Ashes of mordor

By Littlenightfury1

5.5K 106 18

Ash is now 60 years older but hasn't aged a day. As she travels to her old friends home to celebrate his 111t... More

Happy birthday mr. baggins
Little frodo
111th birthday
The journey to rivendale
The forming of a fellowship
Little frodo baggins
A 'steady' journey
Rest in peace my friend
Fly you fools
Comfort in an unfamiliar home
A surprising guest
What a strange little creature
Guided by the dead

A chat between old friends

392 6 0
By Littlenightfury1

Bilbo's pov

As I went back to my kitchen to finish my tea I heard a knock on my door. I rolled my eyes, I swear if it's my damn relatives knocking and begging for my attention I swear to god...

"No, thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well wishers, or distant relations." I gave out as I refused to open the door, only to hear a familiar voice behind the door. "And what about very old friends?" The voice asked. I opened the door curiously, only to see my old friend. "Gandalf?" I asked in shock. "Bilbo Baggins!" He replied with a smile. "My dear Gandalf!" I yelled with joy as he dropped to his knees so I can hug him.

"It's good to see you. One hundred and!eleven years old, who would believe it!" Gandalf said to me as he looked at me keenly. "You haven't aged a day!" He tells me and we laugh together as we bagend. "Come on, come in!   Welcome, welcome!! Tea? Or maybe something stronger... I've a few bottles of the Old Winyard left, 1296...a very good year, almost as old as I am. It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?"

Ash's POV

Bilbo disappears into the kitchen as Gandalf looks around..enjoying the familiarity of Bag End...he turns, knocking his head on the light and then walking into the wooden beam. He groans, forgetting how low the roof was. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"I was expecting you some time last week. Not that it matters, you come and go as you please, always have done, always will." Bilbo complained. "Are you Ok my friend ?.." I asked the grey wizard. "Yes.. I'm fine lithônion.." Gandalf replies with a smile. "You've caught me a bit unprepared, I'm afraid...we've only got cold chicken, bit of pickle, some cheese here...ooh, no, that might be a little risky..." Bilbo continued to talk to himself.

Suddenly Gandalf strode over to the corner of the room and stared at a charred map framed in the wall. I follow him and see it's thorin's map. I couldn't help but smile to myself.  "Er, we've got raspberry jam and apple some custard somewhere. Not much for Afters, I'm afraid. Oh no...we're alright...I've just found some sponge cake. Nice little snack. Hope it's enough." Bilbo droned on as he came into view. "I could do you some eggs if you like?" He asked but he looked very confused. I glanced around to see Gandalf had left.

Suddenly Bilbo Jumps, almost drooping the half eaten pork pie in his hand, as Gandalf mysteriously appears behind him. "Just tea, thank you." He says with a polite smile. I snicker a bit as I know he's simply wandering around Bilbo's house for a bit of nostalgia. "Oh..right. You don't mind if...?" Bilbo asked, not needing to finish his sentence as me and Gandalf knew how large a hobbit appetite was. "No not at all my friend. Go on" I told him. Suddenly a loud knock on the door and the voice of a woman saying "Bilbo Baggins, you open this door..I know you're in there." Made my old friend go pale.

"I'm not home!" He whisper yelled and we watched amused as he tried to hide. "I've got to get away from these confounded relatives, hanging on the bell all day, never giving me a moment's peace. I want to see mountains again...mountains, Gandalf... and then find somewhere quiet where I can finish my book...Oh, Tea!" Bilbo complained sadly making my smile falter a bit.

"So, you mean to go through with your plan, then?" Gandalf's asked. "Plan? What on Earth are you on about ?" I asked being very confused. "Yes,'s all inhand. All the arrangements are made." Bilbo said. "Are.. are you leaving the shire Bilbo?.." I asked. He gave me a sad smile. "Frodo suspects something." Gandalf's began. "Course he does, he's a Baggins...not some block headed Bracegirdle from Hardbottle!" Bilbo almost yelled with pride.

"You will tell him, won't you?" Gandalf's asked. Bilbo waved his hand and replied "Yes, yes." Almost as if he was just saying it to make him happy. He's very fond of you." Gandalf told him, making Bilbo sigh. "I know. He'd probably come with me if I asked him. I think, in his heart, Frodo's still in love with the Shire, the woods and the fields... little rivers." Bilbo said as he stands gazing out of the kitchen window. "I am old, Gandalf.." Bilbo said. "I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart." He continued as he put his hand into his pocket and began to feel something in it.. maybe it was the ring... was that what was forcing my friend to go on so long ?..

"I feel thin...sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday...a very long holiday and I don't expect I shall fact, I mean not to." He said sadly. I just wanted to hug him. I hate to admit it but it sounds like my friend is going away for peace and quiet to die. And that breaks my heart.

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