Sparks Fly: Niall Horan & Lia...

By 1Directionandcookies

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When adorable couple, Macy and Liam are tired of both of their friends moping around and being single, what w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

441 13 7
By 1Directionandcookies

Macy's P.O.V-

"Mac!" Liam shouted from the kitchen as I sat with a sleeping Niall in my lap, playing with his dyed hair. I looked up and peeked my head from over the sofa.

"Yeah?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. He motioned me over with his index finger, looking up from whatever he was cooking, and what he was cooking smelled delightful. Lifting Niall off of my body, I strolled into the tiny kitchen and rested my chin on Liam's shoulder, looking over to see what was on the griddle. "Hm, grilled cheese..."

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p', "your favorite." Liam turned around and kissed me before flipping over the sandwich with a spatula.

"Babe, you look really masculine in that apron," I giggled in his ear. He looked down and furrowed his brow, turning around to face me.

"What's wrong with my floral apron? You don't think it's sexy?" he asked, pouting a tad.

"No, I think it's very sexy," I laughed, poking his stomach before sitting down at the table, watching him continue to cook. The aroma of warm, melted, gooey cheese wafted at my nose, making my mouth water.

"Can we get a golden retriever puppy?" he asked, turning the oven off now that our food was ready. He cut mine into four squares, just how I like it, and got out the ketchup bottle along with drinks for the both of us.

"Sure," I grinned, being completely serious.

"Really? Sweet, let's go tomorrow to pick one out then," he decided, smiling madly before taking a bit of his wonderful creation.

"I want a sperm whale!" Niall complained, now awake probably from the smell of food. He got up and took the seat between us, trying to steal a bite of our snack, but we both swatted his hands away.

Louis, Harry, and Zayn came through the front door, scaring me half to death, and came right into the kitchen.

"Whale cum!" Niall greeted them loudly, standing up from his chair to be over dramatic. Everyone gave him weird looks.

"Um, did you just say welcome or whale cum?" Zayn asked his brows in a knot in confusion as he leaned against the counter.

Niall didn't answer because his head was now deep in the fridge on a hunt for food while Harry kept pestering Liam for a bite of his grilled cheese.

"Piss off, Harry," Liam shooed him, making a face at his mate. Like a shark, he had to keep moving and went straight to me with a goofy grin on his face.

"Macy," he sang, batting his eyelashes at me and shooting me a smile.

"Nope, sorry Harry," I laughed, dipping a corner of the food into ketchup before bringing it to my mouth. "Liam always makes the best grilled cheeses, so you cannot have a bite of it," I informed him. We both turned to a nodding Liam, smiling proudly and still in his floral apron.

"Harry, you're wearing those jeans I bought you that makes your bum look good," Louis blurted out, nodding in approval of Harry's choice of bottoms, causing all of us to laugh including Harry.

"Hm, hey Niall?" I asked, finishing my food and looking at the cheery blonde. He turned to me and smiled.

"Yeah? What do you want," he laughed.

"Would you ever consider on going out on a blind date?" I considered, thinking of Tatum. They could be a cute couple, even though Niall isn't really her type, it could still work.

"No, not really. If you are implying that I should go out more and go on dates, it's never gonna happen," he explained, shaking his head.

"Oh c'mon, Ni. I have this really cute, fit friend who I know you would absolutely love to pieces," I wined, taking his hand and squeezing it. "Please? I mean it wouldn't hurt to just try."

"No, Macy. I'm fine with being single. Besides, all the lads are single except Liam, so why should I go?" he chuckled. This was going to be harder then I had thought it would be.

"Liam, do you wanna go watch WALL-E? Or go get a puppy now?" I asked a smile on my face as I waited for his answer.

"Hey, what if we want to watch WALL-E too?" Louis pouted. A chorus of 'yeah's' broke out.

"Well you lot can, I just don't think Liam's bed is that big, and if you all want to cuddle together too then that's fine with me," I laughed.

"You're getting a dog?" Harry asked.

"No, I want a sperm whale," Niall complained, folding his arms sadly. Zayn wrapped his arms around his friend and patted his head, soothing the acting blonde.

"It'll be okay, babe. We can get our own sperm whale," Zayn comforted, trying not to laugh. "Wait, is that why you said whale cum?" Zayn asked, smirking. Niall nodded, grinning. "Hm, that was clever!" he laughed, making Niall smile proudly.

"Wanna head out?" Liam asked, tilting his head to the front door, and I nodded. "Guys, we're gonna get going. You can stay here, just don't break anything," Liam warned.

"And don't all have unprotected group sex," I added, nodding, wagging my finger at them and giving them a stern look, which made the four of them smirk evilly.

"Well there go my plans!" Louis heaved out an exasperated, dramatic and forced sigh.

Liam took my hand in his and we left his shared flat and scurried off down the steps. "So wanna go to the pet store to get a puppy?" he asked eagerly and I nodded.

As we walked to the pet store, I grew more and more excited for this puppy. I always wanted one and the fact Liam and I were getting it together made it better, but my mind kept drifting towards Tatum.

I need to hook her up before she goes back to that asshole, which will most likely be by the end of the week. Damn I hate that guy.

“Mac, what are you thinking about?” Liam asked squeezing my hand softly. I tilted my head to the side and gave him my cutest look I could do hoping I didn’t look like a crazy person.

“Stop giving me that look,” He chuckled. So it did look weird, oh well. I gave up on trying looking cute and just brought it to the table.

“You know Tatum, of course you know her she’s my best friend,” I laughed as I looked at my shoes.

“Yeah, I know her…and I know her boyfriend,” He said. I frowned, how did that guy get around so quickly? Instead of thinking about Finn I got right to the point.

“Liam I’m worried about her,” I breathed out. A concerned look over took his face and he stopped to look at me.

“Mac, I think everyone who knows Finn should be worried for her. He is not a good guy, at all and I don’t want you around him if they get back together,” he spoke sitting on the nearest bench. I closed my eyes and leaned into his chest.

“I hate that she has to deal with him, he uses that charm on girls and they fall for it! It makes me so mad that she keeps going back after all he puts her through,” I said starting to let little tears go down my face. Tatum is my best friend and has been since we were in school so it hurts to see her so hypnotized by him.

“Don’t cry, please. What do you want to do? I can’t stand to see you crying,” He said wiping the tears that were flowing like the Mississippi river down my cheeks.

“I want to get her to see other people, Liam! She is tied down to Finn and it’s going to ruin her,” I spoke softly. He looked at me and kissed some tears away. “I tried to talk to Niall, but he doesn’t want anything to do with dating and I don’t think Tatum does either.”

"We will come up with something, love. But for now, let's go get that puppy of ours and think of how excited everyone will be when they see our child, even though it's a puppy. We can put it in a stroller or take it for walks and feed it all good food," Liam explained, making me laugh at how silly he was getting.

"Liam, you're getting silly again," I teased, poking at his cheek as we continued our trip again to find our perfect pet. 'Wait, Li, where is he gonna stay? My flat or yours?"

"Ours," Liam grinned, looking at me with a hopeful look.

"What are you talking about, babe?" I asked, furrowing my brow. "Wait, Liam, what the hell did you do?"

"I got us our own flat. Isn't that great?" he smiled, being so carefree.

"Yeah, super great," I lied, not wanting to argue with him about it. He doesn't think things through very much, but we can discuss it later at our new flat I guess. It's not that I don't want to live with him; I just don't want to ruin this.

"Ah, look at all the puppies!" he squealed like a little girl as we stood out front of the store, peering into the glass and in on all the types of animals, the puppies set up in the front for everyone to see. Liam squeezed my hand and his smile grew wider. "C'mon, let's go find our doggie!"

Tatum’s P.O.V-

I was having a lazy day just watching whatever was on T.V. when my phone made a buzzing noise. I walked over to it and read the text.

You’re going out tonight babe! Be ready in 30 I’m not taking no for an answer! – Macy

I groaned I really wasn’t in the mood for going out and getting drinks, wait did I just say I wasn’t in the mood for drinks. What the hell is wrong with me?!

I ran to my room and picked out a black party dress that was hot, but not trashy. It came a little past my mid thighs and I paired it with some black pumps with a neon pink peep toe. I applied a little make- up not over doing it because we were just going to some club/ restaurant.

As I was grabbing my cell phone there was a knock at the door. I smiled and headed over to the door, opening to find a very happy Macy.

She was drop dead gorgeous in her navy blue dress with a pair of black skyscraper heels. Some people could never pull off the outfit she was wearing, but she looked damn good.

“Looking good mama!” I joked hip bumping her; she smiled and smacked my ass. I laughed, we always joked around like that.

“I can’t believe you came,” She jumped. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

“Well you really didn’t give me a choice and you’re too stubborn to fight with,” I said laughing. One thing, you never win an argument with Macy. She is the most stubborn person you could ever imagine!

“Oh you’ll have fun,” She smirked. I raised my eyebrow at her weirdness, but just brushed it off.

When we got to the club/ restaurant I quickly got excited. I haven’t been out with Mac in forever.

“I’m so excited, it seems like forever since we went and did something,” I cheered. Macy laughed and pulled me into the restaurant.

I looked around; this is not what I call fun on a Saturday night. The place had dim lights and played slower music, nothing like a club at all. I glanced at Macy, what the hell?! This place is a romantic restaurant, not a club!

Then I saw Liam and I instantly knew this was a set up. Macy pulled my towards a table where a very, very good looking guy with the best pair of blue eyes I have ever seen.

I looked over my shoulder to see Macy dragging Liam out the door, that little bitch! She set me up when I told her maybe meaning no.

I turned around to see the boy looking around like a lost puppy. I smiled and sat down, I felt bad because we both seemed uncomfortable with this situation.

“Ugh…hi,” I said. Ok this was totally weird! I never been on an actual date and this is really not one to remember. I pulled out my phone from underneath the table and saw a text from Macy. It read:

Have fun Tat! :) - Macy

I death glared the screen, but what would that do? Nothing absolutely nothing, it wouldn’t take me out of this situation so I could just stop wishing now.

“Hey,” He said. My eyes lit with amusement. He had an Irish accent, oh god that is a total turn on! I pursed my lips; this was so awkward for me.

“Cheeseburgers and Jelly Babies!” He yelled. I looked at him and burst out laughing.

“What the…hell… is that?!” I said between laughs. He smiled and I saw he had braces, cute. I smiled back; at least we were kind of talking now.

“So I’m Niall and you are?”  I blushed the Irish accent was really adorable, I could get used to that. What the hell am I thinking? This will never work out, Finn will be crawling back soon and I was ready to be in his arms again.

“I’m Tatum. Look I’m so I never planed th-“I was cut off in mid sentence.

“Its fine I’m going to kill Liam…and Macy,” He laughed. I think the only person killing Macy will be me.

“So I guess I’ll get going. Sorry this was really awkward,” I said trying to get up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me down a little.

“Just stay, please?” I couldn’t say no to that face so I just sat back down and got ready to enjoy the Irish, blonde hottie in front of me.


 Hello! So we decided to be the best people ever and upload before we went to the beach! So maybe we could get some votes on this before I leave which is the 15th! We both get back the same day so be ready to have a awesome upload when we get back!

I had fun writing this too so I hope you enjoy it!

And can anyone guess the puppy’s name? Awh puppy haha!

So over to the side is Tatum, its Cher Lloyd and I think this fits her >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Vote comment! Can I try to get maybe 13 votes? 14?


By the way, thank you for all the lovely and wonderful comments, I loved reading them all. I think I can say for the both of us that we greatly appreciate it, along with all the votes and to the people who fanned us.

Thanks again, feel free to comment, PM me or talk to me whenever, leave any suggestions or helpful criticism you know, what ever you want really.

And aren't puppies so cute? I love dogs, on a random note, well okay thats all I wanted to really add hah. (:


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