Fighting the Odds: The Lionhe...

Von Vega8282

17.7K 584 187

Ara was given the duty of protecting the Bearer of the One Ring, along with the rest of the Fellowship of the... Mehr

Fighting the Odds (A Lord of the Rings Fanfiction)
Book 1: Gathering
Book 1: A Hidden Past
Book 1: Change of Plans
Book 1: Whispering Winds
Book 1: Into the Depths
Book 1: The Tomb
Book 1: Of Fire and Shadow
Book 1: Lothlórien
Book 1: Past, Present and Future
Author's Note (Important!)
Book 1: Choice
Author's Notes and Thank You's
Book 2: Reunited
Book 2: The Rat
Book 2: Hall of Memories

Book 2: The White Wizard

416 20 9
Von Vega8282

^^^^Meme is not mine 😂

"Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent."

Aragorn lay on the ground, ear pressed against its rock surface. His keen hearing was able to detect the pace of the enemy. He was leading the group, his Ranger abilities kicked in fully. He would find Pippin and Merry if he had to run day and night for a hundred days. And the way this was going, they might.

Aragorn got to his feet and looked back at Legolas, Ara and Gimli.

"Hurry!" He called, before taking off again. Legolas was not far behind him, running effortlessly. He turned to look back at Gimli.

"Come on, Gimli." While Ara was running beside the dwarf, he did not direct it toward her. He knew the bender had hung back with him to support him. That and it was easier to take it slow, with all the energy she had used at the river. The bender was emotionally and physically exhausted, although she neither showed it nor said anything. She would do anything for the Hobbits.

Beside her Gimli breathed heavily; which she paid no mind. This was a lot for all of them, especially at the dwarf's height. He had to work twice as hard to keep up.

"Three days and nights pursuit. No food, no rest, no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell."

Ara released a breath, her cheeks flushed from exertion.

"It will be worth it, to find them." She said. It was one of the few things she had said since Boromir passed. Ara was struggling very much with it. She had not gotten to say goodbye, to thank him for being such a noble friend. He had made mistakes, but he had a great heart. One of a true warrior. Ibilissans respected that.

To make matters worse... this was around the area where she had been captured and taken to Isengard. While she tried to focus on the manner at hand, she had to constantly fight rising panic.

I'm okay, she thought. Legolas and Aragorn are with me. The two had always made her feel safe, even when she was younger.

Ara looked around at the familiar countryside. She had passed over these ridges many a time. The view never failed to impress, despite this. It was beautiful. However, she paused slightly when she caught sight of a collapsed path in the distance. It looked as if half the cliffside had broken off of it... and she knew how.

The screams of the wounded or dying was all she could hear. They had never seen them coming. The Uruk-hai had overtaken them in minutes.

Ara had to order a retreat. She had to save them, this was her fault. The rock began to collapse. The last thing she saw were Justus' brown eyes. They were wide with terror. She knew he was screaming to her but the thundering of falling rock drowned him out-

"Ara? Ara, lass, are you okay?" Gimli was shaking her at this point. He had no idea what had gotten into her. She had just stopped suddenly and stared blankly at one spot.

Ara snapped out of it. Her eyes were wild, and she was quite jumpy. Once she realized what had happened she shook herself out of it.

"Fine, I'm fine.... sorry."

Without another word she took off running, faster in order to catch back up. She wanted to be alone for a bit. Gimli stared at the young woman for a moment. Something was wrong. And he had his suspicions about what. While he had not told Ara this, Cassidy had spoken to him about what happened to her. Due to her lineage as the granddaughter of Fili Arkin, she had close relations with those of Erebor.

Shaking his head, Gimli took off after the bender. Though Ara was strong, he was worried about her.

After a while more of traveling, Ara saw Aragorn kneel down. She quickened her pace to see what he had found. The bender saw a familiar green glimmering object in Aragorn's hand. It was the leaf brooch that one of the Hobbits has worn.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." He murmured. Legolas caught up with Aragorn.

"They may yet be alive." He said, a bit of hope glinting in his blue eyes. Ara released a breath. This was a good sign. One of the Hobbits had tried to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for them. She remained silent, however, as she had in the past few days. Aragorn glanced at her before getting up. He sensed something was wrong as well, they all did. But if they wanted to save the Hobbits they had to keep going.

"Less than a day ahead of us. Come." The ranger began to run once more. Legolas looked back and shouted to Gimli. The poor dwarf had fallen and rolled down the hill.

"Come! Gimli, we are gaining on them!"

The elf began to run off nimbly. It was beyond aggravating to the dwarf. Ara stayed behind to make sure the dwarf was alright.

"Are you okay?" She asked, voice unusually quiet.

Instead of responding to her question he huffed.

"I am wasted on cross-county. We Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances." His pride was obviously more wounded than his body. Ara cracked a smile for the first time in a couple of days.

"You're doing great, Gimli." Most would not have been able to do this, pace regardless. The only reason Ara was doing this well was because she and Cassy had underwent the toughest training the Ibilissan military had to offer. Their division had required it.

The small group went on, long into the day.

"Rohan. Home of the Horse-lords." Aragorn said, pausing briefly to let the others catch up. Ara's breath heaved as she stood beside him. Her eyebrows were furrowed. She felt sick to her stomach, for some odd reason.

"I wish I could say that I'm glad to be back." She truly did. Ara had grown to love Rohan in the time where she was stationed there. Aragorn looked to her and nodded.

"There is something strange at work here.
Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us."

Ara's heart sank. She knew what could be causing them to do so. While she prayed it was not true, she had grown nervous.

The four worked their way across the rocks, until they reached an outcropping. Aragorn called to Legolas, who was ahead of them.

"Legolas! What do you Elf-eyes see?"

The elf peered into the distance, looking for the traveling Uruk-hai. His expression soon turned to one of horror. In that moment Ara knew she had been right.

"The Uruks turn Northeast. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

Aragorn's expression darkened.


The bender blanched. Unbeknownst to her she had begun to shake like a leaf. Her eyes began to flicker teal, leading Gimli to believe she had no idea it was happening. He grew increasingly concerned as the clouds darkened. He could have sworn he saw electricity sparking across her skin.

"N-no. We have to save them, I would rather have died than-" Ara immediately stopped when she realized she had spoken aloud. Her eyes stopped flickering, but she was still shaking. She was mortified. That was something she had kept to herself. Not even Cassy knew.

Aragorn set his hands on the young woman's shoulders. He met her eye, wanting to help calm her.

"We will not abandon the Hobbits to Isengard, Ara. We will save them, I promise."

Ara took a shaky breath and nodded. She couldn't break down. Especially with her friends in trouble. She nodded and simply took off again, faster this time. The bender would run herself until she dropped to save Merry and Pippin from the torment she had experienced. Such innocent, good people did not deserve that.

As Aragorn started to approach Legolas, he gave him a worried look.

"Keep an eye on her." The elf solemnly nodded and took off after her.

They ran on into the night and into the morning, without resting. New concern and fear for their friends was the only thing that fueled them.

After another difficult night of travel, they stopped briefly. Legolas looked at the horizon. It was pure red.

"The red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night."

Ara frowned. She had been even more quiet since they discovered where the Hobbits were headed. The question she was most concerned with was: Whose blood was it?

Aragorn knelt down to look for any tracks he could. However, he stopped when he heard the thunderous sound of hooves.

He motioned for the others to follow him. They could not be sure who these people were from such a great distance. They could just as likely be foe as friend. As they watched from behind a great boulder, the group rode atop of the hill. A smile immediately spread across Ara's face. It was the Rohirrim. Her good friend, Éomer was their leader.

Aragorn recognized them as well, and decided to step out from cover.

"Riders of Rohan, What news from the mark?!" He shouted after them. The others joined him, although Ara kept her cloak up as it had been overnight. She had realized that the riders had probably thought her dead. And she wasn't exactly.... the same as the last time she saw them. The bender couldn't decide if it were best to keep herself hidden. If she were honest, she was... afraid. And embarrassed about what had happened to her.

The riders had heard Aragorn and turned back toward them. Aragorn instinctively stood in front of Ara. The riders had begun to circle around them. It was an intimidating experience. Many horses stamped around them, surrounding them. It was enough to set them on edge. If that were not enough, they had leveled their spears on them.

The one in the lead spoke to them. She knew that voice.

"What business does an elf, two men, and a dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak
quickly!" Though he could not see her face, Éomer could tell from her height that she was of the race of man.

Ara's eyebrows furrowed. He looked grave, and was far more... gruff. What had happened here? Before she could interject, things went down hill. Fast.

"Your real name, horse master and I shall give you mine." Gimli said gruffly. Ara's eyes widened in exasperation. Asher and Cassy had always told her of the pride of dwarves. She had experienced it in Cassy many times before. But this was extreme.

The rider approached Gimli. By now Ara was certain it was Éomer.

"I would cut off your head, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the

And then it got worse. In a flash, Legolas had drawn his bow and notched an arrow. All of the riders brandished their spears in reaction.

"You would die before your stroke fell." He spat, blue eyes hardened like steel. Ara inwardly groaned. She cared for Legolas dearly but he was fiercely loyal. Sometimes too fierce. Now he had a spear aimed directly at him.

The Lionheart decided it was about time to intervene. She stepped forward and gently pushed his arm down.

"That won't be necessary." Ara pulled her hood down. A murmur rippled through the ranks. They knew this woman!

Éomer quickly took his helmet off. He felt as if his eyes were making a fool of him. But they were not.

"Ara? Ara Stormbringer?"

The bender smiled at the blonde-haired rider, hoping it did not appear too strained.

"Hello, my friend."

Once they had confirmed who she was, all of the spears went down. Éomer dismounted and hurried to her. He couldn't believe it.

The rider embraced her tightly before releasing her.

"I had gotten word that you perished under the collapsing rock. Where were you? What happened to you?"

He had originally been delighted to see her, but as he got a closer look at her, his expression became grim. Ara had never been real big, but she was very thin now. When he had known her she was very well-muscled and strong. The bender had lost weight she couldn't afford to. That wasn't a good sign.

Ara released a sigh.

"Isengard. I'm okay, I escaped." She murmured, not wanting the other riders to hear. A shadow passed over Éomer's face. That was an evil name and place. To think that his friend was there was horrifying. But he knew how strong Ara was. If she said she was okay, he had to take her word for it.

"I'm sorry you had to experience this. No one else shall know, you have my word." He understood Ara didn't want anyone's pity. It would just make it harder for her. The bender nodded her thanks. Éomer released her and looked at the others.

"You are Ara's companions, I assume."

Aragorn nodded, and decided to do the talking. He didn't want any more conflict.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, this is Gimli son of Gloin, and Legolas ofthe woodland realm. We are friends of Rohan, and of Théoden your King."

Éomer's expression darkened. Ara knew from that look that something was very wrong.

"Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe.
Not even his own kin."

Ara grew even more concerned.

"What has happened Éomer?" She couldn't understand what was happening. Éomer looked to her, visibly grave.

"Saruman has poisoned the mind of the King and claimed lordship over his lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan, and for that we are banished."

Ara felt as if the air had been knocked out of her.

"Banished? How could he?" She couldn't begin to understand how betrayed Éomer felt. He had given everything for his country, for his uncle. And now he was separated from his sister.

"The white wizard is cunning. He walks here and there they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked, and everywhere his spies slip past our nets. We believe Grima Wormtongue to be one of them."

Ara cursed under her breath. She had always hated that coward. She was not surprised.

Éomer straightened up.

"As good as it is to see you, I must ask; what brings you here?" Especially since Ara should have been recovering. He was surprised she was still sane. Being held in Isengard was not something one could simply brush off.

"We track a party of Uruk-Hai westward across the plain. They have taken two of our friends captive." Aragorn replied. Éomer's brow knit. He may have had some bad news for Ara and her friends.

"The Uruks are destroyed, we slaughtered them during the night."

Ara's heart sunk once again. She could hardly process what he said. Her heart couldn't bear the thought of losing anyone else.

"But there were two hobbits. Did you see two hobbits with them?" Gimli said as desperately as the others felt. Éomer looked at the dwarf with sympathy. He felt deeply guilty now that he knew that there may have been innocent people killed in the raid. But it was night, they could not have known.

"We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them."

Ara turned away and covered her face with her hands. They had come all this way just to lose the Hobbits. Their dear, sweet friends.

"Dead?" Gimli said, crestfallen. Legolas placed a hand on his shoulder, although he was also sorrowful.

Éomer approached Ara and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I am so sorry, my friend.... we did not know."

Ara shook her head. Her eyes were glazed over but she still forced herself to hold out hope.

"You couldn't have... they were so small." Her voice was choked as she spoke. Éomer's heart was heavy. He had not meant to hurt his friend. While he could not go back in time, he decided to help them any way he could.

The Marshal let out a whistle.

"Hasufel, Arod. May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters."

Ara nodded her thanks as two horses trotted forward. One was rich brown in color, including its mane. The other was a beautiful white.

"Farewell. Good luck, and I hope to see you again, my friend." Éomer said. Ara nodded her thanks, still shellshocked. The Marshal of the Mark left them with some last words as he mounted his horse.

"Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope. It is forsaken in these lands."

Ara couldn't help but wonder what all had happened. She would have to ask more when she saw him again. Éomer turned to his men.

"We ride north!" He called to them. The Marshal nodded to Ara before wheeling around. The group galloped off in a cloud of dust that their steeds churned up.

The four hurried to the horses. Gimli rode with Legolas, who would prevent him from falling off. Aragorn gave the reigns to Ara, who was an expert rider from her time in Rohan.

The group road as fast as they could toward the hill where smoke rose into the air. Once they arrived they saw that Éomer had most certainly not been kidding.

A Uruk-hai Head impaled on a pike treated them. Behind it was a mound of its comrades that were still burning. They scanned the area for any signs of the Hobbits before dismounting.

Aragorn, Ara and Legolas looked around the area outside the pile, while Gimli headed for it. He used his axe to move aside the remains of Uruk-hai. He then picked up a piece of leather and a sheath. One from Lothlorien.

"It's one of their wee belts." Gimli choked out. Legolas blinked and took in a deep breath.

"Hiro hyn hîdh ab 'wanath {May they find peace after death}." He murmured. Ara bowed her head and covered her face with her hands. Her shoulders shook. She was crying. After all, they had lost three friends within the period of a couple days. And she had sworn to protect the Hobbits. Legolas put an arm around her, visibly grieving as well.

Aragorn roared in frustration. It was a sound of  pure anguish. The ranger kicked a Uruk helmet as hard as he could {RIP Viggo's toe}. He fell to his knees, head bowed.

"We failed them." Gimli choked.

Aragorn looked down at the ground in front of him. He noticed something strange.

"A hobbit lay here." He murmured. His hands then moved to another spot beside it. It looked to have been trampled on.

"And the other."

Ara looked up at Aragorn through bleary eyes. He was going somewhere with this. As the ranger moved forward, staying bent close to the ground, she wiped her eyes quickly. Her and the others followed him in fascination.

"They crawled." Aragorn was following a trail that was all but invisible to them. It was incredible.

"Their hands were bound." Aragorn walked forward and picked up a length of rope from the ground.

"Their bonds were cut."
Ara's eyes widened. She followed as Aragorn moved forward.

"They ran over here. They were followed."

He advanced further, following the trail.

"The tracks lead away from the battle..."

Ara was speechless. They could be alive! As tough as Hobbits were, they probably were! And then Aragorn finished his sentence.

"Into Fangorn Forest." And that was where their luck ended. They stood at the edge of an ancient forest. It was dreary, dark and intimidating. Its reputation preceded it.

"Fangorn Forest? What madness drove them in there?" Gimli remarked. Ara released a breath, having calmed down. Okay, this was a good sign so far. She just hoped that the Hobbits were okay.

"The kind of madness that being held by Uruk's insight." She mumbled.

The four wasted no time and made their way into the woods, following the Hobbit's trail. Fangorn looked every bit as uninviting on the inside as it appeared from the outside. It was overgrown and dark. Only a dull green light found its way through the canopy. Its presence wasn't exactly comforting.

Gimli sported some liquid on a bush. He put one of his fingers in it and then to his mouth. The dwarf immediately spat it out.

"Orc blood."

Aragorn followed along the trail, eyebrows knitting.

"These are strange tracks." He observed. The ranger couldn't quite decide what they were. He'd never seen anything like it.

"The air is so close in here." Gimli grumbled. He was not used to forests whatsoever. He preferred mines and underground spaces.

Legolas looked around in awe at the forest. He had respect for it, having grown up in Mirkwood.

"This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory and anger."

Ara looked up at the branches curiously. What were they angry at? She almost felt bad for them. At Legolas's words, Gimli hefted his axe. The trees began to groan hauntingly.

"The trees are speaking to each other. Legolas told the others. Ara glanced over at Gimli, realizing the trees might have seen his actions as a threat.

"Gimli, lower you axe." She murmured to him. The dwarf did so quickly.

"Oh." He said, understanding his mistake. Legolas looked to him and began to explain.

"They have feelings my friend. The Elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak."
Ara cracked a smile as he spoke. It was incredible. Everything about him was, if she was honest. He seemed to glow faintly most of the time. A light in the dark. No matter how many times she was around him, she couldn't get over his wisdom or beauty. The bender shook herself out of it as Gimli grumbled a reply.

"Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings?"

Ara stifled a laugh.

"Gimli, do not anger them." She scolded, although she was clearly amused. That amusement disappeared shortly.

Legolas peered into the woods, and his eyes squinted.

"Aragorn, nad no ennas {Something's out there}!"

Ara walked forward, concerned.

"Man cenich {What do you see}?" Aragorn asked. His next words froze Ara's blood.

"The White Wizard Approaches." He said grimly.

The first emotion the bender felt was fear. Then panic. Both of them passed quickly and gave way to hatred. Ara hated few things on this earth. Sauruman the White and Sauron were some of them. She hated them more than she could any Orc or Swarthy Man. Sauruman had made her experience pain she could not ever put into words. It didn't matter how afraid of him she was, or how powerful he was.

She was going to kill him. Even if she died in the process.

"Do not let him speak, he will put a spell on us. Aragorn instructed. He unsheathed his sword. He didn't intend to get in Ara's way either. She was their best bet of taking Sauruman. Plus she had a score to settle.

"We must be quick."

Legolas glanced at Ara as he notched an arrow. He had never seen her like this before. Her jaw was set and a scowl was on her face. Sauruman was going to feel her full wrath and he didn't envy him.

Gimli readied his axe, while Ara's eyes began to glow. Her powers weren't visible beside that, but she was charging her energy enough for one hell of a blast.

The four waited in silence until they heard the White Wizard upon them.

Gimli was the first to act. He threw his axe with all his might. He could barely see his target due to the bright light that surrounded it. His axe was flung aside effortlessly. Legolas released his arrow, which was also deflected.

Now it was Ara's turn. Electricity crackled down her arms and to her hands. She thrusted both palms outward for the most powerful attack she could manage. The large lightning strike was simply knocked aside as well. The next thing she knew, Ara was sent flying backward. She released a startled cry as she landed.

Aragorn was about to attack, when his sword began to heat up. It flowed orange and he was forced to drop it. The White Wizard had just knocked every one of their attacks aside like it was nothing. And Ara had given it a lot of power.

The figure advanced, and they had to shield their eyes. The light the Wizard emitted was blinding.

"You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits." The Wizard states. Ara propped herself up and scowled. Her eyes began to glow again. That sounded like Sauruman's voice.

"Ara." She looked up as Legolas knelt down beside her. He gave her a look that made it known it would be very unwise to attack. This time she might get actually hurt.

"Where are they?" Aragorn demanded.

"They passed this way, day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?"

Ara released an angry growl and got to her feet. If this Wizard harmed Merry or Pippin she would be attacking him again. Regardless of his power. She would die with a smile on her face if she could take him with her.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Aragorn said. The light diminished, and all wrath and hatred instantly drained from Ara's body.


Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well.

Sooo this was an interesting chapter. We got to see a couple sides of Ara, one of which we've never seen before. What do you think? Should we be concerned? Let me know!



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