
By books_are_my_tardis

7.1K 450 501

Broken things can always be fixed. Even broken people. More

Uptown Funk
Fear and Fire
Safe Haven
New Destination
New Future
Sequel (Kinda)


392 27 22
By books_are_my_tardis

Sean let out a breath before cautiously propping himself up on his elbows, the world spinning around him like a merry go round.

"" Sean grunted as he sat up fully, nearly falling back down as a wave of pain and nausea hit him like a tidal wave.

"C'mon...g-get up." Sean muttered encouragingly to himself, his body shaking with the effort it took to stand up.

Now what? Sean thought as he wrapped an arm around the steadily bleeding wound in his stomach and started to stagger towards the ladder.

Either the Blood Gang was waiting below to kill him, or he'd be killed by bleeding out.

His legs abruptly gave out underneath him before he could climb down, causing him to fall to his knees by the first rung.

"S-shit." Sean gasped in pain as he bowed his head to focus on steadying his shaking hands.

"I think I heard something up there!"

Sean peered over the side of the building to see the Frederichi gang looking around.

Thankfully, the Blood Gang was nowhere in sight.

But I'm still fucked, Sean realized as he gripped the rungs of the ladder and started his descent.

Black dots danced around his vision as he carefully climbed down rung after rung, praying that they wouldn't notice him.

"Matt, there's someone there!"

Well shit, Sean cursed mentally as he limped away, his breathing labored and movements painstakingly slow.

"Wait, we want to help!"

Sean ignored their cries and forged on, his feet occasionally stumbling over each other.

He had no idea where he was, but he knew that he needed to find his gang fast.

Or at least as fast as my body will let me, Sean mused grimly, grimacing as he leaned a hand against the wall to rest.

A man with short brown hair, a bushy brown beard, and striking blue eyes slowly approached him unarmed.

"It's okay, I don't want to hurt you." The man assured him, his gaze falling to look at Sean's bleeding wound.

"I-I..." Sean trailed off as the world started to grow dark around him, his body succumbing to his exhaustion as he fell towards the ground.

The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was the stranger's pale blue eyes looking into Sean's as he picked him up bridal style to carry him off to his gang.


Sean heard a male voice speak as he faded in and out of consciousness, his abdomen still throbbing in pain as he slowly cracked his eyes open.

The man that had saved Sean named Matt was standing over him whispering to his brother, paying no attention to the Irishman.

"Oh, you're awake!" Matt abruptly exclaimed in relief as he looked over at Sean.

"What...where am I?" Sean questioned as he started to sit up.

"Lay down, you're still pretty weak from blood loss." A woman with shoulder length brown hair and kind brown eyes directed gently.

Sean was able to tell that he was laying down on a couch in a warehouse of some kind, the ground covered in green turf and the white walls lined with cardboard boxes.

"And to answer your question, you're in blue base in downtown LA." The woman added.

"So, who are you?" Matt prompted as he sat on the edge of the couch.

"I'm Sean McLoughlin from the PMA Gang." Sean answered proudly, his face falling when he remembered how he had been separated from his friends.

"I've heard of the PMA Gang, you guys are all about just trying to stay alive and keep positive right?" Matt prompted curiously.

"Pretty much, yeah." Sean nodded.

"Anyway, I guess I should introduce my gang to you since you'll be here awhile. This is my wife Amanda," Matt started, gesturing to the woman with brown hair.

"There's also my brother Joey," Matt continued as he jerked his thumb in the direction of the man he was previously speaking with.

"There's also Bryan, but he's taking care of the kids upstairs." Joey interjected.

"And also Connor, Gunner, Paul, Tanner, Mariah, Samantha, Woods, Dave, and the kids Luna-"

"Chill, you're gonna give him a heart attack with how many names you're throwing at him." Amanda interrupted with a laugh.

"Right, sorry." Matt apologized sheepishly.

Sean's head spun with the amount of names listed off, already knowing that he wouldn't remember them all.

"We're gonna get lunch made and watch the kids, you okay here by yourself?" Joey asked Sean.

Sean nodded numbly in response as a plan formed in his mind, sitting up once everyone had left the room.

"I need to get back to my friends." Sean murmured as he stood up with a grimace, his stomach burning.

He noticed a wide variety of tech vehicles lined up against the back wall, one of them being a blue four-wheeler.

Should Sean escape to his friends to make sure they're okay?


Rest with the Frederichi gang and hope they don't turn on him?

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