Drew Grier: A Broken Girl

By imacoolcat_

78.2K 1.2K 355

At first glance, the Grier family is perfect. But, not all is well for Drew and her brother Will Grier. They... More

Drew Grier: A Broken Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (The End)

Chapter 4

3K 49 40
By imacoolcat_

 Drew's POV~

My first Magcon came, and it went. The show was insane, so many screaming people. And when they started screaming for me, I thought I was going to cry. The entire experiance made me forget all the pain I've ever felt, and for those five minutes I was invinsible.

 The next morning, I rolled in my bed. Knowing I'd had to get up, get ready and pack. We were heading to the next city that was 12 hours away, Knoxville to be exact. I rose from bed, to see Mahogany fast asleep.

 I needed to get in the bath room, to cover the bruise on my hurt cheek. She was a glimpse of it yesterday, but thankfully it was covered with makeup half-way so I didn't look as worse as it really was. I told her that I dropped my phone on my face, and that I bruise easy.

 It's nothing I wasn't used to, I walked in the bathroom. I applied makeup to my cheek, taking away the red and blue color. Making my skin look normal again. I brushed my hair, putting it in two braids and placing my beanie on my head.

 I got dressed, in a pair of adidas sweetpants, and a long sleeved shirt. I'd be spending the day traveling, comfort was on my mind. I packed up my things, while the crazy red hair woke up.

 "I'm going to head down stairs, get this stuff on the van, maybe some breakfast. See you down there later." I said.

 "Okay babe." She groaned, turning over in the bed.

 "Get up sleepy head." I chuckled, walking out the door.

 I dragged my suitcase, which seemed to weigh triple than what I do. My backpack was weighing down my actions, and my guitar case was massive. This is what I get for singing, having to drag my guitar everywhere.

 "Hey do you need help with that?" I heard behind me.

 I turned around to see Jack Gilinsky, "Yes please." I almost whine.

 "You look like you are going to topple over, how can such a small person carry that much stuff?" He questioned, taking my suitcase and backpack.

 "I'm not small." I frown, as we step into the elevator. "More like fun size."

 "Oh you look fun alright." He mumbled under his breath.


 "Nothing, so you ready for a 12 hour ride?" He asked.

 "Not at all." I frowned.

 "You can sit in the back with Johnson and I. I think Hayes is sitting with us too." He explained.

 "Sounds good to me." I nodded.

 He carried my things to the van, putting them in the trunk. We saw Taylor, and Cam who were ready as we were. Johnson came down to, looking extremely tired. We sat down, talking in the lobby.

 Nash came down, and I tried not to look at him. Or awknolegde him in anyway possible. I wanted to run him over with that van, and watch him flatten to his death. Too morbid? I think so. I excused myself so I could call Will before we got all packed in the large Van.

 "Are you sure you have everything? Your phone? Credit card?" Will asked me. "Pepper spray?"

 "Yes Will, I have it all." I chuckled, leaning against the wall. Feeling the cool air hit my face. "Stop worrying."

 "It's hard not to. You're around all those guys, and Nash. I just don't want any of them touching you whats so ever. I'd fucking murder them." He said.

 I hated lying to him, but he couldn't know what Nash did the other day. "Listen, Nash would be a fucking idiot to come near me, and hurt me. He's to much a coward to hit me." I said, a tear almost treatening to spill.

 "That's true, it's just what if he changes his mind and I'm not there to protect you." He sighed.

 "I can handle it, Nash he's just like our father. He's terrified of what other people think, he wants to hit me. Let him, because as soon as I tell the entire universe, he's eternally fucked." I explained, knowing that if I had to black mail my own brother, I would. Nash is barely that anymore.

 "I don't want him touching you in the first place." He angrily spat, I could picture it in my mind. He would be balling his fists at his sides, getting angrier and angrier. "The thought of it, I want to fucking murder him, he's just like George."

 George is our father's name, although jackass suits him better. "Don't, I can handle myself out here. I-I promise." I said, I was lying through my teeth. Nash, he's so much stronger, taller, and could easily hurt me more if he wanted.

 "Fuck, I know. I just miss you and all. It's weird not having you here." He sighed.

 "I know, a few months. Okay? I gotta get going." I said, noticing some of the boys start walking to the van. "I love you Will, I'll text you when I get out of Texas."

 "I love you too sis, be safe." He said, just before hanging up.

 Is it worth it to stay here? With the potential I could get hurt. Yes, it is. I will not let Nash win, no matter what he does. For once, I have to show him I'm worth something. And to George that I am not his ragdoll he can beat up whenever he wants.

 I walk to the car, taking a deep breath. Trying to hide my anger, Jack see's me. "Hey, you get in first." He said.

 "Okay." I nodded.

 I went in, getting in the very back. In the corner, Jack sat next to me, Johnson next to him. Infront of us was Hayes, Aaron, and Taylor. I didn't pay attention to the rest of them, just at the one's who were around us.

 The Van took off, starting on our long journey. Jack moved closer to me, almost squishing me against the wall. I didn't know why. He had a look in those beautiful eye's. He looked angry, but all he seemed to be doing was searching my face for something.

 "Are you okay?" I finally asked.

 "I'm fine, just tired." He admitted.

 He had to be lying, it was written all over him. I just nodded, so we sat there. Everybody to awake to sleep, we're just talking, laughing, and blasting music. It was fun, and I could tell that these next few months are going to be great, that is if Nash doesn't pull anything like the other night.

 It'd be perfect if he wasn't here. But I can't control that. I can only hope for the best, that his anger doesn't get the best of him. I am taken away from the conversation, when my eye's dart outside.

 Watching the world outside the moving Van. The rows of corn, fields of grass. Going by, mile after mile. I wonder what it would be like, to run through the stalks, graze the never ending green.

 A world, so alone. That nobody could ever mess with it. "What are you doing?" Jack asked next to me.

 I turned my head towards him, "Thinking, look at it out there." I said, pointing outside the window.

 "What do you mean?" He asked, "It's just a whole bunch of nothing."

 "That's the point Jack, there's is nothing out there. It's so freaking peaceful, there's no pain, no hurt. It's all serene and nobody can change that. But then you get to the road, that seems to be miles away. It's filled with cars, van's like ours, and in them are humans, but not alot of humanity." I spoke, and I didn't realize what I was saying until I was actually saying it. My mind, it kept on rambling.

 He only peered at me, like he always does. And finally he spoke, in a van full of people it was the only voice I heard. "You aren't as you seem."

 "Good." I stated, a small smile forming on the edge of my lips. "I'd hate to be cliche."

 "You are far from cliche Drew." He said.

 I leaned back in my seat, looking up at the ceiling, and back to outside. But as time goes on, a few hours. Restless teenagers finally fall under the spell of sleep. Yet, my eyelids are open wide. I glance next to me, to the beautiful, but confusing face.

 He's quiet, but loud when he want's to be. And the way he looks at me, I feel like there's a reason behind it. I try and shut off my mind for a moment, hoping to catch some sleep. I pulled the edge of my beanie over my eye's, blocking out the light. Sinking as far as I could into the seat, but finding no comfort.


 I breathed deeply, hearing to many voices to continue sleeping. My body didn't feel cramped, two arms were wrapped around me, my head buried into a neck. It was Jack's, I could smell him, his musky sent.

 I didn't move, I tried to go back to sleep, but the boys around me. "Look how cute they are." Said Johnson.

 "He's a lucky son of a bitch, she's hot as fuck." Taylor spoke, what a pig.

 "You're jealous he got to get first." Johnson said.

 "Basically." Taylor hummed.

 "Well he actually likes her." Johnson said.



 Why me?

 I ignored every thought that was racing through my mind like the indy 300. HIs grasp was tight, but it wasn't unpleasent. I liked it, more than I have most things. I lifted my head, showing them I was awake. "He isn't going to let go, is he?" I asked Johnson.

 "Do you want him too? I can wake him up." The blonde haired boy said.

 "No, he's fine. Let him sleep. Aren't we stopping soon anyways?" I asked.

 "Yeah, in like an hour. Gas, and food." He explained.

 I nodded, "We'll wake him then."

 His warmth encased me, and even if there was that part of me that knew it was wrong, I liked it anyways. I saw Nash glance to the back, he rolled his eye's. Nash doesn't have that right, to judge, to do anything.

 "How adorable." Hayes whispered, turning around.

 "Don't-." I started.

 "But your so small, and he's so big. It's cute." Hayes commented.

 "Hmm." I hummed.

 Johnson seemed to keep looking us over, he was thinking about something. The hour passed by slowly, and for a bit I drifted back to sleep. His intoxicating touch, drove me insane. And in the best way possible.

 The van stoped, and everyone was getting out. "Jack, wake up." I whispered in his ear.

 He stirred, I ran my finger's through his hair. For no particular reason, I just did it. His eyelids shuttered open, then going wide. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." He said, letting go of me.

 "Don't worry about it," I smiled, "But if you don't get out, and we don't get food. Then you're going to have something to be sorry about."

 He chuckled, a bright smile flashing his face. I followed him out of the Van, some where going to the bathroom and getting gas station food. I asked, "How long did the driver say we had?"

 "A half hour." Cam said standing next to Johnson.

 "Anybody want to go to Mcdonalds with me?" I wondered.

 "I'm in." Johnson and Jack said.

 "So am I." Cam stated.

 We walked away from the rest, going into the glorious double arches. I was starved, and food was the only thing I could think about. Around us, things were deserted. It was one of those truck stop towns.

 We were god knows where, Oklahoma maybe. I texted Will, making sure he knew I was alright. I missed a few texts from him, I swear he was going to freak out. I ordered my favorite, sitting down with the boys. And when I slid in first, who was right next to me? Jack.

 "Your brother really doesn't let up, does he?" Cam asked, as we were just getting our food.

 "What do you mean?"

 "He hasn't quit texting you since we got here." He stated.

 "Oh, yeah. I missed his texts a few hours ago. He's worried is all, he's a bit protective." I explained.

 "Really? Nash said he was a loser." Cam said, scrolling through his phone.

 "That's because Nash is jealous of him." I shot back, "Who wouldn't be?"

 "From what I hear, he just sit's around and goes to the gym all day." He said. "Nothing to be jealous of."

 I wanted to jump over the table, and wrangle him with my hands. Johnson and Jack could tell, I was fucking pissed. "You do realize he was a first round draft pick, right? He got a full ride to the University of Florida, he's their starting Quarterback next season. If you ask me, that's a hell of alot to be jealous of, considering Nash sucked ass at football." I said, containing all the nerves in my body.

 "Holy fuck, that's impressive." Jack said.

 "I didn't know about that." Cam admitted.

 "Not alot of people do." I stated.

 "You don't get along with Nash, do you?" Cam asked, "I mean, they way he talks about you, and the fact not alot of us knew you exsisted."

 You don't have to be a genius to know that. "Yeah, I don't know what it is. Maybe since we are so close in age. We've never really have gotten along." I lied, Nash and I used to get along. But that seems like centuries ago. "So, you guys. Any siblings?" I asked, changing the subject.

 As the boys talked, telling me about their family's, I could help but feel jealous, theirs were so normal. My family, consists of two people. Will, and I guess Hayes. He still doesn't know, therefore I can't give up on him yet.

 "I think we should head back." I said, noticing the time.

 We got up, gathering the trash. I grabbed one of the trays, "Here I'll help you." Johnson said.

 "Thanks Johnson." I said.

 We walked to the trash, while the other two waited near the door. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around, it was one of the worker's. "Hi, I was wondering if you'd like to go out some time." The mystery boy said. "You're that one girl, the one people are freaking out about on vine over. And frankly, your even more sexy in person, hot damn." He was licking his lips, looking me over with wandering eye's. "I'd fuck you into oblivion."

 "Uh-" I stumbled to speak, instantly feeling uncomfortable.

 "She's got a boyfriend." Johnson said.

 "Who? You?" The boy asked.

 "No, the tall one over there, dark hair. He'll easily come over here and beat your ass for talking to his girl." Johnson said.

 "Well fuck that." The boy said, walking away, with a frown on his face.

 I looked to Johnson, "What was that about?"

 "You looked like you wanted nothing to do with him, and Jack looks intimdating, so it worked." He said as we walked.

 "Thanks, I guess." I mumbled.

 "Cam's in the bathroom, I said we'd wait for him." Jack said.

 I glanced at the weird boy who flirted with me, his gaze was making me feel bothered. He was winking, and I didn't like it. "Uh-" I said to Johnson, motioning to the boy behind the counter.

 "Hey Jack, for the next two minutes your her boyfriend, I told that guy over their that because he was saying gross, and utterly disgusting things to her." Johnson said.

 "The geeky one behind the register?" He asked.

 "Yeah." Johnson noted.

 Jack took no time, wrapping an arm around me, pulling me close. Pressing his lips to my cheek, for only a few seconds. And even if it was all fake. It felt natural, like it was supposed to happen. The boy, looked angry, wandering into the back.

 "Thank you." I whispered.

 "Anytime, really." He smirked.

 "You can let go now." I looked up at him.

 "What if I don't want too?"

 "Then don't." I said.

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