Do You Like-Like The Zombie?

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(Time for the Bronzo one-shot collection~! As I said in Beyond the Barrier, I'll be updating either that or this every other day. And I posted my mutants theory fic, A Zombie History Lesson, which gives some context to some things that are coming up in Beyond the Barrier so if you're reading that, I recommend you read History Lesson too! Now, to Bronzo. This ended up much longer than I thought it would be. We're starting with the story of how Bree first got interested in Bonzo, and this weekend (probably), you can expect the story of how Bonzo first got interested in Bree~)

This... is a bad idea...

Bree's eyes went wide at the mention of spirit sticks. She remembered being told that in an emergency, fire would always, always, scare away a zombie. But that was in an emergency. This was a pep rally, and the zombies, as far as she could tell, had only come to watch like everybody else. What was Bucky's deal? Couldn't he just let them go?

She didn't dare say anything, though. She wasn't about to risk getting kicked off the squad, especially not when she was just a stand-in.

She pushed it to the back of her mind and followed Addison out into the gym, giving her friend a good-luck hug and an encouraging grin before she took her place by the bleachers. As the music started and the cheer squad ran into position, the spirit sticks were forgotten. Despite being stuck on the sidelines, Bree couldn't help cheering along, more for Addy than for the Mighty Shrimps. Somewhere behind her, she heard someone chanting, a deep voice, but certainly enthusiastic. She glanced up into the crowd and among the few zombies dotted around, she recognised the one they'd seen in Zombie Town the night before. Zed, Addison had told her. But he wasn't the one chanting – it was the taller zombie beside him. He was obviously enjoying himself, despite the sour look the girl next to him, another friend of theirs, Bree assumed, was giving him. Something about the scene made Bree giggle to herself.

She turned back to the action, feeling good knowing even the zombies were having fun. Then she was reminded of why she was so worried about them earlier. The spirit sticks.


Bree's head snapped back round to the crowd behind her. Every zombie there looked at least a little concerned but the boy who had only a moment ago seemed so happy to be there, was suddenly shaking in fear. Zed had an arm around him, restraining him, and was clearly trying to calm him down but it was no use. He broke out of Zed's grip, knocking him down, and began pushing his way down to the floor. Bree's hands flew to her mouth, her pom-poms partially blocking her view. The boy was terrified and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him, and even a little guilty. Maybe she should have spoken up when Bucky came up with his plan.

It all went downhill from there. In his blind panic, the zombie boy ran straight through the cheerleaders' path, causing the three boys standing there to flee before they could catch-

"Addy...!" Bree gasped when she saw.

"Addison!" Zed called out at the same time.

His voice was oddly low and gruff, and his eyes looked way too dark. There wasn't much time to think about that, though, as he came crashing down the bleachers and sent the football team flying on his way to catch Addison just in time. The whole room burst into cheers, Zed was taken away by the coach and Bree rushed to Addison's side.

"Addy, oh my gosh, are you OK?" the words came tumbling out, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Bree, I'm fine..." She seemed slightly dazed but otherwise alright. Still, Bree couldn't help fussing a little. Addison's eyes were fixed on the door Zed had walked out of a minute ago. Bree sighed and shook her head, giving her a quick once-over just to make sure, but something was bothering her. She looked around.

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