đź’‹Material Girl// Gossip Girl

By notshawn

118K 2.7K 440

3 Alena Collier is not a material girl but as usual, Gossip Girl is sparking up new labels and her labels sti... More

01// European Exposé
02// It's You
03// "Fling with the Co-CEO"
04// Sweet Logan
05// "Talk not flirt"
06// Gossip served sunny side up
07// White Lies
08// Moma's home
09// Crime and Prejudice
10// Romance Gesture Gone Wrong
11// you and I have history
12// Eternal Promises
13// Check me in, Ostroff
14// the bitter truth from an Archibald
15// The kids aren't alright
16// The Calm before the storm
17// The eX's are involved
18// Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
19// Valentines day with gossip
20// Waldorf Style
21// The Legacy
23// Go Home
24// Royal Drama
25// the wrong goodbye
26// City of Angels
27// No More Promises
28// Home
29// Who's the Father?
30// The Wrong Fianceé
31// The Inside
32// Reprecussions
35// Drunk and Stupid
36// Trapping Miss.Jonas
37// Lie to Me
38// Bits and Pieces
39// A Russian Twist
40// In the flesh
41// Bart and Sandwiches

22// believe me

1.9K 54 10
By notshawn

Hugging a pillow to my abdomen as I lay on Serena's bed, I watch the television. The news channel is currently on and is podcasting old videos from Lily's arrest and referring to it.

I place a mini Oreo on my tongue before shutting my mouth and chewing the chocolate goodness.

Footsteps emerge from the hall followed by Serena. I grab the remote and switch the T.V off just as she walks in.

"I thought you had plans?" She asks as she sits at the edge of the bed. The mattress sinks just beneath my feet.

"I did." I respond

"Oh. What did you do?" She asks as she takes an Oreo from my box.

"Watch T.V. I never specified." I say with a smile as I reach for another Oreo.

Serena shakes her head in disapproval as she slightly grins.

"I have a brunch to attend to at my mom's. You're coming right? You're apart of the family." She says

"Ha. Nice try. You don't think I know Chuck will be there." I scoff

"L, he's depressed." Serena says with a frown.

"Did Jack Daniels shut down?" I ask sarcastically.

Serena glares at me then snatches the box of Oreos from me. "You'll spoil your appetite." She scolds.

"I'm not going." I state as I cross my arms in front of my chest.

My phone rings from the feet of the bed, the screen is brightly lit and readable. Logan is calling.

"Not gonna answer?" Serena asks she notices my lack of movement.

"I can't talk to him when all I wanna do is tell him that his mom is an evil woman." I respond with a sigh.

Serena purses her lips before she grabs the ringing phone and answers it.

"Hey Logan" She says into the phone with joy.  "Mhm. She's in the shower right now."

I watch Serena's expression as she speaks into the phone. Nothing to read, just her usual facial movements when she talks on the phone.

"Mhm. Yeah, ok. Bye, Logan." Serena says before she ends the call.

She sets the phone down on the bed and lets her eyes wander around the room as she purposely stalls.

"Serena." I say

She shifts her eyes to me " He told me tell you to stop avoiding him and just talk to him." She says.

I let out a puff of air from my cheeks as I rest my chin on my knees that are pulled to my chest.

"Must be nice to have boyfriend who knows everything about you like you don't shower during the day but at night." Serena says as gives me a look.

Logan may be the perfect boyfriend but his intuitive sense and knowledge can be a pain in the ass.

The elevator rides up to Lily's penthouse, somewhere I haven't been in a long time. The same old walls, the same old elevator music.

Serena turns to me and reaches for my hair. I smack her hand away "For the last time, leave me alone. You wanted me to come so here I am." I say in an annoyed tone.

She sighs and crosses her arms. She is bothered by my appearance. My jeans, t-shirt, and sandals. A casual California beach style, perfect for the warm weather.

The elevator doors slide open revealing the wall we see every time before we turn and see the grand room.

Serena and I sat with the normal family group with guest, CeCe, Carol Rhodes and William.Brunch was great, food wise. Cece kept sending me a judging look, most likely because my whole outfit costs less than seventy dollars in total.

Chuck kept glancing my way but I avoided his gaze. I kept myself busy speaking with Rufus and William, about cars.

Now, I refill my glass of orange juice as everyone has scattered around the penthouse. The pitcher empties, leaving my glass halfway full.

Chuck grabs another pitcher, filling up the rest of my glass.

"Thanks." I say before I take a sip.

"I hear you're crashing at the Serena's and Blair's." He says as he leans against the counter.

"It's like an endless slumber party." I say

"I would usually have a comment but now I hardly pick one up when I'm near you." He says

"I'm glad. It'd be wrong go say something crude now considering we're bonded by blood." I remark.

"Blood is what makes a family..." Chuck began before I cut him off.

"No it doesn't. Love is what makes a family. Blood may be the only thing that runs the company and so be it but I told you I'm done shedding my blood for it." I state

Chuck seems disappointed by my response, hurt.

"We don't need a relationship based on the company, Chuck." I say softly.

"The company is the only thing I've ever known." He says

"That's not true." I say

"Hey, Are you ready to go?" Serena asks as she interrupts the conversation.

"Enjoy your day, ladies." Chuck says with his usual smirk except this time it was forced.

Serena and I leave the penthouse as Chuck walks away.

Down in the lobby, we head towards the exit until we're stopped by a blonde girl.

"Hey Serena." She says

"Sorry, my family's not talking to the press." Serena says

"Oh,well, then I guess I'm not either, because, technically, I'm your family." The girls much to my surprise. "You're probably wondering how you could be related to someone who's so socially awkward. Um but I'm your cousin."

"Charlie. Oh, my God! I mean, Charlotte. Oh, my gosh! Your mom didn't tell me you were here." Serena exclaims with a grin

"That's because she doesn't know. Um can we go somewhere and talk?" The girl, Charlie asks with a worried expression.

"Yeah, sure." Serena agrees "First, Charlie this is my friend Lena. Lena this is my cousin Charlie."

Charlie and I exchange greetings before I let the two go off on their own as I go meet a friend.


Sitting in a table with a sunhat and Prada sunglasses shielding her face, sits Blair Waldorf. Sipping on ice water through a straw very sophisticatedly.

I take a seat across from her and see her face scrunch up in disgust "Did you come from the Goodwill?" She asks referring to my outfit.

I ignore her comment "Do you have it?" I ask

"No." She respond with a sigh and nothing else.

"No?" I ask as I stare at her.

"No." She responds and there's a long pause, again.

"Blair." I huff

"The office is locked. Dr, Floyd is out for the day." Blair says

"Did you get the key?" I ask

"Of course I got the key." She scoffs as if I offended her.

"And?" I ask

"I didn't go in. There was no look out and I'm wearing the wrong pair of heels for this." She responds.

"Such a tragedy." I remark sarcastically

She rises up her from her chair "Let's go break some rules before it's time for my meeting with Epperly." She says

On our way to the office, I bought a baseball cap from a vendor on the street. I'll need a shield from the cameras.

Blair and enter the outdoor medical complexes. The offices lie outside of the hospital, the professional offices that is.

Doctors and nurses casually accommodate the area, Chatting or just passing through.

Once in the ob/gyn wing, Blair and I walk to doctor Floyd's office. The area is less occupied with very little nurses and doctors.

Blair sneaks the key into my hand "You have less than five minutes." She says before she walks away into the center of the quad.

She freezes and brings her hand up to her face  fanning herself before she unexpectedly collapses onto the floor.

Nurses and doctors all rush to Blair's side, none paying attention to me.

I hold back my laughter as I unlock the door to the office and slide in. I close the door behind me, leaving me in darkness.

I pull out the mini flashlight that I also just bought from a street vendor. I scan the room with the flashlight bringing everything around me to a visible view. I spot filing cabinets and reach them.

Each drawer is labeled alphabetically, I pull open drawer A-C. I look for Bates, Augustina Bates.

My fingers push back every folder that isn't the correct one until I find it. I pull out the Bates file and open it up. I flip through miscellaneous papers until I come across blood test than paternity tests. The results of the paternity test lies in my grasps.

My eyes scan every mount of information, my body fills up with eagerness. I remember Blair and her fake scene, she can't hold that up forever. I fold up the paper and slide it in my jean band. I place the file back and shut the drawer.

I open the door and peak to see Blair still lying on the ground with a herd around her. I exit the office unseen and lock the door back up before walking past the crowd and sending a nod to Blair.

She sits up "I'm healed!" She exclaims before she is helped up then saunters away.

We meet up in a cab. She enters and dusts herself off.

"I'm healed?" I ask her as I chuckle

"I could've died." She claims

"By what? Overcrowding of people?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Yes." She says. "What did you find?"

I pull out the paper and show her "What am I looking at?" She asks

"Proof." I respond "the results say conclusive but only because the document has been edited."

"How do you know that?" She asks

"The print is in red." I respond "The blood types are listed as well."

"Augustina is blood type B and the child is as well." She reads off the document.

"Logan is blood type A. The father has to be blood type B or O for the child to have Blood type B. Otherwise the child would be AB." I explain

Blair's lips curve into a smirk "Blair Waldorf has done it again."

I frown and send her a glare "Waldorf-Collier." She says carelessly with a sigh.


Blair and I walk inside the lobby of the penthouse. Her phone rings and I see that Dan called her. Dan Humphrey which perplexes me very much.

I notice Blair has an uneasy look plastered on her face.

"Why that face?" I ask her

"What?" She asks

"You looked at your phone and your expression changed completely. What did you and Dan do?" I question her as I raise my eyebrows at her.

She tries to pretend as if she has no idea what I'm insinuating.

"What did you guys kiss or something?" I joke as I chuckle.

I stop myself and stare at her as her face changes "You didn't" I ask

"It was in the heat of the moment" she states and I smile.

"You and Dan kissed?" I ask in shock

"Drop it." She demands "Look what we have here." She mutters to me.

I look at her line of vision and see Logan walking away from the front desk overlooking a folder. 

My stomach ties into knots as he approaches us, unknowingly. A paper flies out of the folder and lands on the floor in front of Blair and I.

I kneel down and pick up the paper, rising up to meet Logan's eyes. I hand him the paper which he takes.

I pull down the baseball cap shielding my face more.

"Here to see Lena?" Blair asks as she removes her sunglasses and folds them.

"No, actually. Just here to pick up paper work." He replies nonchalantly but I took offense.

Blair looks taken back as well but smirks in the process.  "She was just on her way to see you." Blair says

"Doubtful." Logan remarks as he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"Aren't we all." Blair inserts and I send her a glare.

"Logan can we talk?" I ask, wanting to get straight to the point.

"She speaks." Logan remarks, provoking me. "Now you wanna talk?" He adds. His annoyance and anger clearly visible.

"Don't make me regret it." I state with a nettled tone.

"As much as I'd love to witness this, I have a lunch to attend go." Blair says with a smile and quick wave before walking away.

In the elevator we wait as it rides up to the penthouse. My eyes trail to Logan who is adjacent to me, looking straight ahead.

I've been ignoring him for a week and he manages to get more attractive when he was already attractive? Just the way his button up is perfect fit, hugging his biceps and everything else.

"Like what you see?" He asks

I avert my gaze from him "I've seen better." I respond with a nonchalant shrug.

"I've seen messier." He remarks referring to my  casual wear and baseball cap.

I divert my eyes to him, sending him a glare as he smirks.

The elevator doors slide open and I exit first, tossing the baseball cap off of my head and to the couch.

"You looked better with it on." Logan retorts

"Don't provoke me, Devenport." I reflect

"You always do what I tell you not to." He says which I can't argue.

"Look can we just talk." I say calmly as I sit down on the armrest of the sofa.

Logan gestures me to proceed with his hand. "About Augustina." I say

"Is that why you've been ignoring me? I told you there's nothing going on between us." He states

"I know. It's not about that." I say and pause as my stomach ties into knots again. I'm eager to tell him but I'm afraid of his reaction.

"What is it?" He asks

"The baby." I say. Logan's eyebrows furrow in confusion "It's not yours." I add.

Logan's countenance freezes as if he's pondering. He unfreezes and speaks "Why would you say that?" His tone changing for the worst.

"There's proof. I have proof!" I state as I pull out the results from my pocket.

I unfold and Logan takes it from my hands, scanning it all.

"The proof is right there. The page has been edited due to the red ink and the blood types don't match. You're blood type is A and there's no way the child could be Blood type B unless it's father was O or B." I explain

Logan's eyes are glued to the paper, never lifting up. "O" He says

"What?" I ask

"My blood type is O." He repeats, this time his eyes divert to me.

My stomach turns, the horrible feeling rising immensely.

"Why would you-... where did you get this? This is a physician copy. Did you steal this?" He questions. I can see his expression morph into anger.

"Your blood type may match but that baby is not yours." I say only provoking him "Yes I stole that because I need solid proof but it's not. You've been being played ever since Augustina came back into your life." I state

"This is ridiculous. She would never do that." He scoffs and heads towards the elevators.

"She wouldn't but would your mother?" I ask, he stops in his tracks and turns around. His face cold and full of anger.

"She's manipulating you, Logan. She's been manipulating you since she came back to New York." I say

"She's not evil, Lena. She has her flaws but she would never do that!" He says, his voice rising with ever word.

I approach him, placing my hands on the sides of his face. My eyes gaze into his, they soften but still hold anger.

"I'm not telling you this to hurt you. I love you, I'm just trying to protect you. Would I ever lie to you?" I say

"You have before." He says.

He walks away, his face leaving my hands. His presence undetected and leaving the penthouse empty. Leaving me empty, just a knife stabbing right through my heart.

Don't give up, Lena. Logan will come to his senses soon. Remember, you did.

Sorry for the late update, again. I finished with my graduation stuff and now I got a job so there's that too. I haven't forgotten about my books. I just grew up and now I'm adjusting. Also this is unedited, my apologies.

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