Animals (Loki x reader)

By caughtbyfantasy

63.5K 2.1K 927

You happen to have powers no one else has. Every child dreams of being that powerful and there is this associ... More

Why don't you join us?
A throat ripped open
a dead man is a bad lover
Why don't you join me instead?
howl of emotion
The Avengers
First love twice
a lost message
a ripped out heart
him next to you
An unknown power
Escape to Asgard
Thank you for reading

Spirit of the wild

3.6K 154 49
By caughtbyfantasy

"He knew?" , hissed Thor between clenched teeth, seeming very angry. "Why didn't he tell me? He knows how much I miss him. He knows how much I love my brother. Loki did not have an easy childhood, you know. He is adopted and my father did not treat him very well. he was disappointed and he desired a throne but he did not get what he wanted and therefore got frustrated. This is why he attacked New York. He actually is a kind guy and he likes others. He is just misunderstood."

You didn't quite see how you could misunderstand Loki's attack on New York but you didn't dare to mention this. Thor seemed far to convinced about this and there was no need to destroy the picture he had of his brother. Especially because you liked Loki a lot more than Thor knew.

"And about this god thing... Since when can you turn into a wolf?" , asked Thor, walking back to your bed and sitting down.

"Well, I was quite young, just five years old. I' ve been playing in the garden when a thunderstorm came up. I somehow couldn't manage to get inside. The doors were locked and my mother was nowhere to be found. My father had been off for work and wasn't there either. So I had to stay outside. It rained heavily and lightning and thunder made me panic. Instead of taking cover I rushed out onto the meadow and then it happened. Lightning hit me with such a force. I fell to my knees, the pain was unbearable and my body felt as if it was on fire but I didn't die. I can't tell you why. It's still a mystery to me but I don't try to solve it no longer. It's not worth it and it won't work anyway.

"Well, the pain pushed me to the ground and made it unable for me to stand up. At least that's what I though. But eventually the pain eased up and I still couldn't stand on two legs. I was so sure I would die and I really wanted to die at the side of my mother so I started for the house. I instantly noticed that something was different. I crawled a lot faster than normal and so I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were paws. Wolf paws. I guess I should have panicked but I didn't. I was a child and children are strange.

"I felt quite happy about being a wolf and I wanted to try what my new body was capable of. So I started running and jumping around. I was so fast and I was so happy. My new body was a lot better than my old one and so I ran into the forest without ever thinking about my mother again. The wolf made me forget about my family and about my old life. It gave me freedom and peace and made me love my new life. It was awesome. I don't know how long I lived in the forest without any contact to the normal world.

"I got to know my new form. I learned a lot about the nature and life and existence and the meaning of life itself. It made me whole but I started to miss something. When I left the forest the house I had lived in was abandoned. My parents were gone but I found a lot of notes showing my face. They had searched for me but they had given up one day. You know, parents do not give up if it comes to their children. They do a lot but they never give up. A lot of years must have passed. The wolf wasn't outgrown though. On this day I turned back into a human for the first time since I had become a wolf. It was strange. I stumbled and I could barely walk.

"I instantly turned back and ran back into the forest, living my wolf life for a while longer. But I walked back to the house regularly and I regularly changed back into a human and learned to control this process. And one day, when I came there, there was a car. An old woman sat in the car and cried. I felt so much pity for her that I went over to her, as a human of course and timidly knocked at the window. The woman lifted her head and stared at me in disbelieve, than she threw the door open.

"'(y/n)' , she yelled and I instantly knew that this was my mother just as she had known that it was me. I fell into her arms, sobbing and she held me and pet my head and simply was there. 'Your father died two days ago', she said and then she cried and now it was my turn to hold her and pet her and calm her down. She was so done, Thor. She told me about their desperate search and how they had given up after 27 years. 27 years, Thor. I told you that parents don't give up. But they still hoped for me to turn up. They didn't sell the house so I could live there when I returned. I broke them, Thor. I broke them without knowing. "

Tears were running down your cheeks but you didn't make a sound while crying. It was just the tears and your eyes turning red.

"We talked for hours and she asked me politely if I may move in with her. Into the old house. I was very sorry to tell her that I couldn't. I told her that the forest had become my home and that I couldn't live in a house because I would suffocate there. I told her that I needed the wild but that I would visit her frequently if she moved into this house again. She was so happy Thor. So happy.

"Without hesitation she moved back into this house just to be near me. She had only spend five years with her beloved child before it disappeared and came back 54 years after vanishing. 54 years, Thor. She had been waiting for so long to see me again and there I was. I just crawled out of a bush and she loved me as if no time had passed. I was confused though. I didn't look like a 59 years old but like a 18 years old. My mother didn't care. I was back and she was so happy.

"I visited her twice after she had moved in. The third time ended in a tragedy. I had no clue how powerful the wolf was. It had always listened to me. It had always obeyed my rules but back then it just didn't. I grew angry without any obvious reason and then it happened. I lost control. I turned into a wolf in front of my mother and she gasped in panic. I attacked her without hesitation and she cried for help. She cried and yelled and the wolf was so annoyed by this. I was there, buried deep inside the wolf, held on a short leash, unable to interfere, banished to watch.

"I watched her die. I watched her bleed to dead. This is not how a wolf normally kills. A wolf doesn't rip ones throat open and watches them die. A wolf suffocates its pray and that's what I did back in the forest. The wolf killed my mother in the cruellest way available and the wolf watched and made me watch. The eyes of my mother, I can still sometimes see them in my dreams. Her beautiful (ym/ec) eyes were filled with terror. She was in tremendous pain. She lay there for an hour. Whenever she lost consciousness the wolf bit her awake.

"It broke my heart and I will never be able to get rid of the pictures. They are burnt deep into my brain and I can't loosen them. As soon as my mother was dead I regained control, turned back into a human and cried over my mother for hours until I felt stiff and no tears were left in my body. I slowly went to the phone and called the police, telling them exactly what happened, which was quite dumb if I think about it now. But I didn't want my mother to rot in this house. She deserved a beautiful grave and people who cried because of the loss. I knew that she had friends in the village my parents had moved to when they gave up on me. They would miss her.

"As soon as I hung up I turned into the wolf, left the house and hid in the forest but I could still see the house and hear what was going on and I could still feel the blood covering my pelt and smell the iron in it. My head was nearly exploding with thoughts and emotions. I stayed and listened. The police found my mom and no matter how absurd they found my story to be, they believed it as the traces couldn't be misunderstood. So they started searching for the wolf. For me. No matter how bad I felt about killing my mother, I just didn't want to be shot by a police officer because they would for sure shoot me if they found me. I was a wolf, capable of turning into a human. I was a danger for the human race. I had to get moving.

"So I got up and I ran for my life and the police officers heard me and they had dogs with them and they made them hunt me. I didn't run too fast in my panic and so the dogs caught up with me. They didn't attack me though. They stopped as soon as they saw me. Their eyes were fixed on me and it seemed as if they were waiting for an order. I howled and winced and cried and they simply bowed their heads and comforted me. They licked my pelt tidy and licked me until I stopped shaking and not a single drop of blood was left in my fur.

"'Thank you' , I muttered and they simply bowed their heads and waited. I stood there, not knowing what to do. 'Well... go back to your owners' , I stammered and they licked my face for the last time and then they turned on their heels and ran back to their owners. I just sank down and closed my eyes. Some sort of comatose sleep overwhelmed me and made me close my eyes.

"I was woken by a stinging pain and the sound of a gun being fired. I instantly rose to my paws. There were this police men, their dogs beside them, growling at them and I just yelled 'make them stop. God! Make them stop'. Then the police men fired again and the animals of the forest came rushing to help me. So did the dogs. They suddenly started attacking their owners while birds were pecking at the eyes of the men, squirrels bit into their hands, mice chewed their shoes and a herd of deer attacked them. Too many animals died in this battle. I did rage between them, loosing control over the wolf again, killing all the men.

"After the battle was over I just stood there and stared at all the bodies. The remaining animals had left as soon as the battle was won, without a glance at me. I had been shot multiple times but I felt fine and healthy and as I checked my body there were no wounds to be found. This was the day I realized that my body was capable of healing very fast and that the animals would listen to my cry. It was the worst day of my life. I ran as far and as fast as my legs could carry me, leaving all those bodies and the helpless dogs that just had killed their owners and didn't know where to go or what to do. I'm cruel Thor. I can't possibly be a god."

Thor stared at you with wide eyes. you were still crying and you didn't bother about the sobbing shaking your body. After a second of silence Thor just hugged you. He held you tight and you breathed in the wild scent of his body. You had never told this story before but it felt so good that you finally had.

"I'm so sorry, Lady (y/n). I didn't know. And the next thing I will say will not please you, but I still believe you are a god. The fast healing, the ability to talk to animals, the shape shifting into a wolf and the slow ageing. You survived being hit by lightning without needing immediate medical attention, without even keeping a single scar. You very much remember me of Loki, you know. How old are you now?" , muttered Thor, petting your hair.

"127 years" , you sobbed, knowing that you looked like a 20 years old.

"Well, spirit of the wild suits you well, welcome to the rank of gods"

A/N I've been writing three chapters today without the slightest problem. This one was the easiest to write until now. Thanks to the god of inspiration. I owe you. Hope you like this chapter and your background story. You had a very tough life until now.

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