Spider man and The Avengers:...

By Iweirdo74

210K 5.8K 2.4K

WARNING!!!(SPOILERS)!!!!! (I do not intent to insult anybody or any of that, I'm just making a story, the cov... More

Update Tomorrow!!!!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Another update
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Update and ideas
Chapter 16
Thank u
Chapter 17
Making more stories
New story coming soon and Discord
Until the next update

Chapter 13

7.9K 273 83
By Iweirdo74


Eventually, I got tired of watching TV and went to bed around 11:30 p.m.. Of course bringing my sleeping canine companion. After climbing into bed, it wasn't long before I fell asleep.

But it also wasn't before I woke up....


My eyes slowly open, as I sit up looking around. My room is dark, with barely any light coming from my window. I look over at my clock to see that it's 5:42 in the morning. I sigh, rubbing my tired eyes. 

Yawning, I turn my head to look at my still sleeping companion. I smile at her, trying my best to get up without waking her up.

But to no avail.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, Tessa's head was up looking around. As her tired eyes finally found me, she gave a sleepy whine and yawning big. 

"Go back to sleep Tessa" I say, gently rubbing her head, "I'm just going to make breakfast." I finish.

But of course, she sits up and jumps lazily from her spot on my bed. I sigh again, but continue my trip to the kitchen, with a sleepy puppy following right behind me. As I make my way to the kitchen I sneak a glance at Tessa. She's following a few feet behind me, stumbling every few steps as if she were falling asleep all over again.

I giggle a little bit, but keep walking. 

I finally reach it to the kitchen, starting on our daily eggs. After a few minutes there done. I make a plate for me and a plate for Tessa. Even though I know I should be eating more with my enhanced metabolism, I put more eggs on Tessa's plate.

I make my way over to Tessa, who's now sitting on the couch sleeping. I take my seat next to her and place the eggs in front of her. Soon after her head shoots up, diving for the food, but stops. 

She looks at my plate, than back at hers. She turns to head so she's facing me, giving me a sad look and whines. 

Of course she would notice.

I look at her "oh come on Tessa." I say "It's just a few more.....I'm honestly not really hungry."

She looks back at the food then to me, and I can see the defeat in her eyes as she slowly starts to eat. I rub her head, thanking her gently. I slowly reach for the remote, turning the TV on to the news.

A few minutes pass before me and Tessa finishes our eggs. As I watch the news, the people talking slowly change the subject to Spider man. Apparently, somebody filmed me saving Cassie. 

Then a younger women on TV said "Well, I think it's safe to say Spider man is this city's her-"

But before she could finish, her partner cut her off "oh please" she said sarcastically. "This 'Spider man' is just looking for attention, well I bet this guy, who ever he is, couldn't give two shits about the people of this city." I freeze, as tears start to well up in my eyes.

'that's not true' I think, 'I do care about the people of this city.' Now tears are streaming down my face, as I choke back a sob, my eyes squeezed shut. 

Not a second later I feel a small ball of warmth climb into my lap. I open my eyes, looking down at Tessa, as she looks up at me with deep concern. She leans forward, licking at my tears. I sob at this.

"I'm o-ok girl," I stutter out. "P-promise."

This does nothing as Tessa continues to lick my tears away. A few minutes go by before I speak again.

"W-why can't they s-see I-I'm just trying t-to help" I ask. I never wanted my life to turn out like this, but It did, and I've tried my hardest to do what I couldn't do with Uncle Ben.

Save them.

But these people get scared of anything different than them, so they do things like this. 

Tessa pulled back and whimpered. I smile at her, gently petting her as she cuddles up close to me. She knows how much I love affection. I turn so now I'm laying my body across the couch, with Tessa on my chest.

I can her the women on TV still talking about me, as I do my best not to listen. I look down at Tessa to find her eyes almost completely closed. I continue to rub her head as her eyes fully close.

Soon after that I couldn't help, but let myself slip into unconsciousness.


2 hours later......

I'm awoke by a loud noise.

I sit up, still holding Tessa to my chest. I can feel her wake up at this, but I'm to busy trying to find the source of the sound. My attention turns to the TV, where there I see the the Source of the noise. The headline at the bottom of the screen reading: 


Hey guys hope you like this chapter just a little more fluff before a big fight. 

And yes in the next chapter we will see the Vulture, so hope you all exited about that.

But a lot of stuff has happen in the passed few weeks, involving a death of one of my class mates. I will come back and edit this part out later, because it's not something I want to remember. But its something I think you all should know about.

From what I heard it was an accident that involved a gun. I wasn't personally friends with he, but we had talk before and went to school together our whole lives, so that's why this was so hard for me and my friends.

I just want everyone to know that you are loved whether you believe you are or not, you. are. loved. and wanted. and needed.

And if anyone ever needs a friend or just someone to talk to, I'm here.

I do honestly believe this was just a freak accident, but still.

I'm here to love and support you all if you need me to.

I hope you enjoy my story and if it makes everyone feel a little better about themselves or something like that, than I'm happy to have done that for you.

Well that's all for now, hope you all enjoyed, more chapters coming soon, peace.


words 1,056 



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