Chapter 2

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After what felt like forever, it was finally time for lunch. Peter and Ned made their way to their normal spot. Ned kept asking Peter all about last nights patrol all the way there.

"Ned, can we please stop talking about it, I'm tired, can't we just talk about something else." Peter says getting pretty tired of talking about getting beat up for the hundredth time.

Ned seems to notice Peters lack of energy, "oh uh, yeah, um, I'm sorry man, didn't mean to pry."

"no, Ned, it's fine I'm just....not feeling like myself lately".

Ned being the great friend he was smiled and nodded.

"I promise you can keep asking me about know what, on Mond-," Peter's sentence was cut short by two hands covering his eyes, surprising him.

"guest who?"

A deep, but still sweet voice said behind him. Peter smiled knowing who it was and giggled.

"I don't know, mind telling me." The hands moved off of Peter's face and a kiss was replaced on the side of his face. Peter blushes and turns around to his girlfriend and smiles, "it always is a nice surprise seeing you," Peter says kissing her cheek.

"well, it's always a nice surprise to see my to favorite dorks hanging out." Michelle says putting her tray on their table and sitting next to Peter.

"where have you been?", Ned asks.

"well, you known, here and there, working on this and that," Michelle says knowing it didn't answer his question.

"well, what ever you were doing, we missed you," Peter says smiling at her. She blushes a little, but smiles back.

They finish eating their food, still talking to each other about how their week went and what not. The bell rings not long after. They throw their trash away and walk to class together.

They get to their final class of the day. Peter and Ned sit next to each other, while Michelle sits behind them. They sit in class answering questions their teacher asks them and all the other kids in the class.

In the middle of class the teacher asked Flash a question that he didn't get right, then the teacher asked Peter the same question.

Who ends up getting it right.

Flash turned around when the teacher wasn't looking, and glared at Peter, mouthing 'your dead'. Soon class was over and the three of them walk to Peter's locker.

That's when Flashed walked up to them, shoving Peter into the locker.

"so, Penis Parker thinks he's smarter than me."

Peter stays quiet, not wanting to get into a fight.

Flash laughs, "come on Penis, stop being a little bitch and do something."

Michelle, being the amazing over protective girlfriend she was, stepped in front of him.

"Fuck off Flash, why don't you turn around and walk away before I do something I won't regret"

Flash looked pissed, but Peter guessed he took her threat seriously, so he walked away.

"Guess he's not as dumb as he looks." Michelle says, smirking and turning to her boys.

"come on guys lets go home, I'm super tired after having to deal with that asshole." She says, Peter smiles at her and finishes packing his bag. Michelle puts her arm over his shoulders and all three of them walk outside.

When they get outside Peter stops walking, causing Michelle and Ned to stop walking. They frown knowing what's going on.

"guys....I'm really sorry...but...," Peter says frowning and looking down. Being spiderman means he had to start patrolling as early and late as possible. Peter hasn't been able to hang out with them as much, it made him feel bad doing that to them.

A hand grabs his chin lifting it up.

"yeah, yeah we got it Parker, you don't have to be all sad about it," Michelle says smiling and giving Peter's nose a peck.

"yeah, it's okay man you do what you got to do." Ned says smiling and patting me on the back.

It's times like this that Peter realized what great friends he had. Peter smiles and pulls them into a big huge. They smile at him and hug back tight as if scared to let go. They soon separate and just before he turned getting ready to leave, Michelle grabs his arm, stopping him. Peter turns back to her about to ask what's wrong, when her lips connected to his.

"Just be safe, pete, wouldn't want anything to happen to my favorite spider," she says pulling away.

"Don't worry," Peter says in a gentle voice.

"I'll be fine." He smiles and kisses her cheek.

They wave their goodbyes, and soon he's swinging above the city he called home.

Hope you all like this chapter it's not my best but here you go, enjoy!!!!!


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