Bite Me βœ”

By theGhoulBoys_

498K 17K 3.3K

γ€Š Highest Ranking: #5 in Vampire 》 "Is that Marcus? Marcus as in, from our High School Marcus!" Casey squeake... More

γ€Š ONE 》
γ€Š TWO 》
γ€Š FOUR 》
γ€Š FIVE 》
γ€Š SIX 》
γ€Š NINE 》
γ€Š TEN 》


7.6K 335 21
By theGhoulBoys_

《 Warrior 》

The next day we woke and showered. Taron ushered us out the door quickly, we didn't even time to eat anything.

I didn't want to do anything today, my body was tired and everything hurt. After sleeping on the ground for some time and then on a comfortable bed and now a hard bed, my back groaned and ached.

I protested as Taron suggested we got walking to the next town. Austin silently laughed as I stomped my foot and told my brother to call an uber.
We waited five minutes for the car and I jumped in when the door opened. "Good morning laddies, where is it you'll be going?" The Irish driver asked, giving us a toothy grin.

Taron gave me the address and the driver nodded and started driving. I folded my hands in my lap before turning my head to look out the window. Watching lights in the houses flicker on as workers came to life inside their homes.

The town gave way to more greenery and I stared on wonder at the rolling hills. I felt a hand touch mine and I looked over to see Marcus sitting between Austin and I. Keian was in the back seat, happily staring at the interior of the moving vehicle.

"Who is she?" I asked Marcus.

He gave me a grim smile. "Someone that will keep you safe, trust her, she may be vampire but she owes me a debt" he said, tilting his head.

"How far away are you? When will I see you?" I asked, my fingers entwining with his.

His face softened, his eyes turning liquid silver. "Soon, my love, soon you will see me and I will hold you so very tightly" he said, stroking his thumb across the back of my hand.

"Hurry to me" I barely whispered, looking down.

I tightened my grip and looked up but he was already gone. Austin turned to see me looking at him even though I had actually been looking at Marcus.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

I nodded before looking down at my hands. "Just tired" I lied.

He nodded and looked back out the window while the car pulled into another street and stopped in front of a very blacked out building. "Are you sure this is the place?" The driver asked, giving us a worried look..

Taron sighed and nodded. "Yes, thank you for your services" he said, opening the door and handing money to the driver.

Austin and I followed Taron out while Keian struggled to get out of the car. Laughing, Austin went to help him while I walked up to the side of my brother and stood there, looking at the building.

"Taron" I said softly.

My brother looked at me. "Are we doing the right thing?" I asked, glancing at him.

He lowered his eyes before nodding. "I just want to protect you, you're my sister and the future of my people, you have three loyal friends who will protect you and no doubt Marcus is doing his own thing to protect you" Taron said.

I sighed. "Let's do this" I said.

Austin and Keian joined us. "Okay, when you see her, immediately bow, she's older than all of us put together and definitely show some respect, don't speak unless spoken to, let me do the talking" Taron said, informing us.

We all nodded and followed him up the black stone steps.
I glanced at Austin who glanced as me as we reached the door and Taron rang the bell.

We could hear it sing out across the house before the door opened. I stiffened and Taron strode forward, pushing the door open.
We moved along the hallway, I was keeping close to my brother.

It seemed bare.for someone who lived here and everything was spotless. No marks on the walls or anything. No pictures hung up and all the curtains were closed.

We reached a closed door and Taron knocked three times before opening the wooden door.
It gave way to a brightly lit room. Weapons hung on every wall from century old weapons to weapons made in this century. A celtic knot sat in the center of the floor and on that knot was a red headed woman.

She appeared to be in meditation mode and Taron walked in before getting on one knee. Keian did the same. Austin bowed his head and I looked at them confused.
"Scathach, well met" Taron spoke.

I bowed my head, not sure what else to do. The Vampire wasn't looking at us in fact her back was turned to us but I glanced up to see her stand and bow to the wide window in front of her.

"I've been expecting you Diana Greene" Scathach said, her voice not what I was expecting.

I raised my head and met her eyes. They were a different shade of bright green I had never seen in my life. Her mouth curved up into a smile, the sunlight winking off her fangs. "You may rise" she said to the others.

Taron rose and Keian followed, careful to not make eye contact. "You are not afraid of me" she said, a statement not a question.

She appeared to be telling me that but I glanced at Taron to see if I could talk. "I won't bite" Scathach said, a wicked smirk on her face.

"No, I am not afraid of you" I replied, making my voice strong.

She tilted her head and regarded me with a steady gaze. "You have come for protection" she said, again also a statement.

"Yes" Taron spoke up.

She turned her gaze on him. "This protection will end the debt between Marcus and I" she said, glancing at me.

I glanced to my right and saw that Marcus was leaning by the wall, a knowing smirk on his face. "Do you agree?" Scathach asked, looking in the same direction.

My body froze, was he really here?
The confused glances from Taron, Keian and Austin made me realise that maybe Scathach could see him too.

Marcus nodded. "How far away are you?" Scathach asked, walking slowly over to Marcus.

He glanced at me. "Two towns away" he said, my heart stuttering.

"Come quick" Scathach said as Marcus nodded and vanished.

Taron was looking at me confused when Scathach turned around. "You may rest, Marcus will be here on the morrow, then we will begin our training" she said.

"There are rooms prepared for you, please, but Diana, stay behind if you would" she said, ordering us softly.

Taron thanked her and ushered Austin and Keian away from the room.

"Diana, it's a pleasure to meet you, Marcus spoke of you often and now I see why" she said, pressing a gentle smile on her face.

"I don't mean to be rude but how did you meet Marcus? Who are you?" I asked in a rush..

She raised a hand to silence me. "It will all be explained in due time" she said, reaching to touch my arm.

"Ah of course" she muttered when our skin connected.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Marcus has placed you under protection while he was Prince but now that he has lost that title, you are vulnerable, he sent you to me for my protection" she explained.

"I don't understand" I said, my head starting to hurt with all my bursting questions.

"I met Marcus two years ago while I was in America, I too was apart of the war, I'm a warrior, it's what I know, he and his friend became my sole interest with the fact that they never seemed to get hit, they lost their whole team but only they survived, until of course Officer Kaden was shot and killed, I saw Marcus die and I saw my fellow vampire team mate turn him" she said, studying my face.

I frowned. "Thus I'm older than his vampire makers generation but it does not mean I can see from every angle, Marcus saved me from an assailant one night, even though I could have handled it myself, seeing Marcus in action was absolutely incredible, I took him under my wing and trained him before sending him back to his father, his vampire father that is, to the rest of the world he was dead, but to him he was still alive, he wanted to get home to you, kept asking when he could leave" she continued, her eyes drifting to those times.

My chest tightened. "He would tell me thousands of stories about Marcus and Diana, the wonder pair, he loved you very much, still does, I owed him my life because he gave me another reason to keep living, to believe in love even though I was a monster" she said.

I wiped at my eye. "Protecting you for Marcus's debt, I would do it a thousand times, you are the reason Marcus convinced me to love again" she said.

"He left me" I stuttered.

"And it killed him, he carried around a photo and showed it to everyone who'd ever asked" she replied. 

She turned to look at the spot where Marcus had been standing. "You see him because your heart and mind reaches out to him because you miss him and you know you love him, he's been trying to get back to you for a while but always kept a connection open for you, finally you connected, the Marcus you've been seeing, is really Marcus, just not in body" she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Get some rest Diana, we begin training with Marcus tomorrow, you'll need your strength" she said before walking past me.

I turned to look at the spot where Marcus had been.

《 Marcus's POV 》

I was in Ireland, I was closer and closer to Diana.
The closer I got, the more I saw her in my mind..

My connection to her was strong, you had her brother's ability but she saw all of me not just my thoughts.
I tugged my black leather jacket closer.

I had taken a quick visit to my house, grabbing supplies before taking off.
It was cold in Ireland, even though I felt no temperature I could see everyone walking around, rugged up in jackets and long clothes.

It had taken me a day and a half to get to Ireland, running and not stopping. I was two towns away, one town away.

And suddenly I stopped.

For the first time in two days I stopped. "Are you lost?" a woman with an Irish accent asked.

She was quite beautiful. "What's your name?" I asked, tilting my head to look at her.

"Harlie Mcguire" she replied, holding out her hand.

"Marcus Reeves" I replied.

She smiled. "Can I help you somewhere, you look a little lost" she said still smiling. 

"I'm looking for the house all in black" I said, smiling.

She fluttered her eyelashes. "That's a dangerous house, sure you could handle the frights?" She asked smirking. 

She was flirting with me. "Quite sure" I replied.

"Okay, well down the street and down the left lane, the street is called Dreary road, how suitable right?" She asked before laughing..

I smiled back. "It was a pleasure to meet you Harlie, may we meet again some day" I said, bowing my head to her.

She blushed and stepped back as I walked past her. I fastened my pace until I was almost running. I ran down the road and found left lane, I turned again and spotted Dreary road.

Almost there.

I ran down that road before seeing the black house. I used my vampire speed to find myself at the door and I pushed it open, not bothering to knock.

Scathach was standing in the foyer, a smile on her face.
"It's nice to see you again Marcus" she said.

I looked left and right before glancing at her. "Where is she?" I asked, stepping forward.


Dun dun duuuuuu!

Congratulations to HarlieMcguire for winning the part of the female that brought Marcus to Diana!

I hope you enjoyed your part!
Because you are the reason he is there right now.
What you wrote in the last chapter was absolutely beautiful and made me cry!

What did you think of this chapter?
I made it extra long for you guys because I love you so much!
Still #6 in Vampire and I just want to hug you all!

Don't forget to vote and comment your favourite part of this chapter!
Or simply just fangirl about Marcus with me!

Lots of love, Tavana.

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