I Have Your Back No Matter What

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(I'm bringing back AGAZ! For as long as I can keep coming up with Bronzo story ideas~

It's Friday, and Friday is Bonzo Day~!)

By now, Bree's dad had (mostly) warmed up to the idea of his daughter dating a zombie. It had been a little tense when they met but nothing drastic happened, but what still confused Bree was why Bonzo always avoided talking about his own parents, and why he never brought up her meeting them. And why it seemed she only ever went to his house in Zombie Town when they weren't home. In fact, Bonzo didn't seem to spend much time with his family – or at least with his mom and dad. One day, when he was over at her house, Bree's curiosity got the better of her.

They were sitting together on her bed, Bree half in Bonzo's lap, watching a movie on her laptop when she worked up the nerve to say something. She tipped her head back onto his shoulder and looked up at him.


He glanced down at her and pressed his lips to her temple, "Hm?"

"Um..." how could she ask this? "... Are you...gonna introduce me to your parents soon?"

Bonzo's eyes widened for a split second and he quickly looked away to hide it, "Ru..." he turned back to her, calmer now, "Ru zon quag." You don't want to.

His fingers were fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She knew his nervous stims by now.

"I do!" she gently shook his arm with a reassuring smile, "We've been together for months, you've met my parents, shouldn't I meet yours?"

He had hoped he could avoid the subject a little while longer, at least until he could figure out how to explain it to her. It took him a few seconds to answer, "Zon. Zongro garzedd-zig." No. That's a bad idea.

"What? Why?"

"Greh zazig." It just is.

Her brow furrowed in confusion and she paused the movie, "Bonzo, I just want to meet them, it doesn't have to b-"

"Gra'zon," You can't, he almost snapped and she was stunned, "Ag zon quag." I don't want to.

Bonzo never spoke so sharply. Not with her, not with anyone.

"I..." she shook her head and held up her hands, "You don't want me to? I-Is it... Is it me?"

"Zon! Zon ru, Breeska," It's not you, Bree, he said firmly, suddenly taking her by the hands and pulling her closer, "Gar-garziga. Bak, agru..." I love you. But, them...

He couldn't finish his sentence. He sucked in a breath and sniffed, his eyes down, and Bree's concerns shifted. She had a feeling this was serious, but she knew it was important for her to know.

"What about them?"

He was quiet, his eyes downcast and his fingers now stimming with the bedsheets. Bree could see droplets forming in his eyes.

"Agru zon garziga'g..." They don't love me... "Greh, zon ziga'g, zet...!" They don't even like me...!

Bree immediately reached out to stroke his cheek, "Oh, Bonzo...!" she tilted his head down to look at her, "That... that can't be true, they're your family."

Bonzo looked away for a moment and shrugged, "Agru zon zorog," They don't care, then turned back to her, "Zon zorog vi ag got, z'ag gruzic, grarg, zet," They don't care if I eat, or about my music or art, "Agru..." he trailed off, hurriedly wiping away the tears threatening to spill over his eyelids.

"Bon-Bon?" Bree almost whispered, placing a hand on his arm. Bonzo let out a shaky breath.

"Agru zon garzedd-zig ag bragan." They don't believe I'm autistic.

"What? They don't... believe you?"

He shook his head, "Egrall zonmagra zu zombie. Reez, deh zer-garzand." They say it's impossible for a zombie. Because of the Z-bands.

"How dare they?" it surprised Bonzo how angry she sounded all of a sudden, "How can anybody treat their own son like that?"


"Do Zed and Eliza's parents know about this?"

"Za. Agru grep vi magra." Yeah. They help when they can.

"What about Izabelle?"

Now, he smiled, "Izaka garziga'g," Iza loves me, "Agz... zama bragan." We have the same condition.

Bree nodded in understanding and moved her hand to his, "And her parents? Your aunt and uncle?"

"Agru paka, ag maka janook... zreck..." Her dad, my mom's brother... he tries... "Bak, Izaka maka grodge. Garziga'gru." But Iza's mom is great. I love her.

There was a pause. Bree wasn't sure how to feel. She was upset and angry and sorry, but at the same time, thankful that he had some support. Her voice softened.

"So this is why you're always over at someone else's house?"

"Za. Kazru droz grog z'agz garzrea." We fight a lot at home.

Bree huffed, "I swear, if I did meet them, I'd give them a piece of my mind."


"I would! So maybe I really shouldn't," she folded her arms and leaned back against his shoulder, "Or maybe I really should..."

"Zrag ru z'ag, greh," I just need you with me, "Droz." That's enough.

She wrapped her arms around him and he pulled her back into his lap.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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