Tricks and Treats

By goldenscares666

113K 6.7K 1.9K

Beware the creature that stalks on All Hallows Eve, when the supernatural roam the Earth and cause mischief a... More

01 | Chase the Black Cat to Wonderland
02 | The Sweetest Treats Come With Tricks
03 | Cold Autumn Nights
04 | Playing with Spirits
05 | Holiday Feast Fit For Royalty
06 | Haunting Illusions
07 | Scary Movies
09 | Beyond the Grave
10 | Player Three
11 | Green-Eyed Monster
Uninvited Guest
Haunted House
Holiday History
Eternal Halloween
Pumpkin Contest
Outer World
Power Drainage
Yummy Sweets
Witching Hour
Hauntingly Good Ideas
Sweet, Candy Lips
Tricks! Tricks! Tricks!
Pranking Pranksters
That Special Time of Year
A Strange Addition to the Family
A Prosperous Kingdom
Epilogue: To the King and Queen of All Hallow's Eve

08 | Devilishly Good Ideas

5.7K 362 152
By goldenscares666

Author's Note:

Okay, so I'm super mad right now. I typed up not one, not two, but three chapters that were ready to be published on Halloween. A few days ago, I came to edit them and found out that all three had disappeared! I only had enough time to make this chapter, and what makes me really upset is that I don't remember what I wrote for the other two chapters, so I can't just write them again. So, with that little rant out of the way, I'd like to wish you all a happy Halloween. I hope you're all enjoying spooky season as much as I am.

~Now, on with the story~


•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:


     Why does the sun have to be so damn bright in the morning? I just want five more minutes. Is that so much to ask? With a groan, I dare to open my eyes and let the burning rays sting the sleep right out of them, aggravating me even more. I turn away from the light only to accidentally run over Whisker's tail. He rightfully screamed at me with a yowl, causing me to shoot up, now fully awake.

     "Sorry, Whiskers!" The cat growls, as if cursing under his breath, before tucking his legs underneath his body to get comfortable again. I pet his back in apology with a frown. The morning marks the end of Halloween and the start of November. It felt like it was gone before it even started, no matter how eventful the night was. I won't be able to see Jack again until yet another year. This time, the separation felt much worse than before. I notice a wrinkled ball of paper near my pillow and tilt my head in confusion as I picked it up to unravel the massage.


     Morning, Sweetie!

     Sorry to leave my goodbyes on paper like this, but you just looked so cute while you were sleeping, I couldn't possibly wake you! We had lots of fun last night anyways, so I bet you were super tired! I wish I could've stayed longer. I like spending time with you. You can bet I'll be counting the days until we can see each other again next Halloween! I'm looking forward to it!

     I'll miss you. Don't be sad, okay? I'll be waiting for you to join the next party and think up more fun stuff we can do together while I'm away! Maybe next year we can play games? Have you ever bobbed for apples? It's a hoot! You'll love it!

  Promise to remember me, okay?

Your Pumpkin 🎃


     A tear stained the parchment, breaking me from my read. I wiped it away with a watery smile, admiring the little doodle of a pumpkin left after the signature. The note was as devastating as it was heartwarming. Now, the distance between us made the pain in my chest even greater, but I would look forward to next year as well even though it might hurt for a while.

     "I'll see you then, Jack. I'll miss you too," I mutter, reading the message over and over again as though it would bring him back to me, but alas, I was alone yet again. I suppose I found some comfort in the note. It was a piece of him, much like the crown on my nightstand, and I like how he remembered that silly nickname I gave him last time. I found it cute. Without sensing it, I let out a quiet sob. Why does it hurt so much when we've only known each other for practically two days? Is it because of how he stuck in my mind all year? Is that why it feels like I've known him much longer, or is it how we were able to pick up again so quickly after meeting each other again, as though we were lifelong friends? I do feel a sense of nostalgia with him. Could that be it?

I have to be alone again,

Without him,

Without his jokes,

Without his cute, but perverted actions.

  "Man I've really lost it, huh?" I bring a hand to my head, unknowingly wearing a smile. I wish he could've stayed. What I would give to have woken up to that bright smile of his. Life would be so much more fun. Too bad it's impossible. If only I had the ability to talk to him from the other realm, like by phone or something, but I don't think a Halloween spirit would have a phone. Would it even work if he had one? I really regret falling asleep so early now. I wish he would've woken me up so that I could say goodbye... Maybe even hug him.

     Realizing my thoughts, I threw my face into the pillows to knock some sense into myself only to end up crying a little bit as I squeezed it. Stupid feelings. It only intensified when I thought of the highlights of last night: that magnificent feast, how he scared those bullies off and pranked those people with the ouija board...

     "Wait, that's it!" I exclaimed, raising my face from the pillow and startling Whiskers. All traces of sadness disappeared as I pulled myself out of bed. Maybe it isn't so impossible after all, at least I hope so. I find something quick to change into that will suit the chilly autumn air before sprinting into the bathroom to make myself presentable. I was in a hurry though, so nothing but a few minutes of fixing my hair how I like and brushing my teeth.

     "Oh, hey, my makeup," I realized, touching my face which warmed when I figured out that Jack must've cleaned it off for me. How thoughtful. Feeling even more determined, I look for my wallet to make a very important purchase. If Jack can control a ouija board, I'm sure he can do it again. Sadly, I don't own one, so I'll have to buy it. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get it on sale now that Halloween is over, but if not, it won't matter. So long as I get to talk to Jack again, it'll be worth it. Finally, I snatch up Whiskers to lay him across my shoulders. By now, I'm sure the neighborhood is used to seeing me walk around like a crazy cat lady.

      Regardless of whether or not I want to take Whiskers with me somewhere, he always finds a way to follow me. Jack did ask him to keep an eye on me, after all. I suppose he was just fulfilling his duties. He has to protect the Queen of Halloween. I always feel embarrassed thinking of that title he gave me. Maybe it wasn't to claim us engaged or married, but it does bind us in a way. I am important to him, as he is important to me. We can hold onto that whenever we miss each other. It's kind of nice, actually.

     You know what? I think I do know the reason I feel so comfortable with him. After all, he came to my rescue, and he didn't think of me like a stupid child when everyone else around me did. He defends the weak and finds importance in having fun, in standing out and doing whatever makes you happy regardless of what others think. He's a free spirit who takes care of people in his own special way, and I find that wonderful.

     I quietly make my way out of the house, knowing that if my parents were home that they were likely hungover from last night's Halloween party. I wouldn't be gone long anyway. The store is only fifteen minutes away on foot. Since it's still early, no one is really in the place aside from a few here and there. Already, the employees were starting to take down the Halloween decorations, which sucks. It only ended just yesterday. I bet Jack would've thrown a fit. I smile just thinking about the sort of devious prank he would've come up with to daze the workers. The thought only encourages me to find the spirit board quicker, and luckily, I do. It's not on sale, but I'll take it!

I make my way over to the checkout area right away where a guy my age rings up the board. According to his name tag, his name is Nathaniel. I think I've seen him around school before, but I don't really talk to anybody there to know him personally. He's not bad looking, though— Kind of average with short black hair and soft brown eyes. He has kind features and a nice smile. Wait, why are his lips moving? He's talking to me?!

   "A ouija board, huh? Having a Halloween afterparty?" He was joking, but I must admit, an after Halloween party would be awesome right about now, especially if I can contact Jack. I laugh lightly as I pull out the amount I need to buy it.

   "Pretty much. I guess you can say I love Halloween so much, I wouldn't ever want it to end." My words came straight from the heart, though, I know he wouldn't comprehend the true meaning. He laughs, nonetheless.

   "That passionate about it, huh? I like Halloween too. It's cool seeing all the decorations people put on their houses. Some of them go all out with it." I smile genuinely.

     "Right? It's really fun going around, looking at them, and who doesn't love free candy?" He smiles back at me as I take the spirit board into my hands. Before I could leave, however, he stops me.

  "Hey, you go to my school, don't you? I'd recognize that cat anywhere. I can't believe they let you keep him during school hours."

   "Yeah. After the thirteenth time he snuck in, they completely ignored it. Got me in a lot of trouble at first, though." We both laugh before her asks,

     "What's your name?"


   "You can call me Nathan. Have fun with the afterparty. See you around." We wave goodbye to each other as I leave before I take notice of the dirty look Whiskers was giving me.

   "What?" He lets out a low growl in disapproval, causing me to roll my eyes.

   "Oh, relax. It's not like I like that guy. Let's just concentrate on Jack, okay?" I probably look crazy talking to him, but what can I say? He acts like a person. He's the most expressive cat I've ever met. Eventually, I find my way to the cemetery and follow the path to Jack's mausoleum, where I sit on top of the crispy, orange and brown leaves. I pray this works as I set up the board, positioning the planchette over the center before taking a deep breath in preparation.

    "Well," I glance over to Whiskers, who sits across from me on the other side of the board, "Here goes nothing." Peering down at the board, I push all nerves aside and think hard about the person I want to contact.

     "Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask before waiting in silence. Five minutes pass, but I receive no response. My heart pounds in anticipation. "Jack, it's Y/N. If you're there, if you can hear me, please, talk to me." I sit there for at least ten more minutes, but again, nothing happens. My eyes water in disappointment, one tear managing to slip down my cheek and splash onto the board as I begged for an answer from the other side.

   "Jack, please." I felt choked up when nothing continues to happen and squeeze my eyes shut in defeat. It's hopeless, and my chest hurts worse than before now. "Damnit." I pull away without thinking to touch my stinging chest, trying to pull myself together. I know you aren't supposed to stop the conversation without saying goodbye properly, but I wasn't thinking about that right now.

     All I can think about is how disappointed I am and how stupid I feel for coming out here like this, expecting a silly, mass-produced game to actually reach another dimension. I had my hopes too high. Jack had raised my beliefs in magic, so I guess I thought it just had to be possible, but I am only a human girl. What do I know about magic? This was bound to fail from the start. I wipe my eyes as Whiskers rubs against me, purring to comfort my woes. I give him a sad smile and pet his back to assure him I'm alright, just a little upset.

   "It's all right. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." I stare back at the board in discouragement. "I just got so excited." I sigh and was about to put the board away when something miraculous happened.

The planchette moved on its own.

   The piece slowly and shakily makes its way across the board, but the fact that it's moving at all is incredible. My heart pounds heavily as it goes over each letter.

'H I S W E E T I E.'

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