Leaving Hell (Book 3 in the D...

By Darkest_Rose

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Growing up in hell has been completely normal to me, being surrounded by demon's and evil soul's is nothing... More

Leaving Hell
First Day of School
Prison Cells
Escorting the rogue
Alpha female
All falls into place
Soul Mate
Calling Out
The End

My World

17.3K 1.1K 72
By Darkest_Rose

Chapter 15

Waking up in Nate' s arm's it feels so surreal. It's hard to believe that last night happened only for I have the proof right beside me. This is my first time seeing him sleep, he looks so peaceful and relaxed. All I can do is stare like a creepy stalker but I don't care. Snuggling into him, I can feel our bond still growing.

Before I could get really comfortable, I heard footsteps racing up the stairs. Then my bedroom door burst open to reveal an excited Emily. Before what's in front of her registered she spoke, "please tell me you called him".

Her face right now is priceless especially when Nate woke up, looking around for some attacker and instead found a very over excited alpha female standing in front of him with her mouth hanging open.

"Morning Emily, this is Nate, my soul mate" I smiled as her cheeks started to glow redder than mine ever could.

"Oh hi" she managed to get out.

"Hi Emily, I think that's my cue to go, I will be back in a few hour's" he said and kissed my lips before he shimmered and disappeared to my disappointment.

"Wow he is hot Kara, like I mean seriously hot" she said still staring at the spot he disappeared from.

Picking up one of my pillows, I threw it at her, hitting her in the head and bringing her back to reality.

"What about poor Kieran" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, oh my God, I'm terrible, but of course Kieran is hotter. So, what did you get up to" she said raising her eyebrow.

"Nothing like that, get you're mind out of the gutter" I said as she kicked off her shoe's and climbed into bed beside.

"You look happy, in fact you're glowing. I'm glad you deserve someone to make you this happy" she smiled.

"I didn't think I would feel like this, I know bonds are strong but I didn't realise how strong. My feelings for Keith don't come close to this. I don't feel anything except for a small connection, he isn't letting the bond go" I explained.

"It's not that easy for a wolf, we only get one mate. He will hold onto that bond even when there is nothing left. Hoping that you will feel something for him again, it won't matter what you tell him" she smiled sadly.

"That's what makes it so hard, knowing he won't have another, that I'm it for him" I said feeling extremely guilty.

"Kara it's not you're fault, he still has the chance to fall in love with a human, if he sorts himself out" Emily said trying to lessen my guilt.

"I hope so because if he doesn't get sense soon, he won't be around to find someone to spend his life with" I hoped.

"That's not for you to worry about, he has a choice Kara, now we have some serious training to do and we need you're help as well as you're grans" she told me.

"Okay give me fifteen minutes and I will be ready" I told her jumping out of the bed and Grabbing my training clothes.

Slamming Sam into the ground for the fifth time, I couldn't help but laugh at his groan.

"Damn girl who trained you, I didn't even get close to taking you down" he said getting up awkwardly from the ground.

"Trust me, it took me a long time to get close to beating him, he never took it easy on me" I smiled thinking about Nate.

"I say he regrets training you now, especially if you kick his ass the same way you just kicked mine just now" he laughed as he walked back to the get his stuff.

Training is finally over at four hour's. Everyone of them look completely beat, they really have gone through the hardest training session of their lives. Until the attack happens, this is what their training session's will consist of and more. If Keith' s pack is anything like him, we have no idea what we are going to be facing.

Right now, I need a shower badly, I haven't gone this hard on the pack ever. I think they got a reality check of  what exactly I'm capable of and I haven't even used my full strength yet. Walking back home, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Strolling into the house, I bumped into gran just as I got into the house. She had a big grin on her face with knowing look.

"What has you so happy?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, is there anything you would like to tell me" she grinned.

"Like you don't know, I accepted Nate last night" I grinned.

"Good, you're perfect for each other" she smiled.

"I think so" I smiled as I walked up the stairs.

Grabbing a towel, I stepped into the shower to freshen up. After fifteen minutes I got out and dried myself off. Walking into my room, I found Nate sitting on my bed. I have never been more aware than right now that I'm naked under this towel. His eyes took in every inch of my body starting at my legs and finally landing on my eyes. I can see clearly the effect I'm  having on  him.

Before I can speak, he is up on his feet and walking towards me with a hunger in his eyes. His lips crashed on mine and fireworks exploded inside me as his hands ran through my wet hair and slide down my back, pulling me closer to his body. Every touch sent electricity straight to my core. Something I have never felt before or know what to do with it. I guess when the time is right Nate will take the lead.

He lifted me up by my waist and put me sitting on my dresser and placed himself between my leg's. My heart started to beat so fast I expected it to burst through my chest. His lips taste like heaven, every single touch got me more lost in him til all my thoughts are consumed by him. Wrapping my leg's around him, I pulled him closer to me. He moved his hands to my ankle and slowly traced his hand up my leg's, past my knee's and up yo my thigh's. He stopped inches away from my core and traced circles with his thumb. My breath caught, with s mix of nerves and anticipation, Unsure how far I want this to go. All this is so new to me, yes I have often dreamed about this moment with Nate but I never thought it would happen.

Before I could figure out all of that, he moved his hands down to my knee's and broke our kiss. He leaned his forehead against mine as we tried go get our breathing under control.

" I'm sorry Kara, I lost control of myself when you walked out. I didn't mean to push you into doing anything your not comfortable with. Can you forgive me?" he asked looking so worried that I will say no.

" You have nothing to apologise for. You didn't push me into anything. All of this is new to me, your going to have to take the lead " I said embarrassed and looked down at the floor. He put his finger's under my chin and tilted my face so I'm looking at him. So much love shined in his eyes he made my heart skip s beat.

"Your so beautiful and pure Kara, I don't deserve you. We will take everything as fast or as slow as you want. I want every second to be special and memorable for the right reasons" he said honestly with a heart melting smile.

"We deserve each other. Everything is always going to be special with you. You have no idea how many times I have dreamed about this, being with you" I smiled.

"Not half as much as I have. I have known you are my other half for so long, everyday I prayed you would sense it, that you would love me even half as much as I love you. You are my everything" he said, before I could speak his lips found mine.

But this time his kiss held so much more than a hunger, it proved he meant every single word he said and so much more. In this moment, I knew I would do everything and anything to protect him and keep him safe even if it means giving my life for his. He is my world, I think I would die if anything ever happened to him. These feelings shocked and surprised me because I have never felt anything like this with so much intensity before.

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