Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diar...

By coke137

4M 86.3K 96.8K

Arianna Gilbert has felt like she's drowning ever since her parents died. People seem to think only her twin... More

Arianna Gilbert
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Season 2------ Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Season 3------Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 36

43.1K 943 724
By coke137

"Caroline, are you falling for my old boyfriend?" I tease, shooting her a playful glare. She's been spending a lot of time with Tyler lately, preparing him for his first turn tonight. He knows she's a vampire but he only knows about her, he doesn't know about Stefan and Damon. I wanted to be there for Tyler tonight but he doesn't know that I know he's a werewolf. I'm just some oblivious human to him. Plus, ever since Tyler became a werewolf, Damon won't let me near him. He's worried Tyler will loose his temper and hurt me or something.

"No! I just want to help him, those videos of Mason were horrifying. He was in so much pain, Aria." Caroline flinches, not wanting to remember the horrible videos. Apparently Mason took videos of when he turned and it's not an easy process.

"Well Mason doesn't feel any pain anymore." I smirk, causing Caroline to glare at me.

"He's Tyler's Uncle, don't be so...happy about his death." Caroline says, looking at her reflection in the mirror. I'm at her house, and we're going though her wardrobe. I think I might steal some of her clothes.

"He was an ass, so no, I won't act like I'm not happy. Because I'm thrilled, he freaked me out. And I wasn't acting happy, Caroline, I was gloating." I sigh, tossing a skimpy purple dress on the bed. "You actually wore this?"

She looks at it for a moment before shrugging, "It was sexy, it got Matt's attention." she smirks.

"So you still like Matt then?" I question, bringing us back to the original topic.

"Would you be mad if I did like Tyler?" she fires back.

"No, I have absolutely no feeling for him anymore. He's all yours Care." I smile, and I can see Caroline start to think about the possibility of dating Tyler. I've known her for a long time, I know what she's thinking. I know her different thinker faces.

"Maybe, he's hot." Caroline grins, before looking down at her watch. "Speaking of him, I have to meet him at the Grill soon."

"Oh before I get going, did you hear what I did to Elena?" I smirk proud of myself.

"Do I even want to know?" Caroline sighs, knowing I'm very, very pissed at Elena right now. I told her about what Elena said to me, it even pissed Caroline off.

"Yeah, you do. I knew Elena wouldn't listen to Damon and I about staying away from the tomb. Or running off to Klaus, to have herself killed. So...I made sure she wasn't going to leave anytime soon. I had a little help from Bonnie, surprisingly, though." I say, feeling smug with myself.

"I'm guessing you had Bonnie do some kind of spell?" Caroline guesses.

"Yup." I nod, popping the P. "I had Bonnie do kind of like a boundary spell thing. Elena is stuck inside of the house. If she tries to leave, she'll run into like an invisible wall." I laugh.

Caroline shakes her head, smiling slightly. "Remind me never to piss you off."

"Actually, I think Elena is the one that needs reminding." I smirk.


I open up our front door, surprised to see it's unlocked. Normally Elena, or Jenna locks it. Jeremy couldn't care less, as long as no ones steals any of his shit.

I walk into the living room, where Elena is pouting on the couch, hugging a pillow. "You should really lock the front door, safety measures and all." I smirk, and she glares at me. "Aww, come on pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity."

"Do you think this is funny?" Elena demands, still looking at me with a fierce glare.

"Yes Elena, I find hilarity in the lengths I have to go to, to repeatedly save your life and keep you from doing stupid shit." I respond sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, does Stefan does know about this?" Elena questions.

"Yes, he does, he finds it hilarious too. Damon was practically rolling around on the floor." I grin, sitting down next to Elena who scoots away from me slightly. Aw, I'm so offended.

"What did he say about Elijah being alive?" she looks over at me with a smug look, like she caught me in a lie or something. I don't understand the look whatsoever.

"Damon didn't want to tell him, and I agree with him. Stef has enough on his plate right now. Even if we told him it's not like he could do anything about it, he's kind of...trapped." I shrug. I look over my shoulder at Jeremy when he comes in. "Where's Bonnie? She's supposed to be here."

"She might be with Damon." Jeremy guesses.

"No, she's supposed to be on moonstone duty. Damon his on...drinking duty at the moment. And I'm on stupid sister patrol." I smirk.

"Then who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Jeremy asks, like we're some government organization who has agents for assigned tasks.

"Caroline wanted too, I think she digs Tyler these days. Who knew werewolves turned her on. Most of us seem to go for the vamps around here." I tease, and see Jeremy smile slightly.

"Wait, tonight is the full moon?" Elena clarifies, sounding shocked.

"Yeah, you would know that if you weren't trying to commit suicide all the time." I shrug, sending her a 'too bad for you' look. My phone rings, and I pull it out seeing Damon's caller ID. I get up off the sofa and head into the other room, before answering it.

"What's up?" I answer.

"We have a problem." he states.

"Yay, I love these. They seem to make up my life these days." I mutter.

"Sheriff Forbes has officially ruled Mason Lockwood a missing person. Some friend of his came around looking fro him, stirring up all kinds of trouble. Ric and I are at the Grill to find out more about her. I just wanted to fill you in."

"Alright, thanks. But be careful please, she's probably a werewolf if they were friends." I sigh.

"Got to go, talk to you later." he replies, hanging up the phone. I put the phone back in my pocket, slightly worried about my boyfriend. He'll be fine though, Ric won't let him do anything stupid.

I hope.


Ugh, where did Jenna put my Kindle?! I can't find it anywhere, it's so annoying. She came in here to clean up and put everything away, I can't find anything anymore.

I throw the door open to my room, and storm down the steps. "Jenna?! Where did you put all my stuff?" I demand, heading toward her but stop short at what I see. Elijah is standing in our hallway, shaking hands with Elena. And he's not wearing a suit like the other times I've seen him. I hate to admit it but he still looks hot.

"I put it in your drawer Aria, where it belongs." Jenna sighs, holding a bunch of boxes. Elena sends me a terrified look, but I just shrug. I don't think Elijah will hurt us.

"What's going on? Who's he?" I ask, pretending to be oblivious.

"I've been roped in to helping Mrs, Lockwood for some history thing. These are all your Mom's old papers, I have to bring. Oh and this is Elijah, he's in town doing research on Mystic Falls." Jenna replies, and Elijah walks over to me, stretching out his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Arianna." Elijah smiles.

"Oh the pleasure is all mind." I smirk, shaking his hand. "I just have to ask though. Elijah is an odd name, it sounds really...ancient." I shrug, still with the smirk on my face.

"Aria, don't be rude." Jenna scolds, sending an apologetic look at Elijah.

"It's fine, I don't mind. You're right though, Arianna, it's centuries old." Elijah smirks back, and Elena is still looking at us in horror.

"You're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff, or Elena, Aria, and I, can help you load it into your car." Jenna offers, and I try not to laugh. Elena can't help load anything, anywhere that's outside of this house.

"Yeah or I could just get someone to pick it up tomorrow?" Elijah suggests.

"Also a good plan." Jenna smiles, and I can tell she finds him hot. It's hard not to though.

"Thank you so much for inviting me into your home Jenna." Elijah tells her, making sure Elena and I know. He starts to walk out with Jenna but turns around, "Oh and Elena, Arianna, I hope me can meet again sometime." he smirks before leaving the house, and shutting the door behind him.

As soon as the door is shut, Elena takes off running up the stairs. I roll my eyes, walking up after her. She's overreacting, I really don't think Elijah is a threat anymore.

As I get to the top of the steps, Jeremy walks past me with his headphones on. I frown and look towards his room, seeing a very scared Elena and a threatening Elijah.

I arch my eyebrows, shooting him a flirtatious look. "You just left, already back for more?" I smirk, and I think I see him smile slightly. Nice. I can even make a thousand year old vampire smile. I'm awesome.

"What do you want?" Elena questions, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I think it's time us three had a little chat." Elijah states.

"Great, lets go to my room then. It's actually clean for once, I would love to show it off." I smile, and Elijah nods his head. I turn towards my room, ignoring Elena's glare. I don't think she likes that I'm being friendly with Elijah. What does she want me to do piss him off? That would be a lot worse.

"Forgive the intrusion, I mean your family no harm." Elijah apologizes, as Elena closes my bedroom door behind her.

"No harm no foul." I shrug. "Why did you kill those vampires though when they tried to take Elena and I? Aren't you like Klaus' bitch or something?" I question, since it's been nagging at me. I was and still am throughly confused.

"Because I didn't want you two to be taken." Elijah answers, causing both Elena and I to look at him in disbelief. "Klaus is the most feared, and hated of the Originals but those that fear him, are desperate for his approval. Word gets out that two dopplegangers exist, there will be a line of vampires eager to take you two to him. And I can't have that." Elijah shrugs, still leaving me in complete confusion.

"Isn't that exactly what your trying to do?" Elena demands, glaring at him.

"Lets just goal is not to break the curse." Elijah smiles.

"Then what is your goal?" Elena asks, still glaring at him. Jeez, she should be nicer to him. He could kill her very easily.

"Klaus' obsessions have made him paranoid, he's reckless. He trusts those only in his immediate circle." Elijah explains, making it sound like Klaus has schizophrenia or something.

"Like you." Elena says.

Elijah shakes his head, "Not anymore." I detect a slight amount of sadness in his voice.

"You don't know where he is, do you?" I question, and Elijah shakes his head. "Oh I get it know, you're trying to use my sister and I to draw him out."

"For that I need you two to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed." Elijah responds, causing me to put my hands up in innocence.

"Hey, I only went so Elena wouldn't be alone. I don't want to die anytime soon." I say, and Elijah's gaze flickers to me. Interest shines in his eyes, but he doesn't say anything. He's looking at me like he knows me or something.

"You're telling the truth?" Elena asks, crossing her arms.

"Well, if I wasn't being truthful all your family members would be dead and I would be taking you to Klaus right now." Elijah smirks, "Instead I'm here and prepared to offer you a deal."

"Oo, what kind of a deal? I love negotiating." I grin, causing Elena to shoot me a cautious look. I roll my eyes at her, holding myself back from yelling at her. I am much better at negotiating then my sister.

"Do nothing." Elijah smiles, getting up from his seat on Elena's window seal. "Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And when the time is right, we shall draw Klaus out together. In that time I will make sure your friends remained unharmed."

"And then what?" Elena demands, her voice filling with hatred.

"Then I kill him." Elijah replies, sounding slightly bored.

"Just like that?" I question in disbelief.

"Just like that." he confirms, nodding his head slightly. "I'm a man of my word Arianna, I make a deal, I keep a deal."

"How are you going to be able to keep everyone safe?" Elena whispers, sounding defeated.

"You know I noticed you have a friend, Bonnie is it? She seems to posses the gift of magic, I have friends with similar gifts." Elijah explains.

"Great, I just freaking love witches." I reply sarcastically.

"Together, we can protect everyone that matters to the two of you. So do we have a deal?" he steps in front of me, and it's hard for me not to shrink under his gaze, it's really intense. He has a thousand some years behind it.

I look at Elena and see her nod her head. "Actually, there's one more thing you can do for me." I say. I bet he can get Stefan out of that tomb. He has witches on his side. It's sad Elena didn't think of this.

"So we're negotiating now?" Elijah smiles amused.

"I told you before, I drive a hard bargain." I smirk, giving him a small shrug.


I drown the drink in front of me, savoring the feeling it gives. I had to steal one off a waiters tray because the waiter wouldn't give me one. Apparently he thinks I am too young to drink. There's no one else here with me, so I had to get one my own way.

Yup, I am sitting at a table alone, drinking a shot of whiskey, I think. Damon is dealing with Rose at the moment. Apparently he pissed off Mason's werewolf friend today, even though I told him not too. She promised to come after him, since it was a full moon.

When he got back to his house Rose was there, wanting to apologize about running the other day. While she was there the women, Jules, broke in while she was in werewolf form. She tried biting Damon but Rose pushed him out of the way, getting bit instead. I have no harsh feelings at all for her anymore, she saved Damon. And I am so thankful for that. I'm also upset because she's going to die most likely from the bite.

"In my day 16 year old girls did not drink, but then again, alcohol was not invented yet." Elijah muses, standing next to my table.

I roll my eyes, "Well, get with the times buddy." I sigh, finishing off my drink. Maybe I can convince Elijah to compel me one. He might.

"Care if I join you?" he asks, and I just shrug in response, gesturing to the seat in front of me. He sits down gracefully, and just starts staring at me intently.

"Don't stare at me like that, it's creepy. And slightly perverted since you're really old." I frown, and he laughs softly.

"Forgive me, I did not meant to creep you out." he smiles.

"Did I ever mention how hot you are? I mean, considering how old you are. You look rather dashing for your age." I smirk, and he laughs again. I'm glad I amuse an Original. Don't even ask why I'm siting down and having a drink with Elijah, I can't tell you. For some reason I just feel comfortable with him now.

"Aren't you dating Damon Salvatore?" he asks.

"Your point? I can date him, and still think you're hot. Just because I think you're hot doesn't mean I'm gonna jump you and start like, making out with you or something. I like older men, but not that old. No offense grandpa." I tease, causing him to raise his eyebrows at me.

"Most people are frightened of me, you however, do not seem frightened in the least bit. Your sister is very cautious of me, but something tells me you are not like your twin." Elijah deducts.

"Firstly, you're not very scary. Secondly, I am nothing like my sister. If you compare me to her, I'll punch you." I say.

"Would you like another drink Arianna? You have been staring at yours ever since you finished it." Elijah smiles.

"Please, for the love of God, just call me Aria. Arianna is so formal. And yes Elijah, I would love another drink." I grin.

"Should I let you get drunk?" he questions, sounding serious about the question.

I look at him with a blank expression. "Of course you should Elijah."

He laughs, "Well then, looks like I'll be having one with you. I'm just gonna say now, I don't get drunk."

"Looks like I'm gonna have to change that then." I smirk, calling the bartender over.

This is gonna be fun.

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