The Extroverty-Introvert

By LethargicGenius

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Hey Guys! John is a 15-year-old student who is trying to figure out the best way to stay connected with his... More

CHAPTER 2:-The Problem I Have With Weddings.
Chapter 4:-A Bad Start Does Not Mean It's A Bad Day.
Chapter 5:-Always Keep Your Phone In The Bag!
Chapter 6 :- Abdomen Guards Should Be In All Sports!
Chapter 7:- Never Daydream When A Girl is Talking.
Chapter 8:- Grandmothers
Chapter 9:- Is it Pancakes Or Videshi Dosa?
Chapter 10:- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 11:-Should I Make A Move?
Chapter 12:- The Things We Do For Love
Chapter 13:- Tutoring Natalie.
Chapter 14:- Can A Hairband Be A Weapon?
Chapter 15:- Watson, We Have A Problem!
Chapter 16:- Lost and Found.
Chapter 17:- Those Are A Nice Pair of Tits.
Chapter 18:- Do My Instincts Warn Me?
Chapter 19:- The Creep is Back.
Chapter 20:- Wait, You're a Gangster?
Chapter 21:- The Target's Daughter
Chapter 22:- Perspective
Chapter 23:- The Betrayal
Chapter 24:- What the heck Rachel? Where are my Clothes?
Chapter 25:- Overconfident in a Tuxedo
Chapter 26:- Psyche Grandma Rose!
Chapter 27:- Always Lock the Door
Chapter 28:- The Brief Past
Chapter 29:- Juan and Jose
Chapter 30:- Prom

Chapter 3:- Embrace the Third Wheeling

102 8 5
By LethargicGenius

"John! ....Wake up John! It's 7:15 am, school starts at 8:30. Now get up!" 

That eyes still closed, trying to understand what's going on in the background, it sounded so familiar...i didn't want to open my eyes on a Monday to know that it's time for school again!

Before i could make another move, i hear the rustling noise of the curtain being opened, i yelled "NO!!!!", but in vain. The bright light came showering at me, so bright even though my eyes were shut, i was shocked that the person in the room did not even bother listening to my plead to not open the curtain, that i fell down from my bed.

It was MOM! Well who is so heartless to open the curtains and let the sun play games with my eyes! Like mom i am your ONLY Son!

She laughed at my struggle and told me that breakfast was ready and that i have to take a shower and be ready for my first day in 9th grade. She was wayyy too excited.

Me:-"Mom i am going to the same school for 10 years now, how is it exciting?"

Mom:-"Honey, you are in the 9th grade! This is the time you will be mature and choose your path to walk in and find a career!"

Me:-"I would rather drive to it."

Mom:-"To drive, first you need a job, which you don't have, so you need to study diligently from now on till graduation in college."

Me:-"UH! "

These small talks between my parents,especially my mom was common and i try not to argue on what she is saying or even ask for more information because i remember the last time i did it was in 6th grade i had been invited to this birthday party of my classmate i was told that Natalie Lorelle was coming too. This made me excited, so i asked mom if i could go to party and if she could drop me there by 4 pm, and pick me up when it is over.

She agreed but when the day came, she was reading a book on how to make cookies, these chocolate chip cookies, don't get me wrong i love them when they are made but God no i hate baking it! Well the time was 3:30 pm then and i thought i would be a good child if i was interested in doing stuff with my parents and helping them too.

Keep in mind the party was in 30 mins from now and i thought it would be dumb of me to go very early so i thought it wouldn't hurt spending time with her for the time being,little did i know about the trap i had laid for myself!

Me:-"Mum is that cookies you are reading about?"

Mom:-"That's right! You know how much your sister Rachel loves them, you know what will be good?"


Mom:-"Baking some for her! We can even take some for Mervin's party!"


Subconscious Mind:-"You forgot that it was Mervin's party right? You douche!"

Well that's bad of me to forget the birthday boy's name.

So we baked cookies which took an hour and it was 4:40 now! I ended up coming last in the party with a basket of cookies for everyone and Mervin's present.

So Natalie recognised me and still referred to me as the guy who got "cookies" for quite a long time. Thanks Mom! (-_-")

With that in mind i did not want to get into an argument with Mom over college and getting a job because i know he has a lot to say in return. So i got up did my chores and left for school.

Things were exciting at first till i reached the corridor of my classroom. You see my classroom was on the 4th floor that is that the last floor of my school so that meant i could see who all are coming to class easily as they will have to eventually come through the only 2 stairways to the 4th floor. This made me feel less lonely because as usual i would reach in class before hand and would stand at the corridor waiting for my friends, until last year it was awkward because i look like a lost dog searching for my owner, but now there was no problem because i was on the last floor, reserved for the seniors.

Soon my friends arrived, the three idiots that they were looking like in their school uniforms made me feel better with my short haircut and that "i have just hit puberty moustache" which was sooo different!

Me:-"Hey losers! What's up?"

Akaash:-"The only loser i can see is you loner boyy! "

Arya :-"True that."

Shreya:-"Looks like you have to get out of your comfort zone John in order to make new friends in your class...Does that hurt?"

Me:-"Hey i ain't a loser, and yeah it kinda hurts leaving my comfort zone."

Arya:-"You should have come to the fresher's party at Haden's house last night John, it was a blast!"

Me:-"Honestly i prefer reading Harry Potter."

Shreya:-"See this is why you are single!"

Me:-"Really? At least i have you guys with m....."

>Manly voice from the staircase

"Hey babe!"

Arya:-"Oh hey Abhay!"

I whispered to Akaash and Shreya "Did i just hear that? Did you guys hear the same? What's going on? Both of them just smiled as if nothing happened and laughed at me.

Subconscious Mind:-"Hey, Arya has a boyfriend now douchebag! None other than Abhay Freaking Grover! Omg like how?"

Me:-" Finally i can agree with you subconscious mind on something! And yeah how are they together?"

Subconscious Mind:-"You know what, you should just embrace it and let them be,and third wheeling could be fun!"


>Another Voice follows from the staircase

"Hey Babe!"

Shreya:-"Omg Hi Dhruv!"

Subconscious mind:-"WAIT! What did i just hear! Shreya too?! Bro this is nuts! And that too with DHRUV SEHGAL ! OMG!"

I was shocked as i saw both these two couples hugging each other, kissing and uhh! Gross! Then i looked at Akaash with a confused look and telepathically told him, "Dude is this really happening?!"

Too which he replied "Yeah..."

Subconscious Mind:-"I think you are overreacting dude, just let it be they are your friends, i mean it can't get worse can it? And 5th wheeling isn't that bad right? And secondly you have Akaash! Right? Right?"

>Another freaking voice comes, but from the 2nd stairway behind us. This time it was a girl's voice!

"Hey Boyfriend!"

Akaash:-"What's up Girlfriend?!"

Subconscious mind:-"Okay that's it! John there is a window on the right of you down the corridor,just run to it and jump! Just jump and be freed from the troubles of seeing these things! Like why, why does Akaash also have a Girlfriend now?! Dude your life is useless now isn't it? You are the freaking 7th wheel!"


The wind blew, but i stood still as all these things unfold around me.

1)My friends taken away from me.

2)My chance of being alone increasing.

3)Annnnnd my self esteem hit an all time low.... I WAS THE 7TH WHEEL!

The three couples had a surprised look on their face, like hey ! Let me at least have my moment of confusion, but no ! That too they had to steal it away from me.

The first words i said to them was "This is a prank right?"

To which they all replied in unison "NO! This is real."

Side Note:-Just wanted to give a tip to you guys who are in a relationship and haven't told it to your close friends, please for the love of god take your time and make a move,don't start to make-out in middle of nowhere in front of them and expect them to "understand".

I still had that confused face, honestly what else can you expect from an introvert brown dude who loves reading books,the most traumatising moment for me would have been when Ronald Wesley got into a fight with his best friend Harry Potter over a vision that Hermione,his girlfriend was kissing harry.

But this, this was a hard pill to swallow.

Akaash:-"Listen John, we three really wanted to tell you about this beforehand but you ended up going for a month to Kerala.."

Shreya:-"Yeah and the week that you came back, there was only 4 days to school so we assumed that you would be better off seeing it in person .."

My God i have some hard-hearted friends, who thought it would be better to dump a load of information on me and expect my 15 year old brain to process all this new data, simultaneously maintaining a good amount of concentration in school work, because it was the first day!

Jesus Christ! Do not let anyone else suffer from the thoughts of these people!

And you know the worst part is? The bell rang! Which meant we all had to move to our classrooms!

Wow what a way to begin high school!


Yo Yo Yo!

How are you guys doing?! I am so happy with the increasing number of readers everyday that i see on this book, do remember to hit that vote button and support this book as much as you can!

Thanks ! :)

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