Pain & Glitches Part 2: Glitc...

By banana8050

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Part 2 of Pain & Glitches, and the story picks up almost right after the first. Chase's bionics have been act... More

Chapter 1: Lying & Ice Cream
Chapter 3: The Gala
Chapter 4: Gala Glitch
Chapter 5: Finding Out
Chapter 6: Hearing Loss
Chapter 7: Don't Speak
Chapter 8: Helping
Chapter 9: Burning
Chapter 10: Stuck
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Concussion
Chapter 13: Unhappiness
Chapter 14: Solutions
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Fixed

Chapter 2: Frustration

1.4K 46 6
By banana8050

~I do not own Lab Rats~

Chase's POV:

After getting the final paper, my glitching slowed down, until right when I finished. Now, objects are flying around the lab, and I can't stop them no matter what I try.

The sudden sound of the approaching elevator startles me, and right before it opens, everything stops and falls to the ground with a thud.

"Hey Chase, dinner's..." Bree trails off noticing the mess around the lab. "What happened in here?"

"Um..." I fumble for an answer. "I got...frustrated."


"Yeah, I got really stressed and frustrated. I guess I just glitched a bit."

"A bit?! Chase, this place is like a disaster zone!"

"I'll clean this up, I promise. Just please, please, don't tell Mr. Davenport, or anyone for that matter." I practically get in a begging position at Bree's feet.

"Chase, I-"

"Please, Bree."


"Just give me five minutes, and then I'll be up."

"Okay, five minutes," Bree puts up five fingers to emphasize.

"Thank you," I stand up straight. Bree heads upstairs without another word.

My molecular kinesis got me into this mess, so I'll jab to use it to get out of it. Without glitching, I'm able to lift up each object and place it back where it belongs.

After five minutes, everything is where it's supposed to be. Like nothing ever happened.

The whole elevator ride up, my nerves cause me to shake a bit. I just don't want to glitch in front of them. When the elevator finally stops and opens, I put on a smile and take my seat at the table.

"Nice of you to join us Chase," Tasha smiles.

"Yeah, what were you doing down there anyway?" Leo asks, grabbing a roll from the basket.

"Homework," I easily say, and then take a bite of my chicken.

"Is that all you were doing?" Bree asks, giving me a suspicious look. I know what she's doing. She's trying to get me tell them what happened with my bionics, but she can't make me.

"Yes, Bree, only homework," I hiss and give her a glare. She just rolls her eyes.

"Okay..." Leo says awkwardly.

"So, how was the movie?" I ask, hoping to change the topic.

"Awesome!" Adam cheers, spitting some of his mash potatoes on the table.

"Adam!" Tasha yells.

"That's disgusting!" Bree complains, wiping off the mash potato that hit her.

"Sorry," Adam apologizes, but just ends up spitting even more.

"Adam, swallow your food before speaking," I explain. He nods, but doesn't say anything.

We finish our meal in peace, but during it I glitched a few times. First, Bree's fork started floating, so I had to say I was just joking around to avoid any suspicions. Next, I felt a sneeze coming on, so I had to excuse myself from the table and run into the bathroom. I ended up sneezing into the tissue box, wait a waste. The third and last time was the worst.

My force field glitched, and the table did a sudden jolt, shocking everyone. I didn't know how to explain what happened, so I acted as if it never happened. After a minute of being shocked, surprisingly, they all just shrugged it off. Probably thinking someone just kneed the table by mistake.

"I think I'm going to turn in early," I announce as I fake yawn and stretch my arms.

"It's 6 o'clock," Bree gives me a weird look.

"Yeah, that homework wore me out."

"Seriously?" Leo looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Leo puts his hands up in defense. "That's what I thought."

I stand up, push in my chair, and head toward the elevator. The sound of footsteps behind me catches my attention. I whirl around, and see Mr. Davenport following me.

"Is there something you need?" I ask.

"No, no, I was just heading to the lab too."

"Um, okay." Great, now if I glitch, he'll see. We both enter the elevator and don't speak the whole way to the lab.

"I'm just going to go in my capsule," I awkwardly say as I exit the elevator. Mr. Davenport just nods, and I get into my capsule.

I close my eyes, but find it hard to fall asleep at first. But after about ten minutes, I fall into a dreamless sleep.


Adam's POV:

I wake up to the sound of Mr. Davenport knocking on my capsule.

"Ugh, why do we have to get up so early?" I complain as I step out of my capsule.

"It's 10 o'clock, Bree and Chase are already up and have eaten breakfast." He explains, giving me a weird look.

"Exactly," I yawn and start heading back into my capsule. "Wake me when it's dinner."

"Adam," Mr. Davenport pulls me out. "I need you to go eat something, then come and change into something nice."

"Why?" I throw my head back and groan.

"Because we are all going to a gala to raise money for Davenport Industries, and you need to be on your best behavior."

"You get what you get." I shrug, and in the direction of the elevator.

"Adam, you need to take this seriously, there's a lot on the line."

"Like what?"

"My company. If we don't raise enough money, business will have to slow down."

"So?" I ask as Mr. Davenport enters the elevator next to me.

"I will lose money, and that means less things for Adam."


"Plus, I'm taking a big risk letting you three come. If one of you accidentally uses your bionics, you could be exposed to a lot of very important people. Who also can take you three away."


"No bionics."

"Oh..." The elevator dings and opens in front of us.

"Now go eat, and be ready in a half an hour." Mr. Davenport gives me a stern look, before heading to who knows where.

I search the cabinets for something to eat, and find nothing. I then look in the fridge, which has my favorite snack, pudding. I pull out two, and grab a spoon. No one eats with me, and I feel lonely.

After I finish the second pudding, I realize that I should be getting ready.

The elevator ride feels quicker than usual, and it opens up to reveal Mr. Davenport and Chase arguing over something.

"I'm sorry, I just...can't," I overhear Chase say as I sneak past.

"And why not?" Mr. Davenport asks, looking frustrated.

"I just can't."

"Comes on Chase, you'll love it. There's going to be inventions and inventors. Also, it is set up to have a dance at the end."

"Just another reason for me not to want to go," Chase mumbles.

"Chase, you're going no matter what."

"You can't make me."

"Yes, I can. I'm the adult, you're the kid. So whatever I say goes."

"So now that's how you see me, like a kid. I'm sixteen!"

"I don't care Chase. If you act like a little kid, I'm going to treat you like one. Either way, you're going."

"No, I'm not," Chase snaps.

"And why not?" Mr. Davenport practically yells, causing me to take a step back, but it doesn't seem to affect Chase.

"What's going on?" Bree suddenly asks from behind me.

"For some reason Chase doesn't want to go, and him and Mr. Davenport are arguing about it," I explain.

"Why?" Bree asks and I shrug.

"You're going, and that's final," Mr. Davenport finally says. "Now all of you, into your capsules." Bree and I don't waste a second getting in ours, while Chase takes his time. Which adds more stress to Mr. Davenport, but Chase doesn't seem to care.

When Chase gets in his capsule and it closes in front of him, Mr. Davenport presses a button. Almost immediately the three of us are all dressed up.

I walk out and study Bree and Chase's outfits.

"Cool, I feel like a spy!" I yell with excitement. "Don't worry Chase, you can be my sidekick." I smile at him, and it looks like he's about to say something, but stops himself.

"Good, you're all ready," Mr. Davenport smiles at us. "Just give me a minute to change and we will be on our way. The three of us then follow Mr. Davenport into the elevator.


Chase's POV:

I argue the entire time into the car, but finally give up when we pull away from the driveway. I just couldn't tell Mr. Davenport that I couldn't go because I could easily glitch and expose our secret.

It's supposed to be a long car ride there, so I just focus on random things. Like what everyone's wearing, to pass the time I pay close attention to everyone's outfits.

Leo, Mr. Davenport, Adam, and I are all wearing tuxedos, so there isn't much to that. Except, Leo has a bow tie on, while no one else does. Otherwise we all look too much alike in our black tuxes.

Tasha looks very nice, in her plain black dress, with makes a slippery sound when she moves. It only makes that sound because of the silk material the dress is made of. It does have sleeves, but they're short. She looks lovely.

While Bree looks so grown up, in her aqua blue dress that matches her perfectly. It has ruching at the top, and sequins all around the bottom. It has one sleeve that drapes over her right shoulder, which she has been playing and picking at the whole time. She looks so mature, like she's a senior going to prom.

Ugh, what am I thinking? I sound like a girl. Enough with the dress talk Chase, focus on something else. Instead I just end up surveying the car and all the people in it.

At out of us all, Adam and I are the least excited. My reason is only obvious to me, but Adam's is that Mr. Davenport 'accidentally' left Adam's top hat at home. So now he is staring out his window glumly.

Bree looks the most distracted, and I have no idea if she's excited or not for this. I'm going to guess not really, by the bored look on her face.

Leo has been bouncing pretty much the entire time, and has been complaining that he has to go to the bathroom. Yet, Mr. Davenport refuses to stop, and keeps telling him that he should've went before we left.

Tasha looks nervous. She is stiff and hasn't said a word the entire time. I can't see her face from here in the back, but I have a feeling that the expression is nervous. I guess this is her first time having to go somewhere where saying one wrong thing could mess everything up.

Finally, Mr. Davenport is expressionless. He doesn't appear to be feeling anything about this. I guess this is just routine, or he's so nervous he can't show it. If that makes sense.

Actually, now that think about it, no one has set a word the entire ride. I give one more scan of the car, and it doesn't look like anyone plans on saying at all.

I lean over and look out my window, but I just can't keep focused. I guess it's a good thing that I have an emergency crossword puzzle filled book to do, just for these special occasions.

I pull it out from under my seat where I always keep it, and I am glad that the pencil is still in it. I flip through to find a blank page, and soon I land on one.

Okay, a four letter word for...

"We're here," Mr. Davenport suddenly announces, when I have just finished my sixth crossword. We all snap to attention at his voice. "Remember, under any circumstances, no bionics whatsoever. You hear me?"

"We hear you," Adam, Bree, and I say in unison.

Movement from outside catches my attention, and I end up seeing many adults, but many teens and kids too.

"Um, Mr. Davenport?" I say.

"Yes?" He turns and looks at me expectantly.

"Why are there so many, well, non-adults here?"

"Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that. I made it be a family gala this year, so I could bring you four, not just Tasha.

"Um, alright."

"Don't worry, you'll have a lot of fun. Don't be afraid to get know people and mingle." Mr. Davenport smiles at us, before he opens his door and exits the car.

I look out the window one last time, and I can already tell that this isn't going to turn out well.


A/N: Ideas for this part are just flowing straight into my head, and I'm so happy! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Just a heads up, the next two chapters will have a few OCs in them, but they were not made by me. On I had people submit them, so yeah. Thanks for reading! :P

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