60 Flavors Of Ice-Cream

By WolfieJennie

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Let's take our daughter to a lonely island in Greece to spend a month of the summer. Away from everything, he... More

60 Flavors Of Ice-Cream
Chapter 1 - Kind of a Prologue
Chapter 2 - 86 Stairs
Chapter 3 - Quince being...?
Chapter 5 - Batsi Beach
Chapter 6 - Zacharias' mousse
Chapter 7 - Grandma Eleni
Chapter 8 - Tis Grias To Pidima
Chapter 9 - Full Moon

Chapter 4 - Jason

122 14 0
By WolfieJennie

Hey guys! Summer vacation time and I'm writing EVERY story possible like a mad woman!!! So, enjoy and tell me if you have an idea about the actor who should play Jason!!! :) :) :)

"And she said to me, the sales were so low that we had to hire a lawyer", says Mr. Athanasopoulos, making both my parents and his wife laugh like maniacs. While me, being me, is trying to eat my fish, without puking. Whoever made it has clearly no idea about the difference between raw fish or even sushi and cooked fish. Jason Athanasopoulos, sitting across of me seems to share my opinion as he has pushed his plate slightly away and gives me a half smile. I respond with a small one and our silent "conversation" ends here.

"Amber, honey, can you pass me the salt?" Asks my father, making me almost groan for the movie-sque scene we're playing right now but I give him the salt anyways, making sure that my white dress doesn't get stained from the sauce of my plate as I'm bending over.

"So, Jason, what class are you going to in fall?" Asks my mother.

"Well, I'm going to the last class of Greek Lykeion, which is like senior year in American high school", he replies.

"Amber here has the exact same age. And what are your plans for the future?" My dad continues.

"Well, I don't really know yet, I want to be something like a game designer. It is a very interesting job and because I-" Jason behind to explain, before his dad interrupts him:

"That's nonsense, son. You're going to take the company over. Being a game designer doesn't have a future, you see", he then turns to my parents side.

"Wouldn't it be better if you just let him decide? It's his future after all", I say, mentally cursing myself.

"Sweetie, it isn't as simple as that. There is an economic crisis here in Greece and when there is a completed job that can offer money to you and about 1000 employees you simply can't turn it down. Jason can always practice designing games, because he's really good in that, but he cannot turn it into a career. Things are really difficult nowadays", Mrs. Athanasopoulos explains to me.

"It's not the case where the parents forbid their child from doing what he really wanted in life just because they think of it as inappropriate for their lifestyle. We're talking about survival", adds Mr. Athanasopoulos.

"I see. You have a good point here", I say, thinking that people and situations are not just black and white in the world. But obviously, that's a pretty dark case.

"If you're done guys, why don't you go to Jason's room? He can show you the game he's made", says Mrs. Athanasopoulos, pointing upstairs.

Jason blushes, a crimson color, going up his cheeks, before nodding and motioning at me to follow him. I do as he says and once we climb the stairs up; he opens the first door on his right and lets me in first.

The color of the room is light grey, with matching curtains and the duvet on the bed. There are video games everywhere possible, covering the tiles and the small desk in the corner, along with two or three thick books. The most interesting object though is the huge pc screen which rests on the desk.

"Sorry for the mess", Jason mumbles trying to put away some video games so that we can sit on the bed.

"See my room back in Seattle and we can talk about it. What are these books?" I ask him, pushing some strands of my hair back to my ears.

"Mostly books about filmware."

"You really like game designing, don't you?"

"I love it. And although I really understand the reason why my parents want me to take over the company, I still find it terribly unfair", he says with a grim look on his face.

"Everyone should have the chance to make their dreams real. I totally sympathize with you."

A moment of silence passes before he asks if I want to see his game. I see how excited he is about it and I really like playing in a console so my answer is definitely positive. He grins widely before bending down to a cupboard to connect the game and gives me a joystick. He then grabs his own and proceeds in telling me how his game works.

"So, there is a figure which looks just like the Stickman because I'm still learning about more complex figures and he is in a jungle. There are many beasts that attack him or plants that want to kill him or even illegal hunters. The goal is to reach the exit of the jungle. I have put the multiple player's mode so you now have to reach the exit first to win. That's the concept. Do you know the basics about playing in a console?" He asks, scratching his head lightly.

"Yeah, I'm used to it", I smile.

"Shall we begin, then?" He asks grinning and taking his joystick in hand.

"Bring it on."


When I wake up the next day, I recall how much fun I had with Jason yesterday. I'm even tempted to go with my parents and the Athanasopoulos family for a swim before my eyes land on the small card that rests on my bedside table. I instantly smile at the thought of Andrew and the bet I made with Kat. I guess it's ice cream time!

I quickly get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a shower. The water is freezing cold but it feels nice on my skin. When I'm finished I wear a navy blue striped shirt and a blue jean salopete. My parents are nowhere to be seen, so I tie my hair in a high ponytail and get down to the garden to ask Mrs. Maria, the owner of the hotel, if she has seen them. They're actually with her, taking their morning coffee and talking about the sunny weather. I tell them I won't come with them at the sea because I want to do some exploring on my own. They agree after a while and after grabbing a piece of the cake Mrs. Maria made and saying goodbye to everyone, I begin making my way to the Gelaterie.

"Blondie! What a wonderful surprise! You're here for ice cream or small talk?" Andrew asks as soon as he notices me entering the parlor.

He actually seems happy to see me again but I wouldn't bet.

"Ice cream first, I think. What are the flavors of the day?" I smile, motioning at the glass in front of me. This time I can't really put a finger on the song that's playing, but the singer's voice reminds me of Talking Heads. The guy has definitely good taste in music.

"Something different, huh? Orange flavored chocolate and almond parfait? What do you think?" He recommends, scratching the back of his neck. That move seriously drives me crazy. In a very good way, may I add. I mean, he looks just...ugh.

"Sounds good. As long as it's not strawberry I'm perfectly fine. Cone please?" I ask, playing with the end of my braid.

"Excellent choice. So, Blondie, where are you from? I heard something about Salem the other day? Are you secretly a witch?" Andrew jokes, taking the scooper and putting two balls of ice cream into a cone. He then, wraps it with a napkin and passes it to me. No hands touching or anything. I make a move to take my wallet out of my pocket but he stops me before I'm able to do it.

"It's FreeFriday today."

"Well, after what I'm going to tell you, you'll think of that twice", I shrug and try the chocolate. "Mmm, delicious."

"I don't think so. But go on", he grins.

"Well, the first part is that I thought about your offer of showing me the island and if it is still on and you don't have anything better to do, I'm in. The second is that I made a bet with my best friend. She kind of dared me to try every single ice cream flavor in here within the month of my staying. Will you help me in that?" I finish my little speech and wait for him to decide.

"I like both parts. Like really, really much. Do you have pen and paper with you so that I can arrange my shifts?" He asks, with his, now familiar, grin.

"Yeah, sure. Here you are", I take my mini notebook and pen from the front pocket of my bag and hand them to Andrew.

"Thanks. Now, let me think. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I'm working in the morning. Tuesdays, Thursdays I have to be here at 5 and Sunday is a full day. Saturdays are free", he mumbles and begins drawing a timetable on a clear page of my little green notebook.

"Too much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know", I joke, biting a piece of cone.

"The uni funds must be paid somehow, you know", he smiles back and I thank the Lord for him not being someone offended by literally everything.

"What are you studying?" I ask.

"Cinema. Everything about it. Directing, writing screenplays, composing music for movies, costumes, I mean it, everything", he replies and pushes the notebook towards me to see what he's written myself. He has drawn a timetable roughly on the paper where it is divided between 'work' and 'Blondie time'.

"You've filled out the whole week. When do you have free time or family life?" I ask him, puzzled.

"Between shifts. You see, I don't have many things to do during the day except for working or going for a swim. You kind of save me", he replies, tidying up the small counter.

"If you ever get bored of me, you just say it, okay?" I laugh and lick some chocolate that is dripping down my hand.

"I promise", he grins again. "Well, I'll be done by 4. I would suggest meeting me here at 5. Bring swimsuit with you. What do you think?"

"Just perfect."

"See you then", he waves goodbye, giving me my notebook and pen back. I take them and after smiling one last time I exit the parlor.

Dad said that they were going to swim at the beach of Batsi that is right in front of me. I guess I should look for them, then.

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