This Isn't The End {Stiles St...

By SiriusCatBennett

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Sometimes Rae Martin didn't know whether to strangle or kiss Stiles Stilinski. It usually leaned towards the... More

This Isn't The End {Stiles Stilinski}
WHAT (An A/N story)
The New Girl
Training Day
5. Seconds. of. Fucking. Summer
Scott's Eyes Glow?!
So I Made a Thing... (A/N)
A Little Ali Argent, A Little Isaac Baehey
Is There a Word Worse Than Disaster?
The Healing Touch of a Friend
Sharing the Love
Blue Eyed Boy
Stupid Derek. Stupid Teenagers
Class Schedule (A/N)
The Alpha
Tunnel Vision
Nogitsune (A/N)
The Reckoning
Tipping the Scales
The Art of Understanding
Flurry of Emotion
Avid Avoidance
Uncle Peter
Preparations for Battle
Biological Makeup
And Everything Comes Crashing Down
This is the End
🎊 Sequel 🎊

Jealous Stiles

716 21 185
By SiriusCatBennett

Chapter 3: Second Chance at First Line

~Scott's POV~

What the hell was I supposed to do? I had taken both Stiles and Rae's advice and Allison had given me another chance. But what the hell did that even matter if her dad wanted to kill me?!

I continued walking into the locker room, dropping my bag on the floor as I made it to mine. I started taking off my padding and uniform, looking blankly in front of me the entire time. Turning around, I laid my back against the lockers with a dumbfounded expression, mouth agape. Suddenly I heard Stiles' voice next to me.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" He asked, sounding like he wasn't sure if he should or not.

"Yeah." Was all I could muster up in reply, still looking straight forward, trying to wrap my head around my life now.

"Is she givin' you a second chance, or.." Stiles continued, hesitant.

"Yeah." Was all I could mutter out again, still not turning to look at him. From the corner of my eye, I saw Stiles' hand shoot out and a bewildered, happy expression on his face.

"Yeah! Alright, so everything's good." He exclaimed, a smile on his face as he turned to leave. I struggled to breathe a bit and a distressed expression arose on my face.

"No," I said, the word half a whimper. Stiles moved back, obviously confused as to why I would say that.

"No," Stiles said with a concerned look, the smile wiped off his face.

"Remember the hunters?" I question, still staring forward. "Her dad is one of them." I struggled to speak, my mind scrambled.

"Her dad?" Stiles questioned in disbelief.

"Shot me..." I trailed off, lost in thought.

"Allison's father?!" I barely heard Stiles and didn't see that he looked as if his mind were about to explode.

"...with a crossbow." I finished my last sentence, eyes widening as I did so, filled with fear and disbelief.

"Allison's fa-" I cut Stiles off, finally snapping due to the situation.

"Yes, her father!" I yelled, out of breath and freaking out. I started hyperventilating, "oh my god, oh my god..." Stiles ran over and started lightly slapping me in the face.

"Scott. Scott." I groaned with a distressed expression. "Hey, hey alright. He didn't recognize you right?" He asked, looking me in the eyes and flailing his arms.

"No, no, I-I-I don't-" Stiles cut me off.

"Does she know about 'em?" He asked, causing me to freak out worse.

"Oh, yeah...I don't know." I turned to him, my eyes bugging out. "What if she does?!" My face was twisted up, Stiles waving his hand in front of me. "She's gonna kill me, man." My face held a tight grimace as I whined and I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. "I can't," I spoke, my voice cracking as the whistle blew.

"Okay. Just focus on lacrosse." Stiles said, grabbing my pads and uniform that I had formerly taken off. "Okay here, Scott. Take this. Take this. Just focus on lacrosse for now." He desperately tried to help the situation. "Okay? That's all you gotta do. Yeah? Here. We. Go." Stiles patted me on the arm with each word, before stumbling out of the locker room and onto the field, leaving me behind.


~Rae's POV~

Deciding not to go to morning practice like I usually did, I slept in a bit longer and grabbed Stella's before school started. I drank my delicious caramel frappe as I walked through the school's front doors, walking towards the locker room to wait for the boys to be done. Scrolling through messages, I smiled at a gif Allison had sent me of a small kitten, laying down in a picnic basket. Laughing lightly, I looked up when I heard the locker room door open.

"Hey, Lahey," I smiled brightly and waved to him with the hand that held my phone.

"Oh. Hey, Rae." Isaac said awkwardly, not looking straight at me. Despite the years we'd been friends, he was still a little hesitant so I didn't push him. I did, however, notice something on his face today that I didn't like.

"Isaac." I said softly, "What happened to your face?" I asked, slowly reaching towards him to pull him around. I gasped when I noticed the yellow and purple bruise on his cheek, a slight cut marring his cheekbone. Isaac was tense and didn't look at me so I called his name again.

"It's nothing. Just tripped and hit my face on my knee." He answered. He still wouldn't look at me and I knew he was lying, but I didn't say anything.

"Come here." He looked up, fear and shock in his eyes. "Just come here," I said, pulling him delicately around the hall and into the girls' bathroom, locking the door when I found it was empty.

"What are you doing?" Isaac asked, hesitantly. I simply grabbed a paper towel and wet it, walking towards him. Pulling down his hood, I dabbed at the cut, cleaning the blood. Throwing away the towel, I opened my bag, pulling out the makeup so Isaac wouldn't have to deal with people staring. He was silent and tense the entire time I did it, and when I finished, he looked in the mirror, dumbfounded at seeing a bruiseless face.

"Why?" He choked out, his voice cracking. I looked at him with sympathy.

"Because I get that you don't want to talk about it. And I get that you already have a hard enough time at school. So the least I could do is give them one less thing to torment you about." I said with finality, putting my things away and looking back up to him to see his eyes tearing up and his body more relaxed than I'd ever seen it. All of a sudden he was barreling forward, pulling me into a hug. At first, I was too shocked to react, but I soon wrapped my arms around him, showing him the comfort I knew he desperately desired.

"Thank you." He barely got out, squeezing me for a second before letting go, wiping his fingers under his eyes to get rid of the few tears, inhaling deeply.

"You're welcome. Anytime this happens, don't be afraid to find me. I'll fix you right up. And if you ever do want to talk about it, know you have my number. And also, I have like no curfew so if you ever need to get away from your dad," I lightly hinted, "I can come pick you up." I told him softly, giving him a small smile that he returned with the most grateful look I'd ever seen. "Now, are you gonna be alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Isaac said with a wave of his hand. "Thanks for the help. Really," Isaac said shyly, turning to walk out of the bathroom with me behind him.

The first thing I saw when I walked out of the bathroom was Scott, who didn't look so good.

And then I saw Stiles.

And Stiles looked pissed.

I had no idea why, but he looked very angry and would not look at me. Skipping up to them, I slid up to my boys.

"Hey Scotty, how'd it go with Ali Cat?" I asked, curious as to whether my ship would continue to sail. Scott looked like he wanted to shoot himself which was very confusing based on his reply.

"Oh, oh. Good. Good. It went good. Your advice was great. Thanks, Rae." He stuttered out, causing my brows to furrow. Turning to Stiles, I noticed he still looked uncharacteristically angry.

"Stiles, why does it look like someone shit in your cornflakes?" I questioned sweetly, not wanting 1/2 of my best friends angry and the other 1/2 utterly confusing. It startled me how quickly his head shot to look at me.

"What was Lahey doing in the girls bathroom?" He hissed, seeming to be trying to keep himself calm. Confused, I looked up at him, not understanding why he was angry.

"Umm, I was cleaning up his face 'cause I didn't want him getting more criticism from the asshats at this school for having a bruise on his cheek," I said, the pitch of my voice raising more and more as I explained, looking down, not wanting to see an angry Stiles. Looking back up, I saw that Stiles' anger had almost completely turned to gratitude and disbelief. What for, I'm not quite sure.

"God, you're amazing." He whispered, sounding completely stumped as he stepped forward and ruffled my hair with a small laugh. Laughing, I looked up noticing that Scott still held a distant look while Stiles looked like he was in a better mood. Hearing the bell ring overhead I groaned, linking my arms with my two idiots and dragging them towards class.

"Come on boys, off to hell we go." I joked.

Little did I know how right I really was.


~Stiles' POV~

Walking to my room upstairs, I threw my backpack on the floor before jumping into my desk chair, twirling around. Stopping, I picked up a light-up nerf gun from the floor and set it on my lap, planning to use it in a moment. Twirling back around, sliding slightly across the floor, I settled back in front of my computer, starting up Skype.

Like a gangsta, I spun around and shot all over my room with the gun, a weird look on my face as I pretended to shoot up my whole room, things breaking in my mind and holes all over the room. Taking my finger off the trigger, an open-mouthed smirk covered my face as I raised the gun up and surveyed the "damage."

Knowing there really wasn't any, I turned back around and pressed video call on Scotty boy's face and turned the chair around to wait till he picked up. Waiting patiently and with scouting ears, I finally heard the sound of him answering, turning and shooting at him with a stern look on my face. As he sat down and wiped his eyes, a smile grew on my face, putting down the gun.

"Well, what'd you find out?" Scott asked, looking guilty.

"Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder," I said solemnly, but not feeling bad for Jackson at all. He was an asshole.

"Because of me?" Scott sounded exasperated, sighing as he leaned over in his seat.

"Because he's a tool," I replied without hesitance, eyebrows raised. It was true.

"Well is he gonna play?" Scott asked, freaking out.

"Well, we don't know yet." I sighed, raising my hand. "Now they're just counting on you for Saturday," I said, raising my eyebrows, watching as he closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head.

I looked away from Scott real quick and down to my phone, seeing that Rae had messaged me. "One sec dude." I lifted up a finger.

Catwoman: Why did neither of you tell me Scott wrecked Jackson today?! I couldn't give him an honorary crown!

Chuckling, I smiled fondly down at the text message, replying instantly.

To Catwoman: Sorry, I completely forgot Rae Rae. You can give him the crown tomorrow.

I looked up to see that Scott was already looking at me, with a look I knew all too well. "Rae says great job with the Jackson ass whoop man," I spoke, grinning at him. His face immediately dropped in response.

"Speaking of Rae." Scott started, "I really want to tell her what's going on. She deserves to know Stiles." I sighed, looking at him with a serious expression.

"Scott, don't you think I want to tell her too? She's my best friend and the three of us share everything. But I don't want her to get hurt. I don't know what I'd do if she got hurt." I told him honestly, my face screwing up. It would kill me if Rae got hurt. She wasn't just my best friend. I'd loved her for longer than I could remember. But I was so scared of rejection I just pretended I loved Lydia, and yeah Lydia was great, but she wasn't Rae. Rae was smart and she didn't hide it like Lydia did. Rae was beautiful and popular yet loved getting dirty and going on adventures and was a friend to the 'lower citizens' as her sister called us. Rae was sweet and real and caring. Rae was strong and independent and stood up for what she thought was right but was still adorable and shy. Rae knew how to defend herself but knew her limits. She was the most amazing person I'd ever met.

"Stiilleess." A voice said. "Sssttiiiillleeesss." I looked up at the screen, having completely zoned out on my conversation with Scott.

"Oh, shit, sorry dude. I was zonin' out." I said, face turning red. Scott just smiled, but my face suddenly dropped as I leaned closer, looking at Scott's room through his camera. When he noticed the look on my face, Scott deadpanned.

"What?" He asked, not knowing why I looked like I did at the moment. Frantically typing, I spelled out the words, it looks like someone's behind you, but it buffered halfway through, leaving me worried as I waited for it to stop, frozen on Scott's face-but with someone behind him.

Suddenly, it stopped, showing me a live version of Scott again as my face showed how freaked I am about what I see. All of a sudden the figure runs forward and grabs Scott as I fly back in my seat, away from the desk, simultaneous with the Skype call suddenly going out - Scott's face disappearing.


~Rae's POV~

Walking down the stairs with Allison, I noticed Scott standing at the bottom with an adorable puppy smile on his face. I immediately left Allison's side and veered to the wall next to the staircase, waiting until they finished their moment.

They were so adorable together, but it made me sad sometimes. I wanted to be with Stiles like that. But I'd never get the chance if he was in love with my sister. My TWIN sister. Damnit, man.

I really don't understand. I love my sister, no doubt, but she was a bitch to Stiles. She paid no attention to him and treated him like he was less than human. Whereas I'm here..every day..being my awesome self, but no.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard Allison telling Scott goodbye, looking up and growing confused by the look on his face.

"What's wrong Scotty?" I asked, frowning at the boy in front of me who was slightly wide-eyed and gaping in front of him.

He turned to look at me quickly, eyes growing wider. "N-nothing, I just, I'm nervous about her coming to see me play that's all," Scott replied, looking nervous and scared. Sympathetically, I squeezed him in a side hug.

"McCall, you'll be fine. However you're doing it, you've been acing lacrosse, you've got nothing to worry about." I smiled up at one of my best friends, someone who is practically my brother. He glanced down at me, seeing as I was still two inches shorter in my three-inch heels, sending me a small smile.

"Thanks, Rae," Scott said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he turned us towards class.


I filled in the math questions easily as Scott and my sister answered equations on the board. 

I hated math. 

Well, not necessarily math itself. I hated the fact that in most jobs or situations you wouldn't even need to know this stuff, yet they teach it to you anyways. History was good to know so you don't repeat it, and so that you know your American heritage; part of your culture. English was good to know for interpreting things in life, knowing how to read and write, and having an onslaught of words to use in daily situations. Science was good to know for home life, careers, and self-preservation in some cases. Math was good for 1,000's of situations in life, but only so much of it is ever used. Half of what we learn is pointless. It would be so much smarted to use the time spent on those subjects on things like taxes and how to budget. 

Looking up from my finished homework sheet, I turned to my sister who was in the process of sitting down next to me.

"So what were you two talking about? I heard whispers." I asked her, confused as to why she was talking to someone she'd hated as my friend for years.

"I heard a rumor going around that he wasn't playing tonight's game." Lydia told me haughtily, "I was just making sure he had enough incentive to play." She finished airily, looking down at her fingernails.

"You threatened him didn't you?" I asked, my expression falling into one of complete blasphemy, despite not being surprised at her actions.

"Well, kind of. More...blackmailed." She smiled, borderline smirked. "Told him I'd introduce Allison to all the hot lacrosse players after the game if he didn't play. I mean, he can't just hurt Jackson like that and then back out of the first game." Her expression had turned slightly annoyed by the end, obviously upset by her boyfriend's injury.

"Lydia, Jackson will be fine, all of us know that. He'll heal. And he's an ass, he deserved it anyways. If Scott isn't playing, then it's probably for a good reason." I told her, attempting to be the voice of reason to this side of my sister.

"Rae, I get it. He's you're friend. But if he doesn't play, I stand by what I said." The end of her sentence was punctuated by the ringing of the bell. I quickly pushed myself up, ready to be out of class, being followed by Lydia.

"Okay, fine. But I don't think it's okay and I will personally make sure my OTP is still canon." I told her, knowing it would put us on opposite sides of this metaphorical battlefield.

"You are such a nerd." Lydia laughed, smiling brightly as she held her bag.

"Says you. Just because you decide to fake being a ditzy blonde, doesn't mean you are." I replied with a smile and shrugged my shoulders as we reached our lockers. Twirling in the combination, I threw the door open, putting my things away.

"Whatever. At least it got me Jackson." Lydia leaned against her locker, a lazy smirk on her face as she bit the end of a pen. I rolled my eyes and shook, a look of disgust written all over my face.

"Gross. I'm leaving." I announced, turning around. "See you at home," I called over my shoulder, walking down the hallway. I really hope one of these days she shows how smart she is. She's a damn genius. 

Walking slowly down the hallway, two boys caught my attention. My face immediately broke out into a smile, seeing my two best friends. Stiles was leaning against the wall behind Scott as they peered around a corner. Soon, Stiles pushed himself up and looked irritated.

"...find the other half of the body." Is all I heard before I got to them.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. Slow down buster." I said and pushed Stiles back as he turned to leave. Both he and Scott looked at me with wide eyes, freaked out, which made my eyes furrow. "Okay first off, what the hell were you two just talking about, and for two, why do you both look like I just stole all of your Halloween candy after four gruesome hours of walking?"

"Uhm, project." Stiles sputtered out. "Yeah, group project. An-and you just scared us, that's all." My eyes narrowed on him, upset that he obviously just lied, but I'd save that bit of information for later. I forced a carefree smile on my face, looking between the two of them.

"Oh okay, cool. Well, do you guys wanna hang out? I don't have any homework and we could go to the lake or something." I offered, hoping they'd say yes.

"Sorry, we can't tonight Rae, project remember?" Scott told me, his face slightly screwed up but resembling an honest expression.

"Oh, well alright. That's cool, I guess I'll just Netflix and chill by myself, am I right?" I laughed, oddly nervous and disappointed that both of them were lying to me. "Bye guys."

"Bye Rae." They chorused as I turned and walked out the front doors, seriously wondering what the hell was going on.


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