Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)

By dolansinwriting

127K 2.4K 1.4K

In which a girl gets a message from an anonymous guy. Highest Rankings #5 Dolantwins #18 in YouTube More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 35

2.1K 48 24
By dolansinwriting


"Okay, So Ryan is gonna be here soon, I'm gonna pick him up in like an hour." Ethan said as he sat next to Grayson and I on the couch.

"Okay cool." Grayson said as he scrolled on his phone. "I'm glad you and him are friends, so we can all hang out together." He said as he looked at me.

"Yeah, he's a cool guy." I said, even though I don't feel comfortable around him anymore, he ruined that.

"A few more people are coming later for our New Years party, just chill laid back." Ethan said

"Okay, Peyton and I are going to my room, let's play Fortnite." Grayson said and we all stood up then Ethan went to his room and Grayson and I went to his.

"You wanna play Babe?" Grayson asked as he turned his ps4 on.

"No, I'll just watch." Grayson sat down by his headboard, and I sat in front of him, his knees on either side of me.

"Your hair smells good." He said and kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you." I giggled and ran the tips of my fingers against his jean covered leg, using the other hand to scroll on my phone. "Just please don't yell in my ear." I giggled and turned my head to try and look at him.

"I won't. I love you." He said and kissed my temple.

"I love you too, even though I'm still upset from the other night." He groaned and I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.

"Babe, I thought I made up for it. I'm sorry, I've said it a million times." He wrapped his arms tightly around me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Damn, Gray. You really upset your girl, stop being an asshole." One of his friends said over the mic, I could just barely hear him though.

"Shut up, I'm a good boyfriend." He said chuckling. 'I love you.' He mouthed to me, making my cheeks blush.

"Kiss?" I asked quietly and he muted his mic, then I turned a little and kissed him. "I forgive you." I smiled and he rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face.


The loud music blasting through the house as people talked. There couldn't be more than 20 people here. Low key like Ethan said.

"Yo, let's play truth or dare." A random girl said and we all gathered around the living room in a semi-circle.

"Are you playing?" I whispered to Grayson as he sat down on an armchair and I sat on his lap, wrapping my arm around around his shoulder.

"Yeah, if you are." He said, looking up to me.

"Promise to kiss nobody else but each other?" I asked and held out my pinky.

"Promise." He looped his pinky with mine, and then I leaned in to kiss him.

"Alright, Brandon. Truth or dare?" Ethan asked a guy I only just met today, like most everybody here.

"Start it off fun, dare." He shrugged, as he had his arm wrapped around a girl who I assumed was his girlfriend.

"I dare you to jump in the pool naked." Everyone started hyping him up or laughed, but Grayson and I just sat quietly. I can tell he dislikes parties as much as I do.

"Enjoy the show." He smirked and stood up then slid off his shirt and a few people stood up to watch him strip the rest of his clothes and jump in the pool.

We heard a loud splash and then seconds later he was yelling from how cold it is. "Ethan get me a towel!"

Ethan walked down the hallway and grabbed a towel out of the closet and then threw it at the guy standing just outside covering himself up with his hands.

"I fucking hate you, Dolan." Ethan laughed and then they all came back and sat where they were before.

"Alright, Peyton." All eyes were on my and I felt my heart start to beat faster. Grayson's hand that wrapped around my waist, squeezed me a little bit for comfort. "Truth or dare."

I looked at Grayson and he nodded, saying it will be fine. "Truth."

Everyone groaned from me saying truth, but I'm not going to do something stupid, just for other people's enjoyment. "Fine. Have you ever cheated on someone you were in a relationship with?" His eyebrow raised as if he knew I had before. I can't tell Grayson.

"Dare." I answered and Grayson's eyes burned in the side of my face.

Everyone oo'ed and I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. How does he even know that?

"Peyton." Grayson said, but I couldn't look at him.

"Answer the question." Ethan said and I looked at him nervous, begging him with my eyes to let it go.

"Clearly if she isn't saying anything it means she has." Some girl said.

"Whatever, I'm not doing this." I walked out of the living room and went into Grayson's bedroom, trying to calm down my racing heart rate.

"Peyton." I jumped a little and turned around to see Ryan walking out of Grayson's bathroom. "What happened?" He asked as I sat down on Grayson's bed.

"Brandon just asked me if I've ever cheated before, and he acted like he knew I have. How would he even know that?" Ryan sat down next to me, being sure to keep his distance.

"Was Grayson upset?"

"I'm sure he was, but I didn't answer the question, so now everyone knows I have." I looked over at Ryan, tears filling in my eyes. "It was literally in high school." I felt tears escape and stream down my cheeks.

"Hey, you'll be fine." He pulled me in for a hug and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." I looked up at Ryan who was already looking at me, so I lifted my head, scared of what would happen.

Before I knew it his leaned in to kiss me, and as if on cue, Grayson walked in so I immediately stood up, shocked that he just did that. "Woah, Peyton. Why did you do that?!" Ryan said and I looked at him confused.

"Are you serious?!" Grayson yelled at me.

"Really?! Grayson he's lying! I'd never cheat on you!"

"Bro, she came down the hallway, stopped me when I was coming out of the bathroom and just kissed me." I saw Grayson drop his head and his face turned red. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes, and I just wanted to hug him.

"Grayson. I promise, I'd never lie to you. He's been hitting on me the whole time I've known him. And I told him is wasn't appropriate and not to do it again." I tried holding his hand put he stepped away from me.

Tears rolled down my face and he looked at me, heartbreak in his eyes. "She kissed me before too. I just couldn't tell you."

"Get out of my house. Both of you." Ryan walked out of his room and I covered my mouth to try and keep my sobs in.

"Please Grayson. He's lying, you have to believe me. There has to be some ounce of you that believes me."

"You can sleep here tonight. I'll get you a ticket to fly back home in the morning, but after that, we're done. You don't talk to me, or my brother. Don't text me, call me. Nothing." He remained calm, but tears streamed down his face, and his voice shook, barely able to get the words out.

"Bro, everyone left. What happened?" Ethan asked as he stood in the doorway of Grayson's room.

"Why don't you ask Peyton? Oh wait, you don't get to talk to him. Pack. Now." He demanded and walked out of his room.

I sat on his bed and brought my knees to my chest, crying loudly. "Grayson's not my boss. I can talk to you if I want." Ethan said as he sat down next to me.

"Ryan kissed me, and then Grayson walked in and saw it, and he told Grayson that I kissed him. I'd never do that! I love him so much!" I cried louder and Grayson yelled from the other room for me to shut up.

"Come here." Ethan wrapped his arms around me and I cried on his chest.

"Be careful, Bro. She'll try to kiss you too." He yelled and I heard glass smash against something and shatter.

"Peyton. Did you cheat on anyone? You didn't answer Brandon, and it looked bad. Next thing I know, you and Ryan kissed."

"When I was a junior, I cheated on my boyfriend of a couple months, but that was four years ago. I'd never in a million years do that to Grayson. He's the one. He's the guy I'm supposed to marry, and have a family with." I wiped my face off and Ethan rubbed my back.

"Peyton. I know you love him, but maybe you didn't even realize you were doing it, until it happened."

"No. Every single day Ryan and I hung out he'd always tell me how pretty I was, and how much he wished Grayson and I weren't together, or if I was single he'd try to flirt with me, but I told him no." Ethan looked at me, sympathy in his eyes. "I've never loved a guy on this earth more than I've loved Grayson. He's my everything."

"He's one of our best friends. He wouldn't lie to us."

"Ethan. Please believe me. If I didn't love him, don't you think you'd see that by now?"

"I want to believe you. But I don't want to believe Ryan would lie, no matter how much your story makes sense, and his doesn't."

"I love him, and I love you, and your family. I want to be apart of your family one day. I want you to be that cool uncle who takes our kids on adventures, and gives them life lessons. And I want Grayson to be that playful dad that will run off with the kids while I want to rip my hair out. I want all of that Ethan, I still do. I'd never ever jeopardize that for someone else."

"I believe you Peyton. But Grayson won't. Just give him time, and hopefully he'll come around. I love you and him."

"I love you too, E."

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