In The Dark

Door bright_ly

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"I will even go against all those I love, just so I could do the right thing." Life is not an easy journey, t... Meer

1. Jones Reactivated
2. Tantrums
3. Weird
4. First Day
5. Unexpected
6. Break In
7. Be Safe
8. For My Mom
9. I Got You
Author's Note
10. Answers
11. Stay With Me
12. Wanted
13. Happy
14. Party?
15. Date
16. Hit Me
17. Jealous Much?
18. Goodnight
Additional Cast
19. Dream or Memory?
Author's Note
20. Hathaway Corporations
21. Come Home
23. Real
24. Nevermind
25. Trust him?
26. Pair offs?
27. Attack
28. It's Over
29. Peace
30. I miss him
31. I love you

22. Wow

51 2 0
Door bright_ly

After a long ride back to our temporary residence, Christopher dragged me to his room to clean me up, despite my continuous protests.

Somehow, the blood had seeped through my temporary bandage onto Christopher's shirt as he was by my side.

Once we reached his room, he opened the door to a room similar to mine. He closed the door behind me and instructed me to sit on his bed as he bought a wet washcloth and other medical equipment required.

He cut off the sleeve of my blouse and started off by cleaning the excess blood that had dried on my arm. He then proceeded to extract the bullet using a pair of tweezers which was quite a painful experience, to say the least.

He stitched me up, cleaned the wound with alcohol and then bandaged me up, this time more professionally. After the mini operation theatre setting was over, he passed me a water bottle and a couple of pills which, by my guess were painkillers.

"I don't need these," I tried to act tough despite the stinging in my arm.

He just shot me a look which should've have convinced anyone but, me being my stubborn self-was willing to argue. "I am absolutely fine," I muttered.

"Really?" he humoured and I nodded. He gestured for me to put the medicines on the bedside table, and as soon as I stretched my arm, I winced from the pain.

Christopher raised an eyebrow at me in question and I just sheepishly smiled at him.

He started unbuttoning his shirt and my eyes widened, "What are you doing!?" I shrieked.

"Changing my shirt. What a dirty mind you have," he shook his head at me amusedly.

"Come on, drink up," he told me as he took off his shirt. I just stared at him. My widened eyes trailed from his bare, well-built chest to his very defined six-pack and then lower to his prominent V-line, all while putting the pills in my mouth and gulping down the water.

Christopher noticed my roaming eyes, appreciating gaze and bewildered expression, and smugly smirked. The chuckle that escaped his throat snapped me out of my drooling daydream and I cleared my throat trying to recover from my shock.

A crimson red colour tinted my cheeks due to my embarrassment of being caught staring at his naked upper body.

"Appreciating the view?"

"Shut up," I mumbled, embarrassed.

He laughed, "Think of it now, it's way too hot to wear a shirt. I'll just stay this way."

My eyes widened even more and I gasped, "No! Uh, I mean that's not a good idea. Go put on a shirt."

"Why? You think you can't control yourself around me," he teased with a playful smile. I just rolled my eyes while smiling to myself.

He put on a sweatshirt and plopped down beside me, "You wanna change?"

"Yup, give me one of your sweatshirts."

"Why?" wiggled his eyebrows.

"Please, can I borrow your sweatshirt?" I sweetly asked.

"Only because I have lots of them." He went to his closet and returned with a black Adidas sweatshirt.

"Thank you!" I gleefully smiled at him and told him to turn around so that I could change, as his room didn't have an attached bathroom.

"You sure? I mean, you were checking me out before so, it's only fair if I get to do the same."

"Christopher!" I groaned. He just raised his hands in the air with an innocent look and turned around.

"Not even a peek?" he questioned.

"Not even a peek," I confirmed.

I groaned as I realised I couldn't raise my wounded arm. "What's wrong?" Christopher worriedly questioned.

"My arm hurts and I need your help to wear this," I mumbled.

He replied, "I don't mind," and I could just picture the smugness on his face.

"Close your eyes," I demanded and he complied. I then walked up to him and stood in front of him.

"Help me," I whined.

He slowly and carefully raised his hands and went forward to touch me. His surprisingly warm hands landed on my bare waist. I squirmed because I felt a tingle where he placed hands, it was as if my body's senses heightened and it was aware of the amazing effect the person had.

He slowly raised his hands higher and my breath hitched, his touch was extremely soft, comforting and it lit up sparks in my body. He smiled softly as he felt me gasp and breathe heavily.

He skipped the part he knew he shouldn't touch and finally grasped my shoulder. He felt the material of the sweatshirt and then gently grabbed my arm and pushed it in without hurting me.

After my injured arm was in the sleeve, I quickly fixed myself and rubbed my cheeks to get rid of the blush that crawled up my neck.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and then quickly kissed his cheek as he stood there like a lovesick puppy with an idiotic grin while touching the spot I just pecked.

I laid flat on my back on his bed with no intention of leaving his room. He followed my lead and ended up beside me.

"Are you okay?" he surprised me by asking this question.

"I will be," I sighed.

He turned his body towards me and propped up on his elbow, "You can talk to me. I mean, if you want to."

I looked at him and nodded, "It's all just so unexpected. I guess more than the physical pain it was the emotional one. I mean, I can manage a wound on my arm but knowing my brother shot me on purpose when I was trying my absolute hardest to not majorly hurt him, I was upset. When he retrieved the gun, I was sure he wouldn't shoot me but, I guess I underestimated him."

"Feel better?" he asked already knowing the answer.

It did lighten the weight on my shoulders after sharing it with someone. Keeping feelings bottled away harms us in one way or the other.

I nodded and smiled, "I hope its over soon though."

He agreed and we fell in peaceful silence. I was the one to break it, "How's Hailey? So much has happened since I last saw her."

"She is okay. I don't know how long I can keep up the lie of being on a school trip, though."

I chuckled, "Yeah. Can I suggest you something, if you don't mind?"

He motioned for me to continue and I cleared my throat before speaking, "First off, I am sorry for how my brother threatened your sister but I already knew he was lying leading to my daring actions," he let out a short laugh at that. "However, after today I strongly believe you should tell Hailey. I mean, it's your decision but, I just feel she'll be safer if she knows the truth. She'll know what to do if, God forbids, she is in a threatening situation."

He seemed in deep thought about what I said and because he didn't say anything for a few minutes, I started regretting my decision of saying anything at all.

"It makes sense," he mumbled as soon as I opened my mouth to apologize.

"It is totally your decision, you don't have to agree with me," I shrugged.

"No, I really feel what you said is sensible. And don't worry I am not offended," I assured me and I nodded.

"Anyway, your attention was diverted this morning because of that dream you had, right? Want to tell me what was it?" he asked and I smiled.

"So," I started. "There was this man with three kids. He seemed like he was someone the kids knew. The eldest and the youngest children were girls and there was one boy."

I continued, "They were playing hide and seek, I suppose. And when the kids came out of hiding they were all hugging and the man said something along the lines of always keeping them safe. The younger girl and boy seemed like myself and Cody but, I don't think I know the man and the elder girl. It's weird," I concluded.

"Well, if you recognize two kids as yourself and Cody then it seems like a memory to me. How old did you two look?"

"I looked around four years old and Cody around six?" I looked at him.

"Hmm," he mumbled, deep in thought.

"It felt so real. Almost as if it happened but I don't remember it. And when I try to join it with other events I experienced in those years, my brain is blank. It seems like a patch of my memory is-"

"Missing?" Christopher completed the sentence and I just confirmed it.

"This might sound weird to you but, maybe your memories were wiped out?" he looked as if I wouldn't believe him.

I did. I did believe him. The Organisation had developed a device to wipe out the memory of a person. I, however, didn't know if that was done to me but, it did seem the reasonable and only explanation for my situation, as of now.

"The Organisation had built a device to wipe out memories. So, don't worry, I do believe you."

His frown deepened, "Do you think your memories were wiped out and now somehow they are resurfacing?"

I massaged my temple, "I don't know for sure. But I feel that did happen. The only person who knows for sure is my father. But if it did happen, the important question is,-"

"Why would they wipe out your memories?" Christopher completed my question and I nodded.

"This is so confusing," I groaned, turning around on my belly and burying my face in the sheets.

Christopher chuckled and ran his hands through my hair, still thinking through everything.

"Don't pressurize your tiny brain," I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Hey lovebirds!" Alex chirped opening the door to Christopher's room.

"What?" Christopher sighed.

"What did you do to her? Is she dead? Did the sheets suffocate her?" Alex gasped, noticing my unmoving body with my face buried in the sheets.

I loudly laughed rolling to my back, "Really, Alex?"

"I swear, you are such an idiot sometimes," Christopher muttered.

"Hey! It's not my fault," he whined and I laughed louder at his childish behaviour.

"Boy, are you high?" Valentina gave him a weird look, suddenly appearing beside him, causing him to gasp in shock.

He regained his composure and then flirted, "Yes, my dear. High on your love."

"Oh my gosh!" Christopher groaned in annoyance beside me as I laughed again. All the while Alex gave Valentina a big grin as she blushed.

"You are so cute together! When's the wedding?" I wiggled my eyebrows at them and this time both of them blushed profusely.

"You always embarrass me," Valentina exclaimed and dragged a blushing Alex away.

"We can be cuter, you know," Christopher smirked.

"That depends," I smugly replied.

"On what?" he asked.

"If I even like you," hearing this Christopher just rolled his eyes and then laid down on top of me.

"Christopher!" I squealed. "Get off!" I giggled as he started tickling my sides.

"Say you like me!" he chuckled.

"What if I don't?" I asked and he tickled harder.

"Okay! Okay! I like you!" I laughed.

"Really?" he asked as he stopped tickling me, his eyes glinting hope.

"Yes, really." I ran my fingers through his silky, messy brown hair and smiled at him. He's adorable.

"I like you too," he confessed with a bright smile.

"Good," I whispered as I pulled him closer, still having my hands in his hair.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as his eyes dilated. He breathed heavily and the hot air hit my face making me grow increasingly impatient to feel his plump lips on mine.

He leaned down a bit, staring intensely at my face to see any signs reluctance. When he was sure I wasn't uncomfortable, he leaned down a little more.

Our lips were merely two centimetres away when I saw his eyes fluttering close, urging me to do the same.

I made a courageous move to tilt my head upwards causing our lips to touch. Forget butterflies, there was an entire freaking zoo in my stomach.

Both of my hands were at the nape of his neck and one of his hands was holding up his body while the other was holding the back of my head to hold me in place.

He pressed his lips against mine a little harder and slowly starting moving them. My mind went absolutely blank, and all rational thought was out the window.

Our lips moved in sync and I could literally feel my body relaxing in Christopher's embrace and savouring the feeling of being so close to him. Sparks ignited wherever his hands touched and I pulled at his hair.

He groaned in approval and I smiled into the kiss. It was a slow, sweet and passionate kiss, showing exactly how we feel about each other which was far past infatuation.

When I was short of air, I very reluctantly pulled back and tried to steady my rapidly beating heart and panting breath. I still had my eyes closed and Christopher very gently laid my head on the bed beneath and pressed his forehead against mine.

I opened my eyes to see Christopher's gazing intently into mine. "Wow," I whispered with a bright smile.

He relaxed upon hearing that, "You don't regret it?"

"Don't be foolish! Why would I regret it?" I giggled at his blushing red cheeks.

"Just making sure," he whispered.

"I'll give you confirmation," I smiled and brought his head down to meet my awaiting lips, once again.

I kissed him with a little more force than before showing him, my feelings for him weren't wavering anytime soon. My thumb rubbed his cheek as I slowly pulled away and looked at his smiley face.

"You're a great kisser," I complimented and he smirked.

"Look who's talking," he teased and I buried my face in his neck due to my red cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around him and crushed him in a tight embrace. "Thank you," I mumbled but it was extremely muffled yet, he understood what I said and confusedly questioned, "What for?"

"Everything," I whispered and pecked him again. I just couldn't seem to get enough of his lips. Almost as if I were addicted. I didn't really mind if I was though.

"Thank you, baby girl."

"What are you thanking me for?" I asked him.

"Everything," he chuckled.

We once again fell into peaceful silence as I cuddled into his side, to seek the warmth, he seemed to have in abundance.

"Babygirl?" he asked again to see if I was asleep and I softly hummed.

"Promise me something."

"What?" I asked.

"That you won't let anything get in between us. You won't stop feeling for me. That you'll trust me," he sincerely asked with something I couldn't quite place a finger on.

"You have nothing to worry about. I am not leaving you for anything," I promised him. However, I didn't know what I'd be facing in the upcoming days when I made this particular promise to the boy I was falling head over heels for. But I was intending on keeping that promise.

"Great," he whispered and kissed my cheek as I smiled brightly at him.

With that, I felt myself sinking into a deep sleep in the arms of the person I was willing to sacrifice my life for.

Just how whipped am I?

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