De kimmacchiatto_

26.5K 921 195


Bewitched (Part 1)
Bewitched (Part 2)
Bewitched (Part 3)
Bewitched (Part 4)
Bewitched (Part 5)
Bewitched (Part 6)
Bewitched (Part 7)
Bewitched (Part 9)
Bewitched (Part 10)
Bewitched (END)
Bewitched (Epilogue)

Bewitched (Part 8)

1.8K 80 23
De kimmacchiatto_

It was officially the most excruciating weekend Tiffany had ever had. She wanted to ask Key for Taeyeon's number but she didn't want to come across as aggressive and chase Taeyeon away.

Besides, Sooyoung told her that she had to learn patience so she tried to do so in the hopes that it would somehow help both her and Taeyeon.

On Monday morning, however, she got an unexpected call from Yuri, asking whether she'd want to have lunch together later that day.

Tiffany was reluctant, at first, but she recalled Yuri saying that Taeyeon was her best friend and that they had known each other for a long time. It was enough to make her say yes to the invitation. She planned to get as much information about Taeyeon as possible from Yuri.

She made a point to arrive at the restaurant a few minutes late to give the impression that it was just a friendly lunch and she wasn't exactly eager to be there.

Yuri was waiting for Tiffany and started waving at her before the woman even stepped inside the restaurant.

"Hi!" greeted the tall woman cheerfully.

"Hi," replied Tiffany calmly as she took off her jacket and sat down. The weather had taken a sudden dip for the worse, signaling the premature end of fall. "Wow it's cold out," she said, making small talk.

"I know right? And it's only October! This is not normal. I wasn't even wearing jackets until today," said Yuri.

They ordered their food and talked about work for a bit before Tiffany slowly steered the conversation into the direction of Yuri's friends – starting with Key. She asked the woman how she met Key, how long she had known him then moved on to her primary target: Taeyeon.

"So you've known Taeyeon for a long time?"

Yuri nodded, sipping her drink. "Longer than I've known Key. I introduced the two, actually. I brought Taeng to the group since she was so timid."


"Yeah. I've always known that we share the same preference but she kept denying it until I introduced her to Key and the group. She has become a lot more open since then, less timid, braver and just happier in general, I think."

Yuri paused to take a bite from her food.

"Have you two ever dated?" asked Tiffany.

Yuri almost spit the food out of her mouth. "Oh dear God! No!" she exclaimed, grabbing the napkin to wipe her mouth. She then laughed out loud. "We're just friends. Best friends. She's not my type nor am I hers. Dating her would feel like dating a relative. It's weird and... ew..." She grimaced.

Tiffany smiled, relieved to know that there was no history between Yuri and Taeyeon. "So she's not seeing anyone now?"

"Not that I know of."

"Who has she dated then? People from the group?"

Yuri nodded. "Among others, but I only know her last two exes. One was a friend of Key's. That didn't end well at all."

"How so?"

"Taeng got cheated on."

Tiffany winced. "Ouch."

"Wanna know what's worse? That wasn't the first time it has happened."

Tiffany raised her eyebrows. "People cheated on her multiple times?"

"Yeah. Unbelievable, those jerks. Taeng is one of the nicest people I know. She totally didn't deserve that. She even took back an ex once, after that evil woman came crying to her, apologizing, begging... even gave a speech about how much she loved Taeng and regretted what she'd done blah blah blah..." Yuri began to frown in anger at the thought of that incident.


"Well, like they say, if she could cheat on you once..."

"There's no guarantee that she wouldn't do it again?"


Tiffany took a deep breath. "Wow. She got cheated on by the same woman twice?"

"Yeah. Poor Taeng. I think that's secretly why she prefers pets than mates," said Yuri with a chuckle.

"Pets? She has many of them?"

"No. She's just your regular one-pet-at-a-time person but she does love them a lot. Hasn't quite recovered since her last dog died nearly a year ago."

Tiffany quietly digested the information as she sipped her drink, feeling her sympathy towards Taeyeon growing exponentially. I guess this is what Sooyoung meant by Taeyeon always being too nice and taken advantage of.

Yuri changed the subject, talking about her colleagues and other friends while Tiffany tried to be polite, nodding and responding appropriately. She took her leave exactly an hour after she arrived with the excuse of having to finish a due project.

"Lunch is on me," said Yuri.

"I can't let you pay for me."

"Why not? I invited you, didn't I?"


"No buts, Tiffany. You can pay for our next meal," said Yuri with a smile.

"Okay then. Thank you, Yuri."

"You're welcome. Need a lift back to the office?"

Tiffany shook her head. "I brought my car but thank you," she declined politely then left the restaurant after saying goodbye – her thoughts filled with Taeyeon.

More meal invitations followed but Tiffany only agreed to one because she felt bad for always rejecting Yuri. So she went on another friendly lunch with her and did more digging about Taeyeon. This time it was about her job, education and family background.

When Friday finally came, Tiffany was one of the first to arrive at Key's apartment.

Just like the week before, she kept her ears open for any sound the doorbell made, turning her head each time in expectation.

Taeyeon arrived on time and smiled when she saw Tiffany there.

Unknown to Tiffany, Taeyeon had been asking Key about her for the entire week. She was also hoping to be able to see her again.

"Hi," greeted Taeyeon as she made her way to where Tiffany was standing – which was luckily right by the dining table so she had an excuse to approach her.

"Hi. You're on time today. No deadline?" asked Tiffany, watching Taeyeon pour herself a drink.

"Nope. You're early. Also no deadline?"

"My staff has everything under control."

"That's nice. I wish I had staff to help me finish my projects," said Taeyeon.

"Why don't you have at least one assistant?"

"I don't feel the need for it yet. Maybe when I've established myself more." Taeyeon then finished her drink. "Cold, huh?" she said, since she had noticed the long-sleeved top Tiffany was wearing from the moment she saw her. Heck, she'd noticed everything from top to toe. It was hard not to. She was, according to Taeyeon, the prettiest woman in that building and in that entire part of town.

"Yeah. Can you believe how abruptly fall ended?"

"Tell me about it. I've even taken out my sweaters and winter coats," said Taeyeon.

"Let's hope that it's just a temporary thing. I don't want winter to come so soon."

"Me too. Although, winter means Christmas. That part I like," Taeyeon said with a smile.

"Same here." Tiffany returned the smile before they simultaneously drank from their glasses, hiding the shyness.

Key soon announced that they should move to the living room, signaling the start of the sharing session.

Taeyeon took a seat on the couch and, to her delight, watched Tiffany sit down next to her.

People began talking, telling their stories and experiences while the rest listened.

Halfway through, Taeyeon had to go to the toilet so she excused herself, leaving her seat.

That was when Yuri arrived. She greeted Key and everyone there cheerfully, saw the empty spot next to Tiffany and sat there before Tiffany could say anything.

"Hey," Yuri greeted Tiffany.

"Hi. Um-..." Tiffany wanted to tell Yuri that the spot was taken but the tall woman had launched into a talk about how crazy traffic was that night, explaining why she was late.

Out of politeness, Tiffany patiently waited until Yuri was done talking but when the woman finally ended her monologue, Tiffany saw Taeyeon already sitting somewhere else, right across the room.

She felt very disappointed and sorry as she looked at her, hoping that Taeyeon would meet her gaze so she could apologize. But the woman never looked at her again for the rest of the night let alone approach her, and it was hard for Tiffany to find the right moment to go up to Taeyeon and talk to her because the woman was constantly surrounded by other people and Yuri never left Tiffany's side for more than a few seconds.

With a deep sigh, she ended up watching Taeyeon bid everyone goodnight a good one and a half hours later.

Their eyes finally met when Taeyeon was waving goodbye to the room but the latter looked away instantly, indirectly causing a slight twinge of sadness poking at Tiffany's heart.

Why are you avoiding me, Taeyeon? I thought we were getting along just fine? And darn it! I forgot to ask for her number. Again. Great job, Tiffany. Simply marvelous.


Another week came and gone but Taeyeon once again avoided Tiffany during the entire Friday night meeting.

By then, Tiffany could barely hold it in. She wanted nothing but to ambush Taeyeon somewhere quiet, punch in her number in her phone and order her to call her.

But she tried to keep calm, remembering that lesson of not always forcing things to go her way and to be patient.

She had come to learn so much about Taeyeon, thanks to another lunch and a dinner with Yuri during the week. Combine that with the memories she had with her, she was now borderline desperate for some of Taeyeon's attention – if not all.

So when the meeting was over and people were about to leave, Tiffany abruptly cut Yuri off with an apology and excused herself, rushing after Taeyeon who was already putting on her jacket and shoes.


Taeyeon turned around and was surprised to see Tiffany approaching. "Yes?"

"I have a question for you. I have a plan to remodel our storefront once Key's designs launch and I was wondering whether you could help?"

"Sure but... I don't see how I can be of any help to you."

"Well... I plan to cover one side of the wall with murals, illustrations that resemble street graffiti... something that corresponds with the urban wear Key's designing. I don't want stickers. I want real, authentic paint on the wall kinda thing," explained Tiffany as best as she could, considering that this was a plan that she had just thought up within the past few minutes.

Taeyeon smiled, finding Tiffany's way of hastily explaining things quite cute – although she wouldn't say or show it, of course. "That sounds interesting. Can you show me a few samples of his designs for inspiration?"

"Of course. I'll tell him to email them to you. Oh. Can I have your number, by the way?" Tiffany took out her phone from her jeans pocket.

"Sure thing." Taeyeon readily told Tiffany her number then asked her to call to make an appointment should she want to discuss the project even further.

"I'll do that," replied Tiffany with a happy smile. Finally. I have your number now, Taeyeon.

"Alright. I'll see you then." Taeyeon took her leave, feeling Tiffany's eyes on her back as she exited the apartment.

She sighed after pressing the elevator button. Such a sweet torture, that Tiffany, she thought to herself. If only Yul wasn't so into you...


Tiffany didn't waste much time. She called Key into her office on Monday morning, told him about the plan and asked him to show her all his designs so they could get started on his line immediately.

She then talked to her finance officer, checking the budget, and agreed that they could start production in time for next spring's launch.

Once everything was settled and a rough project timeline had been created, she called Taeyeon to arrange for a meeting.


"Hello. Is this Taeyeon?"

"Yes. Who's calling?"

"It's Tiffany."

"Oh hi!" replied Taeyeon a bit too excitedly.

"Hi." Tiffany couldn't help but smile. "Am I calling at a bad time?"

"Not at all. What's up?"

"About that project I told you last Friday... are you still up for it?"

"I am."

"Good. Then how 'bout we meet to discuss things further? I'll show you Key's designs and what we're aiming for then go from there. The remodeling won't be major but you'll still have a considerable area to draw on."

"Okay. When are you available?"

"How about lunch tomorrow? Can you make it?"

"I think so. Twelve?"

"Twelve's good. I'll let you know where."

"Okay. Will Key be joining us too?"

"Um..." Tiffany wanted to say no but since this was work and Key related, it would be more logical to ask the man to join them. "Yes, of course he is."

"Oh okay. Cool. I'll see you guys tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow."


"Bye." Tiffany ended the call and frowned. Why did you sound so hesitant about meeting up with me alone?

But she shook that thought off as anticipation and excitement rushed in at the thought of seeing Taeyeon again.

The next day, the three of them met for lunch, talking about the project while brainstorming for ideas for the display and even the brand logo for Key's line.

They were almost finished with their meals when Yuri suddenly appeared out of nowhere, happily greeting her friends.

"What are you doing here, Noona?" asked Key.

"I was supposed to meet a new client at the café down the street but she cancelled at the last minute. I saw your unmistakably blond head on my way home and thought I'd crash your little party," replied Yuri with a smile as she pulled up a chair, sitting right between Taeyeon and Tiffany.

It took everything in her to not tell this woman to place the chair somewhere else but Tiffany kept her cool, choosing to eye Taeyeon's reaction instead.

The woman was surprisingly calm, undisturbed by Yuri's 'interference' and Tiffany couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed.

She continued talking about work with Key and Taeyeon, hoping that Yuri would get the message that this wasn't exactly a casual lunch and maybe even leave.

Unfortunately, no such thing happened and Tiffany had to watch Taeyeon go the other way as she, Key and Yuri walked together to Key's car. He had offered Yuri a ride back to her workplace which was on the way to his and Tiffany's office.

Tiffany was quiet during the entire ride. She was seriously contemplating on taking matters into her own hands since Taeyeon was being much too slow and timid for her liking but she remembered Sooyoung's warning and could only sigh in frustration as she spent the rest of the journey daydreaming about her moments with Taeyeon.


A lot of things happened in the days and weeks that followed that lunch meeting.

Yuri kept asking Tiffany out, making it harder and harder for the latter to refuse since Yuri was still Taeyeon's friend and Tiffany didn't want to hurt her feelings or make Taeyeon think that she wasn't a nice person.

Key was now focusing on his line after being assigned his own team to help him get everything up and running while Tiffany tried her best to handle the rest of the work.

She still relapsed a few times, bossing people around every now and then, demanding things to be done the way she wanted them to be done, but she always apologized afterwards.

Her staff soon got used to her change and was grateful for it. They even planned to give her a surprise Christmas present and began gathering ideas and funds for said gift. The mood in the office had brightened considerably and everyone sensed it.

The only thing Tiffany was still unhappy about was Taeyeon.

The woman wouldn't contact her unless it was work related or urgent.

During their Friday night meetings, Taeyeon would steer clear of her. She'd greet her politely or exchange small talk for less than a minute before running off to talk to other people or do something somewhere else.

Tiffany had begun to think that maybe Taeyeon didn't like her after all, that maybe their chemistry was not real. She was just being kind and loving towards me because I was her pet. As a human being, she clearly doesn't like me that much.

She was moping around one afternoon after Taeyeon rejected her invitation to have lunch together, using the project as an excuse once again, when her staff announced an uninvited yet familiar guest.

Tiffany stood up from her seat when she saw Sooyoung stroll inside her office.

"Now this is a surprise. What brings you here? Did I do something wrong again?" she asked warily.

Sooyoung smiled and shook her head. "No. I'm here to buy you coffee and catch up."

Tiffany raised her eyebrows skeptically.

"Oh don't be so suspicious of me," said Sooyoung. "I really just happened to be in the area and I thought it'd be nice to catch up and ask how you and Taeyeon are doing."

"I'm not sure about Taeyeon but I'm doing okay."

"You're not sure about Taeyeon? Haven't you two met again?"

"We have but... wait. Aren't you supposed to know these things even without me telling you?"

"I've been busy. Anyway, let's talk about this over coffee since you clearly have a lot on your mind. I'm buying," coaxed Sooyoung.

"Alright then. I could use a cup of coffee," said Tiffany as she grabbed her phone and purse and walked out alongside Sooyoung.

Once they were at the café, she began telling her about how different this Taeyeon was compared to the one she had met before. She also honestly told the woman about her plans to get closer to Taeyeon, from joining the Friday night meetings to creating that store project that Taeyeon could work on.

Sooyoung chuckled, amused by Tiffany's ingenuity. "I can't believe you did all that."

"I had to. The direct approach isn't exactly something I could use in this matter."

"Why not?"

"One, I don't want you to reappear and tell me that I haven't learned my lesson then turn me into a goldfish or something. Two, Taeyeon... doesn't seem to like me back."

"Being assertive and selfish are two very different things, Tiffany. Taeyeon's the timid type. She needs the other person to take the first step."

"You forgot point number two."

"No, I didn't," replied Sooyoung calmly. "I just ignored it because it's false."

"If it's false then why is she avoiding me like a plague?"

"Because that's just the kind of person Taeyeon is. Selfless, remember? Bros over hoes... Best friends come first... Friendship above love... that sort of thing."

"Huh?" Tiffany placed her cup down and stared at Sooyoung. "Are you serious? She's avoiding me to give way to Yuri?"

The tall woman nodded. "See? This is why I want you to teach her that lesson. Being nice is great but being too nice is not good at all, most of the time."

"I can't believe it," mumbled Tiffany, shaking her head. "That silly woman..."

Sooyoung smiled to herself as she quietly let Tiffany think things through, knowing very well that another plan was already brewing in Tiffany's creative mind.

Go get her, Tiffany. And don't let go once you've had her. She deserves much more than what she has received so far.



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