finishing it until now. This is now the longest one-shot in AGAZ, and possibly in both of the ZOMBIES one-shot collections...? I've had the two headcanons involved in this one for ages. And I did not stop to consider how hard it might be to try writing an actual two-way conversation entirely in Zombie but it was necessary

I'm switching round the upload schedule after this, BtB will be updated on odd-numbered days and this will be updated on even. And now, some very sweet (I hope) Bronzo-y goodness~)

"He only speaks Zombie-tongue. I don't really know why, he can understand English fine. But he doesn't speak it."

Addison had warned Bree of the potential one-sided language barrier not too long after first hearing about her friend's crush. And Bree had been thinking about it. A lot. Probably more than she needed to. They had shared a moment at the cheer championship, she was sure of that, and it hadn't been too much of a problem. And at the moment when it really mattered, when he really wanted and needed her to understand, he spoke in English. Just one word, but it had filled Bree with so much happiness to hear.


She never would have thought one single word could make her feel like that. Someone, anyone, calling her "graceful" was guaranteed to lift her spirits higher than any cheer, but coming from him... and especially since it was, as far as she could tell, so rare for him to speak English, it made her feel like she was walking on air.

Their first date had been incredible. They had spent hours together. Hours dancing, laughing and talking. Even if she didn't always know what he was saying, what he was thinking and feeling always came across crystal clear through his actions. And despite the fact they had been side-by-side for almost the entire afternoon right into the evening, Bree still couldn't help but feel it had been cut way too short by that pesky sunset curfew.

He had done it again, just seconds before they ran out of time. Saying something so sweet and so genuine out of the blue, in English, was something special.

"You're perfect."

But she wanted to return the favour. And makes things easier for him. If this was going to get anywhere, Bree decided she had to put in some effort.


The Monday morning after the block party, and their date, Bonzo had greeted her in the hall with another lifted-of-the-floor hug, making her laugh out loud. Zed settled for throwing an arm over Addison's shoulder and pulling her close. He leaned down.

"Well, they seem happy."

Addison could only grin in reply and rest her head on his chest as she watched Bonzo gently lower Bree back down again. Eliza, leaning against the lockers with her arms folded, tried to look indifferent but the small smile playing on her lips betrayed her. The bell rang before anything else could be said and Zed, kissing Addison's cheek, and Bonzo, kissing Bree's hand, headed off to class. Addison, having to be halfway across the school, took off with a quick "bye!" called over her shoulder. Neither Bree nor Eliza had far to go and walked together. Bree, however, was feeling a little anxious. Not about Eliza, they had spent some time bonding at the block party, after all, but about what she was going to ask her. She was trying to find a way to bring it up when Eliza spoke up instead.

"So... I heard you and Bonzo were getting pretty cozy in the light garden at the zombie mash."

Bree, eyes wide, stared at Eliza, who chuckled at her expression.

"Did he tell you that, or did Addy...?" she asked with a small cringe.

"Both. Although, Addison wanted to leave out the part where she interrupted your almost-kiss."

Bree would have inwardly groaned at that, if not for the fact that Bonzo, apparently, had been talking about her. And just the mention of it brought back the memory. Bree's face broke into a smile and she looked down, but Eliza saw and nudged her.

"Somebody's got it bad, huh?"

Bree blushed and both girls giggled, but a moment later, Bree's giggling faded.

"Um... Eliza, can I ask you a favour...?"

"Sure. What do you need?"

"Could you teach me some Zombie-tongue?"


"OK. Let's get the basics out of the way."

It was the end of the school day and Bree and Eliza had found a spot to work in the library. They told Addison, Zed and Bonzo that they were working on a project together and insisted they head home without them. Bonzo had lingered back for just a second and waved at Bree with a soft smile before turning to follow Zed and Addison. Eliza had to snap her fingers in front of Bree's face to get her attention back on the matter at hand.

Now, the two of them were sitting at a desk in a corner behind the bookshelves. Not everyone in the library would be happy to see a zombie there, and Eliza decided she'd prefer to keep any conflict to a minimum while she was trying to help out her friend. As she pulled out a notepad and a pen, she began explaining.

"Zombie-tongue sounds pretty complicated, but it's really not. It doesn't have such a strictly defined set of rules like English and most of the time, you go with whatever is physically easiest to say. The first zombies made the language to be easier on loose jaws and tight muscles, plus slower brain activity. They didn't have Z-bands back then, all of that stuff was still being developed, so the zombies couldn't talk, but once they started tests for cures, they could at least make some kind of noise that sounded close enough for it to make a language. Most of us don't need to rely so much on Zombie-tongue anymore since we got the Z-bands. Bonzo's just... one of the few that has a little trouble..." she trailed off, unsure of whether or not to say anything else on the subject.

Bree cocked her head, "Why is that?"

Eliza paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"I... don't really think it's my place to tell you that. You should really hear it from him first," then, when she noticed Bree's discouraged look, she quickly added, "But, look, this thing you guys got going on? It's going pretty well. Better than I thought it would. Like, Bonzo really likes you, OK? Really likes you. You'll know about all that stuff eventually. But doing this is gonna be a big help. You have no idea how much this'll mean to him."

Bree gave her a grateful smile and with that, they got to work.


A couple of weeks had passed and somehow Bree and Bonzo still hadn't quite progressed past the whole more-than-friends-but-not-quite-girlfriend-and-boyfriend stage of their relationship. They had been on another date, at least, a double date with Zed and Addison, but it was as if neither one of them could bring themselves to take that final step. Not just yet. There was something nice about where they were at now. Comfortable. But, Bree thought to herself, they couldn't stay stuck in this stage for much longer.

There was some progress being made, though, in Bree's Zombie-tongue. Zed had translated a little for her on the date, but if she was being honest, she could understand a reasonable amount of what Bonzo had said. It was just that she wanted it to be a surprise when she was confident enough to finally speak fully in Zombie.

It kind of threw a wrench into the works when it was announced that all human students would soon be required to take a Zombie-tongue class. It was another part of the gradual integration program; Mr Zeck, the former janitor and zombie teacher, had even been offered the position of teaching (and this time, he wouldn't have to still be the janitor too). Of course, this would help, Bree wasn't going to deny that. It would just be a lot harder to surprise Bonzo now that he knew she would be learning Zombie-tongue anyway.

But she would still be able to talk to him. That's what mattered. And on top of that, she had gotten a head start on studying. Bonzo was already excited by the announcement. More people would be able to understand him, which meant more potential friends. Bree couldn't help beaming at him as he rambled on about it to their whole table at lunch, although she seemed to be the only one giving him her full attention. His excitement was contagious and, despite what it did to her plans, Bree was all too eager to start the official Zombie-tongue class.


Eliza caught up to Bree on her way to the cheer lounge, heading for computer club herself.

"Hey," she greeted her, "I guess you won't need my tutoring anymore."

"What? No, I'll totally still need it! You can teach me to speak way more casually than I'm gonna learn in school. And specific things, too, things I actually wanna say to Bonzo, and-"

"And you want to impress Bonzo by being more advanced than everybody else?"

Bree hmphed slightly at that, holding her head up.

"This is not about impressing him, it's about making things easier for him."

"... But it's also about impressing him." Eliza smirked.

"OK, so maybe it is, is that so bad?" Bree suddenly turned hesitant, "... Is it...?"

"Learning a language basically just so you can talk to a guy and get him to like you, as if he didn't already?" she paused, but then shook her head, smiling, "For once, I'm gonna say no. You're doing this 'cause you honestly like him. You're taking it seriously. Nothing wrong with that, and everything right with it."


Bree had been trying to keep the tutoring thing under wraps, just in case it worked its way back to Bonzo and ruined the surprise before she was ready. But she should have known that, sooner or later, Addison would figure it out. She couldn't hide anything from her best friend. They had just gotten their first Zombie-tongue tests back.

"Excellent work, Bree!" Mr Zeck had said with a surprised smile as he handed hers over. Addison had shot her a questioning look then as they filed out of the classroom, she had pulled Bree aside.

"What did you ge- An A?" she took hold of Bree's arm and practically forced her to show the paper, then looked up at her in amazement, "How did you get an A? I didn't even come close and I'm actually dating a zombie. Then again, you're the one chasing the guy who only speaks Zombie..." she laughed a little but suddenly stopped as she connected the dots. She slowly grinned and grabbed Bree's hands, "Has this got something to do with Bonzo?"

"Sshh, Addy...!" Bree hissed, knowing the boys were coming to meet them, "Yes... I want to surprise him. Eliza's been tutoring me."

"No way!" Addison let out a partially-stifled shriek as they started walking, "This is beyond adorable, have you actually tried talking to him yet?"


"Well, when are you going to?"

"I guess whenever our next date is gonna be." Bree shrugged.

"You need to tell me how it goes after."

"Of course I will. Like I'm not gonna tell you."

"Tell you what?"

They both jumped at the sound of Zed's voice just a few feet ahead of them. Bonzo was right behind him, instantly drawn to Bree when he saw her.

"Nothing. Just girl talk." Addison waved a hand, not even looking at Zed. She was too interested in Bonzo and Bree.

As per usual, Bonzo had scooped Bree up into a hug, leaving her giggling as she stepped back onto the floor. He noticed the paper in her hand which she hadn't had the chance to put away.


He reached for it but she quickly snatched it away, making sure he didn't see.

"We got our Zombie-tongue tests back today." She said simply and held the paper behind her back. Bonzo gave her a teasing smile.


She scoffed, bringing a hand to her chest in mock offense, "I am not embarrassed! I didn't do too bad, actually."

She slipped the paper into her bag and grinned up at him confidently.


"Za!" she gently prodded his chest. She wasn't giving away too much with that.

Bonzo took her hand.

"Geh, Breeska," he pulled her a step closer, "Ru, ag zet, grag zall?"

"A walk?" Now, that would be an opportunity.

"Za. Zav garzeek?" This weekend?

Still nothing too complicated that she'd have to act like she needed Zed to translate. She nodded. Still watching from the side, Addison was trying to keep herself from bursting.

"Addy?" Zed said, confused, "What's up? They've been on a couple dates already, why so cheery over a walk?"

"You'll find out."


There were still a lot of "no zombies" signs up around Seabrook. And some places that allowed zombies to enter, but had restricted sections. They weren't really planning on going anywhere, just to wander and enjoy each other's company, but the sight of the signs and posters was obviously bringing the mood down. He tried not to show it, but Bree could tell Bonzo noticed every one of them.

The park was open to them, though. There were patrol officers walking around but it was open. A few other zombies were out and about, but they seemed to be the only human/zombie pair and they were getting a few funny looks here and there. Bree squeezed Bonzo's hand tighter and offered a sweet smile. He felt just a bit better and smiled back at her. He could be here with her and that was a start. What did some sour-faced humans matter? Things would improve, someday. He tried not to think about it and they kept walking. Bree chatted a little and Bonzo was happy to just listen to her for a while. Until-


He looked down.

"... Ru grodge?"

He couldn't help smiling at her using Zombie, but he definitely didn't suspect anything just yet.


"Zazig?" She came to a stop, forcing him to stop as well. Really?

Bonzo stood for a moment, looking at her. Sure, things weren't moving as fast in Seabrook as he'd have wanted, but Bree was here, making this effort for him. He wasn't going to lie to her and pretend he was fine with everything, though. He glanced around, catching a couple of humans' eyes who quickly turned away. He sighed.

"Agru ja'zon agz aza..." They shouldn't stare at us...

He felt a hand on his cheek. Bree, standing on tip-toes, carefully titled his head down to face her. He thought she would be about to ask if he was worried about those people. He didn't expect her to be able to understand him well enough yet to be answering him.

"Agrap zu agru aza," let them stare, she murmured, "Agz zegrere, zet." We're staying together.

Bonzo laughed lightly, taking her hand from his cheek and kissing it. What she said touched him, but not as much as her saying it in his language. "Zon bragan zu ru?" You don't mind?

"Zon," Bree shook her head, gently pulling on his hand to start walking again, alongside a low stone wall, "Gar-ziga. Ru zreek, zrill zet, zaff zet..." I like you. You're sweet, talented, funny... She listed off the things she'd asked Eliza to teach her, "Ag agrap aza ro, zu ru. Zon zorog." I'll take people staring if it's for you. I don't care.


He was definitely surprised. She couldn't have learned all of this in school.

"Za?" her voice was quiet.

"... Agz zazig garzalk..." We're having a real conversation, "Gra'zon ru..." You couldn't...

They came to a stop once more, a little further out of sight from anyone, almost hidden beneath the tree branches. Bree looked down, a coy smile playing on her lips. She shrugged, swaying back and forth.

"I had a little help."


"Eliza. I asked her if she'd tutor me, like... a month before the class started at school."

Bonzo could barely contain himself. He engulfed Bree in a hug and swung her around, making her laugh and cling to him. He put her down on the wall in front of him so they were just about face-to-face and, without even a second of hesitation, he kissed her. She certainly hadn't been expecting that but her arms quickly came to wrap around his neck and her eyes fluttered closed.

She was learning his language, and it wasn't just because she had to. She was doing it for him. And she wanted to be with him no matter what other humans thought. Slowly, Bonzo pulled away only a small distance, leaving Bree breathless, before he hugged her tightly yet again. His lips rested just above her ear.

"Gar-garziga, Breeska." It came out as a mere whisper, but she heard it.


Bonzo nuzzled into her hair, running his fingers through it. Bree sighed, completely relaxing in his arms. They were both thinking the same thing.

I guess that makes it official.


Eliza had just turned away from the cauli-brains stand and taken one single step forwards when she was lifted off the ground and crushed by a pair of strong arms, someone's chin on top of her head.

"Wh- Bonzo? What...?"

"Gazaru...!" he shook her side-to-side, a little too aggressively, "Gazar, gazar, gazar, gazar...!"

He pressed an overly-enthusiastic kiss to the top of her head.

"Wow, OK, uh, what are you thanking me for?"


And with that, he let her go, his arms open wide as he spun round, heading back home. As he made his way up the porch steps, his hands drummed on the railings, and the various instruments placed there.

"Ohh..." Eliza nodded slowly as it clicked, smiling.

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