Inevitable • Gwen/Peter

Af lightsaberluke

87.4K 1.6K 339

A Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker Story. Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18/0.5
Chapter 19
PART 2 - Prologue
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

1.9K 46 8
Af lightsaberluke

"A party?" I arch an eyebrow, standing across my bed from Peter.

"Yeah. You know those events where there are around 50 people and there's always some music and-"

"I know what a party is, smartass."

Peter raises both eyebrows and a smirk starts to form on his face. "Are you in then?"

It's a challenge. Peter wants to see if I'm willing to let go for a bit, which is funny considering I was the one who suggested we go to a party last time and look how well that turned out. Is this a challenge I want to take part in? I mean I don't have to get drunk or anything do I? I can just chill with Peter or Grace and Dave, right? It'll be fun. And the day that I back down from a challenge from Peter, will be the day that I am no longer myself.

"Oh yeah. I'm in." I cross my arms over my chest and return the smirk.

9pm rolls around fast and Peter has already picked me up from my house. We're taking the metro. How classy. The thing is that neither Peter nor I drive even though we've had almost 2/3 years to learn... the fact that we live in New York City doesn't force us into the driving life, unlike if we were to live in California.

We walk down the road and are instantly exposed to the blaring, ear-wrenching music of fucking dub step. I can't even deal right now, not with the stupid club music. But I suck it up and continue walking with Peter's hand linked with mine. The noise is a mixture of shouting and music and when we enter Faye's house, I notice the sound of wailing too.

I must be wearing my thoughts plainly on my face because Peter looks at me and laughs.

"You can back down any time, baby, you know I'd do anything for you." He smirks.

"You big ball of cheese, you practically stink of it, it's burning off you like a damn fragrance."

Peter grins and a few people pass us and they exchange greetings aka fist pumps and "Yo dude's". I spot Grace over by the drinks and make my way over to her after telling Peter that I'll see him soon. In order to get to the kitchen where there are mountains of beer and shit, I have to step over a few bodies and dodge a few grabby hands. It's 9:30pm and people are already wasted, typical teenage party over here. Before I grab a drink -wow big mind changer since this wasn't my plan- Grace spots me and waves me over, I make my way over to her and give her a hug.

"Hey Gwen!" she shouts over the music that is luckily a little less boisterous in the kitchen. I notice that her eyes don't quite settle on mine. "We need to get you drunk, my frrrrrriend."


"You relaaax." She slurs a bit and shoves a plastic cup, filled with who knows what, into my hand.

"Are you wasted?" I ask, taking a sip of the drink and grimacing at the taste.

"Nah, girl. I am fiiine."

I see Dave a few spaces behind her, talking to a redhead called Hailey.

"Dave!" I shout and shake my head mockingly. "You should've kept Grace on a leash."

"She's fine. You heard her!" he shouts back and grins.

"She's wasted."

"Tipsy." He amends and comes over to us with Hailey in tow. I take another sip of the drink and then decide to just down the rest.

Grace sifts closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder and sighs. She mumble something incoherent, and then repeats it a bit louder. Gotta get Gwen drunk. I laugh and Dave dives into a conversation about a band he saw last week and I'm only half listening because Grace has now snaked an arm around my neck and she is hugging me real tight.

"Grace, you alright?" I ask.

"This girl is cooool. Have 'nother dink." Dink? Drink.


"I'm gonna put this one down for a bit. See y'all later." I say to Dave and Hailey.

I put my arm around Grace and try to manoeuvre her through the chaos of the living room where the soul of the party is at and through a hallway towards a random door that I don't know what leads to. I budge it open with my free hip and peek inside. A couple is making out on a piano, a dude has no pants of and has the word cock written across his chest, I restrain a laugh as I stumble to a cream couch, because Grace isn't being the most helpful person at the moment. I dump her onto the cushions and it's like she has been knock out because snores emit from her.

I sigh before heading back into the living room where I'm swept away by god knows whom. It's only now that I notice the bright colours. The neon pinks, yellows and greens. They are everywhere. Across faces, stomachs, legs and um the walls, I guess Faye's parents are gonna go crazy. The music is very upbeat and so not my thing. I can feel the beats pounding against the floor and consuming the whole inside of my body. I look around to see if I can spot Peter but no, I can't. A hand grips mine and I turn around to find another one of my classmates who is most certainly high by the way that his eyes are darting in all directions and occasionally settle upwards, exposing just the whites of his eyeballs. Not only that but the stench is flowing off his body. I rip my hand out of his and duck through the crowd. I shoved along the way, elbow in the side and ouch dammit teenagers are mean when they're party high.

I stumble out of the crowd and go in search of Peter, along the way I pick up a glass of champagne, which might I add was not the real deal. But I consumed it anyway. No Peter in the kitchen. A beer. No Peter in the rooms down the hallway. A cider. No Peter in the backyard. Another beer. Uh where am I? ... Right! Peter! My boyfriend! My mayyyuuuun. I've also checked upstairs and he's not there. I sigh and sit down on the top of the stairs. Gaaah I feel dizzy, it's a weird feeling this is. Like I'm not quite in this universe, everything is so 3-dimensional and in my face and BOOM.

"Gwen?" my face snaps up and a blue haired boy is a couple of steps down from me. Boy, is he tall. As he grows closer I notice that his hair isn't blue it's brown and I laugh to myself.

"Is your name Peter?" I ask scrunching up my nose and squinting my eyes to get a better look at him. "Are you my friendboy?" a giggle escapes me, why am I so funny? The boy is smiling.

"I'm Peter Parker." He extends a hand.

My eyes widen a lot... brown haired boy is boyfriend! "C'mon boyfriend, we must do a thin."

I jump up and lose my balance a bit, Peter moves towards me but I raise my hands in the air. "I a lady who can do thins herself. Got it?" I try a look serious with my hands on my hips.

Peter grins and says, "After you, milady."

I bounce down the stairs. "Whoa, it's like a trampoline." I grab his hand once we enter the chaotic living room. I see someone with the really bright stuff on his or her face and poke them.

"Hey!" they shout and Peter apologises, what for I don't know before pulling me to the side.

"You can't poke people, Gwen. It's not nice." His lips are curved up at the sides as he snakes a hand around my waist.

"You're not nice!" I exclaim. "I want that nice coloury stuff." And I don't know why but my ears start to tear up and before I know it, I'm sobbing into Peter's shoulder. "I want the pink stuff."

Peter traces circles into my back and kisses my forehead.

"Come on, tiger, we'll get you some." He murmurs against my head and leads me to the far corner of the living room where I see the pots on pots of glowing stuff.

I wipe at my damp cheeks and cheer as something warm stirs in my stomach. I grab the blue and green pots, setting them down on the floor and pushing Peter to the floor. I crawl into his lap and sit facing him.

"You might need this." he chuckles and holds out something wooden. I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion. He dips the wooden thing into the blue paint and extends it out to me. Ohhhhh. I take it and stare at him. I paint warrior marks on his cheeks, two blue stripes on each side, my handshakes a bit and the clouds in my head increase. I feel so light.

"Gimme arm." I mumble and he complies. I struggle to push up his shirtsleeves. I paint a trident on him and then I unbutton the shirt before outlining his collarbones then finally I try and draw an S on his chest.

"Taadaaaaahhhh!" I sing and drop my arms. "You do me." I wink.

Peter laughs and his gaze drifts to my lips? Oh my god. Am I a fish? My lips feel huuuuge.

Peter drips a brush into the pink paint while I pull of my sweater, revealing a lacy-cropped top that could pass for as a bra. I drop my hands onto his shoulders but miss and end up falling onto him. He pushes me back up and clamps a hand on my waist. Why? I don't knooooow. Something tickles my chest and I giggle. Within what feels like forever he's pulling me to my feet and into the dancey scene. I feel the music in my core and my head is swimming with unicorns, which are very pretty. I feel Peter's hands on my waist and we're moving in sync, together, somehow and I'm away with the music. I am the music and I'm full of it. Peter's touch is in my veins as I link my arms around his neck and decrease the space between us. The song ends and I'm hot and sweaty, I push hair out of my face and drop my face into his chest, stepping closer so our bodies are touching everywhere. We're in line with each other. As we endure another song I'm threading my hands through his hair and his hands are on my butt and I'm running on adrenaline. I tilt my head up and brush my lips against his. He reciprocates the gesture but increases the pressure and I'm on an absolute high that I don't ever want to leave.


i know this is a surprisingly early update for me right? ha haha ok


the fact that you actually do is really cool and yeah

I don't know if a lot of people are actually enjoying this anymore, so my next update may not be really soon, because I only want to write if people enjoy it.

And I'm probably not gonna update until the last chapter or this chapter gets to 100 views
, just because I don't want to wait my time if people don't likethis. But thank you to those who do, I LOVE YOU.


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