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(Here we are at the end of Another Girl, Another Zombie! We're finishing on a few little drabbles and scenes set at various points in the first, I'd say, year and a half, maybe, of Bronzo's relationship~ You wanna know why this took so long? I wanted the 3 'Friendly Competition' drabbles to be done as the first two with Bonzo "winning" and the last one with Zed "winning" but I just couldn't figure out exactly what to write for Zed's win, so I changed it to "they're not even competing anymore". But I've had the rest done for a few days now and I'm honestly quite proud of them!

BtB is still going, I'm just struggling to figure out how to write the couple of ideas I have for it atm. I've started plotting out the Big Project and the Bronzo AU more in depth so they should be coming soon enough, and I just came up with another one-shot collection idea today - one centred around my headcanons about the background zombies! (Speaking of the BG zombies, I mention Izabelle once in here, if you haven't read BtB, she's the one with dark curly hair and long green sleeves, I headcanon her as Bonzo's cousin. And Bonzo's not-so-good relationship with his parents is explained in BtB as well~)

One more note - any other writers who might want some help with Zombie-tongue translations, I've posted a breakdown of mine on Tumblr and anyone can use it, in whole or in part, as long as you credit me, or if you're just interested in how mine works you can check it out. It's all tagged as "zombie tongue")

Eliza Finds Out

"No. No...! You're kidding me. You too? Who?"

"... Breeska."

"Who's that?"

"Addy's friend on the squad."

"So, a cheerleader? Another cheerleader?"

"Gozig bragan?"

"The problem, Bonzo, is that it's the cheerleaders who still want us gone."

"Addison doesn't! And Bree's her best friend, don't you think that counts fo-"

"Addison chose cheer over you. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is."

"She didn't choose cheer over me, Bucky just won't let her talk to me!"

"And she gave in to him."

"Bak Breeska... Garzedd-zig, zazig, agru garziga'g."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Agru z'ag aza, droz grog."

"All the time?"


"But you haven't talked to her."

"... Zon..."

"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt. Either of you. And this could hurt."


My Human Girlfriend

It took a while for him to tell them, because he knew exactly what they would say and he just didn't want to deal with it. He only said it now because his mom had asked.

"Where've you been going lately, by the way?"

Bonzo had paused on his way out the door, turning to her with a confused look. She hadn't ever really been interested. Even then, it was only a passing question.

"I just noticed you weren't off with Zed or Eliza. Or Izabelle. I don't see why you'd be going into Seabrook without any of them."

He'd hesitated, looking away.

"Zonzrea..." Nowhere...

She'd rolled her eyes and was going back to the kitchen when he decided to just get it over with.

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