Rahzel: My Revenge, Year 3 Pa...

By RusslonzoBucx

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#6 under #tyedillinger (Aug 31) Part one: His Revenge (2018 Smackdown Nov-2019 Backlash) Rahzel is back, bet... More

[Read First] OC Characters
6 - Clash of Champions
11 - Royal Rumble
16 - Elimination Chamber
19 - Fastlane
24 - Wrestlemania
25 - Wrestlemania
27 - WWE Draft
Pt 1 Finale - Backlash


86 0 0
By RusslonzoBucx

Smackdown Live
3 weeks till Royal Rumble

Tom: We're 3 weeks till The Royal Rumble where 30 men and women will fight for their one way ticket to Wrestlemania.

Tonight, two superstars who announce their entry into The Royal Rumble will do battle in a Last Man Standing Match.

The Big Bad Wolf, Rahzel and The Perfect 10, Tye Dillinger. Renee Young interview Dillinger earlier today.


Renee: Thank you, Tye for joining me for this interview today.

Tye: Thank you for having me, Renee.

Renee: Tonight, you'll take on Rahzel once again, this time in a Last Man Standing Match.

If you don't mind, let's go back to Clash of Champions where you two fought each other. The ending show stalking Rahzel before he put you in The Knee Bar, making you tap.

What was going on in your head around the time?

Tye: I thought I had the match. I wanted Rahzel to know what defeat was and tell him not to overlook me. But in the end...I was foolish and lost the match.

Renee: Then, this was Rahzel's response.

Rahzel: Congratulations, you prove to everyone that you're not The "Perfect" 10. You're a perfect waste of time!

Renee: How did it feel hearing him say this.

Tye: It doesn't sound good the second time hearing it. But it's not my second time hearing this.

Ever since our match, it replays in my head, like a song on repeat. It made me think that I really was a waste of time.

But I told myself that it took me 17 years to get where I am today. I'm not going to let some wolf boy with anger issues tell me how I am a waste of time.

Tonight, he's going to know that I'm not called The Perfect 10 for nothing. Because he's going to be down for the count of 10.

Tonight, I shut up The Big Bad Wolf.

Renee: Good luck tonight, Tye.


"A wolf boy with anger issues. Tye Dillinger, you have a way with words. But petty remarks will only make you beating worse and worse.

"Last week, you challenge me to a Last Man Standing Match. That means you gotta beat your opponent till he can't reach the count of 10.

"I can annihilate you with every weapon I can grab, beat you down till you can't get up.

"So Dillinger, you better give me everything you have in that ring tonight! Show me why they call you The Perfect 10 and I'll show you why I'm the most dangerous superstar in the ring.

"Good luck, because you're really going to need it."


Last Man Standing
Rahzel vs Tye Dillinger

Tye and Rahzel started the match, punching each other till one gives. Tye took advantage of a stunned Zell and kicks his left leg, making him fall. The Perfect 10 continue to attack the leg, locking it up to a Single Leg Boston Crab.

Tom: Dillinger working on the leg of Rahzel. Remember, no submission in a Last Man Standing Match. But a good strategy to take out the legs so the opponent can't stand, Corey?"

Graves: Call it crazy, but yeah, good plan by Tye.

Rahzel made it to the ropes, breaking the hold. He got running towards Dillinger, dodging a clothesline and hit him with a five German Suplexes. After that, The Big Bad Wolf continue to take Tye to Zellplex Residental as he start to hit five regular Suplexes.

As Dillinger was down, Zell taunt him with his 10 chant. The referee begin to count the fall, but Tye gets up at 5. The Big Bad Wolf punched Dillinger in the back, hitting three Back Breaker in a row. 

Tom: Rahzel is on a roll, giving punishment to the back of Tye Dillinger. 

Rahzel pick Tye up and went for The DDT, but it was reverse in a DDT of his own. The referee begins to count the down men. Both of them are got up to 7, Zell rolling out of the ring.

Tye rolled out, chasing Rahzel who Belly to Belly The Perfect 10 across the announcer's table. Corey, Tom and Bryon left the table as Zell walked around, picking up Tye and DDT him on the table.

Tom: A devastating DDT on the announcer's table. Tye is in trouble.

The Big Bad Wolf move the telemontiors off the table, hitting Dillinger with one of them, tossing them to the floor. He puts Tye on the table and got up on top.

Tye push Zell's right leg through the hole where the monitors were, getting him struck in the table. He left the top of the table and pushed it over on top of him. The ref start the count as Rahzel try to get his leg out.

Graves: Dillinger using a cheap tacit to win this match! I give this a 1

Saxton: Rahzel is stuck and the referee is at the count of 6.

The ref hit the count of 9 as Rahzel was almost free. Tye was celebrating as he was close to victory. Zell pull next to the referee, low blow him and push him to the apron, knocking him out.

Saxton: How was that fair?!

Graves: Shut up, Saxton! Rahzel just save himself from a humiliating loss by the hands of Tye Dillinger.

Rahzel free his foot and ran towards Dillinger who the incoming wolf and was put through the barricade.

Tom: What a spear by Rahzel, putting Tye through the barricade. The ref and the superstars are down. Who will win The Last Man Standing Match?


Later on

Tye was frustrated as he watched Rahzel stand up to the count of 9. He gave him everything to The Big Bad Wolf, even hurting his hurt leg so he can't stand. But nothing was working. Well, except for one.

Tye picked Zell up over his shoulders and hit The Tyebreaker. He was down and the ref begin to count till Tye picked up Zell again, hitting The Tyebreaker again. 

Tom: Two Tyebreakers to Rahzel. Tye has a chance to beat him now.

The referee starts to count to 10 as The Big Bad Wolf is down on the mat. The crowd was cheering as Tye was going to be the first to beat Rahzel since he came back.

The crowd gasp as Zell kip up at the count of 9. Tye yelled as he went for another Tyebreaker, but it was reversed into a Uranage Back Breaker. But Rahzel grabbed his right leg as he dropped Tye on the hurt leg.

The two superstars got up, Zell jumping on Dillinger's back and perform a Backstabber. Once they were on the mat, The Big Bad Wolf locked Tye's head in a Dragon Sleeper. The Perfect 10 tried to fight out of the hold, but he fade away. Zeller got up as the ref begins to count.

Tye Dillinger didn't get up and the referee ring the bell.

Greg: Here's your winner, Rahzel

Tom: Rahzel, bad leg and all is the last man standing.

Saxton: What a performance by both men. Tye Dillinger was great, but Rahzel with the sleeper hold was too much.

Graves: Rahzel once again proves to the world as he is the most dangerous man.

Rahzel grab the microphone, as the referee look over at Tye.

"Tye, tonight you didn't just prove your toughness in this match. You prove to me that you're not a waste of time or just Stan. You are The Perfect 10 and I respect that about you."

Tom: Rahzel shows respect to Tye Dillinger after his performance in the match

Graves: I believe hell just froze over.


Lilith was on the phone, arguing with the other person on the other line.

Lilith: Come by next week and we'll talk about your future. Thank you, Scottie.

She hangs up the phone as she put her hands on her face.

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