The Blood of Olympus - A Perc...

By driftingskies

620K 8.8K 5.6K

Featured in the official Wattpad @Fanfic Percy Jackson reading list! *ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO RICK RIORDAN... More

The Blood of Olympus [Fanfiction]
Chapter 1: All Aboard!
Chapter 2: Meeting A New Friend
Chapter 3: Mice On The Argo II
Chapter 4: Too Dumb For A Demigod
Chapter 5: Just Keep Swimming
Chapter 6: Human Fish Sticks
Chapter 7: The Stolen Cereal
Chapter 8: Annabeth's New Room
Chapter 9: Fast Food Cravings
Chapter 10: What Happened to Frank?
Chapter 11: Here Come The Puns
Chapter 12: Doubts of Demigods
Chapter 13: Wishing For Home
Chapter 14: The Horse Man Brings A Message
Chapter 15: The Breath Mints Save The Day
Chapter 16: Frank The Huge Elephant
Chapter 17: The Monster [AKA, My Future Mother In Law]
Chapter 18: Frottling To Camp
Chapter 19: When Romans Attack
Chapter 20: Meeting Enchiladas
Chapter 21: Poseidon and Apollo Become Girls
Chapter 22: Fake Frank is Furious
Chapter 23: Bad Songs by Rebecca Black
Chapter 24: Gorgeous People Invade
Chapter 25: Questions and No Answers
Chapter 26: Meeting Death
Chapter 27: Too Much Fighting, Too Little Time
Chapter 28: Jason's Ego Goes Down the Toilet
Chapter 29: Feeling Stinky and Free (Like Garbage is Raining On Me)
Chapter 30: Free Fallin'
Chapter 31: Tricky Situations
Chapter 32: Hassle in the Castle
Chapter 33: Flame Off
Chapter 34: Fighting To Lose
Chapter 36: Fireworks Keep The Monsters Away
Chapter 37: My Little Soldier
Chapter 38: The Power of Minty Freshness
Chapter 39: Scooby Doo Clues
Chapter 40: Napping on the Job
Chapter 41: You're Running Out Of Time
Chapter 42: Cold Coffee
Chapter 43: Demeter's Revenge...?
Chapter 44: REALLY Terrible Ideas
Chapter 45: Do the Worm!
Chapter 46: The Too Round Rock
Chapter 47: A Budding Bromance
Chapter 48: You're Not Alone
Chapter 49: False Accusations
Chapter 50: Strange Alliances
Chapter 51: Leo Almost Drowns [Not Really]
Chapter 52: The Office
Chapter 53: Soda Bombs
Chapter 54: The Talking Owl
Chapter 55: The Desolation of Smaug
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 58: Safety First
Chapter 59: The News
Chapter 60: The Rising
Chapter 61: An Old Face
Chapter 62: Together

Chapter 35: Army of Angry Tuna

7K 122 79
By driftingskies


            A splitting headache woke Jason up. He groaned, head throbbing and ears ringing violently. He remembered summoning a lightning bolt, then Annabeth must have knocked him unconscious. Where was he now?
            He definitely was no longer in the arena. The room was crepuscular and inky. Only two single torches on opposite sides of the walls provided the light source. All Jason knew was that he was in a cave. Most likely prisoner of Gaea, or should he say the newest solider in her army. He couldn't betray everyone, though. He wouldn't help Gaea.

            Jason searched around the cave for signs of his friends. After awhile of stumbling around over rocks, he felt a small door-like passage that looked like it was for dogs. Reluctantly, Jason squeezed into it like a woman in a corset. He knew there would be no turning back, for it was much too tight to turn around in. He continued on, worming his way through the constricted tunnel.

            Even though he wasn't claustrophobic, it was still uncomfortable to be compacted so tightly. He couldn't even crawl because it was so cramped in there. At least he was free. Maybe he could help the others escape. That is, if he could ever find them.

            When it felt like there would never be an end, Jason saw a speck of light just around the corner. Ignoring the inexorable tunnel, he squirmed faster along the pathway. Jason only hoped it wouldn't lead him to a giant pack of monsters at dinner time.

            Finally, Jason made it out into a different room. It was empty besides for three doors. He headed for the one on the right. He had a gut feeling he should go through that one. Naturally, he listened. He learned to trust his instinct more as the quest went on. So Jason jiggled the handle. It was unlocked. The heavy door began to creak open and soon he was standing in front of a large mass of jail cells.

            The cells had one or two people each. They were small and nothing inside of them. Not one cell was empty. Jason recognized a few people. Some of them were from Camp Half-Blood. He also saw some demigods from Camp Jupiter. What was going on? Why were they imprisoned? They all gave him desperate looks but didn't speak. It made Jason think that there might be a guard around somewhere close by.

            He continued along the rows until he saw someone that made his heart leap. It was Piper, Frank, and Hazel. All of them were okay and awake. Jason ran up to the cage and pushed himself up against the bars.

            "Guys!" Jason whispered fiercely.

            Piper was the first to turn around. Her eyes went wide when she spotted her boyfriend. Jason only wished he could pull her into a huge hug. Instead, he took her hand in his and squeezed it.

            "Jason! What happened? How'd you get out? Where are we?" Piper stuttered.

            Jason answered honestly, "I'm not sure! After I was knocked unconscious, I woke up in this small room. I found a hole and crawled through it that lead me to here. I think we're in back in Athens in an underground cave or something."

            "Do you think this is where she is? Do you think Gaea is here? She already has...a male's blood. All she needs is a female's."

            "Annabeth," Frank spoke up. "She wasn't in here when we woke up. We're wondering if-if Gaea is taking her blood right now. We need to find her."

            "Where's Percy?" Jason wondered.

            "We don't know where he is, either. I'm guessing he somehow got away and is searching for Annabeth," Hazel replied. "Can you get us out of here somehow, Jason? The only set of keys are with the Cyclopes. He's a Son of Gaea and Uranus named Brontes."

            "I'll be back," Jason assured them. "Right after I kick his butt."

            Then, he took off farther on down the line of cells. It only took around five minutes to run into the Cyclopes. Literally run into. Jason skidded to a stop too late. He crashed into Brontes's belly fat without being able to stop himself. That certainly got the Cyclopes's attention!

            "Son of Jupiter! How did you escape? No matter! I'll bring you to Gaea. She'll have to punish you for your wrong doings!" Brontes exclaimed.

            Jason growled, "Never! I want you to release all of the demigods."

            "Why would I do that? I'm having too much fun torturing and starving them!" Brontes bellowed. That was the final straw.

            He pounced on the Cyclopes and pulled back his sword, ready to strike. Brontes flicked him off like he was a miniscule fly. Jason crashed onto the ground with a grunt. His head hurt even more from the contact with the ground. He knew he would need some major Tylenol after this.

            This time, Jason willed the wind to push him up. From the corner of his eye, he spotted the key ring dangling on the hip from the Cyclopes's tattered fabric outfit. Jason used his powers to try and get over to it. Brontes didn't help at all, though. He swatted at Jason, pinning him against the wall. The demigod struggled against his sweaty hand. He ended up kicking his finger as hard as possible. Thankfully, the pain caused him to slightly loosen his grip. It was just enough for Jason to slip out of the grasp and snatch the key as he was falling.

            He landed on his side. Luckily, it wasn't that hard of a fall. His shoulder throbbed and ached, so he guessed it was dislocated. He tried to move it. Yup, it was dislocated. He didn't have time to pop it back in place, for Brontes was angry. Jason took off running, unlocking as many prison cell doors as possible as he went.

            As more demigods were released, the harder it was for Brontes to kill them. A ton of demigods all together in one place was a very dangerous thing for the monsters around them. Especially after they've been locked up.

            Once all of the demigods were released, he knew they had to find Percy and Annabeth. With Piper, Hazel, and Frank by his side, they rushed back to the metal door Jason had originally come through. The demigods seemed hell-bent on getting revenge, and he had no doubt that they would get it.

            There were two more doors to choose from. They decided they shouldn't get split up and choose the one in the middle. Jason hoped it was the right way to go. The four got inside and closed the door. It was empty. Wow, nice choice, Jason. They shared questioning glances of what to do next.

            Just then, the ceiling above them came tumbling down. Calypso stood there on top of all the rubble. Her white dress was covered in dirt and mud, her face was scraped and leaking golden ichor, and she still looked ready to fight. Her hair was matted and dirty to match.     

            "We've got about three minutes to get out of here before the whole place collapses. Ares will come after us! We have to hurry," Calypso explained to them.

            "Ares? Annabeth was right! He is the captured--" Piper was cut off by a loud rumbling sound. Calypso hopped down off the rubble and tugged on Jason's sleeve, trying to get them to follow her.

            "We can't leave!" Hazel disagreed. "What about Percy and Annabeth?"

            Calypso responded, "Percy is up here with me! He'll be the one causing the earthquake that brings this place to the ground. We have to go now. If Percy doesn't do it soon, Ares will capture us."

            Even though Jason usually wasn't one to stay in a cave that was about to collapse, he learned from being on the quest with the other six of the prophecy that you don't give up on friends. You can't give up on your family. After all, they care for you, tease you, and love you. Annabeth was no exception. Jason stubbornly folded his arms.

            "We can't! Annabeth is part of our family, too. If you don't understand that, then maybe you shouldn't be here," Jason stated firmly.

            A flash of pain and anger shot through Calypso's eyes, but was soon replaced with sorrow. "I have never seen a person so dedicated to staying with their loved ones. It must be nice to be so loved. Stay, Jason Grace. I'll alert Perseus Jackson that his...girlfriend is missing. Just please make it out alive for Leo's sake. I need help getting revenge on that Dirt Faced Lady."

            "Thanks, Calypso. I promise I'll help kick Gaea's butt once we get back up to the surface."

            When Calypso told Percy, he immediately shot down there with the others. His hair was a mess, sticking up all over the place more than usual. To Jason's surprise, Percy pulled him into a awkward half hug type of thing.

            Percy pulled away grinning and said, "Thank you, man. Thank you for staying. I owe you more than one for this."

            "We're all family now, Percy. There's no doubt about it. We have to stick together, right? Even if we don't like each other, we're still stuck together," Piper chuckled.

            Another tremor shook the cavern. Faintly, Jason could hear roars and stomping. He gulped. Gaea knew they escaped. Suddenly, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. It wasn't Piper's, but it was still comforting.

            "I'm helping you demigods fight for Leo alone," Calypso decided, cautiously eying Percy. "Now, I'll need a weapon, but it seems like I am fresh out. Does anyone have a weapon they could spare?"

            Frank picked up a long stick off of the ground and tossed it to her with a sly smirk. "Have fun with that stick. It looks pretty sturdy to me. Who knows...maybe it'll become the next way of self defense!"

            Calypso rolled her eyes and held her stick up proudly into the air. "I doubt it. Still, I'm sure I can make anything work. How will we defeat the God of War? After all, he is the god of war."

            Percy snorted, "Trust me. He's nothing to worry about. I think an army of angry tuna would be harder to beat than him. Just don't let him capture you, and you'll be fine."

            They all took out their weapons. It was times like these that Jason wished he had his coin. Instead, he had a plain old sword. At least it was better than nothing. The rumbling in the cave got closer by the second. They wouldn't run. They would fight. Jason held his sword in front of him threateningly. In the last thirty seconds before the army reached them, Hazel held out her hand.

            "For Leo?" She questioned. Frank was the next one to put his hand on, followed by Percy, Jason, Piper, and lastly Calypso.

            Jason nodded. "For Leo."

            Then, the hoard of monsters attacked. There was only one problem: they weren't real. Jason figured it out a little too late. He could've saved himself from not looking like an idiot instead of falling flat on his face when he took a swipe at the monster. It was a projection. The monsters weren't real. What was Gaea really planning?

            "I'm afraid that, sadly, that this was only a diversion. You see, Annabeth...she is no longer wanted for the Blood of Olympus. We've decided to use someone else instead. Carry on with your demigod business. I hope you see you soon."

            Jason turned around too late. It was Piper. She was gone. Gaea was going to take her blood. If Gaea received Piper's blood, it was all over. The world would end. It would be all their faults. If they got to her in time, they could stop the blood from being spilt. It was a slim chance, but it was all they had.

            "We have to find her! If her blood spills, it's all over," Jason announced. "This is our last chance."

            All of the demigods agreed. Even Percy agreed, who still looked upset that Annabeth was not with them at the moment. There was one door left to try. That had to be the one where the Blood was being spilled at. Jason hoped it was, or else they were all out of options.

            Suddenly, a vivid light appeared. It grew larger and larger. All of the demigods were smart enough to look away as it got brighter until the light vanished. Jason hadn't even taken his hand off of his eyes when he heard someone say,

            "I think that you might need some help for this one."


Dedicated to pjotmiwriter :) Thanks for the comment <3!!

Okay so heres the deal. If I beat my previous comment number from the last chapter, I'll update on Saturday with a completely KICK BUTT chapter that will be super long and awesome. Do we have a deal my friends *strokes white cat* XD sorry

Comment and vote!!!! :D Why are you guys so amazing? Did you like the cliffhanger? Who do you think it was? (:

See you all soon (hopefully. Remember our deal)

♥ Love you all so much ♥


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