Animals (Loki x reader)

By caughtbyfantasy

63.4K 2.1K 927

You happen to have powers no one else has. Every child dreams of being that powerful and there is this associ... More

Why don't you join us?
A throat ripped open
a dead man is a bad lover
Why don't you join me instead?
The Avengers
Spirit of the wild
First love twice
a lost message
a ripped out heart
him next to you
An unknown power
Escape to Asgard
Thank you for reading

howl of emotion

4.4K 194 53
By caughtbyfantasy

You touched your cheek where Loki had kissed you and smiled like crazy, your heart was beating fast in your chest. It was clear what this meant.

"No! No falling in love with this guy! No chance!" , you hissed and slapped yourself. Your cheek burnt like hell and you knew it would be red for a couple of minutes but it was worth it. It silenced the voice inside your head but it didn't slow down your heartbeat. You were agitated, your wolf howling wildly in your chest, urging you to run. Your heart was chaos. With a low snarl you rushed for the door and literally kicked it open.

The chill night air hit you with it's power and slowed your breath. It gave you some kind of safety. There was a promise in it's whisper. A promise of a calm life. A promise of love without consequences or a price to pay. Your turned into a wolf without stopping, starting to run. The door was open but you didn't care. If someone felt the urge to break into your house he would find a way, even if you locked the door. It didn't matter anyway. You needed movement. You needed the forest. You needed to run. The wild was calling for you.

With long leaps you ran. Your paws hit the ground in a periodical pattern. The wind pressed your fur against your body and murmured in your ears. Your nose twitched, absorbing every smell. The ground felt soft under your paw pads. It trembled under the pressureof your paws. The energy inside of you made you run faster and faster. You crossed the big meadow in front of your house in seconds, raced over a small path and then dived straight into the forest.

The noise of the various animals around you grew quieter instantly and your breath was calm and regular. Your beading heart remembered you that you were still alive and made you quiver. Suddenly there was this urge to howl. It was so strong that you just stopped moving your legs right in track. Your paw pads burned as they scraped over roots and stones and you stumbled but then you stood still.

Giving in to this urge you lifted your snout to the sky fixing your eyes on the moon. No clouds covered it and it was full. Your throat shook with the force of the howl you let out. It vibrated through the night, silencing the very last creature. There were so many emotions in this one sound, carrying them through the world. You howled and howled and just couldn't stop. And then they joined you. The pack.

Your voices rose high into the air while you sang your powerful song, full of sadness and loss and love and life, Telling the tale of the beginning and the end. Singing about everything and nothing at the same time. Then, as if there had been a sign, you stopped and so did the pack. Even though you had howled out all the feelings raging inside your chest you felt whole and satisfied. The emotions weren't gone and they would come back. They would hit you in the face when you expected it the least and they would make your knees give in but for now they were gone.

With a content snort you lowered your head again and turned around to face a few forest animals who had listened to your performance. You really liked animals but right now you needed privacy. You needed to be alone. Lifting your lips you growled, making the animals leave instantly. They knew you wouldn't attack them and they would come back as soon as you called for them.

With a last glance at the moon your curled yourself up, rested your head on your paws and closed your eyes, falling asleep with the sounds and scents of the forest stunning your senses.


You woke with the sun, blinking and yawning. A nice summer day had just started. You had only slept for a couple of hours but you felt as recovered as you could possibly be. The forest woke with you. You could hear small feet scrambling over the ground in a hectic rush, birds greeting the new day and snores of bigger animals wandering the soft ground in search of food. One day you would just stay in the forest, hunting down little animals, because you needed to survive. One day you would be part of the wild because the society was a nightmare.

Your paws itched with power, urging you to run again. Your stomach cried for food. After you had stretched yourself you rushed back to your house. The door was still open but there was someone in front of it, carefully entering. You growled in anger, recognizing Tony Stark. He probably came to hear your decision and take you with him. The wolf inside of you urged you to defend your territory, showing this unwanted intruder the borders he had just crossed without asking. It cost you a lot power to suppress this desire. Instead you turned back into a human being and followed Mr.Stark inside.

"Mister Stark!" , you yelled, your voice shaking with anger.

"You just scared the shit out of me! Where have you been? Why was your door open?" , cried Mr. Stark, grasping his chest.

"I've been for a walk" , you said casually, trying to seem relaxed and not as if you were about to attack him.

"The sun has only just risen! Why would you go on a walk this early?!" , he shouted, staring at you as if you'd be crazy.

"I'm a wolf, already forgot about this? The darkness is kind of my world and I can keep myself safe. But I don't need to justify myself! I'm an outgrown woman and I can actually do what I want as long as I stick to the rules of society!" , you groaned angrily.

"I was worried about you. There's a villain on the loose. Even you couldn't just fight Loki off. He's a god after all. I'm sorry, I've been overreacting" , he murmured mortified. You tried not to show your surprise. And your amusement. He had no clue that you had actually tackled down this bad guy. He didn't know that you had an influence on at least a small part of Loki's magic. He had no clue that you had a crush on this villain.

"Don't you worry about Loki. I'm quite sure I could handle him on my own" , you stated, suddenly in a very good mood. Tony Stark was confused but only muttered "Women..."under his breath and didn't comment on this thing any further.

"Believe me, you can't handle Loki on your own. He's far more powerful than you can imagine and he's very good at pranking you. He does have this projections of himself. You can't tell them apart. You can never be sure if it's him or a trick. When you see Loki, call for help. Don't even try to fight him on your own and... WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" , you had reached the living room and Tony had stopped dead, staring at your blood soaked carpet.

Shit. You had totally forgotten about this. How the hell were you supposed to explain this amount of blood on the floor of your living room. It didn't help that the scent of this very blood deafened your senses and woke the wolf inside of you. You were still very hungry. Hungry. The explanation.

"Well... I went for a hunt and killed a deer and carried it into my living room. I placed it on the carpet. The wolf was in charge" , you tried to explain. It sounded very convincing to you but not for Mr. Stark.

"And it didn't bleed when you pulled it the whole way through the forest, across the meadow, through the entrance to this very place. It waited with the bleeding until you had placed it gently on the ground. You don't really think I'll believe this!", he was upset, "And I also thought that you gained control over the wolf. I though he didn't have any influence on you."

F*ck. What to tell him? What to tell him?! Calm breathing. Don't panic. His eyes were so suspicious. He didn't trust you. He would lock you away. The hell, talk. Just talk. Say something. Anything.

"Have you ever seen a wolf hunting? Have you ever seen a wolf killing? They go for the throat but they don't rip it open. They just press very hard. They strangle their victims. They don't let them bleed to death. This would take far too long and would be far too showy! This is what I did. I didn't really injure the animal but as soon as I started eating I obviously had no choice but to make the body bleed. It's hard to get any meat if you don't" , you said without further thinking, "And the wolf is a part of me. It is strong but it listens to my orders. It's still a part of me. I'm in control but if I let the wolf break free for things such as hunting, it's in charge. I can still stop it with a bit of an effort but I didn't see no need to this night. When it eats it has the urge to return to its den and my den is this house."

You had done surprisingly good. You were a surprisingly good liar and the slightly audible accusation in your voice had your speech only made even more realistic. Mr. Stark seemed content with this new answer and lowered his head in defeat.

"Okay, you may have killed a deer. I am sorry for my suspicion. Did you come to a conclusion? Will you join me?", he changed the subject quite deftly.

"I'll join you. I said my goodbye to the forest and all its animals on my walk. I'm ready to leave" , you explained.

"Well... don't you want to take something with you? Not that I would be bothered if you walked around naked but ...You know, there are other people at the Avenger tower and they won't be pleased if you would be nude" , he said with a flirty voice.

*Asshole* you thought, thinking about what to take with you.

"Give me a minute" , you demanded, running upstairs into your bedroom. On your way up you grabbed your backpack. This should definitely provide enough space for your belongings. You randomly grabbed things from your wardrobe and threw them into your backpack. After you were satisfied with the amount of clothes you had gathered you went into the bathroom and took all the supplies needed. With all your stuff you went back downstairs where Mr. Stark was lurking on the couch.

"I just need to pick up one more thing and I want you to join me when I do so" , you stated queasily. Tony rose an eyebrow. His glance was one of pure confusion.

"I can't think of anything you'd need me for but sex and I really don't think that's what you want from me" , he chuckled. You groaned angrily. Couldn't this man be serious for once in his self-centred life? Obviously not. Well, you would make him serious.

"Not every woman you meet loves you or has the urge to have sex with you!" , you exclaimed, directly staring at Mr. Starks eyes.

"You're the first one to directly reject me so I'm not sure about this thing. Well, what do you need me for?" , he asked, getting to his feet.

"I need you to pick up the key that is placed on the door frame of the living room. I'd need to get a chair to do it myself" , you requested. He did what you had asked him for.

"Here's the key. Now what?"

"Now we are going to pick up stuff which will help you to control me if I should no longer be able to control the wolf myself" , you muttered, lowering your head. Even though you hated the humans you couldn't have the wolf running amok in the Avengers tower. You had always had an emergency package with you when you left the house. In case someone needed to stop you.

Mr. Stark gulped when he took the small bag out of its hiding place in a small shelf under the stairs. It included a leash, a collar, a muzzle and a gun. He held the gun very carefully, his hands were shaking.

"We wont need this. We should leave it here. You are going to join the Avengers. We are strong enough to fight a wolf", he said with a rough voice.

"I'm not a normal wolf and you know it. Take this gun with you and if you need it, fucking use it" , you growled. Mr. Stark nodded but you couldn't really believe him.

"Let's leave" , you muttered and the both of you left your house, entered a jet and flew off for the tower.

A/N as no one votes I guess my story is either very bad or you guys are as lazy as I am. Have a nice day.

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