Pain & Glitches Part 2: Glitc...

By banana8050

21.2K 603 142

Part 2 of Pain & Glitches, and the story picks up almost right after the first. Chase's bionics have been act... More

Chapter 2: Frustration
Chapter 3: The Gala
Chapter 4: Gala Glitch
Chapter 5: Finding Out
Chapter 6: Hearing Loss
Chapter 7: Don't Speak
Chapter 8: Helping
Chapter 9: Burning
Chapter 10: Stuck
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 12: Concussion
Chapter 13: Unhappiness
Chapter 14: Solutions
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Fixed

Chapter 1: Lying & Ice Cream

2.2K 49 10
By banana8050

~I do not own Lab Rats~

Chase's POV:


Ugh, that's the third time in an hour I've given out a snot cannon. At least I'm alone, but I have to hurry up. I don't want any of them finding out, so I rush to clean it up.

The rag has to be wrung out three times before it is all cleaned up, gross I know. I give a satisfied sigh as there is no proof left of the super sneeze that just took place. Just in time too, as the familiar ding of the elevator sounds, and my two siblings file out.

"Hey Chase," Bree smiles, but then gives me a confused look. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, you look funny," Adam adds.

"What? Me? Yeah, I feel fine!" I say while putting as much cheer into it as I can. "Great, actually!"

"Okay..." Bree gives me an odd looks, but just end up shaking it off.

"So, what's up?" I ask, hoping to move on from the previous topic.

"Nothing really," Bree shrugs." "We were just coming to see if you wanted to go see a movie with us and Leo."

"Um, no thanks."

"Come on Chase, don't be a part pooper," Adam says.

"I'm fine, thanks anyway."

"Please," Bree pleads.

"No, I'm sorry, but I don't want to."

"Come on, I-"

"No," I finally snap. Which causes Adam to sink back, obviously a bit hurt. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going."

"Alright," Bree gives in. "Let's go Adam." Bree tugs at Adam's arm, and they both leave without another word.

The truth is, I would love to go see a movie with them. But I don't want to risk exposing my bionics by glitching in front of anyone. I just don't want to tell anyone, they'll become over worried. Besides, I feel fine. So there's no need to worry.

The elevator opens up again, but this time, revealing Mr. Davenport.

"Chase?" I stop working on my late homework. I always cringe a bit at the word 'late.' At least it's not truly late, it was assigned for over our break, and I always finish it the the first day of break. This time, everything had happened, and I never got the chance to work on it. To me, it's late, even though we still have four more days of break.

"Earth to Chase." Mr. Davenport waves his hand in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I snap back into reality.

"I was asking why you didn't go with Adam, Bree, and Leo?"

"I just wasn't interested," I shrug. "Besides, I've got to finish this." I point to the homework with my pencil.

"Come on a Chase, even I know that's not why you didn't."

"I just didn't want to go. Why is that such a problem?"

"Because, there's a reason you didn't want to go." I'm about to argue, but he keeps speaking before I can. "Don't say it's the homework, because I know it's not. It's a reason that you're not telling us."

"The truth is..." I try to come up with a believable lie. "I'm scared."

"Excuse me?" Mr. Davenport looks taken aback.

"Yeah, I fear that Douglas is waiting around every corner, coming back for me." Yep, that sounds believable enough.

"Oh Chase," he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about that, he's locked up securely, with no chance of breaking out."

"I know, but, I guess I'm just kind of jumpy. Maybe even a bit paranoid."

"I'm sorry Chase, I wish I had known." I give a sad face, but have difficulty holding long. I feel bad about lying to him.

"It's alright."

"Do you want me to stay down here with you? It might help." I instantly realize the problem.

"No," I cough a bit, and try to cover up the urgency. "I mean, that will not be necessary. I think it would be best for me to be by myself, which could actually be helpful in getting over the fear."

"Okay, but if you need anything, I'll be upstairs." Mr. Davenport finally leaves, and I get back to my homework. But, my homework and bionics have other ideas, and my eight page essay I was working on, goes flying around the room.

Each paper goes to a different spot in the room. For example, one is on top of Adam's capsule, and another is placed on the ceiling. Stupid molecular kinesis.

I push back my chair, and look around the room. I sigh, this is going to be difficult.


Bree's POV:

Geez, what's Chase's problem? He's really been keeping to himself lately. Did we do something wrong?

"What are you thinking about Bree?" Leo asks me as we leaves the theater.

"Yeah, you were off in your own little world the whole time, and missed most of the movie." Adam complains, giving me a joking glare.

"Just thinking about Chase is all. He doesn't like to do anything with anyone since we got home."

"I see your point. When Adam and I invited him to play video games with us, he declined, declined!" Leo adds. "Chase never turns down video games, so why now?"

"I'm not sure."

"He didn't even complain when I made short jokes about him. Also, he wouldn't let me throw him yesterday." Adam pouts, crossing his arms.

"Do you think it has something to do with," Leo stops for a second, "the 'incident.'

"I don't know, but that would probably be my guess," I shrug.

"Alright, we need to come up with some sort of plan to get Chase to do something with us." Leo comments, and Adam and I nod in agreement.

"But first," I smile. "Let's go get some ice cream!" Adam and Leo cheer.

"Who's paying?" Leo asks, and I smirk, waving the money from my pocket.

"Mr. Davenport is."

"How?" Leo gives a confused look.

"He forgot that when he gave me the money for the movie, he included money for Chase too." I laugh, and Leo smiles.

"I like how that brain of yours works."

"Quick your talking," Adam complains. "I want ice cream!"

"Alright, come on." I urge, and Adam cheers as he and Leo follows me to the ice cream stand across the street.

"So, what do you two want?" I ask. "I'll go order, and then you two can find us a bench."

"Cookie dough," Leo instantly chooses.

"Okay, what about you Adam?" I ask as I look to Adam for an answer. He looks so deep in thought, that it's hard to believe it's him. He suddenly brightens up and smiles.

"I'll have one of each."

"Adam, you can only have one." He frowns, but does end up choosing one, birthday cake.

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute." I smile, and head up to the counter.

"May I help you?" The man at the counter asks.

"Yes, can I have one scoop of cookie dough, one of birthday cake, and one of..." I realize that I haven't picked on yet. " of chocolate." I decide to go simple.

"Will that be in a cone or dish?" Shoot, I forgot to ask.

"Um, cone." I hope that'll be fine.

"Okay, that'll be..." he pushes in a couple buttons. "$5.25." I gladly hand him the ten, and receive my change. "Can I have your name please?"


"Alright, it'll be ready for you in a minute."

"Thanks," I say as I move to the side, letting the people behind me order.

My eyes wander around the area as I wait. Eventually my eyes land on Adam and Leo, who have found an empty bench, and are currently talking to each other about who knows what.

"Bree?" My head snaps up at my name, and I see a lady holding one of those cardboard things with out ice cream in it.

"That would be me," I smile. The lady smiles back as she hand me the ice cream.

"Have a nice day," she says before walking away.

"You too!" I call back to her, but I don't think she heard me. I shrug, and head over to Adam and Leo.

"Here's your ice cream," I say, handing them their ice cream.

"Yay!" Adam cheers, licking away. "It's got sprinkles!" I can't help but chuckle, and the same goes for Leo.

"So, what are we going to do about Chase?" Leo asks through his licks of ice cream.

"I think I might have an idea," I say, giving a partially evil look.

"What?" Adam asks, momentarily stopping his eating/ licking.

"We just don't take 'no' for an answer."

"What do you mean?" Leo asks.

"I mean, that when Chase says he doesn't want to do something with us, we keep urging. Or we just stay with him, and do what he's doing."

"I like it," Leo nods.

"So, you in?" I ask.

"Sure," Leo smiles.

"Yeah!" Adam cheers.



Mr. Davenport's POV:

I can't help but feel bad for Chase, even though I have no idea how he feels.

Yet, at the same time, I'm still not sure if that is the truth. He had trouble explaining it to me, like he was making up what to say as he was saying it. If he was lying, why was he?

The sudden click of the doorknob catches my attention, and Adam, Bree, and Leo walk through.

"Hey Mr. Davenport," Bree waves as Adam instantly rushes toward the fridge and pulls out some pudding.

"Hi guys, how was the movie?" I ask.

"Great, except Bree wasn't paying attention to the movie at all," Leo explains.

"Why?" I ask. "What was on your mind?"

"Nothing really," Bree shrugs. "Just Chase and all."

"I get it," I admit. "I was thinking about him too, but he explained to me what's going on."

"Really?" Bree perks up.

"What?" Leo asks.

"He said that he's, well, scared."

"Of what?" Leo asks.

"Douglas. He feels like he's going to pop up around every corner, and it makes him very nervous."

"Really?" Bree looks surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, but I'm a bit skeptical if that's the truth."

"Well, what do you truly think?" Bree asks.

"Um, I guess it doesn't seem believable enough, for Chase that is."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Adam asks, joining the conversation, as he stabs his spoon into his pudding.

"Nothing," I put my hands up in surrender. "Just...never mind."

"So, where is he now?" Leo asks.

"Um, he should still be in the lab."

"Great, let's go talk to him," Bree starts walking toward the elevator.

"Wait," I pull her back. "He said that he wanted to be alone."

"Oh," Bree looks a bit saddened.

"But we can still do something, the four of us." I suggest right as the front door opens, revealing my lovely wife.

"Make that, five of us," Bree smirks.

"Huh?" Tasha gives us a confused look.

"We were just about to do something together," Leo explains.

"Without Chase?" She looks surprised.

"Yeah, he wants to be alone," Adam says through spoonfuls of pudding. "What a party pooper."

"Adam..." I give him a look. "Anyway, are you going to join us?"

"I don't see why not," Tasha smiles. "So, what are we doing?"

"Um, a movie?" I suggest.

"Just saw one," Leo complains.

"Oh, how about a board game!" Bree suggests with a big smile.

"Why not?" Tasha smiles, and heads to the closet. "Which one?"

"What is there?" Bree asks.

"Um...'Monopoly', 'Clue'-"

"Clue!" Bree yells as she rushes over to the closet and rips the 'Clue' game out of it.

"All right, 'Clue' it is," I smile.

Up until dinner we play 'Clue' as a partial family, but I feel really bad about leaving Chase out of all of this. I hope that he's enjoying himself, if doing homework counts as fun. Well, it does for him.


A/N: I'm back with part 2! This chapter was just sort of getting you into the story, with some family fluff in it. Nothing has really happened yet, besides from the fact that Chase is trying to hide his glitching. Thanks for reading! :P

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