Never Let You Go

By LeiaOrganaSolo98

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A story about Han & Leia between the end of Return Of The Jedi and The Last Jedi. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 18

117 4 4
By LeiaOrganaSolo98

      As they approached Bespin, Leia joined Han and Chewie in the cockpit. This would be the first time they would be in Cloud City since the day Han was frozen in carbonite. Han gave them the clearance code and they were granted permission to land.

"Well, that went smoother than last time." Han joked, landing the ship. Leia gave a short laugh.

     They grabbed their bags and headed down the ramp. Lando was already standing there, waiting for them. He walked over and greeted them.

"Han! How are you doing? It's been a while." Lando exclaimed, hugging Han.

"I'm doing good. No surprises this time I hope." Han said.

"No. No surprises this time." Lando laughed. He turned to Leia and hugged her.

"How are you Leia? You're still looking just as beautiful as the last time I saw you."

"I'm doing well, thank you." She said.

"Congratulations on the baby."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Here. Let us take your bags for you." He said, gesturing to the guards approaching them to assist them.

"Oh, thank you." Leia said.

"You're welcome." One guard said as he took her bag. The guards walked into the building with their bags.

"I'll show you to your room." Lando said.

      Leia, Han, and Chewie followed Lando into the building and through the halls. It was just how they remembered it looked. Leia held Han's hand as they walked with Lando to their room.

"Oh! I would like to invite you to dinner with me this evening. Don't worry. There will be no Sith lords or bounty hunters at this dinner."

"We'll be there." Leia said.

"Great! I'll see you later then." He nodded and left the couple alone. He walked with Chewie and showed him to his room.

      Han closed the door. Before he could walk away from the door, Leia kissed Han, almost knocking him over. He put his hands on her waist and looked at her.

"Woah! What's all this about?" he smirked.

"We have a while before we have to be at dinner." She whispered in his ear.

"Hmm. I could get used to these hormones." He laughed. She smiled, pulling him over and onto the bed.

    She kissed him and before they knew it, they were lost in each other, enjoying the warmth of her skin touching his skin. He ran his hands up and down her back as she ran her hands through his hair. They sighed as they laid there next to each other, breathless...speechless.

"Sorry I jumped you like that."

"I know it's not your fault sweetheart. And I actually didn't mind it. Plus, I think we both needed that." He laughed. She laughed and kissed him.

      Leia stood in the fresher, putting on her makeup. Han kissed her on the cheek, stepping next to her to shave. She looked at him in the mirror, smiling at him.

"What?" He asked looking at her in the mirror.

"Nothing." She smiled. "Just looking handsome."

"Thanks, sweetheart. You're looking very beautiful in that dress." He smiled, washing and wiping the shaving cream off his face. To her surprise, she blushed. He laughed. Leia playfully smacked his shoulder.

"We should probably get going." She said, handing him his jacket.

"Yeah. Don't want to keep Lando and Chewie waiting." He said, getting a small laugh out of Leia.

      They walked into the restaurant and sat down at the table where Lando and Chewie were sitting. They were happy that this time, they would be eating an actual meal. They were worry free this time on Bespin and they were glad they could trust Lando again. After all, Lando did help plan and actively participated in the search and rescue of Han on Tatooine.

"See? I told you no surprises." Lando joked.

"Yeah." Han said sarcastically.

"How's the travelling been going?"

"Its been great. Seeing the galaxy without worrying about politics is great."

"So, where have you been so far?"

"Endor, Naboo, Takodana, Corellia, Kashyyyk, Yavin IV, and here." Leia said.

"So, you've been around." Lando laughed.

"Yes. Deciding on a planet to live on." Han said.

"Trying to decide between either Corellia or Naboo." Leia said.

"Well, if you happen to want to live here, it's good too." Lando noted.

"We thought about it, but we didn't think it would be an ideal place to raise our child...with our history with this place and all." Leia said.

"I understand." Lando nodded. "I'm sorry you guys have bad memories here. It's truly a beautiful place. But even now, I have bad memories of some places here. Like I can't go into the chamber without seeing Han frozen in that slab, or that dining room without seeing Vader and the Bounty Hunter in there."

"I can imagine how difficult that must be." Leia said.

"It's difficult, but I get through it. I can get through it because I know that Han is still alive. If you hadn't survived, I wouldn't be able to even live on this planet anymore." Lando said to Han.

"I was surprised you didn't leave after everything that had happened here." Han said.

"I thought about leaving many times but couldn't bring myself to. I have my Tibanna Gas mining operation here. I couldn't leave that."

"You must be doing well with that." Leia said.

"Well, after the Empire was defeated and wiped out, the operation began to fail. But then I found some new customers and they helped bring us back up to speed."

"That's great to hear that you've been doing well." Leia smiled.

"Thanks. And how have you been doing, Leia?"

"I've been doing well. Slowing down a bit." She said. Han looked at her with a smirk.

"You didn't seem to show it earlier, sweetheart." He joked.

"Han!" She blushed and smacked him. Lando laughed at them and shook his head.

"Glad we amuse you." Leia said, her hormones beginning to flare a little. Lando looked at Han.

"Sorry. She didn't mean to say it like that." He told Lando. "Hormones." Han whispered to him.

"I understand." Lando laughed and nodded.

"It's been happening even more lately." He noted.

"Say, how many more months do you have?" Lando asked.

"Only three more months." Leia said.

"If you need anything, our medical facilities are great."

"Thank you, Lando. In fact, we set up an appointment for tomorrow. It'll be a good birthday present."

"It's your birthday tomorrow?" Lando said.

"Mmhmm. Han and I are going to the appointment and then we're going to celebrate with a mini party afterward. You're more than welcome to come. Chewie will be there."

"I'll be there." Lando nodded, smiling. A waiter came over and began to place the food on the table.

"Oh good! The food's here. I'm starving!" Leia said with a smile.

"I knew you would be." Han joked and everyone laughed.  

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