Destined to be together

Von sandysandra92

454K 18.8K 1.7K

#8 in 2018 - 28/10/2018 #11 in India - 28/10/2018 #91 in 2018 - 17/9/2018 #150 in 2018 - 15/9/2018 #47 in des... Mehr

Author's note
Chapter 1 - The dream (E)
Chapter 2 - The Family Drama (E)
Chapter 3 - The Crush (E)
Chapter 4 - The smile (E)
Chapter 5 - Forgiveness(E)
Chapter 6 - The surprise (E)
Chapter 7 - All that glitters is not gold (E)
Chapter 8 - My Prince in White Armor? (E)
Chapter 9 - Recovery(E)
Chapter 10 - Revelation(E)
Chapter 11 - The rush(E)
Chapter 12 - The history(E)
Chapter 13 - The history - 2 (E)
Chapter 14 - Breaking the ice(E)
Chapter 15 - Sidharth's secret (E)
Chapter 16 - Marriage (E)
Chapter 18 - The first night(E)
Chapter 19 - Married life(E)
Chapter 20 - The one with all the drooling(E)
Author's note
Chapter 21 - When she almost got to know(E)
Chapter 22 - Getting closer(E)
Chapter 23 - First Kiss(E)
Chapter 24 - Now what? (E)
Chapter 25 - Help(E)
Chapter 26 - Plan?!(E)
Chapter 27 - Mistake(E)
Chapter 28 - Distance(E)
Chapter 29 - Jealousy (E)
Chapter 30 - Broken(E)
Chapter 31 - Decision(E)
Chapter 32 - Slap(E)
Chapter 33 - The Aftermath(E)
Chapter 34 - The elevator(E)
Chapter 35 - Huh? (E)
Chapter 36 - The deal(E)
Chapter 38 - The date - part1 (E)
Chapter 39 - The date - Part 2(E)
Chapter 40 - Getting closer...again(E)
Chapter 42 - Ice(E)
Chapter 43 - Surprise!(E)
Chapter 44 - Mine! (E)
Chapter 45 - Their Banter(E)
Chapter 46 - Photograph(E)
Chapter 47 - Revelation? (E)
Chapter 48 - Oops!(E)
Chapter 49 - Actual Revelation! (E)
Chapter 50 - Another Oopsie?! (E)
Chapter 51 - Zoned out! (E)
Another Author's note
Chapter 52 - I lost! (E)
Chapter 53 - Calm (E)
Chapter 54 - The Storm(E)
Chapter 55 - Away(E)
Chapter 56 - Precap(E)
Chapter 57 - Worst Nightmare(E)
Chapter 58 - Worst nightmare - Part 2(E)
Chapter 60 - The end(E)
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue - 3
Author's Note

Chapter 59 - Worst Nightmare - Part 3(E)

5.5K 238 35
Von sandysandra92

***Sidharth's P.O.V***

"First calm down" Rajath said nervously. The look on his face told that something's definitely up! Whatever, I just hope my wife is safe!

I looked curiously at Rajath who started speaking hesitantly-

"A few days ago, a lawyer bailed out Vikram and he said that you sent him to bail out Vikram. I'm sure that the lawyer was paid heavily to lie through his ass!" Rajath said gritting his teeth. 

I honestly don't care anything about that bastard long as my Amogha is safe!!!

"Anyways, Vikram hadn't been seen since that day, until, ofcourse the day Amogha went missing. The phone number which he used to purchase that car he was seen in, that number is also switched-off now. Co-incidentally, the sim's last location before being switched-off was this location!" Rajath said a bit hesitantly. 

"So now what?" Adi asked Rajath.

"Well, the car that Vikram was driving hasn't been found yet. My spies who are behind Sam informed me that Sam got some marriage certificates with her's and Sid's name on it and also some divorce papers with Amogha's signature on them, which would prove that Sid got married to Sam after divorcing Amogha" Rajath said, looking at me nervously.

"So they are trying to show that Sid got rid of Amogha and then got married to Sam?" Rishi asked, gritting his teeth.

"Looks like it!" Rajath said sadly.

How should I react for all this?

"Any info about Ammu?" I asked Rajath hopefully who slowly shook his head in a 'no'.

Vikram's possibly holding Amogha captive?? Okay time to panic!

My mind started to imagine all the horrific things Vikram was capable of doing... I have to protect Amogha!!

"Wait...can you.... you could check if Vikram's and Sam's and Prithvi's phones were ever active at the same location? Ammu might be held captive there?" I asked, as I recalled how Sam and Prithvi were talking about breaking me and Amogha apart.

" that's possible! Wait I'll ask my men to look it up" Rajath said excitedly and walked away to make a phone-call.

"So you're saying...." Rishi said, looking at me questioningly.

"..that this is all Prithvi and Sam's plan" I continued Rishi's statement and nodded my head in agreement. 

"Ohh" Rishi said, looking a bit lost.

"My men are on it...and I've asked them to even have a talk with that lawyer who bailed-out Vikram, and maybe soften him up a bit, you know?" Rajath said, grinning.

"Well, let's get back to my place and wait for your men to call back" I said dejectedly. What else could I possibly do?

"No.... I won't go back without Amogha" Adi said sternly, while glaring at me.

"Dude even I want to know that Amogha's safe. This is killing me too! Don't act like you're the only one who cares! She's my wife for fucks sake!" I spat at Adi while he continued to glare at me.

"Well act like you care! You threw her away man! You doubted her and left her for that slutty ex of yours and went off to Pune? How could you even do that? If you loved her so damn much then why the fuck did you hurt her? Did you see how broken she was when you left her?? And on top of everything you effing told her that you only lust after her and not love her? Dude if you really did love her then you'd treat her like a queen...not like the trash that you have actually been treating her!" Adi spat on my face, his eyes were blazing with anger and he was visibly shaking.

I was speechless - he was right! I hurt Amogha so damn much! All the things that Prithvi had told to me in Pune came back to me - I did hurt Amogha a lot and she's still suffering because of me! Maybe she'd not have to see this day if she was with Adi!! Amogha might be happier with him than with me!

"After what happened in Pune I had thought that Amogha deserves better... imagine how she'd feel if she'd gotten to know that I believed my ex over her! I so wanted to confess everything to her but...well. " I said sadly.

"And to top it all, Prithvi had sent her a pic of me and Sam from the time we were dating...
When I first saw it I actually thought that I'd done something with Sam when I was in Pune, seeing how I got completely wasted a couple of times...but then I realized that it's an old photograph, and yet the pain of telling her that I used to whore around whilst I claimed to be in love with her...." I broke off, unable to say anymore.

"And yet you continued hurting her" Adi said hotly.

"Look who's talking!! You bastard cheated on her...twice!! Sid might have hurt Amogha unintentionally but he never cheated on her! Yes he did doubt her but he did make-it up to her! And even Ammu doubted Sid! So that evens out!! But you sexted another girl, slept with another girl while still dating Amogha. Do you know how broken she was when she found out that you cheated on her? Don't act like a saint and all concerning for Ammu when you yourself hurt her so damn much" came an angry voice and I looked around to find Priya who was glaring at a very scared looking Adi.

Priya was breathing heavily and angry tears were spilling from her eyes.

"But.." Adi tried to defend himself but was cut-off when Priya started her shouting again - "That motherfucker Prithvi pushed bullshit into Sid's head saying how Ammu deserved someone better than him because he hurt her! That's why Sid lied to Ammu saying he only lusts after her!! He had planned a romantic date for Amogha where he was going to confess all that crap which he heard from Prithvi and Sam...and all this too and finally tell her how much he loves her!"

"Calm down babe" Rishi said, trying to hold a very pissed-off looking Priya. She looked angry enough to kill Adi.

Thank God I was not on the receiving-end of that look!

The session was interrupted by a noise - somebody's phone was ringing. We all looked around to find Rajath pulling out his phone from his pocket.

We all looked at Rajath with baited breath as he answered his call. 

Rajath was smiling ear-to-ear by the end of the call and he answered our un-answered question in two words "Got it".

"Well let's get moving then!" Priya spat at him. She was clearly still very angry! God knows how Rishi manages with her!!

"No I thought we'd just stay here and watch as you continued to insult Adi" Rajath said sarcastically, rolling his eyes and earning a punch from Priya.

"Ouch that hurts!! I'm sorry....we'll move but first you take a deep breath and calm the fuck down" Rajath said, grinning widely.

"I'll calm the fuck down when I get to see that my best friend is safe. Now fucking move" Priya shouted and Rajath actually jumped!

"How do you handle her?" Rajath asked Rishi hesitantly.

"I don't handle her....she handles me" Rishi said proudly.

"Okay now let's move" I said as excitement filled me - I am finally going to meet Amogha!!

***Amogha's P.O.V***

All this sounds crazy....and yet......and yet, a part of it makes sense. Do I believe my close friend of over 20 years, or do I believe my husband?

Sidharth never forced me to do anything. He flirts in a healthy way, but that's all. Heck I myself had initiated most of our kisses too!! He never took it too far!! 

If what Prithvi is saying is true, then Sid should have had actually pestered me into sleeping with him!! 

Prithvi is a decent human and I have known him for a very long time....why would he lie to me?

"Where are you lost?" Prithvi shook my shoulders, bringing me back to reality.

I jerked my gaze to Prithvi and found him staring intently at me...almost...hungrily? That's not a good feeling!

I turned around to see that monster Vikram too looking at me with his lust-filled eyes.

"Prithvi can you please take me away from here.....him?" I asked him, as flashes of that night started flooding my mind...

"Um.." Prithvi said hesitantly and glanced at Vikram once before smiling at me - I'm pretty sure this is a fake smile!

"Yeah...sure...just...I need to make a few phone calls" he said, more like stammered, before getting to his feet.

"Wait...don't leave me alone...with....hh..him" I stammered as tears pooled my eyes. I cannot stay in the same room as that monster, even though his hands are tied! 

"Sweety it'll take me just a couple of minutes to make this phone call and then I promise I'll take you far away from here! And about Vikram....he's harmless....he's tied up see" Prithvi said, trying to sound confident, although I could make out the hint of nervousness in his voice. 

I just want to go back home...back to my husband and be with him - I cannot doubt him. He did ask me to trust him and he loves me from the past 8 years! A person may lie but their eyes can never lie...and I have seen that love in Sid's eyes for me...

Prithvi's eyes also speak of his love for me, but there's a tinge of regret in there too - what's that about?

I was so busy thinking of Sid and what Prithvi had 'revealed' about Sid, I didn't notice when Prithvi had walked out of this 'room' or whatever the hell this is!

I was pulled out of my thinking world when I heard the loud thud of a door being closed. 

Okay this isn't good! Inside a closed room, with the person who tried to molest me - time to start panicking and wishing for Sid to magically appear here and save me!

I kept looking around the room for some sort of a weapon - or anything - to protect myself if this monster makes a move on me - just in case! 

Prevention is better than cure!

Just then, I heard sounds of footsteps and turned around to see that monster standing a few feet away from me. I gulped nervously and started praying for Sid to come soon - I only trusted him and nobody else!!

"Well well, looks like we're all alone!! Time to finally do what I had always wanted to do" Vikram said in a voice filled with lust, while his eyes roamed all around my body.

I felt disgusted and dirty as he eye-raped me. I unconsciously started moving backwards, while Vikram started moving towards me, like a lion hunts its prey.

My brain was thinking of all the ways in which I could escape from this monster, but I knew that there was no way out! Prithvi!!

"" I shouted at the top of my voice and expected some reply, but sadly, I got none, except Vikram's chuckles.

If I thought that the situation couldn't get any worse, then I was mistaken - Vikram moved his hand forward, showing that his hands weren't tied anymore. How could that happen??

I stilled in my place as my back hit the wall behind me and found myself face-to-face with Vikram, he was standing just a few feet away from me, his eyes stuck on my chest-area.

My mind suddenly recalled a scene from a hollywood movie and well, that was possibly my only chance. So I grabbed it...

I gathered up all my courage and strength and lifted my right knee and landed it straight onto Vikram's manhood. 

I knew my plan was successful as tears pooled in Vikram's eyes and he fell down, clutching his groin and shouting loudly.

I smiled proudly at my accomplishment and ran away, trying to find the exit.

Vikram's wailing were subsiding when I finally found the door. I put my hand on the door knob, only to find that someone had just pulled the door open from the other side.

I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust them to the brightness from the other side, while I found myself in-front of a man.

Who was he?

To be continued...


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