Out Of My Limit

By Halevetica

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Ashton is living the dream with his four band mates of 5 seconds of summer. One day he meets a girl and finds... More

Sounds like you need to talk to her
Another opinion in the studio
Be careful
I can't do this
Don't fall for her unless you're prepared to fall on your face
I can't work with her
I think you already have
I don't either
Why her?
But they knew better
Blissful hell
Lie To Me
Are you busy later?
So Clarissa huh?
Do I know her?
What was he doing here?
I trust you
A lot
Four of a kind
That didn't just happen
The final straw
Living with her would the death of him
Chocolate or mint chocolate chip?
Oh how I wish that was me
He knew what he had to do
Just forget
Tell me again why you didn't become a psychologist
The damage had been done
Tex Mex
You know Ashton better than almost anybody
In fact things were about to get much worse.
Please stay
You should totally come interveiw
You had no right
Tell me
He couldn't let that happen
You replaced Jade with Jane?
Samantha and Jack
When a drunk man speaks, listen because 90% of what he says is truth
She's going to hate me like that one day isn't she?
It's not her fault you fell for Luke's best friend
And it hurt more than he ever imagined it would
Truth was he hated her but she loved him
Ashton, it's not what you think
It's not fair to punish Luke for something you've done
Maybe Michael was right
Which would you date if you had the chance?
How did this get so messed up?
I just didn't expect him to actually do it.
I miss you
Let's talk about this outside
I hope you're right Michael
I don't think so Michael, not this time.
'Hey Princess'
This has to be handled
He was just as hurt by those actions
I know you may never forgive me but I love you so much
Don't say that unless you mean it
Out of my limit

Where the hell have you been?

100 1 0
By Halevetica


 Hello guys. Okay new update! Also I changed the Cover again....lol hope you like it! Love ya!

"Hey guys, I came as soon as I got your message." Jade said walking up to their usual table in New Haven.

"So you haven't heard from Ashton either?" Luke asked worriedly.

"No, I called Michael once I left the restaurant." Jade responded biting her lip anxiously.

"No one has seen him or heard from him. I called Liam none of those guys have heard from them. Claire called Nathan nobody's heard from him there either." Luke huffed as he paced nervously.

"Andrew hasn't seen him?" Jade asked glancing at the bar.

"No, that's why we came here, in hopes of finding him." Luke answered.

"He hasn't been on twitter or facebook or even instagram today." Calum said looking up from his phone.

"Where's Michael?" Jade asked.

"Checking the beach, in case he took a walk." Calum stated.

"He left like thirty minutes ago." Luke noted.

"I'll call and see if he's found him." Calum dialed Michael's number and waited.

Michael was almost to the stairs when his phone rang. He scrambled to it out as fast as he could.

"Please be Ashton." He begged. His breath caught when he saw it was Calum. Maybe they found him.

"Please, have found him." He begged as he pressed the answer button.


"Hey, Cal, he turn up?" Michael felt his heart drop.

"Nothing. I'm almost back to the bar." Michael said sadly.

"Okay see you in a minute." Michael hung up and hurried up the stairs.

"Nothing." Calum sighed hanging up.

"Where in the hell could he be?" Jade asked getting actively worried.

"Hey guys." Michael said appearing.

"Jade, I'm so sorry." Michael pulled Jade into a tight hug. She buried her head in Michael's chest.

"It's not your fault Michael." Jade insisted.

"But I let him leave. I pissed him off enough that he left." Michael said in a defeated tone.

"Has anyone tried calling him?" Jade asked suddenly.

"All of us have. He's not answering." Calum answered.

"Where's Claire?" Jade asked noticing her redheaded friend was missing.

"Back at the house in case he shows up." Luke answered.

"Jade, why don't you call Ashton." Michael suggested.

"What, why me?" Jade asked.

"If you call maybe he'll answer." Michael shrugged.

"Michael, I think we both know he won't answer if I call. He hates me." Jade said sadly.

"I know you think that, but he doesn't. Look just try please?" Michael begged.

"Fine." Jade huffed as she pulled her phone out.

Ashton rolled over groggily. How long had he been asleep? He looked around. Where was he? He was on someone's couch. Who's couch? He sat up. His head was spinning. The house was small but nice. The couch was a dark leather long enough that Ashton was able to stretch across nicely. They didn't have a leather couch? Ashton glanced around the room. It seemed familiar but he just couldn't place it.

"Ashton, you're awake. How are you?" Ashton looked over to see Jane standing at the bottom of a set of carpeted stairs.

"Jane, hey!" Ashton's memory came flooding back to him. He had gone to Jane's office and spent most of the day with her. They had gone to lunch and then for a walk along the river downtown. He didn't remember much after that.

"How umm, how did I get here?" Ashton asked.

"You fell asleep in the car ride back from the river. I barely got you in here and on the couch before you passed out again. You kept claiming you had a headache so I gave you a midrin. Apparently you don't react well to midrin. " Jane laughed lightly. Her laugh made Ashton smile.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pass out on you." Ashton said in embarrassment.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind. In fact I made dinner, if you're hungry." Jane smiled.

"Food sounds great." Ashton smiled.

After dinner Ashton looked up at the clock on the stove.

"Holy shit is it really eight thirty?" Ashton asked surprised.

"Yeah, why? Is something wrong?" Jane asked worriedly.

"No, well I mean. I left Michael's car at your work and he's probably wondering where I took off with it all day." Ashton stood from his chair. Crap where's my phone?" Ashton checked his pockets.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen it." Jane shook her head.

"I must have left it in the car." Ashton frowned.

"Well, I can drive you back there, it's not a problem." Jane offered with a large grin.

"No, that's not necessary I'll just call a cab. I've taken up enough of your day." Ashton shook his head.

"Oh, nonsense. I'm taking you. Besides, it gives me a reason to be with you longer." Jane blushed slightly as he dropped her eyes to the floor. Ashton couldn't help but smile.

"I don't know how you're not sick of me but you never need a reason to be with me longer." Ashton lifted Jane's chin so she was looking up at him. Jane smiled.

Ashton's heart raced a bit as he dared to lean in. He bent forward, slowly gauging Jane's reaction. Neither of them broke eye contact. Ashton's eyes landed on Jane's lips before he closed the gap between them. He pressed his lips to hers gently at first, waiting on her reaction. She simply pushed in more as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Ashton slipped his arms around her waist and brought their chests together. The kiss deepened and Ashton felt Jane's tongue part his lips. He gave in easily eager for more. The two of them stayed entangled in each other for as long as they could. Finally Ashton pulled back first.

"I should really get back to Michael's car." He grinned down at the blue eyed brunette in his arms.

"Right." Jane nodded with a blush buried deep in her cheeks. She pulled from Ashton's grasp and grabbed her keys.

"Nothing." Jade felt tears well up in her eyes. Where was Ashton? This was her fault.

"Hey, don't cry baby, we'll find him." Luke wrapped his arms around Jade.

"It's my fault. He was mad at me." Jade sniffled.

"This is nobody's fault." Luke insisted.

"We don't even know if he's okay." Jade said sadly.

"I'm sure he's fine." Calum spoke up.

"Look, Luke why don't you try calling him again." Calum suggested.

"Jade, why don't you try again. I know this is mean. But you're crying and Ashton doesn't do well when someone is crying. Leave him a voicemail. He's sure to call back." Luke said looking down at his teary eyed friend.

"O-okay. If you think it will work." Jade sniffled. She pulled out her phone once again.

Ashton opened the door to Michael's car to see his phone lying on the drivers seat.

"I can't believe I forgot it." Ashton shook his head as he grabbed it.

"Oh shit." Ashton cursed when he unlocked his phone. He had twelve missed calls and nine text messages.

"What's wrong?" Jane asked standing next to Michael's open door.

"Looks like everyone has been trying to get a hold of me." Ashton answered.

"Uh oh. I guess going to New Haven is out then?" Jane asked.

"No, not at all. The last text I got was from Michael saying they were at New Haven. Why don't we head that way. I'll call them on the way, okay?" Ashton suggested scrolling through his texts. Most of them were from Michael and Luke.

"Okay." Jane nodded.

"You go on ahead. I'll meet you there. I have to grab a few things from my office while I'm here." Jane said pursing her lips together.

"Okay, let me know when you get there." Ashton waved before closing the door. He watched as Jane went inside before he put the car in reverse.

At that moment his phone started ringing. Probably Luke again. He looked to see it was actually Jade. Jade never called him. He frowned as he pressed answer.


Jade felt her heart leap into her throat.

"Ashton!" Her voice wavered a bit from the tears. Everyone around her sighed with relief.

Ashton tried to keep his tone even but she was crying. Why was she crying?

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked before he could stop himself.

"I'm worried sick. Are you okay?" Jade asked almost irritated.

"I'm fine." Ashton stated simply. He heard a shuffle and then Michael's voice.

"Where the hell have you been? I thought you might have gone home at some point only to find out that you hadn't been seen all day! Nobody has heard from you or seen you! Where the hell have you been?!" Michael was clearly pissed off but also clearly worried.

"I'm sorry. I've been with Jane all day and I left my phone in the car and didn't even realize it." Ashton apologized. He knew everyone must have been worried. He didn't mean to worry them.

"Are you serious?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. Look I'm really sorry. I'm on my way to New Haven now. Are you guys still there?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah." Michael answered annoyed.

"Okay, I'll see you when I get there." Ashton hung up.

"So, where was he?" Luke asked once Michael handed Jade her phone back.

"With Jane." Michael answered. He watched Jade's reaction turn from concern to one of pain.

Jade felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. Jane? He was with Jane all day? She couldn't help but feel the jealousy course through her.

"Jane? You mean that chick he met like a week ago at the bar?" Luke recalled someone having mentioned her at one point.

"Yeah." Michael nodded.

"Someone should call Clarissa." Calum stated hoping to change the subject a bit. He could see Jade's discomfort.

"I will!" Luke said jumping up.

"I want to ask her how her breakup with Niall went."

"She broke up with Niall?" Jade asked. She knew Claire had been feeling like they were falling apart a bit but she didn't realize she was planning on breaking up with him.

"Yeah, she was going to at lunch." Luke answered as he stepped away from the table with his phone to his ear.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked Jade immediately once Luke was out of earshot.

"I'm fine. Why?" Jade asked.

"Are you sure?" Calum asked again.

"Yeah. Why do I care if Ashton's been with Jane all day?" Jade shrugged trying to hide the pain she felt just saying that.

"Jade." Michael's tone said he knew she was lying.

"This is good for me really. It'll help me get over him." Jade forced a smile.

"Oy vey." Michael sighed.

"Okay, Clarissa is on her way here and she and Niall are still friends. Apparently he felt the same way, so it worked out." Luke stated cheerfully. Michael raised a brow. He seemed awfully excited about that.

Ashton made his way through the crowd of people and towards their usual table. Sitting at the table was Luke, Clarissa, Calum, Michael and Jade. Michael and Jade seemed to be in a bit of a private conversation amongst themselves where as Calum, Luke and Clarissa were chatting easily. Ashton fought the jealousy he felt towards Jade and Michael away and made his way to the table.

"Hey guys." Everyone at the table looked up to see Ashton.

"You're an asshole you know that?" Luke laughed lightly as he pulled Ashton into a loose hug.

"Yeah, I know." Ashton chuckled.

"Don't ever do that again." Calum frowned.

"You had us worried stupid." Clarissa chimed in.

"I could kill you right now, But I'm just glad to see you." Michael smiled. Jade didn't say a word. She barely looked at Ashton.

"I'm sorry guys, I really am. I just needed to clear my head-"

"Sleeping with some floozy you met at the bar a week ago is clearing your head?" Jade snapped. She immediately regretted it.

"I didn't sleep with anybody." Ashton snapped back.

"And Jane is not a floozy. She's a great girl."

Jade rolled her eyes.

"You're one to talk, sleeping with the co producer." Ashton felt his anger at Jade build. He didn't know what it was about her but he just hated being around her. Mostly because of the way she made him feel.

"I didn't sleep with Gage! We had dinner, that's it!" Jade yelled.

"In that outfit?" Ashton asked incredulously as he inspected the mini dress she was wearing.

"Yes, in this outfit." Jade growled.

"And who's the floozy?" Ashton sneered. Jade felt her jaw clench. She hated him so much!

"Ashton?" Jane's voice came from behind him.

"Jane!" Ashton gripped her in a large hug lifting her off the ground. Jane giggled as Ashton set her back on the ground. He planted a quick kiss on her lips and turned to the table.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Jane, my girlfriend."

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