Blessings {A KakashixNaruko...

By Naruko02

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After a certain incident 6 years ago the cheerful Naruko becomes quiet. she prefers to stay alone. she gives... More

Authors note
1. Who are Naruto and Naruko?
2. Flashback ~The once happy family
3. The burden memories of the past ~ October 15th Part 1
4. The burden memories of the past ~ October 15th Part 2
5. The change in Naruko, the reason they left
6. Back to the present ~starting all over again
7. Meeting Iruka, please be our guardian
8. Naruto the golden beam of happiness
10. The new student
11. Games period: Naruko vs. Sakura
12. Naruko's love for her brother

9. A New Day, A New beginning

411 13 0
By Naruko02

The next day Naruto woke up to the cheerful chirping of birds. The sun's rays were falling on his face through the gap in the bright blue curtains that were covering the windows. Stifling a yawn he rose from his bed and stretched himself. He made up his bed and took a glance at the alarm clock that lay on the bedside table.

Naruto: "Hm.... It's only '6' right now and the school starts at '9'. I have about two hours to spare when I don't consider the time needed to get ready. Well, I will think about that later... for now, I should wake nee-chan up"

With this thought in mind, Naruto raced out of his room. He slowly opened the door of the adjacent room. He was surprised to see that no one was in the room. Then all of a sudden he heard noises coming from the kitchen.

'She must be in the kitchen.' Naruto thought.

He dashed towards the kitchen. As soon as he entered it a delicious, mouth-watering smell wafted into his nostrils. Naruto closed his eyelids and took in the aroma that threatened to make his stomach growl. Suddenly Naruko turned around. At first, she was a bit surprised to see Naruto up so early. Then she noticed what he was doing. She chuckled at her otouto's antics. This seemed to break Naruto out of the temporary trance that the food had cast on him.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly a faint tint of red highlighting his whiskered cheeks.

Naruto: "Good morning nee-chan. What are you making for breakfast today?" he asked.

"That's a secret." She replied with a wink.

"Awww.... Come on!" he whined.

"Well the breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes then you can see it for yourself" she replied.

"Ok then... until then I will get ready." Naruto pouted.

Time skip to breakfast.

Naruko removed her apron and set it on the counter of the kitchen. Then she took the cooking pan and transferred its contents to the two plates that Naruto had set on the table. After this, she took a seat beside Naruto.

"Hey, nee-chan what's this?" he asked eyeing the dish that laid before his eyes curiously.

"Well, it's something new that I tried to make it. Eat it and try to guess what it is." Naruko said with amusement glinting in her eyes.

Naruto stopped eyeing his dish and shrugged his shoulders in an 'alright motion.'

"Itadakimasu!!" he said.

He took the spoon that was placed on the side of the dish and took a spoonful of the food. First, he blew it trying to make it cooled down enough so that it could be eaten. Then he shoved it into his mouth.

The moment the food touched his tongue his taste buds were set into a frenzy. The food was delicious.

"So, how is it? Do you like it?" Naruko asked slowly.

Naruto instantly nodded his head in a 'yes' motion.

"It's amazing!!! I love it nee-chan" he exclaimed cheerfully.

"Well thank you for the compliment," Naruko said proudly.

"But..." Naruto trailed of

"But what?" Naruko asked.

"But why do I taste the fruit apple in it when it's a risotto?" he asked

"Well... it's because it is an 'apple risotto'..." Naruko said in a matter of fact tone with amusement glinting in her eyes.

"I wanted to make something different and special on the occasion of the new start of our lives in Konoha. I wanted it to be light, healthy and tasty. So that you begin the day on a good and positive note." She said with a smile.

"Thank you nee-chan you are the best!" Naruto exclaimed and then continued to eat his breakfast.

Naruko smiled softly at his brother and after saying a quick 'welcome' she started eating her breakfast as well.

After the breakfast was done Naruto helped Naruko in cleaning the table. While Naruko washed the dishes she asked Naruto to go and pack his bag and get ready for the Academy.

Naruto nodded his head and immediately left the kitchen to follow his sister's command obediently.

He packed his black school bag with all the things that would be necessary. Then he went over to his nee-chan's bag and slipped something in her bag. Something that he had been working on for quite some time now. Smiling contentedly to himself he headed over to his closet to get some clothes. Unlike his nee-chan's school, the Academy did not follow any specific dress code. Kids could wear whatever they wanted to, provided that it was something decent.


Naruko had just finished packing her and Naruto's bento.

Hers was a simple bento with salmon and marinated shrimp salad. The bento had meatballs, chicken drumettes, and rice to the left and salmon and marinated shrimp salad to the right.

Naruto's bento, on the other hand, had octopus sausage, tamagoyaki, karaage, tomato, spinach and corn sautee on the right and 3 onigiri's that looked like him on the left.

Naruko admired her work for a few minutes before finally smiling with satisfaction. She closed the lids of the bento and placed them along with the chopsticks in the cover in which they carried their food and water. No sooner had she finished her kitchen duties than Naruto ran into the kitchen.

He was wearing a dark blue half-sleeved shirt with a red Uzumaki clan swirl in the center. On top of that, he was wearing an orange vest. This was accompanied by a pair of light blue jeans and a pair of brown cowboy kind of boots.

[Please ignore Sai and Sakura and imagine that Naruto is wearing the same thing just that it is half sleeved, not full sleeved]

"Nee-chan is this fine?" Naruto asked

"Yes, it is. Naruto you look so kawaii right now!!" Naruko said with stars in her eyes.

"Well, thanks... anyways Nee-chan you should also get ready... then we can leave for our respective schools..." Naruto said with an unnoticeable blush on his face.

"Alright... give me 15 minutes and then we can go, ok?" Naruko said.

"Ok!!" Naruto said with a wide smile on his face.


Naruto was like his sister. He was good looking and had a magnificent voice. Just like Naruko he had a flair for writing songs and had amazing drawing skills.

He was not like the other kids of his age. Like his sister, he had a very high IQ.

Both Naruto and Naruko were very intelligent for their age. They inherited their brains from Minato. Naruto had the gift of making friends with people in no time.

Naruto and Naruko were good looking. They had sun-kissed tanned skin and beautiful cerulean blue eyes. Both had 3 whiskers like marks on their faces which complimented their natural beauty. Naruko's golden blonde hair reached to her knees when left open. She usually kept it tied up as a bun or as two high pigtails. She had the perfect hourglass body. Her looks were heavenly and usually made people think that 'is she really a human? Or a celestial nymph/angel from heaven'.

Naruto's golden blonde hair was spiky. To say that he was handsome for his age was an understatement. Naruto had inherited his looks and intelligence from Minato and his lively personality from Kushina.

Both the blonde's had special powers which they hid from the rest of the world for the same reason as their parents did. Both were experts in martial arts, like their parents. Jiraiya had taught them well.

The only difference between the two was that Naruto spoke a lot,  something common for the children of his age. On the other hand, Naruko preferred to stay alone. She spoke to none which made people draw the conclusion that she was mute.


After dressing up, packing her bag and dropping Naruto off to the Academy Naruko went to her new high school.

She was dressed in the standard Konoha high uniform. She was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt that had dark blue stripes on the collar and towards the wrist area. On top of that, she was wearing a peach colored sleeveless kind of top. She also wore a red checkered bow and skirt and a dark blue almost black vest that had the high school's symbol on the top left corner. She wore dark blue almost black long socks that reached just below her knees and the standard black school shoes. Her blonde hair was up in two high pigtails which she had tied using two sky blue rubber bands. Her silky golden hair reached to her mid-thigh region.

Naruko had arrived about half an hour early to her new school. It was only 8:30 am and the school started at 9:00 am. She thought for a few seconds about what to do to keep herself busy and finally came to the decision that she should first visit the Principal~ Tsunade's office. Naruko went to the said office and gave two gentle knocks on the door.

"Come in" was the reply that came from the other side of the room. Naruko slowly opened the door. No sooner had she stepped in that she was engulfed in a strong bone-crushing hug. The person who did this was none other than Tsunade herself.

She continued to hug Naruko for what seemed like hours to the blonde and finally released her when she saw that Naruko was unable to breathe.

"Naruko you have grown up so much! I can only imagine the number of boys who would be swooning over you. Look at yourself! You look so beautiful in that uniform. Anyways how are you and Naruto doing? You did not face any problem in shifting right?" Tsunade asked.

"Thank you for the compliment 'baa-chan'. I am fine and so is Naruto and we did not face any problem while shifting in Konoha." Naruko said with a smile on her face completely ignoring the second statement that the older blonde had told her.

"Anyways knowing you, you did not come to only say 'hi' to me right?" Tsunade said

"Yeah... it's just, I have a request for you..." Naruko trailed off. Her voice was barely a whisper. She sighed at the end of her statement.

"So what is it dear, you do know right that you can tell me about anything," Tsunade said with a worried look. Naruko's 'sigh' had clearly told her that she was tired and a bit hesitant to talk about the said 'request'.

Naruko requested Tsunade to not reveal to anyone that she was a Namikaze. Apart from this, she asked her to not let anyone know that she can speak. The fact that she and Iruka knew the truth about her parents and that she could talk was more than enough for her. Tsunade heard the request with utter seriousness. After giving it a moment of thought she sighed and then accepted the strange request from her foster granddaughter.

When Naruko thanked her for accepting her request she nodded her head and said " no need to thank me."

'I am just glad that you have taken the first step towards breaking out of your shell of loneliness'. She thought to herself.

The two blonde's continued to speak about Naruko's stay with Jiraiya for a long time. Later on, when the clock in Tsunade's office struck '9' she asked Naruko to hurry for her classroom else she would be late. Naruko once again thanked Tsunade and after giving a quick bow made her way to leave her office.

"Oh! Naruko that reminds me all the best for your new life in Konoha and don't forget that I am always here for you if you need me. If you have any problems then do not hesitate to meet me and tell me about them... ok?" Tsunade said with a smile on her face.

Naruko gave her an equally vibrant soft smile. After once again thanking her foster grandmother she left the office and headed towards her classroom.

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