Idol Producer Imagines

By prince_jeno

132K 3.7K 1.4K

imagines, scenarios ||Requests Closed|| Published June 2018 (Editing, 2023) More

Cai Xukun
Chen Linong
Fan Chengcheng
Huang Justin
Lin Yanjun
Zhu Zhengting
Wang Ziyi
Xiao Gui
You Zhangjing
Zhu Xingjie
Cai Xukun
Cai Xukun
Fan Chengcheng
Qian Zhenghao
Zhou Yanchen
Lin Chaoze
Huang Shuhao
Chen Linong
Bu Fan
Ling Chao
Ding Zeren
Huang Xinchun
Li Xikan
Xiao Gui
Nine Percent preferences
Fan Chengcheng ft. Ding Zeren
Lu Dinghao
Li Quanzhe
Qin Fen
Fan Chengcheng ft. Ding Zeren (2)
Bi Wenjun
Fan Chengcheng
Huang Justin
Bi Wenjun
Han Mubo
You Zhangjing
Zheng Ruibin
Fan Chengcheng
Zhou Rui
Huang Justin
Wang Ziyi
Fan Chengcheng
Huang Justin (2)
Cai Xukun
Xu Kaihao
Xiao Gui
Zhu Zhengting
Lin Yanjun
Zuo Ye
Xiao Gui
Hu Zhibang
Zhou Yanchen
Chen Linong
Lin Yanjun
Li Quanzhe
Zhu Zhengting
Huang Justin

Cai Xukun

3.7K 102 8
By prince_jeno

this imagine have lots of conversations instead of paragraphs. sorry for that. i kinda wrote it in hurry and didn't proof read it since i'm busy with my admissions and stuffs.

requested by J2E5S1S0

word count- 2429

You are a professional choreographer and you've choreographed lots of dance moves for famous music artists'. Even though you were quite young you were very talented and well-known.

It was a pleasant saturday morning when you received a phone call from your manager requesting you to choreograph the theme dance for a Chinese reality show called Idol Producer.

"I don't think I can do it. What if my choreography is not good? You know that this show will be watched all over China and even the world and the opening theme will be like the most important.. Ah- I'm getting frustrated"

"(y/n), calm down. You're acting like a rookie now. You can do it, I know" your manager told you over the phone, "but if you feel like you can't do it, let me know by tonight because I need to give them a confirmation."

After you hung up the call, you contemplated whether you should do it or not; You finally made a decision and called up your manager.

"Chen-ge, I accept the request. I will choreograph the dance."

"Really? You'll do it? Okay I will call them up and tell them that you accepted their request." he beamed.

"You're usually very strict when it comes to me accepting other people's request but for this you're kinda lenient, are you hiding something from me?" You questioned, doubting his intentions.

"Actually, Chengxiao, the dance instructor there requested me so..." he laughed awkwardly, "And I couldn't say no since I've got a little crush on her." You could actually feel your manager blushing over the phone.

"So you're using me?" You joked, making him gasp, "I'm kidding, I know you won't use me."

"Okay, I'll take you to the location on monday and I'll also send you the theme song later so you could think of some dance moves. They need it choreographed in about a week's time since they need to film it."

Later that night you received the theme song from your manager. The song was really catchy, you liked it a lot.

You spent your whole sunday choreographing the dance moves. It was relatively easy for you to choreograph it, but you were worried because you had no idea whether the people will like it or not.


"I cannot believe I'm here. Chen-ge, I'm scared." I stated

"Don't be." He smiled at me. "You don't have to be scared, it's nothing" I just nodded at him.

"Ling Chen!! You're here" Chengxiao exclaimed when she saw your manager.

"Hello, Chengxiao" he smiled at her. You looked at your manager in a teasing way, when he saw your face he flushed up in embarrassment.

"Are you okay? You look sick?" Chengxiao questioned him worriedly.

"N-No, I'm fine." he stuttered.

"That's good" she smiled, "and you must be (y/n). It's an honour to meet you, I'm a big fan." she stated.

"Likewise, looks like we're both fans of one other." I remarked.

"Let's go the practice room, I'll introduce you to the trainees." she guided you and you manager to the practice room. You were shocked to see so many boys packed in one room.

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to teach these boy?" I was stunned.

"Don't worry, I'll also help you." she reassured. "We also have another dance mentor, so it makes the 3 three of us."

"Yeah? I'm relieved now." I breathed out.

"Stop being overly dramatic" Your manager whispered in your ear.

"Stop being jealous that I'm talking to your crush." I whispered back.

"Is something wrong" Chengxiao asked since Ling Chen and you were whispering.

"No, everything's fine." Ling Chen smiled at her awkwardly.

"(y/n), why don't you introduce yourself to the trainees." Chengxiao suggested and you nodded in approval.

"Hello everyone, I'm (y/n). I'll be choreographing the theme dance for Idol Producer." I announced.

oh my god, it's really (f/n) (l/n).

guys am i dreaming?

the girl of my dreams is here.

i'll be happy even if i get eliminated, i'm just happy i got to see her in person.

The trainees started their murmuring after (y/n) introduced herself.

"And one thing.." You stated, catching the attention of everyone. "Don't be awkward with me, if you're awkward with me I'll also get awkward. Feel free to be yourself around me, don't be anxious or scared to ask me questions. " I reassured them.

"Okay then do you have boyfriend teacher (y/n)?" someone among the trianees questioned.

"Hey, hey, when she told you guys to be free to ask questions she didn't mean this personal question." Chengxiao scolded them.

"No, it's fine." You told Chengxiao, "And to whoever asked that question, I want to let you know that I don't have a boyfriend." When you answered that question almost every trainee in the room cheered.

"Hey everyone, I'm sorry I'm late." Jieqiong entered the room out of breath.

"What happened to you?" Chengxiao questioned.

"I got caught up on the way here." Jieqiong replied.

"Jieqiong?" You questioned shocked to see your friend.

"(y/n), I'm glad you accepted our request." she stated smiling at you.


You taught Chengxiao and Jieqiong the dance you choreographed, they also added some missing parts and finally the choreography was done. The three of you showed the dance to the Idol Producer staffs and they all liked it.

You were on your way to the room you were assigned but you suddenly remembered that you forgot to ask for the room number.

"You dumb girl" you mumbled to yourself. You were about to go back to ask the staffs where the room is when you suddenly bashed into someone, you fell down on your butt.

"Ouch!!" you winced in pain.

"I am so sorry mentor."

"It's okay" you answered not looking up him. You tried standing up you lose your balance because of the strong impact. Little did you know that you had hurt your ankle.

"I'm so sorry, I'll take you to the infirmary." You then looked up at him to say that you're fine but you were out of words when you saw the boy. He was so beautiful.

"I-I am fine." I stuttered.

"No, you're not." he stated, he even looks so beautiful when he's worried. "Can you walk?" he questioned.

"Ye-Yeah" I tried to stand up but I stumbled again. Without saying anything he looped your arm around his neck and lifted you up in a bridal style and sprinted off to the infirmary. He then laid you down on a couch and went out in search of the doctor. After sometime he entered the room with a doctor. The doctor examined you and informed you that it would have been a problem if the boy had not brought you sooner, the doctor then suggested you to rest for an hour or two for your ankle to heal.

"I'm sorry for lifting you up like that without your consent." the boy apologised.

"It's okay, you don't have to be sorry. You kinda saved my life." You tried to liven up his mood.

"I'm also the one who endangered your life" he retorted.

"Stop giving out the negative aura, you're too pretty to give out such aura." You blurted out, you realised what you just said and hid your face in embarrassment.

"I-I don't know what to say." He stuttered blushing a little, "Ah!! I'm so sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Cai Xukun."

"Xukun. That's a nice name" You smiled. The two of you talked for a while until something hit you like a truck.

"The trainees must be waiting for me to teach them the dance. I need to tell them." I started panicking. "It's only the 2nd day and I missed my own dance class."

"It's alright, I met teacher Chengxiao while I was in search of the doctor and I told her about what happened. She said she'll take care of your class" Xukun stated.

"Okay, what about you? You have to learn the dance too."

"I'm a fast learner." he grinned. "You don't have to worry about me."

You felt much better the next day, so you started with the dance class.

"Everyone get in formation. I don't want anyone messing around now." You ordered the boys and they all got
in formation immediately. The class went on smoothly, you were quite impressed with the boys in your class especially Cai Xukun. He was right about him being a fast learner. The dance session continued for about 3 days. And in meantime you also became close with Xukun.

"That's all for today. The mentors will be judging you individually tomorrow. I hope y'all are ready." You informed them. Some of the trainees' faces were filled with horror, while some of their faces were filled with excitement.

"Thank you mentor (y/n)." All the trainees said in unison and bowed at you. One by one all the trainees left the practice room. You were also about to head out but you saw Cai Xukun sitting on the floor looking up at you.

"Ah!! You scared you me." You exclaimed.

"Sorry about that." He giggled and got up from the floor.

"So.. Why are you still here? I believe that all the trainees went to practice in their respective rooms." You stated. He simply nodded in response. "And it's like the fight for the center. Why don't you go too?"

"You want me to leave so bad?" He questioned, pouting a bit.

"No, it's not like that."

"Since I helped you when you fell down, I was hoping you'd help me perfect my moves?"

"Is that why you helped me? So you turned out to be cunning as you look." You scoffed, "And besides that you're already good with the dance moves." You stated the obvious.

"No, no, I didn't help you for my own benefit. You got me wrong." He was dejected. "I-I just wanted to get better."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you sad." You admitted, "I can help you but wouldn't it be unfair for the other trainees?"

"Yes, you're right. I should not have asked you to help me." He sighed, "I guess I'll leave now. Thanks though."

"Wait! Ah this is frustrating. Okay, I'll help you." You stated.

You helped Xukun with his dancing for almost an hour and he was finally able to do the hardest part perfectly without making any mistakes.

"Thank you so much (y/n)" he squealed out like little girl and hugged you. You were taken aback by the sudden contact but you also hugged him back.

"That was unprofessional of me. Sorry. Thank you mentor (y/n)." he did a 90° bow at you.

the next day-

Chengxiao, Jieqiong and you were judging the trainees' dancing together. Some were ridiculously good while some were horrible. The three of you had a hard time choosing the center, the trainees who were capable of becoming the center was Xukun, Zhengting, Ruibin, Zhangjing, so Jieqiong decided to let the trainees themselves choose their center. Eventually Xukun was chosen as the center.

The filming of the theme music video ended smoothly. You were so proud of the trainees. Right after the filming of the video, Xukun ran down towards you and told you how nervous he was when he was on stage but how he felt relieved when he saw you down there. He kept talking but you weren't paying any attention, you were just admiring his beautiful face. You then realised that you've fallen for this beautiful boy in just some days.

"Hey? (y/n) are you listening?" he waved his at your face. "You're spacing out." He giggled.

"Sorry about that." You chuckled nervously.

Since the choreography for theme dance was done you had to leave. You were reluctant at first to even choreograph this dance but now you didn't want to leave because a special bond was developed between the trainees and you, especially Cai Xukun.

"Mentor (y/n). Thank you so much for taking care of us. We're going to miss you." The trainees said in unison. Some even cried. You didn't think that you'd leave such an impact on them.

"I'll also miss you guys." You smiled at them. "All the best everyone." You wished them good luck and then looked around for Xukun but he was nowhere to be seen.

"I guess I'll be leaving without biding him goodbye." you stated under your breath.

You stepped outside and noticed you manager standing besides the car smiling and waiting for you. You walked towards the car and questioned him, "Why are you so happy?"

"I asked Chengxiao out for a date and guess what, she said yes." He beamed

"Good for you." You smiled at him. "Your love story has just began and mine has ended even without beginning." You sighed.

"Cai Xukun?"

"H-How did you know?"

"I mean turn around, he's there." he pointed towards the entrance where Xukun was running

"Xukun? What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I wanted to confess something before you leave." he said out of breath.

"First breathe." You laughed.

"If I debut with nine percent go out on a date with me and if I'm number one, be my girlfriend and even if I don't make it go out on a date with me."

"Whoa! Is that a way of asking a girl out? It's more like a demand." You laughed at his statement, "I guess I have no choice but to date you or possibly become your girlfriend."



"I'll try my best to become number one. Watch me." he grinned

"Alright, now go back or they might kick you out for breaking their rules of not going outside the building with their consent." You told him

"Okay, bye (y/n) and don't forget to vote for me ALWAYS." he stated emphasising on the word always. "I know you're close with most of the boys but I don't want you voting for them, I get jealous easily."

"I don't know about that, I might vote for Ruibin." You joked. "He's pretty cute and cool. So who knows" You shrugged.

"No!No!" He exclaimed walking closer towards you. He grabbed you by your waist and gave you a chaste kiss. "Now, don't think of voting for him." he warned before running off.

"That was so awkward for me. I thought your love story had already ended. " Your manager commented.

"It guess it did not end."


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