( ON HIATUS) It's Destiny

By RoseBell95

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STORY ON HIATUS When Red has no choice but to leave Mt. Silver to help Yellow, he finds himself facing childh... More

Viridian City
The Reunion
The journey begins
First encounter with Team Rocket
Haunted Stores

The 'Kanto' gym of Alola

211 6 14
By RoseBell95

It had been a good thirty minutes since their flight took off, and Green was surprised to the fact Red was still holding his hand. The feeling of how soft his hands were surprised Green. He thought after being on that mountain for so long that his hands would be rough. Gazing at the raven-haired boy, he couldn't help but let a soft smile ease across his face. There was no denying it now, he had feelings for Red and they were only growing stronger. Like a burning flame of passion, roaring inside the chambers of his heart.

"Psst... Green." Yellow whispered from the seat behind them both.

Green glanced up behind him to reply with, "Yeah?"

"Why are you holding Red's hand?' She asked him, pointing to the embracing hands as she snickered.

A rosey blush inched up Green's neck like a warm blaze. "Oh, uh... h-he was scared of the take off."

Green didn't understand how Red wasn't listening. They were talking about the hand holding and everything, yet no blushing or reactions.

"I think he's asleep." The blonde trainer whispered, keeping quiet so she wouldn't wake him .

"Awe... " Green grinned at the sight of the sleeping champion. "It is going to be a long flight, so maybe it's best we all take a nap?'

Yellow nodded in agreement before leaning back in her seat to hopefully catch a some Zs. Green, smiling once more at his sleeping friend, leaned his head back as well hoping to fall off into dreams.

With a strong yawn, Red stretched out his arms as he awoke from his nap. Noticing warmth on his body he froze and looked over, only to see Green had leaned over onto his shoulders in his sleep. His face got warm at the sight, and he slowly lifted his right arm and gently ran his fingers through Green's hair. It was softer than it looked, which was surprising to him being spikey and all. As he noticed Green waking up, he quickly drew his hand away and looked out the window acting as if nothing happened.

"Red?" Green slured as he awoke, but soon noticed him leaning on him. He shot up with an embarrassed heated face. "Oh, I... I uuh... sorry." Green stuttered.

Red looked over at him and laughed. "Its okay Green." The dark-haired boy spoke softly.

Every-time Red speaks to Green, he gets a warm feeling inside. Green felt special when Red grants him with his voice because he knows not many people get to hear it.

"Oh, my Arceus are you Red? Red the champion!?" A voice called out from the seats in front of the guys.

Red looked up at them, trying his best not to seem nervous. He nodded in response giving a shy smile and a quick wave hello.

"Wow, it is so nice to meet you!" The person chimed in excitement. "You are a lot more handsome than I thought you'd look, since you were on a mountain for years I thought you'd be all hairy!"

Red blushed and blinked a few times in confusion. Did this girl just flirt with him or was she just being nice? He didn't understand all this stuff due to being anti-social for many years. Green on the other hand couldn't stop glaring at the girl, he was just steaming with anger. Now that he knows he has feelings for Red, he couldn't stand other people giving him the flirty eye.

"So, champion are you still going on journeys or are you ready to settle down with a cute girl somewhere?" The lady asked with a flirtatious wink.

Red's eyes widened, and he looked away nervously not knowing what to say back to that. Green had enough and cleared his throat to get her attention before grabbing Red's hand, making Red jump in surprise.

"Look lady, I get you're so excited to meet Red, but you'd find it a smart idea to stop flirting with my boyfriend." The very jealous Green snapped at the lass.

Red's face was the darkest shade of crimson you could find and his body tensed up as he quickly covered his face with his hat. His hat was practically off his head now.

"Oh, I am terribly sorry. I had no idea!" The young lady responded apologetic. "Please, have a good flight and enjoy each other's company!"

Green smiled proudly at the way she so easily gave up on Red and turned away from them. Looking over at Red, he chuckled at the sight of him hiding in his hat yet again.

"There I go again." Green hummed, "Making your face live up to your name."

Red gasped and peaked up from the back of his hat. It was now only shielding his cheeks and mouth. Red was finding Green's flirting to be too much for his heart. It was all unexpected to say the least.

"Sorry I had to call you my boyfriend, she was fliting with you. Was it a problem I called you that?" The brunette man hoped to Arceous it wasn't.

Red shook his head no before shifting his gaze away from his, trying to prevent his nervouness from showing. Green made him so flustered that his face seemed to stay red. You'd think a Charmander recently burned his cheeks.

"Red?" Green whispered, "Why do you keep blushing around me?"

Red almost squeaked and looked out the window again, trying his best to come up with a way to change the subject. Thankfully, Green chuckled and leaned back for another nap. Red, sighing in relief, watched the soft cotton like clouds as they slowly drifted past them. He had to find a way to end his blushing problem, before Green makes him melt all together.

The plane landed, and all three trainers stepped foot on the very warm island of Melemele. Red wasn't used to all this heat but he found it quite nice. Sure was different than a mountain!

"Oh, wow it's so damn hot here!" Green complained per usual, "I should have brought lighter clothes."

Yellow couldn't help but laugh. "Well, good thing they have shops here, hu?"

Red nodded and began to walk around, loving how beautiful the island was. It was as if they were on a tropical vacation and he's never been on vacation.

"Where will be staying?" Yellow asked.

"I read they have little huts you could rent. That'll give us more privacy!" Green proposed, "Let's go rent one!"

Red and Yellow both nodded and followed Green as they entered the city.

"Welcome!" A tall man called out as he walked over to them. "It's always a pleasure to see new trainers visiting Alola!"

All three stopped and looked at him. "And you are?" Green asked in his normal, snarky tone.

"Oh, why my name is Professor Kukui" The man replied.

"Well nice to meet you professor." Yellow greeted and shook his hand.

"Professer hu?" Green Rose a brow, "My grandfather is a professor as well, nice to see this region has their own."

"Really? Who might your grandfather be?"

"Professor Oak."

Kukui gasped. "The professor Oak!? Then it's such a pleasure to meet the grandson of such a brilliant man."

Green rolled his eyes; He hated being treated with special treatment just because of who his grandfather was.

"If he is your grandfather, then you all should be from Kanto, is that correct?"

Yellow nodded her head. "You are correct sir."

Kukui grew a shining smile. "We have a fake Kanto gym here, so people seem to admire that region."

"Why?" Green asked, "Don't you have your own gyms?'

Kuikui shook his head. "No, no we have trials instead."

Green almost choked. "Trials? What kind of bullshit is that?"

Yellow smacked him in the shoulder, giving him a death glare. "Trials sound very interesting and unique." She complemented.

Red stepped up with a challenging grin, he wanted to see how authentic this Kanto 'gym' was. Who else better to do so than the Kano's Champion? That fire he had as a kid was back in his eyes.

"Oh, looks like he wants to challenge your gym." Yellow pointed out and gestured over to Red.

Kukui grinned excitedly. "Oh? No problem, I'll fly you all to the other island. The gym is in Malé city."

Red nodded and let out his Charizard, climbing on it he looked down at the professor in hopes for directions.

"I'll surf there so just follow me." The professor stated before heading over to the beach.

Green let out his Pigot and climbed on top. "Well, I guess we could get a hotel there." He suggested, "I'm not letting you fly off alone. Not with team rocket looking for us."

"No, I'll get the hut." Yellow said as she looked up at them. "You just meet me back here in a bit, okay?'

Both men nodded before their Pokemon took off into the air. Soaring up into the clouds like airplanes. The breeze up in the sky was a tad cooler and felt nice.

Making it to the city, the professor greeted them before taking them to the 'gym.' "Here we are!" The professor chimed.

"Looks like Lt. Serge's gym." Green stated as he looked the gym over. "Guess that means the leader will have electric type."

Straightening out his hat, Red walked into the gym only to be stopped by a lady.

"Hey what gives!?" Green yelled.

"Payment to fight in this gym is $1,000." The lady explained.

"Now that IS bullshit, since when do you pay to fight a gym!? If that was the case, I would be a lot richer than I am!" Green complained with his cocky voice, using his arms to express emotion.

Red turned and glared at him, giving a sigh before paying the lady. Like he's tried to get them to see, money isn't an issue with him anymore.

"Here is your soda pop, enjoy your battle."

Red handed the soda pop to Green before walking past all the trainers, he didn't care about them, he wanted to meet this so called 'gym leader.'

"Are you here to challenge me?" A man asked, confidence written across his features.

Red nodded, giving him a blank facial expression and no verbal reply.

"Alright then, lets get this party started then!" The gym leader then took out his Pokeball calling out a machamp.

"Machamp? Isn't this gym supposed to be electric type?" Green scoffed in judgment.

Red threw his pokeball into the air letting out his Charizard. Charizard roared as he met with a new challenger.

"Machoke, use your karate chop on him! Show him who's boss!" The gym leader ordered his pokemon.

Red noded his head over to the right, his Charizard understanding that it meant to dodge. Listening, the fire lizard did as told.

"What? But, you didn't say anything." The gym leader seemed confused.

"He doesn't talk to strangers." Green explained, "Charizard understands his body movements. "

Shooting his arm up, Red pointed toward to sky and Charizard yet again understood him and got ready to perform Fly. In a very quick motion his Charizard swooped down at high speed, grabbed the Pokemon flying upward and slammed it into the wall before landing next to his own trainer.

"Well, looks like we have a winner!" Kukui shouted and raised Red's arm into the air, sending memories flying through Red's head.

"Wait... you only had one damn Pokemon?" Green scolded the fake gym leader. "People pay a thousand bucks to fight you. The least you could do is act like a proper gym leader and use more than one Pokemon!"

"And who are you to judge me?" The fake gym leader asked with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"The Viridian city gym leader!" Green snapped right back at him. "That's who, and I think this gym is pathetic. Red wiped your ONE pokemon out in one damn move!"

Kuikui gasped. "Did you say Red? The Red, Champion of Kanto?"

Shooting a glare at Kukri, Green yelled, "Yes he is, why else would he want to come test out this place!?"

Kukui scratched his head in embarrassment. "Well, I guess we could make this place a bit more challenging. You do have a point."

"Well, here is your badge, Champion Red." The gym leader smiled and handed him the thunder badge.

Taking the badge, Red took out his old badge holder with all eight Kanto badges, still in mint condition. Looking at the old one and the new one he chuckled a bit and handed it to Green to see.

"Hu? It's so fake it's plastic!" Green busted out with laughter. "At least make it metal!"

Smiling, Red signaled Green to come on as he had tested the gym and now he was ready for them to go get the hut.

"Well, seems Red is ready to leave. Just be sure to put up more of a challenge for upcoming trainers. They come here to train." Green scolded them again before following Red outside.

"Red, I'm kinda bummed." Green sighed, "I was hoping to see you in a pokemon battle again. I mean a real pokemon battle showing your skills."

Blushing, Red looked up at Green nodding. He also wanted a good challenge, but it seems he was not given one. Green let out his Pigot and looked over at Red. "Hey Red, why don't you ride with me?"

Blushing yet again, Red nodded and climbed aboard the Pokemon behind Green. As the pokemon took off, Red took his chance and wrapped his arms around Green's waist, sending shiver's down the spikey haired man's spine. It didn't take long to make it back to Melemele island. They landed and met back up with Yellow, whom led them to the hut.

"Here we are!" She cheered, "The hut has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living area!"

Both men blushed heavily. "Wait, does that mean Red and I have to share a bed?' Green asked as he felt his stomach rose into his chest.

Nodding, Yellow replied "mhm." Then winked at them to tease them.

Within entering the hut, they were amazed at how beautiful it was; So spacious and open. They felt very relaxed in there.

"Well worth the money." Green approved the place. "I can't wait to lay on that bed though, I'm beat!"

Red nodded in agreement, but he just wanted to lay next to Green.

"Okay, rest up tonight boys, for tomorrow we start our investigation on team rocket." Yellow explained before heading into the bathroom. "I call first shower!"

Both Red and Green entered their room and immediately jumped onto the bed. Turning to look at Green, Red locked eyes with him immediately. He loved his emerald eyes, every time he looked into them his whole body became warm. Green also loved looking into Red's ruby eyes, he found them very unique and they made his mind all fuzzy. Slowly, both trainers began leaning in closer to one another, their noses almost touching. A blush grew on Red's face as he saw Green began to close his eyes.

'This is it!' Red thought. 'Is he going to kiss me!?'

Their noses then brushed against each other, Red closing his eyes as their lips met, sending fireworks through their heads. Slipping his arms around Green's neck, Red drew in closer to him, taking in all he could of him. Green, pulled the raven-haired trainer closer to him as well, running his hand through his hair and letting his hat fall onto the bed. After a few moments, they both left the kiss for air, and yet again looked into one another's eyes.

"Red." Green whispered, "Can we... g-go out?"

Red's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't believe he just asked him out. Without hesitation Red nodded his head excitedly.

"Yes," He whispered an answer back to Green, "I thought you'd n-never ask."

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